Friday, March 10, 2023


There was a time when we didn't need police officers or judges, or courtrooms, or juries, we didn't need any of that. It was simple and very cost effective and once the case was handled it was over. Usually in a couple of hours at the most, in case it took some time to find a place tall enough to attach a rope. Bury the body in a cheap coffin and life goes on. Say what you want about vigilante justice it was efficient sort of, the only problem was with the justice part. If you didn't have a receipt for the horse you were leading behind the horse you were riding and some rancher liked the horse he just took it. You obviously stole it or you'd have a receipt right? Ranchers always had rope and they could find somewhere a few feet off the ground where they could tie it. 

Five or six minutes later the guy without the receipt was hanging at the end of a rope. He wasn't dead, just choking to death slowly. And the rancher was two ponies richer, plus the man's boots, gun, belt, saddle, and whatever else the poor man had in his possession. So imagine how much fun the repeat will be. We will still be paying tons of money for a police department. Their job will be traffic enforcement I guess. The police won't be allowed to arrest anyone unless they can't figure out any other way to handle a situation, for example, just let the guy go. Vigilantes will take care of it! No bail will mean that there are far more crooks roaming the streets than at anytime since 1840. And the solution will be quick undeniable sidewalk justice. 

Police departments will be replaced by armed security companies who won't need to make arrests because it will be hard for the thieves they catch to resume their criminal activity with horribly deformed hands and missing fingers. Some of them will brand words on people's faces, "Thief", "Robber", "Liar", "Prostitute", whatever they think is appropriate. Shoplifters will be beaten senseless on the sidewalk, some of them won't survive the beating, ditto purse snatchers. And some of the people will be guilty and some won't. Some bad guys will continue to get away with their crimes because they are better fighters than their security guard tormentors. 

And none of this would be all that bad except for the fact that too many times vigilantes just pick on whoever they don't like or the stranger in town. Too many innocent people are injured or killed by vigilantes, but that is what the democrat party is pulling for. When you tell the world that the police are racists who go out every day looking for young black men to kill, and they only exist to violate people's rights, and they deserve to be killed, you are speaking against the entire police community. And that is what half of the people in this country are doing; advocating for smaller departments and spending less money to equip and train them. Anyone who supports the So-called Black Lives Matter movement supports the murder of police officers and while it is mostly democrats who are involved in this madness sadly there are too many Republicans who also support BLM. The same people claim to support the police but that is simply not possible. Messy is what democrats like and they are relentless. They won't settle for anything less than 'messy' government. 

If you support the police you really can't align yourself with a group of people who advocate murdering them can you? No, you can't. I am a hardcore supporter of the Bill of Rights. I also have a permit to carry a concealed weapon. I support law and order. Just to help democrats and a small number of Republicans who will also do or say anything to get elected I'll let you know that vigilantism is the opposite of law and order. Vigilantes are messy. So what's the point? Obviously the point is that either democrats are incapable of thinking for themselves or they support vigilante justice. You cannot be opposed to the police and claim you oppose vigilantism at the same time. That is confusion and confusion is bad. Except to democrats. Democrats thrive on chaos and confusion. In America only a democrat can look at rabid rioters burning an entire block of businesses after stealing everything inside and describe the scene as mostly peaceful as was done repeatedly on many so-called news stations. Ironically those rioters are vigilantes supporter by the democrat party. They are punishing big corporations for not giving enough support to terrorist organizations like Black Lives Matter and the entire LGBTQ+ whatever. You don't have to have a rope to be a vigilante, all you need is a black heart and a scared out of your mind frame of reference. 

Can any democrat explain to me how completely demoralizing police officers, degrading their service and accusing them of horrible crimes helps police departments recruit the best candidates for the job? I bet there are a lot of people on parole who would love to be police officers and they won't care what you call them they'll just beat you into submission and move on to their next victim. Give an ex-con and badge and a gun and you will create one very happy person. And I'm sure many democrats who read this are telling themselves that sounds like a good idea. The individual was probably falsely arrested and convicted in the first place. It is in fact a very difficult job teaching democrats. They thrive on slogans and indoctrination; education plays a very small role in their goals. Or how judges sympathetic to criminals do everything they can to help them avoid the burden of paying for their crime? Most of us are afraid of convicting  an innocent person. That's why we ensure that everyone has access to a lawyer and they get their day in court. They have an opportunity to have a trial by jury and to even play a role in who gets to judge them. Constitutional Republicanism isn't perfect, but it's the best the world has to offer presently. The worst form of justice is a hot temper and a rope. 

Anyone who hates the police, but trusts the central government to disarm all citizens, with apparent intent to create a national police force, really doesn't have their head screwed on all that tight. And I don't want anyone who can't keep a coherent thought in their head anywhere near the leadership of our country. The problem is they do have coherent thoughts but they can't tell us what they really want or most of their supporters would turn on them. The moral of this story is vigilantes are bad. They just are. And a system based on vigilante justice is going to be a very bad system.  

We need police departments that are well funded, with police officers who are paid enough to live a dignified life, and well trained so they know how to appropriately interact with the public and they understand the law. And we need an educated public who understands the need for a well trained and well paid police department. I'm not even going to address the crazies who claim that since there are some bad police officers we need vigilante justice. That is just plain stupid and our goal should not be to become a society of morons. People turn to vigilante justice out of desperation and fear, not because they like it. And they create police departments to bring order into the world. When we are protected by the police we are free to conduct business without worrying about interference from criminals. Even if we support the right to bear arms not everyone will want to own and carry a gun and if we allow the criminal justice system to work not everyone will feel compelled to carry a gun. It still remains the law of the land and we should respect that. 

Democrats are also destroying the court system when they claim that the entire system is racist and certain people are incarcerated at a higher rate than others. Many of us agree that criminals are incarcerated at a higher rate than people who obey the law. Democrats want to make it look like it isn't that simple, they won't admit that more people from a certain portion of society commit a greater proportion of crimes and if they do they have a good reason and that is no reason to put them in prison. I'd like to introduce a little honesty to the discussion even though that makes democrats flinch, but we are talking about black people and they were subjected to a lot of injustice. Slavery was wrong and there is no way to justify it. Unfortunately black people won't allow white people to admit that. I'm not sure why, but it is a fact. We've changed the law, supported their right to live wherever they want to live, provided them legal assistance to stop job discrimination based on race, same with housing, we've even moved them up to the front of the line, based on their race, for college admission and government jobs. That's not enough. We need to do more. And democrats really need to learn how to think and plan ahead. They need to realize that education trumps indoctrination every time. They need to think about the consequences of vigilante justice on one of their main constituency groups; black people. When we resort to vigilante justice the world won't change. Black people will be among the hardest hit groups in the country. Everything Americans have done to help black people recover from the effects of slavery will be erased. 

That's probably one of the main reasons for democrats to want to return to vigilante law; they are losing an ever growing portion of the black vote. There are a lot of reasons why black people are tired of being used by democrats. They don't like it when democrats like Bloody Hilary stereotype them for political gain saying things like, "I ain't feelin' noways tired!" They know she was pandering to them and talking down to them, recognizing publicly that as a group black people are not as well educated as the rest of the population, and a growing number of them don't like it. If democrat philosophy succeeds in America and vigilante justice resumes democrats can make speeches condemning the practice and shouting that white America is racist and there is no justice! In America it is impossible for a black man to succeed..." They like to look like heroes without being heroes. A hundred and fifty years ago their heroes were men like Robert E. Lee, Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson and Jefferson Davis and that kind of backfired on them. Today democrats are trying to erase any memory of the American civil war, but it did happen and they did start it. They are back to the drawing board now hoping to start another civil war with an outcome more favorable to them this time. That's not going to happen. They may get their war, but the outcome will be the same; mass destruction, millions of unnecessary deaths and in the end America will prevail . Many people who think they favor democrat's efforts to divide the country will change their mind when they realize that what is happening is the end of constitutional government. No rational person wants that. 

And to achieve the fall of America democrats have to destroy everything that makes this a great nation. Our justice system is at the forefront of that greatness. They need people to believe that all police officers are racists because if they weren't they wouldn't be allowing white people to kill, rob, and steal while arresting black people for the same thing. It's a very bold lie and too many people are starting to believe it. And since the police only arrest black people because of their skin color and then file false arrest reports, black people shouldn't have to pay any amount of bail money to ensure they appear in court. And while that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with vigilantism, it will lead to vigilantism and it says a lot about the frenzied democrat mind. 

Since most democrats are allergic to reason they will laugh and say I'm just trying to scare people since there hasn't been vigilante justice since democrat president Whozit outlawed it about a thousand years ago (facts mean absolutely nothing to democrats, just listen to a couple of Uncle Joe's speeches). When Republicans make a mistake in one of their speeches it's a total assault on human decency. A conspiracy to destroy our Democracy. Democrats don't like to admit we are not a democracy. When a democrat gets his facts wrong it's "C'mon he just misspoke! He knows what the Declaration of Independence is, ya 'all are just pickin' on 'im." Laugh all you want, vigilante justice is already happening and a captain from the Los Angeles Police predicted it would happen over twenty years ago if the police weren't allowed to do their job. 

He said that home owners associations were going to hire private security. He actually suggested that private security was going to replace police departments in the future and he my have been right. Homeowner associations all over the country have been forced to hire private security because the police have told them that they don't have the manpower to respond to calls for property belonging to the association. And as trespassers are becoming more unruly and violent associations are permitting some of the guards to be armed. There is an association of business owners who began hiring private security years ago to chase homeless people away from their doorways and to catch burglars. They don't make arrests and they don't call the police. They beat the living snot out of anyone who dares to disobey their orders. And they drive very clean cars the same make as the local police and they wear uniforms very similar to those of the local police officers. The thieves think they are being roughed up by the local police so they don't call the police either, they just move on to another city where it's safer to be a burglar. 

The reason the associations are resorting to what amounts to vigilantism is because the police are barred from taking legal action against lawlessness. They are hobbled by top heavy police  departments whose administrators who are afraid of riling organizations like the ACLU, the SPLC, and BLM, and by prosecutors who refuse to enforce such laws as the Three Strikes law, and judges who let criminals go free without paying any bail. The Three strikes law was a great law. It ensured that criminals were given multiple chances to ply their trade without going to prison. Those with any sense at all understood that all they had to do to stay out of prison was stop robbing and hurting people. Those with a little less desire to maintain their freedom would take a few swings, thinking it was worth the risk. And keep in mind bad guys rarely are caught the first time they commit a crime. Most of the time they commit five to ten crimes before finally getting caught. If you want to go to prison in California you have to work at it. It would be easier to get a job and rent an apartment, but not as fun I guess. So in order to to trigger the Three Strikes penalty a bad guy has to commit multiple crimes and get convicted for two of them. That ain't easy to do. So yeah, the third crime is the last for at least twenty five years if the turd manages to get convicted. 

A couple of decades ago a crook who had been arrested multiple times, and convicted twice, threatened a kid in a restaurant and stole his pizza after slapping him. The district attorney decided to make that a third strike offense as he should have. Do democrats really think that kid enjoyed being slapped by that guy who then ate the kids pizza and laughed at him? They probably would agree that the kid may not have deserved the slap, but what's the big deal, is't only a pizza the kid could get another one. The bad guy was arrested and miraculously convicted, but at sentencing the judge said he couldn't justify imposing a twenty five year sentence for stealing a pizza. It became national news. Republicans want to put a black man in prison for twenty five years for stealing a pizza! So yeah. Some judges along with most democrats love criminals and think the rest of just don't pay parolees proper respect. It may sound bad, but 'beat and release' is far more effective than 'catch and release'. If a crook leaves the scene at two in the morning with only nine of his ten fingers after a 'counseling session' with the new community association security guard that crook will be looking for 'safer' neighborhoods in the future. And of course he isn't really missing a finger, it's in his pocket. Our vigilantes aren't thieves. So who needs the Three Strikes law when we can hire people to take care of the problem in less time and for a lot less money?

We need to provide a smooth path that allows all of our people to live their lives without fear of becoming victims of whatever bad guy decides to invade our privacy, steal our belongings and kill, rape, or otherwise maim us and the best way to achieve that is to hire good honest police officers to help enforce well thought out laws. Then we need a court system that respects the law and does its best to make sure criminals pay a price for their misdeeds. We need to elect honest politicians who care about the Constitution of the United States and understand that it protects all Americans and not just the one's they like. 

We really don't have the luxury of being able to engage in experiments that endanger all of our lives. We can't afford to indulge democrat madness that our system of government is messy and it is supposed to be messy. That's nonsense. It's actually maddeningly stupid to even entertain the idea that something that is messy, which I guess means chaotic, is even a good idea, it's no way to live. No, our system of government is meant to be just the opposite, an orderly system where all of the pieces work together. We have three separate but equal branches of government for a reason and anyone who thinks chaos is necessary for our survival is welcome to explain that to me until they finally see the futility in that mind boggling logic. 

War is messy, riots are messy, and crime is messy. Communism, Fascism, and Nazism and Socialism are all messy. Having an orderly system of government is necessary to our survival. Messy governments of necessity will not survive and in the chaos ensuing their demise vigilantes will attempt to take over. Democrats may think messiness is a good thing, and too many Republicans seem to agree with them, but the truth is that orderly and consistent government is far more beneficial than chaos and messiness. 

Vigilantes are messy. A constitutional system of government can help us avoid that terrible path.  

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