Sunday, March 19, 2023

Jacob Chansley

We've always known that the riot at the Capitol building on January 6th was not a resurrection or even a rebellion. It was a riot. A lot of us believe that there were substantial problems with the 2020 presidential election and that it is likely that Donald Trump was the actual winner of the election. The main reason we can't prove it is because there was never any effort to investigate most of the abnormalities. In the few instances where anyone pretended to investigate the people being targeted were given ample time to dispose of any evidence or to refuse to participate with the investigators similar to the sham investigation the FBI carried out when Hilary Clinton was caught storing sensitive top secret information on a private server in her home. The information on her server was probably read by every potential enemy the United States had at the time, including Chinese and Russian leaders and that was why once when President Trump was asked about a question about Bloody Hilary his answer was something like, "I don't know why don't you ask the Russians?" The geniuses at CNN, MSNBC and others, all exclaimed, "Look! He's in cahoots with Putin! He works for the Russian government! He cannot be trusted! He's a traitor....!" And they're still doing it. 

He knew about the private internet server Bloody Hilary kept and that it had been compromised and read by every spy in the world who cared to read it. He also knew the FBI was not going to do anything about it. Personally I don't know if the 2020 election was valid or not, which is a real problem all by itself, but this country has a much bigger problem. The press likes to make a big deal out of crackpot groups like 'Q-anon' that make outrageous claims that don't make any sense and should be ignored. I don't like Hilary Clinton and I believe she has been involved in the murder of some people who could have done her harm politically if they wished, but I don't believe she was ever involved in any satanic rituals involving the killing of children at a pizza restaurant in Washington D.C., that's the sort of story the press gets excited about. Some idiot claiming Hilary Clinton was involved in the ritual murder of children. They let that story play for a couple of days before debunking it. What they were hiding was the fact that they were in the process of suppressing a real news story. They worshipped Bloody Hilary and didn't want everyone to know that her private internet server, that had inadequate protection, and was loaded with sensitive top secret documents, had been compromised and read by a lot of unauthorized people. And who knows? President Trump was not for sale, but he was a businessman who had made some contacts in Russia who probably were politically connected and knew all about the information on Hilary's unauthorized server and found a way to diplomatically pass it on to the president. President Trump made it very obvious to everyone in the world that he was not sympathetic to Putin. The truth is he practically owned Putin. 

And because they know they are guilty democrats never want to open their books to anyone. And that is why there are so many of us who believe the election was rigged. They tried to rig Bloody Hilary's campaign against Donald Trump and they were very confident that they had succeeded. Fortunately they didn't and the nation was saved for at least four more years. No one knows for sure, but there is ample evidence that the election of Uncle Joe Biden was rigged. The FBI, an organization that has become hostile to our Republic, refused to investigate a computer owned by Joe's son, Hunter, that may have sensitive information implicating Uncle Joe himself and since the FBI hated Donald Trump they were not going to take any chances. Special Agent Peter Strzok sent an email to his girlfriend, Lisa Page, promising that Donald Trump wold not defeat Hilary Clinton, when Page sent Strzok an email which stated, "Trump will never be president Right?" Strzok responded, "No, no he won't, we'll stop it." The FBI had been working relentlessly to find anything that wold cast real suspicion onto Donald Trump and Strzok seemed to be ready to use his power as an FBI Special Agent to stop it. When asked about it Pete said, "Hell boys I was just kiddin' Just tryin' to impress my gal! I'd never, ever violate the oath I took." Oh, okay he was just kidding. As if he would simply come clean if he had part of a plan to kill the president. If only they would be that understanding when interviewing people who don't threaten to stop the election of the President of the United States.  

And the big shots at the FBI drew the conclusion, "Whew! That is a relief. I thought we might have a problem here, but he said he was just fooling around, trying to placate a disappointed girlfriend." And that was almost the end of it. If he said he wasn't a threat then he wasn't a threat. The fact that Strzok had repeatedly attacked Donald Trump in emails should have been a red flag to the FBI. It probably would have been if the leadership of the FBI hadn't been desperate for Bloody Hilary to win the election. For one thing, as members of Swamp leadership, their jobs were on the line. There were seventeen Republican candidates for the GOP nomination and each one of them were career politicians and they all hated Trump. Donald Trump was not a polished politician he was different. Not a Republican or a democrat, he had selected to seek the Republication nomination because he didn't think any third party candidate had a chance no matter how strong they were. And it had become painfully obvious to anyone paying attention that the democrat party wanted to destroy America and he was, and is, opposed to that. Everybody was afraid of Donald Trump. He was recklessly swing axes, telling the truth about D.C. And what he was saying was not new. Everybody knew Washington D.C. was a swamp and the people who worked there were swamp creatures and he was promising to change that. 

It should surprise no one that Strzok felt confident sending emails disparaging Donald Trump. They all hated Trump. They were all incompetent and they really didn't want that fact to become public knowledge. As the leaders of the most respected law enforcement organization in the country they wielded tremendous power. People who knew them knew they were not above cheating and breaking the law to crack a case that was important to them. I've talked to several people who have told me how they were treated by Special Agents of the FBI who were conducting an investigation into the actions of the police department they were working for. In every case I was told the agent had them sit in an interview room alone for a very long time, forty five minutes to an hour and a half before walking into the room and beginning the interview. Each person I spoke to mentioned the accusatory tone the agent used and how the agent laid out a series of 'testimonies' from other people who had supposedly already been interviewed. And each time the agent said he already knew what had happened and if the police officer 'lied' he would be charged with lying to the FBI, a felony. Each time the person being interviewed asked if he could have a lawyer present the agent acted surprised and then indignant. "Why would you need a lawyer, this is about the way your department does its training and conducts business with the public, it has nothing to do with you personally?" Then, "Look we're all in law enforcement, we know your agency is basically honest and treats the public with respect, I just need to complete this for my superiors so I can move on to the next assignment. Relax, you are not being charged with anything." 

Each police officer I spoke to said the initial interview lasted about two hours and each officer said he was then called back multiple times for interviews that were often shorter, but equally intimidating. Each one said after awhile they realized they were being foolish for allowing the interview to take place without being represented by a lawyer, but lawyers are expensive and at that time they still trusted the FBI. The interviews became gradually more accusatory, not against the officer being interviewed, but about other people. "What do you know about so and so...What happened at this incident?" 

Then the officers realized that in the file the agent was holding he had reports written by the officer being interviewed and that was part of the source for the questions being asked. The agent wanted to know specifics like what happened to evidence that was discovered at the scene, and is that standard procedure or do you sometimes do things a little differently. Then a gentle reminder, 'relax we're all on the same team here, but remember that lying to the FBI can be serious. The officers weren't lying, but they knew they didn't always follow procedures either. Sometimes some violations were overlooked for practical reasons, small amounts of dope could be destroyed at the scene or thrown away later if that was the only violation and the suspect was being cooperative. Why waste valuable time and resources on a case the distrit attorney's office was going to reject anyway? Yes the department manual was important and we were always expected to follow the law, but hell, two tenths of a gram of coke doesn't always have to end in an arrest, but yes it is a felony and now what do I do? After awhile they realized they really did need legal representation because this jackass is not on their side, just the opposite. Yeah, I did let that guy destroy his rock, and I did allow that crackhead informant to smoke a small amount of coke after he gave us some good information about a suspect we needed to find, hell I even bought him a Big Mac and a large order of fries and now this FBI genius wants me to be fired or worse because in his opinion I don't respect the department manual or the law? 

Special Agents of the FBI don't have any idea how police work is done. One of the officers who had been interrogated by the FBI was accused of 'lying to the FBI' because some of his answers were different from a previous interview. The questions were asked in such a way that it was difficult to know it was the same topic, but yeah, in a way the officer was confused enough by the questions that his answers were different. And each of them involved interactions with other police officers who had been involved in the same incident, but saw it a little differently. The FBI agent was very, very clear that he was not going to submit the lying charge to the United States attorney's office for review because it was such an obvious violation that there definitely would have been a conviction and he didn't want a police officer to be convicted for making such a simple mistake, so he just let the department's Internal Affairs Division decide what to do. And of course the officers department was more than willing to give the 'offending' officer a forty five day suspension without pay to prove that they did value the law and department procedure. I learned a great deal about how far the FBI will go to entrap a witness if possible, but if they have to just make something up that works too.

The officers knew the people in the area where they worked and sometimes a parolee was having a hard time and got a little coked up and got caught. He had a job, he was trying to help take care of his three year old child, let's give him a break this time and see how it goes. I believe the main reason for this mass overreaction to what actually happened at the Capitol is because people at the top levels of government were scared. They were afraid of hearings that were sure to come if Republicans regained control of the House of Representatives. And they knew they were guilty of manufacturing evidence, knowingly making false statements to Congress and lying to FISA judges. 

When powerful men feel threatened they are dangerous. Their fear of Donald Trump caused them to be desperate. They had a report written by a former British spy that made all sorts of claims against Donald Trump that were never verified. In fact when the FBI agents assigned to investigate the claims they only found one person to talk to and they later charged him with lying to the FBI. Not only was the Steele dossier not verified, it was unverifiable. The so-called evidence was nonexistent, but at least it had been put in a report submitted by a man they thought would be presumed credible since they considered him an expert. It was all the  evidence they could manufacture, and since Peter Strzok hated Donald Trump enough to frame him if possible they put him in charge of Operation Candidate Trump, or whatever code name they gave it. They are so incompetent or arrogant, or both, that they didn't care that Strzok had written hundreds of emails detailing his pro Bloody Hilary bias. He emailed somebody after the debate between Trump and Hilary that she should win the election '100,000,000-0.' The leaders of the FBI didn't care because they believe they are untouchable. They may not be above the law, but they are the people who would be assigned to investigate their own corruption. Nothing to see here folks, case closed. 

Never mind that a lot of us thought Trump won that debate. Some democrat had hired a retired British spy named Christopher Steele to dig up some dirt on Trump, specifically to interview an unidentified person who claimed that government officials, unknown names, had contacted the Trump campaign multiple times to try to interest them in damning information about Bloody Hilary. Mr. Steele delivered. He produced a report on Trump for Bloody Hilary and they paid him for his work. As far as anyone knows the report was total fiction. The FBI ended up with it and treated it like Holy writ. They probably didn't believe a word of it, especially after they verified that it could not be corroborated, but it was the only weapon they had so they determined to make it the center of their 'investigation' (witch hunt). 

Mr. Steele told multiple sources that he didn't know if the report was true or not, he got people to tell him stories and he wrote those stories in a report. This fable is so fantastic as to make one wonder if anybody at the top of the FBI has any conscience at all. Still Chris was a former British spy which made him an expert so that's how the leadership of the FBI presented it to the FISA court. They stated that they had absolute confidence in it and it was very damaging to Trump so the judge presented them a blank check to do whatever they wanted to Trump. Apparently there were a total of four warrants approved by the court. Later, after the warrants had been used, two of them were determined to have been granted based on false information that had been presented to the court. No one was disciplined for presenting false information. It is possible that the judge who signed the warrants didn't believe they were based on facts, but this is Trump we are talking about, so no harm no foul. It is possible that the only reason the FISA court decided two of their warrants were bogus was an attempt to allow the court to save face. 

So in that environment, one of suspicion largely created by the democrat party again, the FBI embarrassed itself by using an anti Trump report, funded by the Clinton campaign. The FBI offered to pay Steele up to a million dollars if he could offer any evidence to support the allegations in his report. Mr. Steele was unable to produce even for a million dollars. Knowing Steele's report was most likely fake the FBI forged full steam ahead with an investigation they knew full well was based on nothing but hatred for Candidate Trump. When their incompetence was made public, in an effort to save face they conducted a sham investigation of a private server that was unprotected and used by Bloody Hilary to store top secret information. 

Of course Strzok was part of that investigation and when it was completed one of the FBI findings was that Bloody Hilary had been "Grossly Negligent" with top secret documents, which is a criminal charge. After reading the FBI report Strzok suggested changing the wording to "Extremely Careless" which has no legal definition hence while very damaging to her personally it did not rise to a criminal complaint. Thus James Comey reported that no United States Attorney would file a case against a person for simply being careless. Strzok helped Comey save Bloody Hilary's candidacy again. And that wasn't the first time the FBI came to her aid. After she left a U.S. special mission in Libya, with a nearby annex practically unprotected the FBI pretended to investigate what went wrong. No one will ever know what was going on at that 'mission' but it attracted the attention of Libyans who attacked and destroyed the mission, killing Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three men assigned to defend the operation. 

The subsequent investigation cleared Bloody Hilary of any wrongdoing. In spite of the fact that she refused to answer any of Ambassador Steele's pleas for help the DOJ reported that there was nothing she could have done since there were no United States assets nearby. Of course the entire operation was and is shrouded in secrecy. Nobody will ever know what the purpose of the 'mission' was. They claim it was there to provide cover for groups fighting against Al Qaeda but not facilitating the movement of  any weapons, which probably means that weapons were stored at the site and that was what the terrorists wanted. At the very least, just the fact that Christopher Stevens was being used as camouflage for moving weapons, which makes no sense at all, would be enough for a group of anti America poorly educated, fairly well armed and murderous al Qaeda fanatics to decide to attack the compound. The subsequent hearings allowed Bloody Hilary to bravely accept responsibility for what happened that day, but only because as Secretary of State technically she was in charge of the operation. 

That's what true leaders do after all; heroically take responsibility for a failed operation while at the same time placing the blame on the people on the ground doing the work. She probably had no idea what was going on there. Washington loved her but they weren't going to trust her with sensitive information about an operation taking place right in the middle of a terrorist hotbed. It is very unlikely that President Obama knew nothing about it. It was probably an operation the CIA had hoped would succeed and maybe it did. Since we have no idea what was going on there we have no way of knowing if it succeeded or not. The FBI and DOJ had a long history of covering Bloody Hilary's tracks so they were reluctant to do anything to damage her candidacy. Unfortunately for her at that stage of the game they didn't want to look blatantly partisan so they pretended to conduct an investigation into the potentially illegal actions of Mrs. Clinton. They whitewashed the whole thing, found her to be  reckless but not criminal. And they hoped that would be enough to appease the masses. Luckily they were wrong and they accidentally saved the nation. Their allegiance to Bloody Hilary was not shaken and their loathing of Candidate Trump became stronger than ever. 

They hated Trump and lied about him and did everything they could short of assassination, which I bet was discussed at some level, to destroy him as a person and as a candidate and they failed. Candidate Donald Trump became President Donald J. Trump. The leadership of the FBI was appalled. How could this happen? Undaunted by the evidence against Strzok FBI leadership continued to allow him to 'investigate' President Trump. Finally toward the end of 2018 the FBI leadership decided they could no longer take a chance on Strzok and fired him even though their Employee Disciplinary Office recommended a sixty day suspension and a demotion. With Strzok gone the 'investigation' could continue unfettered by accusations of bias. And they kept swinging to the bitter end. 

President Trump survived two attempts by democrats and two lying Republicans to remove him from office. And he survived an attempt by the DOJ to manufacture evidence that would lead to a criminal indictment using information they knew to be false. They were so desperate to take down a sitting president that they even resorted to lying to federal judges. Of course President Trump was distrustful of the entire process. On January 6, 2020 President Donald Trump, having lost the election under very curious circumstances,  made a speech while Congress was in the process of certifying the election. There were about ten thousand people listening to him as he posited his opinion that the election should not be certified until after there had been a thorough investigation into allegations of election fraud. After his speech most of the people in attendance walked over to the Capitol building to stage a loud protest. A few dozen of the people in attendance incited violence and forced their way into the building. They broke windows and doors and there were some pretty violent fights with a few police officers. Some of the people inciting violence were probably paid informants for the FBI. That's a problem. Informants can gather information about possible illegal activity but they cannot actively engage in violence; especially against the United States of America. 

What we don't know and may never know is how extensive a role the FBI played in that protest. We do know that they had informants in the crowd. We don't know how many or what their assignments were that day. What has been learned about that day should actually be a cause for concern for every single American. The protest was overwhelmingly peaceful with very few people causing any damage to the building or its surroundings. There is lots of video evidence showing what happened inside. What it shows is hundreds of people walking around looking at displays on the walls and taking pictures of themselves with their cell phones. It also shows a lot of Capitol police officers walking around with them, apparently unconcerned by what was going on. At least if they were concerned they weren't making any attempt to escort them out of the building or detain them, which would have been very easy to accomplish. In addition to that there was no mutual aid from neighboring states, counties and  cities. Forget the national guard, where were the Maryland and Virginia State Troopers? County sheriff's departments, and finally the national guard? The video also shows some people outside the building breaking windows and forcing their way through closed doors, allowing others to enter the building, but once inside the group almost appears reverent. Except or a small number of people who continued to attempt to force their way onto the floor of the chamber where the certification was taking place while hundreds of others seemed to have no idea about any effort to stop the vote certification. None of the protesters were armed with any type of firearm. The police were fairly well armed and appeared nervous but not really scared, except for the coward who murdered Ashli Babbitt. 

In contrast to what Chuck Schumer and other idiots, especially far too many so called reporters claim, this was not in any sense an attempt to take over the country or subvert the Constitution. No Capitol police officers were killed that day as has been claimed by the democrat cheerleaders at CNN, MSNBC, and at least a dozen other so-called news outlets. Instead of murdering Ashli Babbit why didn't someone negotiate with some protesters to allow a handful of them to address the members of Congress? And it would have been painfully simple to fill that hallway with tear gas and clear that section of the building. Clearly the Capitol police are not trained in crowd control and they probably shouldn't be. The Washington D.C. police should have been there in minutes clearing streets and restoring order. A good example would be the Los Angeles Police Department that is frequently faced with crowds numbering in the thousands and they are very effective at clearing streets and even protecting buildings. I don't know why the Washington D.C. police made no attempt to help with an obviously overwhelmed Capitol police force. My only complaint with the Capitol police is their apparently extremely flawed leadership who claimed that they expected trouble that day yet still only deployed about a hundred and seventy-five police officers when their roster boasts almost two thousand. Even if some were sick or on vacation they could have deployed far more personnel than they did. If, like they now claim, the FBI really suspected an insurrection was going to take place that day they should have ensured that all necessary resources were in place to stop it. 

Obviously one reason why that didn't happed could be that the FBI wanted there to be a bloody confrontation at the Capitol so they could make Donald Trump look bad and provide more cover for their candidate which was Uncle Joe Biden, friend to the masses. I still believe the democrat party is deeply involved in an effort to undermine the Constitution and they are hoping to use activists on the Supreme Court to pass laws subverting certain constitutional protections that Americans enjoy. To help ensure that happens they have appointed carefully selected top law enforcement officials at each of the Federal law enforcement offices to lead the assault. The FBI most likely failed to show what they knew to ensure that there would be inadequate deployment of Capitol police resources where they could have done the most good. Unfortunately for them the bloodbath they wanted never occurred. 

Uncle Joe has always been corrupt to the core. He didn't just admit to intimidating a foreign government into firing a prosecutor who was in the middle of a corruption investigation targeting a company employing his drug addled son, he bragged about it. The only logical explanation I can come up with for such behavior is that he knows he is untouchable. Just the fact that Hunter Biden, a known drug addict who consorts with prostitutes and who has no expertise in any kind of technology beyond perhaps being able to use a cell phone and a cigarette lighter, sits on so many boards of directors of companies in foreign countries, and is paid millions of dollars for filling positions for which he is obviously unqualified should be grounds for a federal investigation. Especially since a pretty good chunk was deposited directly into the account of his former sister-in-law, turned lover.  Perhaps the people who own those companies really are that stupid, or maybe they are paying for access to a well placed American government official named Joe Biden. No one has even alleged that Donald Trump's family members have used their father's name to collect free money from foreign governments yet the FBI spent millions of dollars attempting to get an indictment against President Trump and made several misleading statements about tax fraud and potentially illegal business dealings with foreign agents that turned out to be totally unfounded. They were willing to swear an oath to a judge that an empty folder in their position contained criminal evidence against the President of the United States of America and nobody cares. 

Why wasn't there better protection for the Capitol building on January Sixth? No one will ever know. The agents of the FBI have no credibility with me. If they really thought there was going to be an armed assault against the Capitol building like they are now claiming, then they recklessly endangered the lives of the police officers of the Capitol police department and thousands of protesters that day. And if they didn't then what occurred on J6 was not a rebellion or an insurrection, but a semi peaceful protest during which a handful of bad apples committed violent acts, some of those bad apples were probably on the payroll of the FBI and the Justice department. And since they most likely knew there was no intent to actually harm any members of Congress then there was no need to murder Ashli Babbitt and that police lieutenant should be in prison for murder. I have no doubt that he was scared, but that alone is no reason to kill unarmed civilians. Now that the hearings have begun we know there was enough information available prior to J6 that their could be some violent individuals at the protest, and some of them might even be carrying firearms the FBI should have made sure that there were enough resources deployed that day to stop any concerted effort to enter the Senate chamber while the ballots were being tallied, or whatever they were doing that day. My question is, how long the FBI be allowed to let this nation down before someone wakes up and takes serious action against the top ranks of that once great law enforcement group? And I'd like to see the democrats do it. They need to show me they are not enemies of the United States of America. 

There was one man who really stood out that day. He was dressed in a very bizarre manner and entered the Capitol building illegally. He didn't break any doors or windows, the FBI informants took care of that, he just followed the crowd inside. He was wearing a hat with buffalo horns and he is not wearing a shirt. In his right hand he was seen holding what appears to be a spear, but is also a flag pole displaying the American flag, and there is a megaphone attached to it. He also has some large tattoos on his chest, stomach and his right arm. He is not seen doing anything at all disrespectful inside the Capitol building. He is being escorted by police officers who are not making any attempt to arrest him or make him leave the building. He is never seen using the spear in his hand as a weapon and the police never asked him to give it to them. I'm not sure why they appear to be giving him special treatment, but they certainly do not appear to be frightened by him in any way and they are making no attempt to arrest him which would have been very easy for them to do.

The fact that the FBI was able to muster enough 'evidence' to land him in prison for three and a half years is a real testament to their ability to scare people into confessing to 'lesser' crimes in order to avoid sentences of twenty years or more. Most likely they sat him in a windowless room, save for the one way mirror installed in one wall, and explained to him all of the potential charges he was facing, and all of the 'evidence' they had against him and told him that he was in fact in very deep doo doo, facing close to a hundred years confinement if he lost in court, but he could 'help' himself out by admitting to a simple obstruction charge and potentially be released from prison in as little as three short years. And if he would consent to that they could help him by putting in a 'good word' with the assistant united states attorney handling the case. So this poor guy hadn't had a decent night's sleep in days, probably hadn't eaten in several hours, hadn't been given the opportunity to consult with an attorney, and had been confined so long he was confused and disoriented, and way too broke to be able to pay tens of thousands of dollars to an attorney who was likely to sell him out anyway, submits to the deal offered him by a couple of Special Agents of the FBI who are only trying to 'help' him. 

This so-called Q Anon Shaman has been railroaded by a couple of Special Agents of the now nearly completely discredited FBI, a once completely trusted arm of the justice system. For all I know Mr. Shaman could be a real jerk or he could be the nicest guy on the block, but he has been severely mistreated by a federal justice system that has run amok. I don't think we've ever seen more than seven hundred people charged with committing the same crime in the history of America. And if the liars at the FBI have their way there will be over a thousand. And all because they hate Donald Trump. And they hate Donald Trump because he had the courage to call Washington D.C. a swamp full of swamp creatures, a metaphor for corrupt politicians and government officials, and the swamp needed to be drained. 

I couldn't care less about Q Anon or their ridiculous views on anything. They may well be a hate group, but nobody cares about them. They are a small unorganized outfit hardly worth mentioning. Democrats turn crackpots into martyrs and that is a stupid thing to do. Whether it's Black Lives Matter, the KKK, Q Anon, or whatever band of idiots that arrives on the scene I've said it a thousand times; extremists can and should be ignored. We don't need the FBI manufacturing evidence to put people in prison. It is obvious that Chansley may be guilty of trespassing but he certainly didn't threaten anyone or damage any property. He is a political prisoner in a land that used to stand for freedom. Now that Tucker Carlson has brought to light hours and hours of video evidence now we know that Q Anon Shanan is innocent as charged. If justice has any meaning in this country we have to set Chansley free and focus on prosecuting anyone, including FBI agents and their paid informants, who lied in court or when testifying at the J6 hearings. That needs to extend to anyone who lied to the FBI. And that must including their own Special Agents and to any FISA judge who overlooked justice out of hatred for Donald Trump. 

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