Monday, March 27, 2023


Seriously folks, how much more of this can we take from what is arguably the most important law enforcement agency in the country? I don't expect them to have no political leanings but I do expect them to be honest and put their idiotic political opinions aside when they are discharging the duties of their job. I expect any law enforcement organization from the FBI to the smallest department in the country to at least know the elements of the crime they are trying to prove. 

There is no way to prove that what happened at the Capitol building on January 6th was more than a protest that turned into a riot. The FBI has been abusing their authority and putting hundreds of people in prison for crimes they know their victims did not commit. The majority of the people inside the Capitol that day knew they shouldn't be there, but none of them were carrying guns. Perhaps a dozen or so carried any type of weapon at all. Yet the FBI has set out to prove that thousands of them were armed insurrectionists and federal judges are letting this charade play out. The worst part of this is that it's just part of a continuing effort to discredit one man simply because democrats are afraid of him and actually hate him and the FBI has been working for the democrat party since the day king Barry took the oath of office. 

Fear is a fierce motivator and it is being used to scare all Americans into fighting each other over nonsense that no one really believes once they take the time to think about the issue being discussed. Just look at the misinformation being spread by the media and the FBI about the protest that day. 


The only source for this claim is an obscure assistant to President Trump's Chief of Staff Mark Meadows named Cassidy Hutchinson. Cassidy has been touted by a tribunal that would make Joseph Stalin proud. I'd love to know what the democrats promised her in return for her perjured testimony before the January Six Congressional committee. She claims to have been in attendance at some high level meetings which is not likely considering her age and position. With a Bachelor's degree in political science from an unknown university in Virginia she would not have been present at any serious planning meetings, certainly not a meeting where the president planned the armed take over of the government. Most likely she was bring coffee, pastries, pens, pencils, notebooks, whatever the people actually involved in the government whatever items they needed. Possibly a young and impressionable idealist she may have heard pieces of sentences and words that allowed her to concoct a story about January Six turning it into some sort of fantasy involving an 'armed' rebellion made up of people who wanted to take over the country.

Nobody has ever testified that anyone involved in the protest was armed except for the law enforcement personnel who were present. 


There may have been some people who died at or near the Capitol building that day, but none of them died as a result of any violence (except for Ashli Babbitt) during the protest and none of them were police officers. 

The only person who died at the Capitol that day was murdered by a Capitol police officer named Michael Byrd.  Ashli Babbitt was an unarmed woman who was killed by a frightened police officer as she attempted to enter the chamber he was in via a broken window. There were a number of other armed police officers in the same hallway he was in and none of them fired any shots at all.  And there were several others just a few yards behind the group Ashli was part of and none of them fired any shots either. Luckily for Byrd this was a protest supporting President Trump who is hated by the democrats and the democrats control federal law enforcement in America.

No major news source hates the police more than CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and CBS. They couldn't care less about the police. They lie about police deaths only because of their hatred for Donald Trump. 


This claim is similar to the first claim I listed and it is the most important point I'm making against the FBI. They are treating this as if it were some large scheme against the Union; a violent insurrection against the United States of America. The dumbest Special Agent in the Bureau knows this was not an insurrection against the country. Like so many protests, especially during the last three years, this was a legitimate protest over apparent election fraud. And there was election fraud. Still whether you agree or disagree isn't the point. The point is that on January Six there was no armed insurrection against this nation by anyone. 

First of all in order to have an armed insurrection against the United States of America you have to have an army of people with guns. A lot of them. And the army you bring better be very well trained, organized and equipped. No one in this army brought any guns at all. There was no evidence of any large scale training or organization. And it looks like about ten thousand people were present on the grounds for the protest waving 'Tump' flags and American flags, Gadsden flags, all sorts of flags. There might have even been some 'Stars and Bars' flags from the Confederacy, but I haven't seen any photographs of that. It is a morally bankrupt argument to try to sell that protest as an insurrection. 

Democrats want us to believe that several thousand well organized people couldn't have disarmed a hundred and seventy five poorly armed and ill trained police officers and forced entry into the senate chamber where the electoral college ballots were being counted? The FBI is intimidating people into confessing to crimes they didn't commit. The protest was not at all well organized and neither was the police force that deployed that day. It is very clear that the police didn't feel like their lives were in danger except for the coward already mentioned who murdered an unarmed woman inside the Capitol that day. 


They couldn't manufacture enough evidence to prove Donald Trump colluded with the Russian government to help him win the election and they really did try. They even coerced a army general into confessing to lying to the FBI knowing that they had already forced him to spend every cent he had defending himself against false charges they made up. After many hours of interrogation over several days they were able to find a statement that appeared inconsistent with another statement he had made weeks earlier and they decided to charge him with lying to the FBI.  

He knew he was innocent, he also knew he was bankrupt so he plead 'guilty' so the entire FBI induced nightmare would be over. A disgraceful judge, Emmet Sullivan, told General Flynn he was disgusted by his conduct. He should have been looking into a mirror.  

They tried to manufacture enough evidence against President Trump to help the democrat Congress impeach him on two separate attempts at removal from office. They lied repeatedly to federal judges so they could conduct electronic surveillance on Candidate Donald Trump and they paid informants to spy on Candidate Trump. It is actually a crime to knowingly falsify an affidavit to a FISA court, unless you work for the FBI. Evidently a FISA court judge was at least worried about the appearance of impropriety between the FBI and the court so an 'investigation' was conducted after which an FBI lawyer was scapegoated into pleading guilty to a charge that he falsified an internal FBI memo which caused a Special Agent of the FBI to file a false affidavit. 

The FBI attorney was named Kevin Clinesmith. He was convicted of falsifying the memo, or something like that, and given twelve months probation and ordered to complete 400 hours of community service. He also was allowed to suspend his own law license for a year. I'm not sure how that works. I doubt he ever even completed four minutes of his community service sentence. It does pay to be on the winning side, especially if you are a democrat. And now they are trying to manufacture evidence to prove Donald Trump led an attempted coup against the United States of America. I can't say it enough; the FBI has disgraced itself, possibly for all time.  

It can't happen as long as Uncle Joe is president, but as soon as we elect a president with integrity and courage (Donald Trump) the FBI cannot be cleaned out. The entire upper floor of the J. Edgar Hoover building needs to be publicly escorted from the building. Then a search of the entire country needs to be conducted to find someone, whether inside the FBI or among the many dedicated county sheriffs, who has the ability to overlook the politics of the president and tend to the business of enforcing the law and defending the country against spying from other countries which is much more important than participating in the overthrow of the United States government. 

We need the FBI so it has to be cleared of all of its corrupt leaders as soon as possible. The longer the Directorship of the FBI is allowed to work outside the law the greater the risk that the entire organization will become corrupted. A lot of people think FBI agents have been rogue for l long time. It is well known that they cheat when they feel the need and sometimes the result of their sloppy work has terrible consequences like the well known fiasco at Ruby Ridge Idaho, and David Koresh in Texas. The FBI may occasionally stumble onto something major, but usually I think when they make a big discovery it is something that has been handed to them by another intelligence gathering organization from a country looking for a favor from the USA. Corrupt or not, the FBI would be a good thing to have in your pocket.

Seriously, for about seventy years just about everyone in the country thought the FBI was an agency to be looked up to and trusted completely. Now there are very few people who have any faith in them at all. And the Department of Justice is just as recked as the FBI. The swamp does need to be drained and the swamp creatures need to be sent home in disgrace before the entire country disintegrates.  


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