Monday, March 20, 2023

Democrats really are Fools

Protesting is a very old sport in America. In the days leading up to 1776 Colonists protested a lot. The king was pushing them around and they were starting to resent it. The two most famous protests were the Boston Tea Party which was a peaceful event during which patriots boarded ships at night and threw hundreds of boxes of tea into Boston Harbor after Great Britain imposed a duty on tea. The other famous protest became known as the Boston Massacre. Colonists were throwing snowballs, and other things at a group of British soldiers who ended up firing their rifles into the crowd killing five civilians. An officer was subsequently tried for murder and convicted of manslaughter. His sentence was to have his thumb branded with the letter 'M'. 

Both of these protests were the beginning of a much larger protest; the American Revolution. And the American Revolution was fought against the king of England who kept taxing the Colonists without allowing them to have a voice in the British parliament. There were lots of protests actually in those days which lead to 'The Shot Heard 'Round the World' when a bunch of British soldiers were ordered to march to Concord Massachusetts to disarm a Colonist militia they believed was operating in the area. The colonists didn't want to be disarmed and opened fire on the soldiers. It became known as the shot heard around the world because no one could believe that a small bunch of colonists with little or no military training would dare to try to take on the most powerful country in the world.

They did and they won. Today democrats are acting like they are a parliament passing laws that encroach on everyone's liberty. Americans have grown fond of the First Amendment. They liked being allowed to say what was on their mind without fear of government interference. Democrats have protested violently to take away that right. We cannot disagree with such things as abortion, global warming, and transgender equality without risking our livelihood and our standing in the community where we live. 

Democrats are so angry about the First Amendment that they attack people with whom they disagree in a variety of public places. A Republican governor was having dinner with family members in a famous Washington D.C. restaurant when a group of democrats angry at the governor's stand on just about everything surrounded their table and began shouting at them and telling them they were not welcome there or anywhere else in Washington D.C. The restaurant manager then joined the chorus and demanded that the family leave. Incredibly before leaving the governor paid the bill for their partially eaten meal. I don't if that included a tip but I'd be surprised if it didn't. That doesn't seem very open minded to me. You can talk to a Republican about anything without fear of any type of attack. Republicans have their faults, but they are not closed minded bigots. They may disagree with a person but they will listen politely. 

The USA today has become frighteningly divided. Republicans oppose just about everything democrats want because they just don't see the need to destroy our nation to appease a political party. If something is needed then both sides can get together and agree upon the best way to accomplish the goal. Neither side will get everything they want, but both will get something. That honorable and respectful way used to be considered the strength of America. Now any negotiation begins with the lead democrat telling the Republican representative something like, "This is the way it's gonna be like it or not! If you disagree get over it because there can be no negotiation since we've already decided what will be done!" Then they start telling the world how a bunch of racists Republicans disagree with their ideas because Republicans are afraid to do anything that would help black people. Then Black Lives Matter shows up to 'protest' and ANTIFA shows up to 'counter protest' which only means that both sides get to burn buildings and cars and loot businesses until there is nothing left, maybe kill a police officer or two, go home and watch themselves on TV. And if by accident a couple of them get arrested a handful of democrats will pay their bail and once they are free they are never heard from again until the next riot. 

In the days of King Barry it was always, "Sit Down, Shut Up!" "We Won, You Lost!" Until democrats finally have decided to take the same road as the king's army in 1775. The democrat party is so afraid of a free and open election process that they have decided that they have to use whatever means they can think of to ensure Donald Trump can never become President of the United States again. They lied during two impeachment hearings in an effort to illegally remove him from office when he was president. During his two election campaigns the FBI lied repeatedly to FISA courts, claiming that Donald Trump was colluding with Russia to get them to help him win the election. They resorted to illegal wiretaps and getting informants to work inside the Trump campaign. The goal was to find enough dirt on him to ensure he could not be reelected. The fact that they didn't find anything, at all, speaks volumes about how innocent he was. It also speaks volumes about how low the FBI has become. 

And he was not reelected. There is a ton of evidence that the election was not the orderly process it was designed to be and there were multiple irregularities at lots of polling places. There were complaints filed and legal briefs presented, but no actual investigating ever took place beyond asking the guilty parties if they had followed the rules. Each of the guilty parties thus 'interviewed' said they followed the rules to the letter and that nothing was done to help either major party have an advantage over any other party. And since democrats never lie about anything that was the end of the 'investigation'. And the investigation lasted a couple of weeks. 

Having failed at every attempt to stop Donald Trump politically democrats have decided to try to stop him via false allegations of criminal activity. The democrat party has become so reckless that they are about to gleefully and foolishly arrest a former president of United States who is wildly popular with a lot of people. If they thought their foolishness that led to the riot at the Capitol building in January was bad just wait until their current Idiot Du Jour, Alvin Freaking Idiot, Bragg handcuffs Donald Trump in front of millions of people. Just like they did almost a hundred and sixty years ago they will get the revolution they think they want and they very foolishly think they can win. 

I've said it for over ten years; the United States of America, very regrettably is finished. Lady Liberty was mortally wounded and her demise is very close. I say that, but there is a chance she may survive. While she is gasping for life, there is a chance that several million patriots, 1775 style, will fight back hard and kill enough democrats to save whatever is left of the Union and put it back together. It could be that although mortally wounded, Lady Liberty may be able to survive long enough on life support to be revived and rebuilt. 

Not 'build back better' like that demented fool Uncle Joe likes to say, and he sounds like an idiot every time he says it, but restored to her full glory. Uncle Joe has been caught plagiarizing several times during his pathetic life and this 'build back better' sounds an awful lot like Make America Great Again to me. Only MAGA has a much brighter and more positive sound that Uncle Joe's BBB. 

So go ahead and arrest one of the most popular presidents we've ever had for a crime that never occurred. Put him in handcuffs and endanger all of Manhattan to suit your over bloated ego. Then manufacture enough fake evidence and shop for the jury that is most sympathetic to your cause, throw in a carefully selected judge and have you lynching. Put one of the most popular presidential candidates ever in prison and see what happens. You will ensure he is elected in a landslide. An appellate judge will throw the case out, overturn the verdict with prejudice and President Trump in his righteous indignation will wreak havoc on your liberal world. 

That's not a pretty picture to any true American, but that's the picture democrats want to see. They don't care how many innocent people die, or how badly the world's economy suffers. Just like their hero, Vladimir Putin, they only care about their personal power. In the end Vlad will probably hang on to his power. He has already made a visit to a city he ruined in an effort to at least bring about the appearance of healing. The democrats will not be that lucky. They will destroy themselves and cry a river of tears as they watch Americans rebuild. Not Republicans, they are almost a disgraceful as the democrats. Republicans are timid and have allowed the country to sink to the point it finds itself in now. It will take Americans who don't like either major party to work together and Make America Great Again.  

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