Thursday, February 23, 2023

Constructive Criticism

I've been picking on democrats a lot. They deserve it, but it's just too easy. They have been hacking away at the greatness of America for about sixty years. Today they have come up with many ways to weaken or even destroy the USA and I resent it. I can't help it really because this is the greatest nation in the history of the entire world. Democrats don't support religious freedom, God offends them. They don't believe in the sanctity of the family either. Since all parents aren't perfect we don't need families, in fact to the democrat party families weaken the American ideals. Government officials know what's best for America's children so the best thing for parents to do is continue paying taxes and trust the government to raise their children. 

And parents shouldn't ask so many damn questions. It's embarrassing. Honestly if parents cared about their children they'd leave the job of raising them to the professionals. Teachers who've been properly educated and will indoctrinate them correctly. When parents interfere with the 'education' of their children they mess their kids up. Too many parents believe in God and the Creation of the Universe over scientific unproven theories about things like the big bang theory or Darwinian theory. Some parents never even graduated from any university yet they think they are qualified to raise their children and direct teachers in the education of their children. Too many parents don't agree that we need a ministry of speech. They don't understand how dangerous freedom of speech is. 

I feel it is important to give a special thank you note to the many teachers with whom I am personally acquainted who are doing an outstanding job, and the administrators who do their best to support genuine education. Many school districts do take education seriously while some others do not. I have no idea what the ratio is, I just know that even within the education community there are serious differences of opinion. And to my dear friends who are doing a great job I appreciate and support you. Please do not become discouraged, just keep up the good work because the world needs you. I am a product of public education and I had teachers point me in the right direction in so many ways. I have nothing but good things to say about the teaching profession; I just wish very much that democrats would stop screwing it up. 

I could go on about democrat deficiencies forever. Some parents don't think it's a good idea to teach kids that people can change their gender before they even know what gender is. And some parents are careless enough to reject the idea that a ten year old should be allowed to make up his/her own mind when it comes to gender reassignment therapies/surgeries. 

"Look Jack, if a teacher agrees with your ten year old child that he or she is the wrong gender, and has the courage to do something about it, it's time for the parents to just butt out. And if any parent is so callous and mean as to tell the child to wait a few years before making such a huge decision then it's time for the teacher to just take over."

Yes there are many examples of educators actually taking children to clinics to begin gender reassignment therapies without the knowledge of their parents. There are even a couple of school districts across the nation being sued for sneaking children off to clinics to begin gender reassignment therapies and encouraging those children to hide the clinic visits from their parents. Any teacher wicked enough to interfere in a private family matter in that way should be fired immediately. I hope all of those lawsuits succeed. The insanity continues. In California, AB957 allows judges to consider what they like to call "Gender Reaffirming Care" in child custody disputes. If one parent doesn't agree to the procedure being proposed that parent could lose any custodial right to their child. In other cases if neither parent agrees to allow the child to mutilate him/her self the state can assume custody and remove the child from the 'offending' household. How's that for promoting family unity? I prefer to let mom, dad, and junior to work it out for themselves. I'll take freedom over government intrusion into my life every time. I'd make a truly lousy democrat. I'd like to talk to them, but they can scream for hours at a time without ever taking a breath. I didn't even know that was possible.  

And freedom of speech? Who was the fathead who came up with that beauty? In the good ole days, when parents were considered important to a child (another stupid idea) we used to teach children that it was impolite to call people fat. I have no idea how such asinine ideas ever took root. You cannot teach children things like that. They don't have the brain power to understand such concepts, besides they might do it anyway and hurt someone's feelings. And we can't have that. It will do no good to teach overweight children that sometimes some misguided fool will try to hurt their feelings by calling them fat. Don't teach children self esteem by helping them understand that it really doesn't matter what some misguided idiot calls them or even thinks of them. No, it's better to just start banning words. So we start re-editing books by such hooligans as Roald Dahl. We can no longer use the word 'fat', we cannot say 'small men', or 'witches wear wigs because they are bald'. Instead we say 'enormous', 'small people', and we explain that people wear wigs or a variety of reasons instead of using the 'B' word. Democrats engage in censorship all the time. They only complain about censorship when it involves something they care about such as turning children into sex objects instead of teaching them how to read and write, add and subtract, or multiply and divide. Who needs the 3R's when we can ask important questions like how come only boys have weiners? 

Such stupidity is the purview of the democrat party. I have no idea how the American people have become so ignorant as to elect people like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. Alex is a member of the democrat party, and unfortunately has become part of the party leadership. She is arguably an attractive woman with some charisma, and a ton of ambition. Seizing on an idea from a different democrat from a different era, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, she came up with an idea she calls the Green New Deal. It is a list of rules and policies designed to stop the climate from changing. Incredibly a lot of Americans still believe that catastrophic man made global warming is the greatest threat we face. Each of the Green New Deal policies has had and will continue to have a catastrophic effect on our economy. There are punitive regulations imposed on businesses regarding what types of materials they can use, what types of fuel, she wants to ban gas stoves in favor of electric stoves, all cars must be electric by a certain date, farmers have to change the way they farm and even stop breeding cattle in favor of a synthetic meat.  Alexandria denies wanting to destroy America, she just wants to fundamentally change it into something entirely different and she hopes nobody figures out what that means until it's too late to stop it. When Alexandria speaks for some reason democrat 'leaders' are nodding their heads in agreement no matter what she says. She was elected to Congress when she was 29  

Democrats come up with silly words like 'woke' to describe a philosophy that is destructive of our system of government. Republicans generally are trying to honor their oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic, but Marge is an exception. No member of Congress should ever openly advocate violating their oath. If only democrats would be that honest about their ideas concerning the future of our Republic then perhaps even the 'sane' democrats, if in fact there are any, would know in which direction their leadership was taking them. I know that most Republicans are opposed to Marge's statement on the Red/Blue divorce decree, but I'm sure there is a small set of weirdos who will support her idea. I am not at all convinced that the everyday democrat opposes Alex's views on class and race warfare. The fact that democrats overwhelmingly continue to support the so-called Black Lives Matter movement, a group that has shown it has a goal of ripping the Union apart, and democrats' advocacy for cutting police funding, promoting same sex marriage, late term abortion, and gender reassignment surgeries, all point to a destruction of our social fabric. 

Democrats want to take away respect for police officers. They want to destroy the family by denying parents a voice in the education of our children. They talk about the homosexual lifestyle as if it were equal to a heterosexual lifestyle and don't want adoption agencies to give preferential treatment to heterosexual couples over homosexuals. People with any sense at all can see that a man and a woman are a better adoption fit for children over a man/man and woman/woman couple. I can't really elaborate further because it is as obvious as the fact that we need water in order to live. That doesn't mean I hate homosexuals. I've known a few and they've usually been very nice people to spend time with, but same sex unions are not natural or normal in any sense if either of those words has any meaning anymore. 

When you take away parental authority and destroy the family unit you are left with anarchy which is exactly where the democrat party is taking us. I haven't seen a single democrat speak out against the madness that is Alexandria Cortez, or Ilhan Omar, or Ayanna Presley, or Rashida Tlaib. The party seems to be in complete agreement with their anti America, pro communist, anti Semitic, and other anti decency views. Democrats in Seattle voted to outlaw the caste system. The only problem was there never was a caste system in Seattle. Like other cities in the United States they have wealthy people, middle income people and poor people. They want the world to think they are protecting everyone from the abuse of large corporations. Only a democrat could take credit for outlawing something that doesn't exist. They cannot explain what it is or how it works but none of that matters. President Biden has claimed that democrats believe in 'truth over fact', no one knows what that means either and it seems to me that they don't believe in truth or fact. At least now something that never existed is illegal in Seattle. Great job dems!

Something else democrats need to do is stop using the word 'woke'. It just sounds idiotic. What kind of an idiot goes around telling everyone, "Hey I'm woke man!" Apparently it means that you understand that white males, especially police officers are one of the biggest threats to our survival. Perhaps right behind so-called climate change. The democrat has been taken over by extremists who want to steer us away from constitutional law. People who think a monarchy is the best way to go. Right now they have a female presidential candidate who wants to have the federal government impose price controls on corporations. She wants to confiscate our firearms by imposing a 'mandatory' by back program. We will be ordered to sell our guns to the federal government for a fraction of what they cost and what they are worth. She wants to abolish our borders and invite people from all over the world to come here and stay as long as they want. No citizenship required. Everyone should be able to see a doctor at government expense and attend public schools. She says she will lower food prices and the cost of everything while at the same time stating that the United States will never be the biggest supplier of oil to the world. She wants to drive up the cost of fuel and lower the cost of living at the same time. No one knows how that is possible because everyone knows it can't be done. Donald Trump has real ideas that will put us on the right track to lower inflation and the cost of everything. Kamala Harris wants to give everyone twenty five thousand dollars so they can buy a house. Donald Trump wants to lower the cost of living, especially home mortgage rates, so every one can afford to buy a home. It's communism vs. freedom and it looks like the American people will vote for her not for her brilliant policies which everyone knows don't make any sense, but because it will be so cool to have the first female Black president. Americans have lost their way.

Let's try to maintain our collective sanity and enjoy the greatness that is America. Say a prayer and thank God for the blessings we all enjoy. 

Democrats don't believe in God so just do what you can. In two years we will most likely save the nation by ensuring that conservatives win a super majority in the House of Representatives and two years after that there will hopefully be a conservative landslide and they will win the White House and the Senate. If we don't do that and allow her to have eight years we will be involved in a world war that will ensure there isn't another year for a thousand years. Check out how much fun the Japanese people had in Nagasaki and Hiroshima on August 6th and August 9th. Each city was wiped out by one bomb each and those bombs I'm told were nothing compared to the destructive power of nuclear weapons today. That seems to be what Americans want and they seem intent on achieving that goal. 

If they succeed they can forget about their need for a civil war because the country will be finished. We will rebuild with whatever people are left, dust off the Constitution and rebuild. As badly as democrats want to destroy America it cannot be done. We will defeat them in the end and rebuild stronger than before. As we rebuild there will be dissenters almost immediately and the cycle will repeat. Some will realize the greatness that is America, but there will always be democrats who'll believe they deserve what others have built. They'll sow seeds of discord and eventually provoke another war, but this time it will take thousands of years instead of a few decades or a century. 

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