Tuesday, March 14, 2023

It's Official

I'm declaring my independence from everyone around me. Yup, the world has gone mad and I'm not going to take it any more. My own country is paralyzed by fear. Fear of doing anything. Except for those pesky democrats. They have a goal and they are not giving up. They can't tell us what that goal is because if they did they would possibly lose some of their momentum. In order to find out what their goal is all one has to do is listen to what they are saying and watch what they are doing. You will very quickly notice a dramatic disconnect.

They say they love America so they want to begin a plan to "Build Back Better." What the heck does that mean? Well, nobody really seems to know or care. When Donald Trump left office the economy was strong, American manufacturing was returning to America, inflation was low and wages were rising. There were no major wars going on and President Trump was traveling the world meeting with world leaders forging alliances among our allies and understanding among potential enemies. He wasn't afraid to let organizations such as NATO know what they needed to do to improve and to tell them the United States was going to continue its support, but the other nations were going to have to work harder to do what they had already pledged to do. President Trump didn't want any more wars. He was prepared to end American involvement in Afghanistan and other parts of the Middle East. He recognized Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel ending the debate. He let the Chinese government know that Taiwan's independence was important and Taiwan would be defended.

North Korea stopped testing nuclear weapons and launching ballistic missile tests while Trump was president. The invasion across the Southern border slowed to a trickle. Americans were feeling good about themselves again after undergoing constant efforts by the Obama administration to keep racial tensions alive. And now that Uncle Joe won the election we've returned to those bad days of self doubt, racial strife, and self loathing. Uncle Joe has decided that traditional racial strife was becoming boring so he put his people to work on something new and they rallied to the cause. Black vs. white was becoming old news so they beefed up another crackpot idea that has been gaining steam, but was just having a tough time gaining traction; White Men are Evil. And to rope a few gals in on this they decided that all white people were stealing from the other races (read: black people) through an intangible concept called White Privilege and all white people need to just knock it off. 

And of course white people still, according to Uncle Joe and his court jesters, hold all of the power so everybody must tread lightly. "Hey little white person, we understand. It ain't your fault, you don't even know you have white privilege because it's been thrust on you your entire life. You just need to be more aware of how insensitive you are and treat other races  better." So all corporations started putting on seminars to let their employees know how rotten they'd been their entire lives and it was time to step aside and, "Give the people you've been oppressing all your life, without knowing it of course, your job and your position. And tell them you are sorry, and you will never be like that again, and send a donation to Black Lives Matter; a very large donation..." Because face it, white people just are not good people. My favorite was the Pepsi Cola company who just flat out told their employees to 'stop being so white!' 

What? What does that even mean, and how exactly are we supposed to do that? But Pepsi had a list that included such things as, 'don't be so assertive, stop telling everybody about your ideas, don't dress nicer than the people around you...,' there were eight or nine things they suggested white people should stop doing. And as you can imagine a lot of people, including people who don't work for Pepsi were annoyed. I for one haven't purchased a Pepsi product since I saw the list. In case anyone cares I don't drink Coca Cola products either and for similar reasons, I've found the store brands to be every bit as good and they don't tell me I need to be less white or more gender aware or any other stupid stuff. Apparently the backlash against Pepsi was significant since soon after that became corporate policy, at least for the little white people on the ground making all the rich people richer, they blamed the studio that made the training video. The Pepsi Big Shots claimed they didn't know that was part of the presentation and gave the Little People permission to be themselves, as long as the little white people didn't over do it, or something like that. 

Even my former employer, a large American city had us all go through a eight hour training course put on by a black professor from somewhere in Missouri I think. He was very kind and told us he didn't think white people meant to be bad, they just couldn't help it because wwaaaayyyy before any of us were born a bunch of black tribal leaders in Africa offered up people they didn't like for sale and some idiot white guys bought them and transported them across the ocean where they were sold again to other white people, and to a few wealthy black people as well (but we don't need to talk about that) so they could do their work for them for 'free'. So evidently because of a few hundred wealthy idiots a couple hundred years ago I'm supposed to hate myself for profiting from white privilege which is something that doesn't even exist. The only privilege I'm aware of is wealth. We have the 'haves' and the 'have nots'. And that has existed ever since Cain killed Able. And of course I asked the good professor how I could correct something I had no idea I was doing, and according to him I could never change. So how is his presentation helpful to our organization? The truth is he didn't know but that didn't stop him from trying. I can't remember what he said because it didn't make any sense. Something about trying to be aware that I had the white privilege disease and I had to work harder to be nice to people of other races (read: black people). 

And it turns out that Uncle Joe and his minions are very resourceful and they have pretty decent imaginations and a burning desire to create friction in America so they created a whole bunch of different genders. We aren't supposed to describe ourselves as male or female anymore. The truth, according to people who wouldn't know the truth if it punched them in the face, is that we don't know what gender we are. And it is possible that we never will. They teach us that it is possible to live your entire life not knowing if you are male or female. These days we're supposed to refer to ourselves at 'they' or 'them', not 'his' or 'hers' and They-Them are interchangeable ensuring that we never differentiate between male and female because that somehow degrades society as a whole. In grade school Uncle Joe's 'experts' want teachers to waste valuable school time telling kids that they may have been told they are either boys or girls, but whoever has been telling them that could be wrong. To make matters even worse when we introduce ourselves to someone new we are supposed to ask them what pronoun they prefer to be known as, even though it is obvious that they are a boy or a girl. Satan has always wanted to destroy God's children and democrats have signed up to help him achieve that goal. 

Under the direction of democrat 'rulers' we are raising a generation of fools. I was attending a Halloween party recently when I greeted a child I have known her whole life, she's eleven years old now, and I greeted her by saying something awful, humiliating, just plain ignorant. I said, "Hey there she is!" I know, I get red faced every time I think about how unsophisticated I am, but that's just the way it is I suppose. I had no idea how offensive that statement was until she greeted me with, "Did you just call me a she?" 

I was totally humiliated. How could I have possibly thought it was ok to say something so completely insensitive? I really did not know how to respond to her interrogatory. Totally surprised at being braced that way by an eleven year old who has been carefully brainwashed by an education system obviously far superior to the one that taught me, I responded, "What difference does it make?" Perhaps because I'm about sixty years older than she is she gave me a break and didn't pursue the issue any further. I'm not sure I will ever be acceptable in polite company ever again. I may be redeemable, time will tell. Someday there may be a government re-education Kamp where I can be programmed to see the world the way democrats think I should. The honest truth is what they are doing to kids in schools these days is evil. 

They tell me that kids in other industrialized nations do much better in math and science than our kids and I believe it. Our kids may not be able to add and subtract but they know that they don't know if they are a boy or a girl, how many other countries can make that claim? 

So there it is. I'm divorcing myself from just about everyone around me. We are raising a nation of fools and that can only end in disaster. Teachers are even telling grade school children that if they think they have been mislabelled they can change their gender. Girls don't have to be girls and boys don't have to be boys just because that's the label some stupid medical team and their parents have always told them. If a kid was mislabelled there are doctors who can correct the error. No thanks. I am not part of that society. They've even passed laws allowing teachers and administrators to 'help' kids fix themselves and make themselves the gender they know they truly are by taking them to gender reassignment specialists without telling their parents. 

I am a Child of God and an American. Americans are not stupid enough to believe that a person can change their gender. We are born Male and female and I cannot be taught any other way. Real Americans accept themselves the way they are and don't pretend they can mutilate themselves into becoming something else and they certainly don't believe in forcing others to accept a concept that evil. I suppose that if a child goes to school and insists on being honest about gender identity he or she can be expelled from the school. Someday they will probably pass a law that allows some government entity to take a child away from a parent who teaches their children that it is wrong to believe they can change from a girl to a boy or a boy to a girl. 

Anyone who embraces that ideology of confusion is harming children and therefore society as a whole. We don't need confused and weak minded children. We need strong and confident children. 

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