Monday, March 6, 2023

Second Amendment

If a group of people ever want to take over another group of people, and the second group of people doesn't want to be taken over, what does the first group need to do? Should they try an election process and try to persuade the second group to vote for their candidate, the one who wants to subvert their rights? Civilized people have tried that at times in the history of our planet with varying degrees of success. Mostly people have been ruled by whoever had the strongest army and wasn't nervous about murdering people by the trainload. It even seems like most people adapt well to that sort of ruler. After all it's simple; as long as they do what the king says they will have food, water and a roof. Sometimes there won't be enough food and water and the roof will be leaky and breezy, but most of the time all three will be available. 

Of course everything they own belongs to the king so he can come and take it anytime he wants. And if for whatever reason he gets low on something he will just come and take yours. If that means you have to skip a meal or two, you accept that hardship and eat whatever you can find. After all he is the king and he has been taking care of you by sharing his land and allowing you to live, literally. When the king gets tired of taking care of you he will send an army of very well armed and trained men to kill you and take away the land that was so generously provided you. That seems to be the most popular form of government in many parts of the world even today. Almost all of the areas we know as the Middle East are run that way as are many parts of Eastern Europe. Most of what we call Indochina is under that form of government. In India and China there are almost three billion people living under that form of government, and most of the African continent lives under the leadership of harsh dictators. 

There are probably a lot of reasons why people live like that. Fear is most likely the main reason. Their fear of being tortured and murdered is greater than their fear of starving to death. And organizing against an established tyranny requires a very strong leader with exceptional organizational skills. Usually when such an individual arises if their revolt is successful the new guy is as bad or even worse than the guy they just killed. So what's the point? Why support the new guy when he's going to turn on you and treat you worse than the murdering thug running your life right now? People will just save themselves the aggravation, keep their mouths shut and keep doing whatever the king tells them to do. Even if he lets them starve to death it's a lot simpler than following some charismatic leader who is going to do the exact same thing when you get him what he wants. 

So no, most people accept the life they have and go with it. Americans are different though. Maybe. At least for almost two hundred and fifty years they were different. When something is working why do some people want to mess with it? When a round wheel is working very well why would you experiment with one that is oval? Or square? Americans worked hard and bled profusely for the opportunity to form a government that was different from anything that had ever been attempted in the history of the world as far as anyone knew. It had three different branches of government, each with its own clearly defined duties and none of the branches had authority over the other two. 

There's no king! How do you operate a country without a king? You elect a president and you give him very limited power. Like no power. He is the Commander in Chief of the army, but he cannot declare war on anybody. He can't spend any money on the army either. Congress does that. And members of Congress represent the state where they live and are required to do what the people in their state want them to do. And every two to six years the states hold elections to see if they want to keep their representative or elect a new one. The Constitution of the United States was very carefully researched, planned and written. 

Americans, heretofore known as 'colonists' had just fought a long and desperate war against the King of England, arguably the most powerful man in the world at that time, and won. They felt pretty good about that so they formed a government that would allow them to keep their freedom for as long as they wanted. Even the men who worked and bled and in many cases gave everything they owned to build America were humble enough to know that it might not be permanent. The lust for power is very great and hard to control, but they were willing to try. Their first president could easily have crowned himself 'king' and most of the people would have accepted him as such. They were accustomed to having a king. Many, if not most, didn't even understand how this new fangled government was supposed to work. 

George Washington reluctantly accepted a second term as President of the United States, and refused to conside a third term. There were some people who thought he should become king of America, but he disagreed. He taught the people that no one is more important than anyone else. It had been his honor to help defeat the king of England, but now that fight was over and it was time to get down to the business of making their new country work. And for almost a quarter of a millennium it has worked. The United States of America is a prime example of a people who refuse to learn from history. Lady Liberty struggled in the beginning then gathered steam, won a second war with England, survived a brutal civil war and rebuilt stronger than before, helped win two world wars and prospered well into the decade of the 1960's then began to sit back and think of ways to destroy herself. 

The decline has been subtle and steady ever since. Women began burning their bras and draft dodgers afraid of getting hurt defending liberty and stopping the advance of Soviet Union style communism throughout the world, burned their draft cards. Money from the Soviet Union was flowing into the coffers of dissident anti government groups who began rioting and burning cars and buildings in big cities all across the country. The greatest nation the world was being destroyed from within. Black people wanted and deserved their rights, the rest were just screaming children. 

The United States is becoming weaker and our enemies are becoming stronger. Russia has invaded a neighbor and the world is witnessing the weakness of a once feared super power. Because of the resolve of the Ukrainian people the world is learning that the only reason Russia is a super power is on account of its nuclear stockpile. Ukraine has shown that the mighty Russian army is not much more than a mob of bullies who used to think they were tough, but are getting their butts kicked by an army nobody thought had much fight in them. The entire world watched while Putin amassed his army at the border of Ukraine and assumed the dictator was going to invade due to his desire to re-unite the old Soviet Union and we all thought the Ukrainian army would last four or five days, a week at the most, and it would all be over. The Ukrainian president was offered safe passage out of Ukraine where he could seek asylum in any country he wanted, but he refused to leave. 

He didn't want Ukraine to be under the thumb of a dictator who was going to rape the land and abuse the people. The Ukrainian people put up a ferocious battle and did a lot of damage to the Russian advance almost immediately. Bad weather ensured that Russian convoys remained on the main highways which made it easy for the Ukrainian army to attack and damage the trucks and armored vehicles. The world watched as the Russian invaders became bogged down and beleaguered by a much smaller force of determined soldiers and civilians. The Russian air force brutally and shamefully bombed civilians in an effort to get them to abandoned the war effort and seek mercy from the merciless. When Russian soldiers were able to  Of course it is horrible, but we have to constantly re-evaluate our role in this war. And we need a president with the brainpower to keep an open dialogue with Vladimir Putin. Putin is a very bad man who has proven over and over again that he cannot be trusted and he will do whatever is necessary to get what he wants. And right now he appears to want the entire country of Ukraine. The Chinese government is building up a very large military machine.

Democrats believe the lie they are being told by the Chinese dictator that they need aircraft carriers, ballistic missile submarines, long range bombers and fighter jets for their coastal defense. No one is threatening China. There is barely a need for coastal defense and aircraft carriers and ballistic missiles are not meant for coastal defense. Those are weapons used to project power around the world and why does China need to do that? Practically every country in the world wants to do business with China. They have about a billion and a half people, many of whom are willing to work for pennies a day. And those who are not willing to work for nothing are forced to perform labor for the state, sometimes for no pay at all. 
In America a city of 250,000 residents is a pretty big. In China 250,000 residents are locked up in small apartments that are part of huge industrial complexes where Chinese people are forced to work twelve to fourteen hours a day for a couple of dollars a day in factories that assemble millions of tons of products that are then shipped to the United States and sold to us. We don't allow slavery in our country, but we have no problem at all purchasing goods from other countries that are produced using slave labor. That's one of my biggest problems with buying things from just about any Asian country.

China is taking the problem a step further. Besides refusing to adequately house and feed their employees, they are taking the money they should be paying their employees and using it to purchase rifles and bullets, ships, bomber aircraft, ballistic missiles, and they are helping their attack dog, the dictator of North Korea, build ballistic missiles capable of launching nuclear warheads just about anywhere in the world. China is reported to have an army of over two million well equipped soldiers. The Chinese government is building a large navy and will be capable of transporting its two million man army anywhere in the world.

The Second Amendment is a vital part of our national security. We need to be able to defend ourselves against a rogue government in our own country. Very few people trust and respect the police more than I do, but they are tools of the government and many of them will obey a direct order especially if it has been given the appearance of being a lawful order by the legislature. And the fact that each citizen is the government has not escaped me. But today half of the citizens of this country want to take away our freedom. They want to allow people who are not citizens to vote. They even want to grant citizenship to anyone who sneaks across our border. They are circumventing our laws and allowing unelected officials to pass laws that are binding on everyone. 

The Environmental Protection Agency is allowed to levy fines and they have been given permission to raise their own army so they can enforce their laws. The same with the California Coastal Commission, the IRS and many other offices that were originally intended to advise Congress and then wait for legislators to pass laws. Laws are supposed to protect citizens from other people who intend to harm them, and sometimes to protect people from the harm that could be caused by the reckless actions of others. That's why we have building codes and health codes. The Department of Agriculture inspects farm product storage units and meat packing plants. The Constitution only grants Congress the authority to pass laws and there is a very good reason for that. It helps provide us protection from tyranny. Democrats don't like to make legislators carry that responsibility. That's why King Barry, aka Barak Obama, used to say things like, "If Congress fails to act I will!" Kind of a scary thing to contemplate if for those of us who value our freedom and great way of life. The president should never be thinking he can just pass laws if members of Congress disagree with him. They're called Executive Orders and they were never meant to give the president the authority to pass laws. Presidents who make statements like that are putting us on the road to tyranny and tearing up the roads that lead to prosperity. 

Rogue agencies like the EPA and the IRS and about a dozen others pass laws that are so punitive and expensive to follow that many small business owners can't even begin putting people to work and there is no one to appeal to. None of those agencies is accountable to anyone so they do whatever they want. The result is to stifle the growth of small business. We need to encourage innovation not strangle it. And every time we allow a rogue agency to exist we give some of our hard won freedoms. To the half of us that value liberty it isn't worth it so yes, we are a gun culture and I submit that every country in the world is a gun culture. The only difference is where the power lies. In most countries it lies with the central government. In the USA it lies with the public. At least for a few more years. So I'll keep my guns and I'll encourage my children and grandchildren to learn how to use firearms safely and wisely. And I'll continue to advocate for the Second Amendment as long as I live. 

Whenever a discussion comes up about the sanctity of the Second Amendment, democrats tell us that the only legitimate use for a firearm is hunting and you only need a single shot rifle to hunt (democrats must be excellent marksmen). They also like to tell us that the Founding Fathers, a group of people they loathe by the way, never envisioned the types of firearms that are available today. Probably not. So what? Would that make them trust the government more? Probably not. It is very important to remember that the reason for the Second Amendment  is to prevent a strong central government from abusing its citizens. In order to scare the public and make them hate semi automatic rifles democrats invented the term 'assault rifles' because they don't like them and they don't want anybody to like them. The goal is to disarm all Americans and a good place to start would be by taking away 'assault weapons'. Who would possibly need an assault weapon. Then they came up with the lie that assault weapons are used by soldiers and Marines when they are fighting foreign enemies. During the entire time I was an active duty Marine I never heard anyone call an M16 an 'assault rifle'. It was a gas operated, automatic shoulder weapon.  

There was no such thing as an 'assault rifle' until 1984. Prior to that they were just called 'semi automatic' rifles, which is the more accurate description. Nothing has changed since the Bill of Rights was ratified in the eighteenth century. People still have a need to defend themselves and predators still need to hurt people. Semi automatic rifles can be used to do a lot of harm, but that is not a reason to take them away from law abiding people who may need to defend themselves against a violent person who wants to harm them. Every political figure takes an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. Democrats have decided that anyone in America who owns a firearm is a domestic enemy. Their justification for that ridiculous position is that there are police departments that employ armed and trained police officers to defend us. Civilized people don't use firearms for self defense, they wait for the police. I have no problem at all letting the police help when needed, but I do not want to surrender my right to defend myself to anyone but myself. 

There aren't enough police officers to issue one or two to every individual in the country and that is a very good thing. I think it's great that we employ police officers and detectives to help prevent crimes and to investigate and bring to justice criminals, but the police need all the help they can get. What I don't like is being told by some self righteous, pompous turd that I have to let the police protect me. Tracking down a criminal after he or she has killed someone and bringing that person to justice is fine, but stopping them from killing someone is much better. I'd rather bury a murderer than take one to trial and then if for some reason they are convicted spend the next fifty years of their lives feeding, housing, and providing them with medical doctors and dentists. We need good, well trained and equipped police officers, but more than that we need to be equipped to defend ourselves if necessary. Most of the time when they are needed most the police are at least ten to twenty minutes away. 

The police offices take a report and pass out bandages and within a few days the investigation ends up on a stack of other reports in front of an overworked detective who is doing his or her best to keep their head above water. The Second Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights because people have the God given right to defend themselves and shouldn't have to wait for a police officer to protect them. Democrats claim there is no God. The existence of God implies the existence of a being superior to a democrat. Yes, Uncle Joe, there is a God and He loves each of us. It is about the dumbest thing I've ever heard to try to sell the idea that the states  ratified the Second Amendment in 1791 because the legislature thought we would need to hunt in order to eat. How else would people find meat to eat? Hunting was not a fun seasonal activity to them it was a way of life. They could never have envisioned the supermarkets we have now with a variety of clean and well packaged meats. They wanted Americans to have the right to defend themselves. They knew that in the future it would be possible, even likely, that Americans would be in the position to either need to defend themselves against a rogue government, or launch a military action against a rogue government in order to preserve their freedoms.

So why should we be armed? I'm not saying we are anywhere near a situation where state and local militias need to take on the Federal government and as long as we can preserve the Bill of Rights we probably never will need such a revolution. I do believe the democrat party has been hijacked by people who mean to harm America. They oppose the police when they support such groups as Black Lives Matter and kneel in solidarity with them while they are calling for the murder of police officers. They grant Hero status to criminals like George Floyd, they glorify people with the 'courage' to change their gender, as if that were even possible. They support men competing against women in women's sports, they pass laws against so-called Hate Speech so they can stifle dissent, it's much easier to end a person's career than it is to take the time to educate people and engage in an open discussion.

Democrats cannot 'agree to disagree'. If you disagree with them you area  threat to our entire way of life. Why else would Uncle Joe say that Republicans are an existential threat to the  United States of America. I'm not a Republican, I consider the Republican party leadership timid and afraid to stand up for this country. I became a hard core Trumpster because he wasn't afraid to say what was on his mind no matter who might disagree with him. He had to run as a Republican because he could tell that democrat policies were not in line with the Constitution and he supports the freedoms we all enjoy. He angered and scared a lot of the so-called Republican 'leadership' because they are timid and afraid to publicly and openly embrace the ideals of the American Spirit. 

Donald Trump embraces the ideals of free speech and every other right guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and he wasn't afraid to say it. He is a little confrontational, but only because the democrats are so busy tearing down the ideas that made America great. Donald Trump fought against the leadership of both parties and won. Finally right before the election the Republican party leadership stopped fighting against Trump and reluctantly endorsed him. General George S. Patton famously stated that all real Americans hate a coward and I have always believed that. The most likely reason for democrats to oppose the Second Amendment is because they want to have complete control over everyone and in order to achieve that they need to disarm everyone except for the police departments and soldiers. Only their police officers can carry firearms. Once the people have been disarmed a political party can begin its absolute rule over everyone. 

There is also a real threat of invasion from other countries. How hard would it be to arm a hundred thousand people in Mexico and South America and then invade the United States via the Southern border? By the time our army could respond the entire Southwest would be under the control of the cartels and swarms of Chinese soldiers would be headed to the area to back them up. An armed citizenry could go a long way to stopping such an invasion or at least making it impossible for them to establish a strong foothold long enough for the army to arrive. There are no valid reasons for disarming people in the USA unless you are planning on doing something radical like fundamentally changing our form of government. Since I'm not a democrat or a Republican I can be completely honest about my reason for supporting the Bill of Rights; I like to practice shooting. It is something that is fun for me to do. 

I also like killing bad guys who want to harm me or people I care about and if I don't practice shooting on a regular basis my skills get rusty and I could be in danger of accidentally shooting someone I don't want to hurt. I don't hunt for a lot of reasons. The main reason is I don't really like hunting. There are several butcher shops and grocery stores that hunt for me. They provide clean fresh meat at a reasonable price and that's the way I like it. I have hunted before, sometimes with success and sometimes not, it's just a lot of time and expense and I don't like the whole thing. I do have a concealed weapon permit and I carry a firearm most of the time. And it's not in case I see an elk or a moose I want to bag. It's to protect myself and people I care about because I know that when the time comes the police will arrive long after the danger has passed and the damage has been done. No thanks I'll protect myself. I can buy my own bandages and I can take myself to the hospital if necessary. What I can't do is protect myself against an armed criminal if the government denies me that right. 

And keep in mind the fact that the government is taking away our rights at gunpoint if we let them. About half of the people in America want to take away that right from the other half. They are foolish enough to think it can't happen to them. And as hard as it is to believe, to me at least, they are comfortable with the thought of enduring the long ordeal of attending never ending court appearances, incompetent district attorney's and even more incompetent judges, and who knows what the jury will decide? And the people who wrote and debated the Bill of Rights specifically included  the Second Amendment to protect the citizenry from a rogue government. Anyone who cares to can look it up. A militia is a group of citizens who band together for self protection. If legislators are afraid of the people who elect them, then our system of government is working the way it should. If the people are afraid of the legislators they voted for then we are in very dangerous territory. 

The only way to secure our liberty is to retain our right to bear arms. If cities and states want to consider an ordinance requiring gun owners to practice regularly we can have that discussion, but I'm not sure a majority of gun owners will agree to that. The Federal government should never be allowed to pass laws that go against any of the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. That was the reason for the formation of the Judicial branch of the government. They are supposed to have the courage and the integrity to read the Constitution and then decide if a law is constitutional or not. Even if they agree with the petitioner if a law is not covered by the Constitution the United States Supreme Court has the responsibility to set their personal feelings aside and let the members of Congress rewrite the law so that it conforms with the Constitution. 

No government official has the authority to pass laws that go against the Constitution. So yes, guns can be dangerous and in the wrong hands they can be used to commit horrible crimes but in the right hands they can be used to help people and secure the liberty of millions of people. When enough Americans take the side of any party that wants to subvert the Constitution by whatever means, be it an armed take over or laws passed by a Supreme Court that is hostile to the Constitution, this country will descend into chaos and confusion and that alone will destabilize the entire world. 

There is only one country on earth that is trying to make life better for everyone else and that's the United States of America. And we have the strength to do it. We must never lose sight of the importance of rugged individualism and American exceptionalism. America is and always has been a meritocracy. People are rewarded for their efforts and continually compete to make something better. We succeed through hard work and dedication. Everybody doesn't get a trophy, grades are important and if you want to get into a great university you have to earn that opportunity. We are becoming a country that devalues the importance of hard work. Instead of being dedicated to improving our society we are focusing on making sure our organizations are racially diverse, lowering standards to get into occupations such as medical doctors and lawyers. Our new FAA director used to be a bus driver in Los Angeles. He doesn't know a thing about airplanes or air travel. We are embarrassing ourselves.

We need the Bill of Rights now just as much as we did in 1791. Half of the people in this country want to dilute the ideals that made America the great nation it is today. May we always remain a free country that values hard work and sacrifice over indolence and entitlement. Without the Second Amendment it will be impossible to maintain our individual liberty which is the ideal we were founded upon. 

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