Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Big Baad D.A.

Alvin Bragg won't be intimidated. What a brave man he must be. He is breaking the law and attempting to intimidate other people and he claims he won't be intimidated because he has finally bullied the wrong people. Even if Donald Trump did pay a woman money to stop saying embarrassing things about him, who cares? Whether she's telling the truth or not why was she trying to publicly humiliate Trump and his family? Whenever a democrat get's caught cheating on his wife it's always, "Look everybody does it!" or when they are reminded about their transgressions when they are picking on someone else who did the same thing their guy did its always, "Hey, two wrongs don't make a right!" 

I guess in a way it must be nice not having a conscience. If you have no conscience you really have nothing to worry about ever. You can say or do whatever you want and then deny you did it or justify your actions; sometimes both, depending on which way the wind blows. Not many people could look at a porn star and gush, "Wow! What a savvy business woman!" We all know it's dirty work, and a disgusting way to make a living and no decent woman would debase womanhood in such a foul and degrading way, but Stephanie Clifford has. The on again and off again hero to the democrat party is back in the news. And she is a hero. I was always told in my youth that we were known by the company we keep. The point was if you hang out with shady people it won't matter what type of person you are, you will be seen by others as someone who is untrustworthy. 

Does anyone even remember Michael Avenatti? He's another democrat hero. Why is he one of their heroes? Because he had the courage to defend a porn star who had the courage to try to publicly humiliate a public figure and his family. And of course she didn't expect anything in return; she is an honest woman who only thought the world should know that Donald Trump was one of the thousands of men she'd been with. And she was afraid his wife and kids didn't know so she was going to be honest and virtuous and brave and she didn't want anything in return. She was just being a good citizen who wasn't looking for any reward. Of course Michael Avenatti is also a virtuous man who occasionally works pro bono for a sympathetic cause. And there is no better cause than helping a porn star embarrass a political candidate right? 

Avenatti wasn't in it for the money either. Of course no one really knows why else he would be involved. As it turns out he really didn't need the money since he was in the process of bilking his regular clients out of millions of dollars. Because he is a valiant man, a man of great passion, virtue and truth he agreed to help this poor defenseless woman pro bono. A man who only wants the world to be a safer place for everyone. And democrats were so enamored of this dynamic duo they were already planning the campaign slogans for Michael Avenatti, Man of the People! The future president of the United States of America! Every cheer squad in the journalism business was touting the virtues of this great man. He was going to make a great president someday according to all of the talking heads at the usual cheer locations; CNN, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CBS, they were all gushing over this great heroic man. Any man with the courage to stand beside this soiled dove, this virtuous porn star who wants nothing more than to leave that life behind and help make the world a safer place, free from despots like Donald Trump. 

Whew! I think some of them hinted at the possibility of an Avenatti/Daniels ticket. Now that would be something to see. A thief and a porn star in the White House (kinda like Uncle Joe and Kamala?). Unfortunately I'm not at all certain they would have lost. I am quickly losing my confidence in the American people. Even Donald Trump is a poor presidential candidate, but currently he's the best we have to offer. He's smart, hard working and aggressive, but he has very little diplomatic capability and I'm not sure he has any patience with those who do. Given a choice between a thief and a porn star or a hard working businessman with the courage to say the things that need to be said, and follow through by doing the things that need to be done, I'll take the latter.

Like so many democrat heroes Avenatti was sentenced to fourteen years in prison for stealing millions of dollars from his clients. Alas, leaving the virtuous Stephanie Clifford out in the cold to fend for herself. A poor helpless woman, a woman of virtue who only wants to make the world a better place and in order to do that she has to shame a man who has never harmed her, and hurt his family. There is no way to know if she is telling the truth or not, but there was a way to get this virtuous woman of great courage to stop telling her story and you guessed it. She didn't get involved for the money but for a small sum she would be willing to stop telling her story. So a payment was agreed upon, she got paid, and she shut up. She had done her civic duty by telling the world Donald Trump was a scumbag who took advantage of her so there! Now you know. And now that my courageous and virtuous lawyer is in prison I guess I can forget about ever becoming Vice President of the United States (or whatever this place is called; it's kinda pretty though) so I'll just go back home. 

And she did. Until a marionette in the form of Alvin Bragg came along and started doing George Soros' bidding. And democrats continued their quest to demolish the Trump family. Donald Trump collaborated with the Russians, he's a traitor. Melania used to be a model. We've seen pictures of her naked. What kind of a woman would make a living selling herself like that? And his kids. Donald and Eric hunt poor defenseless wild animals. And that Tiffany is an airhead who is only famous because of her dad. And Barron? Well he's kind of young and we don't really like him very much but we're not sure why, and even a democrat knows that picking on a child is dangerous business, not a bad idea but it could blow up in your face so we'll just leave him alone for now. Two attempts to remove President Trump from office via impeachment failed even with two Republicans participating along with the democrat lynch mob, Sorry dems, no criminal indictment there either. No evidence that he's a traitor, and the J6 thing? Well it's a little thin too. President Trump did not plan or intend to start an insurrection against the United States of America. Nobody did. There was no insurrection. 

So there sits little Alvin What's his Name in his big office in Manhattan. Oh yeah, Bragg. What a fitting name for a guy who is about to ride his fiery steed into the Little Big Horn valley to get massacred. Like Custer Bragg has no idea what he is getting himself into, but unlike Custer his only motivation is hate. He hates Donald Trump. Not dislikes or disagrees with, but hates. He is a good little democrat. Not overly bright but that's okay. He's doesn't have to know all that much about anything he just had to get himself elected then follow the instructions he was given by his handlers. Even Alan Dershowitz who is hardly a Republican has a big issue with what the democrats have done with Donald Trump, and one of the very few things I would probably have in common with Dershowitz is respect for the Constitution of the United States. Dershowitz is appalled by the flagrant disregard democrats are showing the Constitution. 

Actually my problem with Dershowitz is his willingness to intentionally lie to a judge and jury in order to make sure a man he knew murdered his ex-wife and her boyfriend avoided a guilty verdict just because the man on trial was willing and able to pay him a ton of money. As much as I hate it, that is what defense attorneys are supposed to do. Alan would probably be among the first to admit that in any court the truth doesn't matter. For one thing it is difficult to know what the truth is in many cases, but in the OJ Simpson case the truth was clear. When OJ brutally stabbed his wife and her boyfriend to death he accidentally cut himself in the process and bled at the scene of the crime, leaving drops of blood on the ground at the crime scene, inside his Ford Bronco, in the driveway of his residence, and in his clothing. Obviously Alan Dershowitz is smart enough to know that a blood trail like that can only happen if the guy who committed the crime was bleeding. Dershowitz may be a liar, but lying is not a crime. Suborning perjury is a crime, but one that is difficult to prove. Nobody saw Simpson kill anyone so there is really no proof that he did. Except for the blood trail he left that led the police from his ex-wife's house to his house. 

How did his blood get there? That's obvious; Dershowitz theorized the police wanted to frame OJ Simpson. The problem with that is OJ Simpson was a hero to most police officers before he practically cut off his ex-wife's head in front of her house while their children slept upstairs. Simpson was a professional football player and he had been in a few clever commercials and appeared in a couple of movies. He appeared to be very likable. He had even employed a few Los Angeles police officers to work for him off duty as security officers. There was absolutely no reason why they would want to frame him for such a horrific crime. They really hoped he didn't do it. And what OJ did after murdering his ex-wife, the mother of his children, was probably necessary if he didn't want to be convicted of a crime, was understandable even if it was unforgivable; he left his two young daughters alone sleeping upstairs. 

Alan knew all of this and he still made up multiple stories in an effort to distract the court from the evidence. One of the theories why the police would want to frame a man as popular as OJ Simpson was because of his race. After all the LAPD was notorious for its racism against black people and as anyone could see Simpson was a black man. And a star struck judge made Alan's job even easier by allowing such things as racial bias to be introduced during the trial. The judge further assisted the defense by allowing them to put the prosecutions DNA analyst to a test that lasted for a couple of days and was designed to put jurors, judges, and anyone else paying attention to sleep. The custom in criminal and other court cases is to allow the defense and the prosecution to attack the scientists credibility by asking questions about the expert's background, training, and education, including any certification the expert had been awarded, not to make him read DNA charts that even the defense really didn't understand. The judge was on TV and he seemed to enjoy the attention he was receiving so he let the defense do whatever they wanted. But even a man like Dershowitz, a man who admittedly will lie for money and has been a knee jerk democrat his entire life, now believes that perhaps we should respect the law. I don't know why the transformation took place but I welcome it. 

And Alan says what the House of Representatives did was a horrible violation of everything sacred. They knew Donald Trump was not guilty of collusion with the Russians and they still held their sham impeachment process. Twice. Once for abuse of power and obstruction of justice, and the second time for incitement of insurrection. Alan Dershowitz, arguably an expert in criminal law since he practiced it for decades and has taught it for decades has become troubled over the reckless way in which the law is being applied now. Even he sees a multi tier system of justice as dangerous to the survival of America. If whichever party is in power is allowed to charge people in the opposite party with a crime for which there is no evidence that a crime was even committed, then all of us are in real danger. 

That is precisely what was being done in Congress, until Americans finally woke up enough to oust democrats from power in the House of Representatives, and now since Congress failed, and even a democrat owned DOJ failed to file any criminal complaint in the porn star civil case, somehow a district attorney from New York City wants people to believe that he thinks he has enough evidence to indict a former president of the United States for a criminal offense. Normally when we say no one is above the law we are talking about rich and powerful individuals who are escaping the clutches of justice because of their position. In this case we are talking about a wealthy man who was president of the country who lost his bid for re-election during an election process that a lot of people think was tainted. President Trump didn't try to hide his frustration with a process he thought had been violated, and voiced his objection to a lack of any real investigation into allegations of election fraud. Literally millions of Americans agree with him. A lot of us wanted to see an actual investigation and we never did. All we got was a statement from someone saying there had been an investigation and there was no evidence of fraud. 

After the presidents speech there was a protest at the Capitol building that turned into a riot during which the capitol police murdered an unarmed woman. Since then democrats have been in a frenzy to prove that President Trump orchestrated an insurrection against the USA. Democrats spent over a year trying to prove Trump was guilty of committing a crime that never occurred. Failing that they resurrected the porn star. Since Trump paid her to stop spreading rumors about him he must be guilty of something so they subpoena'd all of his financial records and they think they found a book keeping error they can use to send him to prison. Once again since no crime occurred it is going to be impossible to prove anyone committed the crime. Stephanie Clifford couldn't stop talking about Donald Trump until she reached a financial agreement with Trump's lawyer. Once payment was received she stopped talking about him. For Stephanie it was all about the money. 

Dershowitz is not a Trump supporter but he is still concerned about this pending prosecution because not only is it unprecedented for a former president to be arrested, but Donald Trump is a candidate for the presidency in the 2024 presidential campaign. Among the many potential problems Mr. Dershowitz has outlined is the corruption inherent in the Manhattan district attorney's office. The joke has always been that in Manhattan the DA can get an indictment for a ham sandwich. Mr. Dershowitz has pointed out that in Manhattan you can also convict a ham sandwich and he thinks that could easily happen in an area where the district attorney will be able to impanel a jury of Trump haters who are eager to convict him if there is any evidence or not. They could easily be thinking, "This is Trump we're talking about and he lies about everything. Now we have a chance to punish him for his past lies and so he is guilty..." 

That could easily happen. And now this idiot district attorney is facing the possibility of being somehow forced to appear to testify before Congress. Democrats are of course demanding that Republicans stop harassing the district attorney and let him do his job. And of course that is exactly what Republicans want the district attorney to do. In Manhattan the district attorney has announced he will refuse to prosecute certain cases including resisting arrest and obstructing governmental administration in some situations. Included in the list are selling narcotics and prostitution. It looks like Alvin is pro crime. If resisting arrest is not a prosecutable crime why would any police officer risk being sued for making an otherwise legal arrest? 

On the surface it looks like Donald Trump has nothing to worry about, but as Alan Dershowitz has pointed out, this proposed arrest will be carried out with the district attorney knowing he doesn't have enough evidence to convict, and possibly knowing there isn't even enough evidence to show that a crime occurred. Like most bullies Mr. Bragg wants desperately to be considered a danger to anyone who dares to stand up to him. Apparently he hasn't been paying attention because all indicators are that Donald Trump is the one who won't be intimidated. I challenge any democrat to explain to me why we need prosecutors who refuse to prosecute criminals. 

Even if Bragg is lucky and somehow secures a conviction by selling his fiction to a sympathetic jury he won't stand any chance at all at the appellate level. I really think he is doing Donald Trump a favor. That booking photo is going to be on millions of t-shirts all across America. He is going to find out that even a few democrats hate a bully and they will cross the line and support Donald Trump over his demented opponent and his cackling hyena. And the police officers of the NYPD stand to make a lot of money on overtime. Now democrats are going to feel the wrath of Republicans who have finally been pushed too far and are going to protest. Most of them will be peaceful, but they will be infiltrated by a handful of hate groups and there will be violence and people will get hurt, I just hope they will respect the police. The police officers are not there to support either major party. It is a fair assumption that even in New York City a lot of the police officers are Trump supporters.

So I hope the protesters are peaceful. I hope there are a hundred thousand of them choking the sidewalks. Their voices need to be heard and democrats need to feel the righteous indignation of a group of Americans that are not the enemy, we are all citizens (I know democrats hate that word) of the same country. We need to listen to each other and respect each other. Stop the name calling and the demagoguery. And if at all possible stop that madman district attorney. Talk sense to him. If he manages to bring his case to trial even if he wins he will look like a fool. If you hate Donald Trump fight him with ideas and goals, not with fake investigations and illegal prosecutions. There is no need to make him a political prisoner like democrats are doing with the J6 protesters. Far too many of them are being imprisoned for crimes they didn't commit. 

Stop prosecutorial misconduct. Restore the respect for our system of justice. Keep the blindfold on Lady Justice because that is such an important ideal to work for. And let's elect district attorneys who respect the law and have no respect for people who break the law. We need strong district attorneys who want to put criminals away. 

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