Thursday, May 25, 2023


Six people are dead at a school in Nashville, Tennessee. Three of them are children, two girls and a boy all under the age of ten. And three adults, one man and two women, all over the age of sixty. It is hard to manage my thoughts and emotions when something like this happens. And as tired as I am of hearing about mass murders anywhere, but especially at schools, I am really tired of democrats immediately using the images of people who have been brutally murdered as political pawns. Until democrats prove me wrong I'll continue to make my case that democrats couldn't care less about shooting victims, including children. I'll go a step further and show that democrats really don't care about children at all. To them children are tools to be used to help them in their quest for power. Nothing more. 

I watched with great sadness the news that six people had been murdered by a person with a black heart and evil intent. And with one exception every single 'news' (propaganda) organization began with self righteous 'reporters' saying over and over again, "I'm just sick and tired of reporting this type of event. Enough is enough. When are we going to do something about this, when are Republicans going to wake up and put an end to GUN VIOLENCE and pass 'common sense' gun gun control laws?" Then quit if that's the best you can do. Accusing half of the people in America of supporting mass murder is sickening. I'm sick and tired of democrats posing as reporters using their position on TV to promote their political agenda. I was always taught that reporters are supposed to be objective about their findings, but evidently that isn't taught anymore. 

There are a couple of objective facts regarding people who commit mass murder using a firearm. The first fact is that they are deeply deranged, but something caused them to commit evil acts. Second they used a gun to kill people but the gun didn't kill anyone. What's missing from the self righteous rants of these editorialists posing as reporters is the fact that a gun is an inanimate object. Inanimate objects can't act on their own. No gun has ever killed or wounded anyone. Another fact is that not that long ago mass murder, was something that just never happened. In their effort to water down the Constitution and erode our rights democrats have invented a concept called gun violence. Democrats like to use words as weapons instead of tools to be used to educate people. Things like 'climate change', gun violence, transgender, are all subjects democrats use to divide and conquer a nation. The umbrella phrase 'reproductive rights' is another favorite and we shouldn't forget 'equity' which is a huge umbrella designed to allow men to take over women's sports and make us feel guilty enough to pay billions of dollars in so-called reparations to people who have not suffered any loss and therefore there is no basis to even have a discussion about reparations. The people involved were never victims of any type of injustice caused by the people of California. Inventing words and phrases, and over using old words and phrases are tools used to destroy a freedom loving society. Tools that are used by the democrat party.  

It's hard to believe that a group of people who believe that abortion should be legal during a live birth really cares at all about children. How am I supposed to make the leap from murdering babies (which an 'abortion' of a baby in the process of being born is) to "I'm sick and tired of reporting about the gun violence in our schools, which is a euphemism for "We need to take away a person's right to self defense!" A small but powerful group of people is attempting to change American culture and they are having a disappointing amount of success. It has taken several decades, but Americans are giving in to the idea that guns do actually kill people. It's impossible, but they believe it anyway. 

Three children and three other school officials have been brutally murdered and ninety nine percent of the so-called reporters only want to push their political agenda. They constantly claim that shootings are the main cause of death among children. According to the CDC accidents are the leading cause of death among children. The second leading cause of death is suicide. Journalism is pretty close to dead in America so what difference does it make if we lie about the numbers? It's the political power that counts. It would help a great deal if democrats started exhibiting some common sense in all facets of life. Scaring the stuffing out of kids at school with all of the man made global warming nonsense, telling white kids they are racist bigots who can't help themselves so they need to keep their mouths shut, and then topping it off with, "Hey! It's ok if you don't know if you are a girl or a boy. You might think you are a boy because some dumb doctor put that label on you when you were born and your well meaning, but misguided parents have let you think that, but you get to choose which one you'd rather be." 

I believe that is contributing to an apparently horribly class of individual who has become so confused by all of this that they don't know what to think or how to act. Listening to the 'news' we get the feeling that mass murders are happening all the time, and the incidents of mass shootings may be more frequent than in former years, but the truth is that of the tens of millions of gun owners those who commit murder are such a small percentage that it is barely  measurable.  So what's the common sense approach? Democrats think that hamstringing all gun owners is the answer. The truth in my opinion is that they want to confiscate guns from all law abiding gun owners. They can't disarm the murderers and the crazies because those people don't care about the law and they are very happy to allow Big Brother to disarm law abiding people because it gives them one less thing to worry about when they want to use their gun to commit a crime. That kind of common sense makes sense to those who want to harm others.

How about the 99+ percent of those who would never use a gun to commit crime? Does it make sense to take away their right to self defense? I really don't understand the democrat mind. It doesn't make any sense at all to me to raise a generation of kids who live in constant fear and uncertainty and anger. So the purpose of this essay is not to address the evil inherent in school shootings, hopefully most Americans can already understand that. Unfortunately democrats view such scenes as opportunities to seize more power over their neighbors. I hope  Americans will be less emotional when looking for ways to prevent such evil acts. One of the mantra's of the democrat party is, 'ever let a good tragedy go to waste'. That is a sick and twisted way to view life. 

Let's avoid that trap and focus on ways to improve the lives of every person living in America and not look upon any tragedy as a political opportunity. We need to nurture our children and teach them basic principles of right and wrong and to respect others. We need to let them know that in today's world of social media they need to be strong. If some shithead, or even a group of them, lures a child into an embarrassing situation and then posts it on whatever, children need to realize that it's not going away. It will resurface from time to time and it's not the end of the world, shrug it off. We need to help children understand that an embarrassing moment even if it is repeated from time to time is not the end of the world. It happens to a lot of people, from school age to the rich and famous. It's just part of living in the world today. And while we're at it, let's realize that grown ups have a responsibility to point out the possible problems the internet can cause and teach there children how to avoid finding themselves in an embarrassing situation in the first place. There used to be a woman on the radio who gave a lot of great advice to everyone. She was highly rated and lots of people loved listening to her, me included. 

She had a shithead boyfriend a long time ago and their relationship went sour and he lacked the maturity to handle it so he posted some embarrassing photographs of her on the internet. She didn't talk about it, but a caller asked her about it one day. It was probably a friend of her low life ex-boyfriend. She was married by then and had been for a long time and she didn't want to talk about it, but she had a the courage to face the call head on. Instead of getting hot under the collar and all embarrassed about it she used it as a teaching moment. She talked about insecure morons that do things like that to people especially when the victim is in a position of weakness. The thing to do is realize that yeah, some people will use those embarrassing moments to try to make themselves look superior, but in fact they are displaying their own insecurities, putting them on display for all the world to see. So if looking at things like that makes you feel like a better person go ahead and look, but for the radio personality it was a long time ago and she had risen above it and improved her life through education, hard work and dedication to a life of helping others. 

We need to teach our children first how to avoid becoming victims to such traps, but if that fails follow the example of other people who were once victims but found the courage and fortitude to rise above. The world is becoming a dangerous place and parents need to talk to their kids as often as they can. If the kid doesn't want to talk then find a way. A parent has more life experience than any fourteen year old kid and they need to have the wisdom and patience to get through to that kid. Too many parents come home from work tired and fed up with the problems that they face not realizing that their kids are coming home just as confused and frustrated or even worse. A parent has been fourteen their kid has never been thirty-five. 

Strong kids don't grow up to be mass murderers. Neither do kids who are confident in who they are. If schools can't stop teaching our kids that they don't know the difference between a boy and a girl then it's time to take our kids out of public school. It's ok to teach a kid who seems to be confused about their own gender identity issues that they are important and they need to take time to consider what they believe before deciding to make any life altering changes. It's necessary for teachers to teach children to respect each other, including those who may be confused about being a boy or a girl. We should not make fun of people just because they are different. At the same time we can't have schools allowing the dangerous practice of allowing boys to use girls facilities no matter what gender they think they are. Until there is incontrovertible evidence that there are more than two genders we need to continue to identify boys and boys and girls as girls. There have been several times when school administrators felt the need to hide the fact that a girl had been raped by boys who were allowed access to girls facilities. They feel the need to do that because they are afraid of the tsunami of complaints that parents would make when they found out that administrators don't care about the safety of girls and young women entrusted to their care. I'm not aware of a single boy being sexually molested by girls in boys restrooms or locker rooms. Let's be perfectly clear about this obvious fact; boys do not belong in girl's locker rooms or bathrooms! Boys do not belong in women's sports! Understand? It's simple English. 

How have American parents become such cowards? Or maybe they are just overworked and don't know what they can do in the face of so much opposition from all sides. And while I'm on the subject let me say that any police officer or any other law enforcement official who would arrest a parent for protesting the practice of allowing boys to use girls facilities should turn in their badge and gun. You are not a law enforcement officer when you are violating the Constitution because some politician tells you it is alright. During my thirty five years in law enforcement I refused to make an illegal arrest more than once and it cost me a promotion at least once and I didn't regret it at all. I still don't. All men and women in law enforcement take an oath to defend the Constitution not some dirty politician with an agenda. Unfortunately I did know some police officers who were willing to make illegal arrests when ordered to do so. 

All Americans need to pay attention to what is happening in public schools and be willing to stand up to administrators who try to bully them into supporting practices that are wrong. All Americans need to stand for something. They need to stand for Constitutional values and not be confused by counterfeits. There is such a thing as right and wrong. Laws exist for a good reason. It is good to help other people in need. Exploiting women is bad. Protecting women and children is good. Being polite to each other is a good thing. Being polite doesn't mean a person is weak, it means they are polite. Only insecure people become bullies. The police are our friends. Gang members are our enemies. If a boy thinks he's a girl work with him and help him understand that being a boy is a good thing. The same with girls.

If that child persists then don't make fun of something they really believe, but don't force everyone else to acknowledge something that can never be; boys cannot be girls, neither can girls be boys and we should never force children to think or act otherwise. Never tell a child that their parents have been lying to them about their gender and never subject a child to gender change therapy without the involvement of the parents. If the parents refuse to allow the gender change that is the end of the discussion. The same with pornography. Too many democrats believe that pornography is healthy for children. It isn't. Since democrats often resort to changing the meaning of words it is nearly impossible to have a meaningful conversation with them about most important topics. 

Adults need to devise a method of respecting each other so children can learn the benefits of maintaining a respectful discourse. Any book containing explicit sexual content should not be allowed in any public school, grades K-12. Parents who wish to expose their children to damaging literature are free to shop online for any smut they desire. It's simple respect for everyone, something democrats say they want while they are doing everything they can to eliminate. Most laws are good. When there is a law that is harmful people need to use the political process to change it. We spend billions of dollars providing special training to police officers and we expect them to help keep us safe. They should be respected and supported. If they commit a crime they should be removed from their office or prosecuted. They should be obeyed when they are performing their duties. 

Parents should be respected above all. No one cares more about a child's welfare than the child's parents. We also spend billions of dollars training teachers. Teachers should be respected and obeyed while they are engaged in the education of our children. They should never attempt to supplant the role of a parent. Parents should be in charge of the curriculum presented to their children and if they object to any part of it their objections should be taken very seriously. These are all things that help children feel secure in their surroundings. When teachers tell children their parents are leading them astray that is damaging to them. There is no way to justify the practice of school administrators telling children that they don't need to tell their parents everything that takes place in school because their parents may not be able to handle the realities of the modern world. 

When educators notice that what they are doing is creating conflict at a child's home they need to re-evaluate what they are doing. If we can ever have any hope of stopping mass shootings anywhere we have to get back to the basic teachings of a civilized nation. Respect for others. We never used to allow pornography in school. We never told children to obey teachers and respect them over their parents; it just wasn't done. We never told children to ignore basic human experience and call boys girls and girls boys. Not long ago we just wanted to protect children and create a protective environment where they could learn to read and write and work and achieve and succeed. Those environments were comforting and successful and the thought of shooting a bunch of classmates and teachers never entered anyone's mind.

Today we do the opposite and the result is confusion, mistrust, and violence. Democrats blame inanimate objects, hopefully Americans are smarter than that and can look deeper to find the root cause and begin to raise a new generation of well adjusted adults who will in turn teach their children to be respectful and nurturing. Take away one inanimate object and there will be another one just as bad or worse. Teach children the benefits of treating each other with respect and how important it is to work hard and succeed in life and mass murder will become a thing of the past. 

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