Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Christians, Jews, and Muslims

Some people claim there is no God. There is a God so they are wrong and that is their right. In order to confidently claim there is no God you have to create a fantasy that helps the atheist feel better about his/her decision to live free of God's laws, which is also impossible since mortal death is not the end of our existence; everyone has a spirit and we will all live forever. Eternity is not easy for us to understand from our limited mortal view. God has promised us through his prophets and through our own personal revelation that He wants us share with us everything he knows. A belief that life ends with mortality doesn't make it true. We know the universe is here and it got here somehow, but too many of us for whatever reason just don't want to believe that a Supreme Being created it. So which scientific discovery explains First Cause? I don't understand why so many people are so sure that God didn't create the universe. 

 Everyone in America has the right to be wrong about something. And we have the right to disagree. As a Christian I've met people who were from many different religious backgrounds and were faithful adherents to their faith and even though there were some basic differences in our beliefs we respected each other, we learned from each other and we had a lot of fun together. And I've known Buddhists who were the same way. Buddhists are an interesting people. For them everything is eternal, for them it isn't necessarily important to know how big eternity is or how it came to be. They teach peace, and harmony and that's pretty much it. Be kind and loving and live a life of service. All we really need is to be respectful to one another, and open to conversations about a variety of topics and respect our differences. 

Each of us obviously think we are right, but we don't think that means we cannot associate with each other. And it doesn't mean we can't have fun together. I respect the various religious holidays for example. I don't remember what they are all called, but for Muslims there is about a month each year that calls for fasting for several hours a day. I'm more familiar with Jewish holidays, and I actually love their traditions, one of which is a week where they invite neighbors to their homes for a meal which often is accompanied by music and possibly story telling. And the traditions of each group are uplifting and educational, fun to listen to and share. Christians have their holidays and we can all join in on the celebration if we are invited or at least respect and feel the joy others feel. 

Sounds a little too utopian to some people but it's not. People need to respect each other and be respected. It is much healthier than killing each other which is the beauty of living in the United States of America. We pass laws that protect everyone equally. There is no religious preference even though atheists say there is. Jews, Muslims, and Christians all believe in the same God and that's a fact. We all are descendants of Abraham. As such we have a lot in common and it is much more beneficial to recognize our similarities and respect our differences. 

Today there are evil men who have turned the Muslim religion into one of bigotry and hate and murder. They don't respect women and they use Islam as an excuse to murder people who don't believe the  same as they do. I'm not aware of any other religious sect that preaches terrorism and murder as a way of life in today's world. 

What my life's journey has taught me is that God lives and He did create the universe. You can argue about the time frame, six days isn't very many, but you cannot argue that the universe is here. The complexities of the universe are still unfolding. The distance between galaxies is so vast that no one really understands it. Learning about the universe is a great thing. Attempting to use what you think you have learned about the universe to disprove the existence of God makes me doubt your judgement. The more we learn about the universe the more beautiful it becomes, and the more complex. 

Each new discovery only causes us to ask new questions for which we don't have the answers. We should never stop learning and each new discovery should lead us closer to God. He will help us learn more if we use our knowledge to help each other and increase our faith. 

He lives and He is our Creator, our Father. If the people in this or any other country ever become so arrogant, so ignorant, that we allow atheists to force us to outlaw God, we will reap what we sow, and we will regret it with every particle of our being. 

Homeschoolers ROCK!

Maybe it's time to ditch the whole public school racket. It used to be a great deal, everyone pays taxes and a portion of the tax collected went to providing whatever the local school districts needed. And the curriculum was fairly simple; the three R's, Readin', Ritin', and Rithmetic. Teach kids how to read, write, add and subtract, and they're pretty much prepared for life. We added things like geography, history and civics to give them a little bit broader idea of how a country is run and what it looks like. 

Anything beyond that makes school more fun, but that's about it. Music and sports are nice, but they can also be expensive. Still many schools have music and sports included. I'm not sure when but at some point some mutton head decided that older school kids, you know the real mature ones who are ten or eleven years old should receive a basic course on sex education. And it was basic. They showed drawings of boys and girls that displayed the gender differences and explained some of the physiological changes that were about to take place.

And some parents were uncomfortable with that, preferring to teach it at home and not in a group setting. I don't know all of the politics involved but I'm sure it was a political and not an educational decision. Some parents told the school to find something productive for their child to do during that time because they didn't want the school teaching something that important to a group of kids who may or may not be ready for it. 

Looking back on those golden years I sigh and say 'if only'. 

If only public schools cared more about education and less about social engineering. Because that's what is going on today and I hope a lot of parents take their children out of public schools instead of exposing them to the current experimentations on social engineering. I know so many great teachers who are opposed to what is happening in school today and if we lowered our tax rate so people could send their children to high quality private schools where social engineering isn't a priority those families would be much better off.

The only reason we have public education is because parents cannot afford to pay for public schools and send their children to a private school at the same time. One option would be to allow a one hundred percent deduction to parents who submit their receipt proving their children are enrolled and attending a private school. I think attendance at public schools would drop by more than sixty percent. More parents would band together to start their own private school and school curriculum because they don't want their children to be used as guinea pigs for social experimentation.

Most parents don't believe there are more than two genders and a majority of parents are uncomfortable with the idea that gender reassignment surgeries are a good idea for children to be subjected to. Parents who want their kids to be more accepted at school after they have 'changed' their gender can start their own private school where they can all learn together. Then eventually when they are all competing for employment at some point we will find out which employers are looking for confused women and men to work in their organizations. 

Liberal talk show host Bill Maher has suggested that in some parts of the country parents are actually encouraging their children to consider changing their gender for social reasons. He pointed out that in some areas of the country there are almost no incidents of sex change operations while in places like Los Angeles and New York the trend is going up and he asked why that is. I don't know if he ever provides an explanation beyond the possibility that parents, especially democrat parents , want to be seen as 'cool' among their peers and to democrats having a child that is 'enlightened' enough to be comfortable changing their gender is the current definition of cool. 

That's not cool; that's gross. The work childabuse comes to mind, and in this case it is state sponsored child abuse and it needs to stop. Since public schools have embraced this horrible concept to the point of practically making it illegal to speak out against it, it is time to at least consider nixing public education altogether since it is no longer about education and public schools are expensive. If they no longer want to educate children how can we justify the enormous expense? 

Homeschool is becoming the only option. And it is a great option. Introducing homosexuality and sex change procedures is not healthy to any organization. It causes way more confusion than it is worth and it causes real tension at school and at work. If there are so many people who consider themselves non binary (confused) then let them create their own economic base and hire from among their population. They will have far less confusion and tension in the workplace and they should be much happier because there wouldn't be any boneheads like me refusing to call women men and men women. A woman where I work changed her name, just her name, and it was to another female name, and people about had a stroke over that. She put a note on the wall in her office  that simply  asked people to respect her situation and to please use her new name from now on. Eventually everyone did, but it was disruptive for awhile. Sex changes are even more dramatic. And harder to take since it really isn't even possible.

Give the parents of confused children a tax break so they can send their  kids to a school where they can communicate openly without fear of being made fun of by binary kids. Presumably then once the non binary kids leave school they can find employment at corporations where everyone is non binary and they understand each other. Dreamy!

I'm watching a school district near me order text books based on what some meathead has identified as the Ten Sexual Orientations. There is no need to explain further as the effort is designed to create confusion among our children. Nobody seems to care to explain why we need more confusion in our children's lives, it's what the government wants so just keep your mouth shut. 

That's it for me. It is time to cut funding to public schools so we can teach our children things that really are important and let others experiment on their children all they want. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2022


What can I say? If you are thinking about hiring a lawyer consider taking a nice vacation instead. I've been talking to dozens of people who've hired lawyers and ever single one of them regrets it. At at least $400.00 an hour you should win something, but that just isn't how it works. You may have a great case just like your lawyer says, but remember that no matter what happens your lawyer wins.

He may or may do something to help you, but with the money you are gonna pay him you could do a serious remodel of your house, go on a great vacation, or purchase a car you've always wanted. Seriously you are about to drop a hundred grand and probably end up with nothing but a wrecked bank account and a horror story that nobody is going to believe. 

Not all lawyers are crooks, but some are better than others and even the good ones don't always win, but they always collect. Instead of remodeling the house of some guy you don't even know, work on your own. Replace that worn out car in your driveway, take a dream vacation. If you think I'm talking from experience you're right, but if you think I'm going to share my horror story you are wrong. Suffice it to say that you should learn from my experience. I didn't know any better, but I do now. 

If you're the type of person who has to learn the hard way you can't say I didn't warn you. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Illinois; the safe state?

 Guess which party supports letting violent criminals loose on the street after being arrested for such things as second degree murder and kidnapping? No I'm not going to tell you, it's too embarrassing to be right every single time

Aggravated battery

Aggravated DUI

Aggravated fleeing



Drug induced homicide




Second degree murder

Threatening a public official

This January those people who are in prison for committing any of the above offenses, or any combination thereof presumably, will be released and anyone caught committing the above offenses in the future will be released without bail after signing a Notice to Appear. 

It's called the Illinois 'Safe T Act' and it's supposed to make the residents of the state, and any people dumb enough to visit, safer. Which major political party would support such madness?

I'm not telling. You have to ask yourself this simple question; how could anyone possibly be stupid enough to label this a safety act? Street robbery, kidnapping, and second degree murder are my favorites. Although I definitely can see how having more arsonists, and burglars will contribute to public safety.

Are the people in Illinois really that stupid? I guess so. You can kidnap, rob, and murder people and get an abortion while giving birth to your child. That's true compassion! I guess the law is already working, homicides are down ten percent this year over 2021. 

Officials in Chicago estimate there will only be 600 murders in 2022 and there were only  1525 shootings as of June this year which is down from 1860 for the same time last year. I'm not sure if they even need any laws in Illinois with the public pitching and working so hard to reduce these crimes that some people (outsiders mostly) consider acts of violence when they are actually just examples of misunderstandings among neighbors. Luckily they have some of the most strict laws against gun ownership of any state in the Union. Illinois is already one of the most dangerous states in the country so next year we'll see how appreciative the inmates feel about early release. 

Allowing people to commit murder, arson, kidnapping, robbery, burglary... and calling the the 'Safe T Act'; I don't get it. I really don't. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022


 Let's talk about 'the establishment'. Lately it seems like now we call it the swamp; same thing. The Establishment has always been a swamp. Spooky movies with monsters hanging out in dirty little ponds or rivers, looking for people to eat or dismember, or some combination of the two. I can't remember any of their names but they were mostly made in the 1950's and 60's and they had horrible everything; bad acting, bad script, bad directing, lighting, sound, basically everything. But TV was pretty new still. Many of us still had small black and white TV's with a huge wooden box housing filled with tubes of varying sizes that had to be replaced periodically. Technology has changed for the better, but the swamp creature will never change. I never saw the connection before but it is almost unmistakable, politicians are swamp creatures. It seems that occasionally a good swamp creature would be part of the story and someone would be rescued from the swamp, usually some beautiful young woman. 

They operate in the dark, they destroy people's lives when they can and they rarely tell the truth. The 'good ones' get elected and enter the swamp thinking they can clean it up, but they can't. They decide that politics is just not for them and they leave. It has been that way in the United States ever since George Washington set the example by serving one term. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were honorable men until they decided they had to be president. I believe Jefferson ran the dirtiest campaign, but I doubt that Adams was all that clean either. And close allies became life long enemies because they had such a huge thirst for power. And ever since there have been some very mean, dirty campaigns. Power hungry men would do anything to get a taste of exercising power over people's lives. 

And that's politics. Sadly we still have to survive with imperfect systems and people. We make mistakes and tragically there are very few George Washingtons in the world. He could have easily become the King of America and we are very fortunate that he had higher ideals than that. Ideally candidates for a political office would stick to their particular vision for the future, and equally ideally American people would be smart enough to know when they are being sold a swamp instead of something of value. I have never understood why we are so quick to believe what one person says about another when all we have to do is listen to each persons vision for solving a particular problem or providing a service. It has caused me some sadness and frustration to realize that the American people really aren't very smart. They love to have opinions but they don't like to take the effort to find out if their opinions have any merit. It's like they are telling themselves, "Well, I'm pretty smart, I must be right!"

That is pretty lazy and demonstrates a closed mind. You cannot reason with that person, but you can flatter and persuade that person, "Yes Grasshopper, you are very wise!". So politicians also must live in that environment where it is all but impossible to educate people who already know everything so you must resort to making up stories about your opponent. In my humble opinion that is just plain stupid and only stupid people would fall for such obvious ploys to flatter and defame instead of educate and enlighten. So how do we measure stupidity? Democrats say that the measure of intelligence is in the number of scholastic achievements a person has attained, but I've know a LOT of people who somehow wrangled a Ph. D. but were dumber than dirt. They read certain books and other pieces of literature, but their focus is usually rather narrow and they read things that make them feel good about their view of the world. Very few people read a wide variety of topics and in my experience those of them who do don't have any academic plaques on their walls or any other so-called evidence that they are smart. And yet they are smart. 

That is how The Establishment was born. There have been many political parties over the history of this country, but usually only two could be considered dominant and currently those two are the Republican and the democratic party. Republicans have tended to be tight fisted people who want to help others but don't want to go bankrupt doing it. And democrats have traditionally looked at a problem in the community and decided that the best way to help is to marshal the resources of he entire community and help those in need. Sounds good, but there are always going to be some people who either never want to help anyone, or they don't see why people cannot help themselves. Republicans and democrats have a completely different view of problem solving and the ultimate goal of each side is to get more votes. Neither side really cares about helping others; they are concerned about helping themselves. In fact a minimal amount of digging will reveal that neither side even understands anything about the issues they are pretending to solve.

Republicans typically will want to find a way to help people solve their own problems. It could be that the people in need simply need to work a little harder or maybe they need a little education. Something that will help them understand their own problem and thus help them work out their own solution. Frequently Republicans will turn to business owners or even wealthy individuals to help someone solve their problems. Democrats look around at the community and say there is enough money there to be able to give people whatever they need to provide immediate assistance. That solution is often viewed as short sighted by Republicans since as soon as the gifted money runs out the original problem is still there, and other people in the community often are reluctant to give money to people who have no apparent ability to manage their resources. The democrats' answer is to levy a tax on the community to force them to pay the government to solve the problem. The problem never gets fixed, people keep getting money having done nothing to help themselves or the community as a whole. Worse yet, the problem becomes multi generational and more and more expensive. 

Decades later in what has come to be known as a 'Tax and Spend' scheme, we are being forced to finance programs at  universities so they can study things like how fast can houseflies make it from one room to another, or what kind of mice live in a field in San Bernardino California, we send money to other countries for who knows what reason, and we have relinquished control of our country to a group of men and women whose only goal is to maintain a strong grip on the reigns of power.  The Establishment, and therefore the swamp is not made up of Republicans or democrats; it is made up of Republicans and democrats. Republicans have found themselves outsmarted buy the democrats in one important way, they are now in a position where democrats have created such a huge welfare state that when Republicans talk about reducing government payouts we can almost hear the collective gasp from all of the voters who are receiving government handouts and Republicans cannot win an election on any platform that involves balancing a budget or cutting back on runaway spending. And if they can't win an election they can't even argue with their colleagues about unnecessary government spending. 

Too many people in this country are receiving some form of 'free' money from the government. Over time Big Guv will weaken the country and lower our standard of living. We used to believe that everyone in America had the ability to succeed or fail according to their own hopes, dreams and abilities, and sometimes no matter how hard a person worked and dreamed their dreams never materialized, but they had the opportunity to try and most of them were able to make a decent living without ever becoming wealthy. Minimum wage laws were a good way for college kids to be able to at least feed and house themselves until they found something better to do. Those days are over since the cost of housing makes it impossible for the minimum wage earner to provide even minimal housing. 

Somehow organizations like OSHA, The Coastal Commission, and a lot of other offices that were formed as advisory groups have morphed into legislative bodies that even have the power to pass and enforce their own laws. They even have been given the authority to levy fines, and confiscate private property. Some of them even have the power to carry firearms to help them enforce their illegal edicts. Too many public and even some private schools fail to educate our kids about the importance of the constitutional rights we enjoy. Or used to at least. Americans are giving up their rights willingly, I suppose out of a misguided sense that somehow they are protecting the community. Every time we give up a right, or allow unelected officials to pass laws we are endangering our community. There is very little public information about how these agencies enforce their rules, but the fact is that most of them, if not all, have an armed enforcement component and that is a danger to all of us. We need to get better control of these agencies that steal people's property when they feel like it and the political party in charge has a lot to do with how brazen these unelected, illegal organizations operate. 

During the reign of King Barry I knew a man who was part of an effort to get a church built. Democrats were screaming about how sacred wetlands were and at the time were fining a man in Idaho ridiculous amounts of money because he wanted to build a house on his own property, but due to an unusually wet year puddles of water had accumulated in some places, so the EPA declared his land off limits. He had been ordered to remove any machinery used for building and he had to comply with other illegal EPA requirements and was being fined a five figure amount per day until he complied. Ultimately he won in court, but at a huge cost and for no good reason. Because of that abuse of authority my friend was out at four in the morning throwing large chunks of concrete into mud puddles that had accumulated on the property due to heavy rain that season. So at four o'lock in the morning he was out on the land where the church was to be built because there was about to be an inspection conducted before building could begin. He asked me to help so I did. What a rebel I am. The church survived the inspection and is doing well today.

Our constitution is the best the world has ever known. Our way of life and high standard of living is envied by every country in the world. We need to be more active in the activities of our politicians and make them accountable for the decisions they make. Apathy will lead to our destruction. We need to learn how to talk to each other and recognize the perils of overheated rhetoric. It is inaccurate to describe democrats or Republicans as "Anti-America" or "Opposed to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights". It is inaccurate and dangerous. It is also dangerous to take a stand on certain causes that are controversial and proclaim. "We are right and everyone who disagrees with us is wrong!" And continue by stating that, "Those who disagree with us aren't just wrong they are dangerous to our democracy!"  

There is usually a way to find common ground on an issue we disagree with unless we paint ourselves into a corner. People, especially people with the responsibility of introducing legislation affecting all of our lives, need to carefully weigh the words they choose when discussing topics that could cause injury to certain groups of people or the nation as a whole. That's why they need advisors and publicity assistants, not necessarily because they are fundamentally dishonest, but they need to realize that their first response may not be the best response. And there is no need to answer every question immediately; taking time to study an issue shows maturity and the ability to care about everyone involved in the issue. 

Since the brave men and women who framed the foundation of this nation decided to have a system that would allow us to exercise a democratic method for electing our representatives, and to give all people a say in who would become the country's chief executive, it was natural that people would have differing opinions about just about everything. America was a brand new country founded by people who naturally distrusted monarchs because they had suffered so much damage under that type of ruler. This country was not going to have a monarch. Not ever. Yes a Republic is a lot of work and requires people to work together sometimes putting their personal desires aside, at least for awhile, so the good of all people can be considered. After all someone may have a great idea, and it might even need to be implemented at some point, but does it necessarily have to be now? For the health of the country as a whole sometimes even good ideas have to wait until we can afford to make them happen or until we can build a consensus on how important the problem is.

No one was better than the next person in the New World, at least not by virtue of their birth. Here anyone could succeed if they worked hard. Except for the black population. It would be another 65 years before they gained their freedom, and another hundred years after that that they began to enjoy actual equality. And today they have every right that every other American has, but in order to keep the Black vote democrats keep telling black people that this is, and always will be, a racist country so black people believe they need to keep the democrat plantation strong in order to ensure that people who don't want to work don't have to. The truth is that every race has a percentage of indolent people in it and those people also benefit from black guilt. 

The Swamp was born out of a desire to break down our societal norms. The Establishment could be annoying, but it was also useful. The Swamp is a dark place where politicians from both major parties get together and decide whose lives need to be  destroyed for the good of the country. They decide which laws they can each agree on and they always work undercover of darkness where no one is watching. Power is their only goal. They want to hold onto the reins of power for as long as possible and reap as many personal rewards as they can. And the Swamp has taken the place of the establishment. In the Swamp laws are discussed and people are targeted. Laws are passed for the betterment of the large corporations who now operate all over the world where the American people have little or no influence. They can afford to buy politicians all over the world and they decide what will happen to the little guy.

And American Swamp Creatures are dancing to their tune. Young people in many American states don't earn enough money working for the big companies who own everything to even be able to afford to live in a studio apartment. They have to spend almost half of their meager pay to rent a room in someone's home. The new full time work week is 30 hours thanks to obamacare. Although the obamacare exchanges may make some insurance plans almost affordable it would be nice if a person needing a place to live could earn enough money to be able to afford even minimal accommodations. And I refer to obamacare as almost affordable because I just spoke to a man who had knee surgery and now he has to pay the hospital almost ten thousand dollars. That is a lot of money to pay for insurance that King Barry promised would be affordable and cover all of our expenses. The biggest fraud ever committed against the American people was done by an American president. Sorry Barry, you can't be a king, just a lowly president, and insult of insults you were supposed to serve the people, they weren't supposed to serve you. 

Employers in many cases are forced by law to provide health insurance to full time employees and in today's democrat Utopian world that means more than thirty hours. Minimum wage hovers around $13.00/hour. Even a Swamp Creature should be able to see that what obamacare did was make it necessary for people to work multiple jobs in order to be able to afford minimal housing for one person. Once again democrats are taking America backward toward the substandard way of life endured by most developed countries of the world. Democrats want us to live the European Utopia where home ownership is a dream, but just about everyone can afford at least a small apartment, and larger families can cram themselves into slightly larger apartments. People over there also have the privilege of living in a society where the wealthy class can afford to seek medical care wherever they wish and everyone else is assigned a physician and a clinic where the government pays the bill, but the doctor may be a drunken fool with a guaranteed income and guaranteed patients. No thanks I'll take our substandard medical program any day. Swanp Creatures are trying to turn America into a land of 'haves' and 'have nots', that is the Utopia they envision, we used to aspire to a goal of "Two cars in every garage and a chicken in every pot!" Now it't tiny homes, a bus pass, and you're lucky if you ever can afford to eat chicken. Most Americans don't care because they've been duped into believing they are saving the planet, and of course a woman can always get an abortion. 

Americans used to dream big, but while the European Utopia democrats like to promise us may look good from across the ocean, up close you will find that it is a mirage. A Democratic Republic takes effort to maintain, but it is worth the effort. The Establishment used to be composed of politicians and corporations who would get together and agree upon laws and work toward their implementation, but today the establishment is no longer adequate. Even with the global warming scam in full force not enough people are buying into it. The Constitution is too strong and the majority of Americans still like it and want to live by the freedoms it protects. For billionaires intent on ruling the world that is not good. 

They need absolute power and the United States of America is a danger to their cause. We've entered a new era that probably began during the reign of King Barak Obama. I don't believe he ever saw himself as a mere president. In his eyes he was much larger than that. He was the first president to ever publicly state that the Constitution of the United States is fundamentally flawed. Fortunately he was kind enough to share his insight into why he didn't like our constitution. In his opinion it was a document that put too many limits on the powers of government. It is a set of laws limiting what government can do to people and doesn't give  government officials enough power to force us to do certain things for the good of the whole. 

King Barry used to complain that Congress didn't work fast enough to suit his agenda for our country's future. On at least one occasion and probably more than that I heard him say that he had a pen and a phone, referring to his power to author executive orders that become binding on the country somehow. The most damning thing he said in my opinion was, "If Congress won't act, I will!" The Executive Office has the power to veto laws but not pass them. Even then Congress has the power to override a presidential veto. But if you are a king that isn't necessarily the case. Most kings in the world today are only heads of state with no authority to pass laws. They are tolerated as members of the Royal Family as long as they behave themselves and let prime ministers and members of parliament run the country. Not a bad job if you can get it. There are very few, if any, kings in today's world with the power over life and death. Democrats would like to change that unfortunate change in the monarchical form of government. After all if you can't order someone to murder your enemies what is the point of being king?

But I digress. The establishment has been replaced by the Deep State. The deep state is made up of men and women of power and influence who are actively attempting to overthrow our government. Their chief objective was to take over the U.S. Supreme Court. The Judicial branch of government is potentially the most dangerous to our Constitution. They sometimes pass laws to cover things they don't like such as the Supreme Court ruling in 1973 that declared abortion to be a  Constitutional right. It never was and now it isn't again. States have the authority to regulate what goes on within their borders, not the central government and certainly not a group of judges appointed by the president for the rest of their lives or until they decide to retire. 

When the Supreme Court rules on a matter it is not easy to to get them to overrule themselves. Probably the most cited example is the 1856 Dred Scott decision. Dred Scott was a slave who wanted to file a suit in a court. Scott was a slave whose owner took him to a neighboring state where slavery was illegal. Freedom looked pretty good to Scott so he sued claiming that taking him to a 'free' state entitled him to sue for his freedom. Ultimately in a 7-2 split the Court ruled that as a slave Scott was not a citizen of the United States, and in fact was not a human being. He was property to be used as his owner wished. Democrats saw that as a huge victory and thought they were safe until a Republican, Abraham Lincoln, intervened and started working to free all slaves in America. In 1860 democrats seceded from the Union and ignited a war that lasted five years, caused the deaths of about 600,000 people, forced a similar number into homelessness, and cost billions of dollars in damage. 

When democrats throw a tantrum they don't care who gets hurt; they must have their way. The American Civil War was another test of our Constitution launched by democrats who in those days wanted a weak central government so they could protect their right to buy and sell human beings. King Barry wanted a strong central government that had the right to bypass Congress if the king needed the power to force Americans to drive a certain type of vehicle, or live in a certain type of house and to purchase medical insurance even if they didn't want to. He wanted the power to take over the entire system we use to provide medical care to people by assigning people to certain physicians by geographical area, and telling them which hospitals they could use. 

He hated the fact that he couldn't force us to do whatever he wanted us to do. In addition to his fraudulent medical insurance scheme that ensured that millions of Americans would lose their health insurance coverage overnight he joined another fraudulent movement that he hoped would further help him and his Deep State comrades weaken then destroy our constitution; man made global warming. Man made global warming, which goes by many different titles, is another attempt to subvert the Constitution and destroy the rule of law. Democrats hate the concept of a free society. What right do we have to decide where we want to live and work, or to purchase whatever car we like, or how large a house we can live in. Once Deep State has convinced a majority of Americans that the sky is falling and we are all in grave danger of drowning in rising seas, the government can create a 'solution' to this impossible scenario. Panicky the Global Warmers start printing flyers and distributing them all over college campuses and tacking them to street signs and walls of buildings. 

For over thirty years Deep State has been telling us the oceans are going to bury huge portions of coastal cities in ten years if we don't start paying the Central Government to save us all. And every ten years we are still here. The oceans aren't rising. Lately they've added a new dire warning; if we don't do something about carbon emissions the earth will heat up as much as two degrees in the next hundred years. I've been here seventy years, living near the coast the entire time. I've been sailing and surfing for most of that time and guess what; all of those beautiful houses are still there, all of the boats are still tied up at the same docks, the piers are all doing fine, the Global Warming loonies are off their rockers. Deep State has people so confused and scared that they are willing to ignore the evidence and give up their freedoms to wealthy individuals intent on ruling the world. 

The Deep State is run by people with no legitimate authority telling our lawmakers what to do. Insurance companies wanted to sell more insurance so they got lawmakers to pass a law forcing all Americans to purchase health insurance unless their employers provided it for them. While they were at it they also were able to get lawmakers to lower the numbers to qualify as a full time employee from 40-30 hours. This 'helped' the working people earn less money while at  the same time forcing them to purchase a product that they couldn't afford and many of them didn't need. Twenty year olds tend to be pretty strong and healthy so if they need to see a doctor it's cheaper to just pay the office visit. Democrats don't like that so they ordered the IRS to collect a fine on anyone who couldn't produce proof of health insurance when they filed their taxes. And the new minimum wage allowed businesses to abuse their employees by making them work fewer hours which in turn allowed businesses to avoid the necessity of providing them with medical insurance. 

Deep State opposes anyone who believes in the protection of the individual or who supports the Constitution of the United States. They are behind all of the draconian laws forcing all of us to pay to fight the war against climate change, something that can't be done. They are behind the laws that protect banks against consumers. If you think your deposits are protected think again. The FDIC only gets involved if a bank fails and since the Federal government won't allow banks to fail the FDIC is safe. Hollywood likes to portray bank robbers as the good guys who only steal from the banks and not the individual depositor. A typical movie line goes something like, "Hell, I only rob from the banks and those deposits are insured! I never steal from the little guy!" So say the bank gets in financial trouble and has to be purchased by a larger bank; do you think your deposits are protected by the FDIC? That's what the government wants you to believe, and that's what Hollywood big shots tell you, and most of the actors probably think it's a good line because they think it's true. There is no law protecting the consumer in the event of a theft. Some banks may refund some stolen money if that is their policy. 

Deep State backs any candidate that will help weaken the laws of this country. The goal is to take America down, and with it the rest of the world. They support the United Nations and want to turn that into a world governing body, they want the world bank to control the world economy and the world court to somehow regulate the laws of the world. Members of the Deep State are billionaires like Bill Gates who want to ultimately become a cabal that runs a giant world military. I have no idea how they plan to do that, they probably have so much money that they have lost all grasp of reality. 

And that is the reason why Donald Trump is being so persecuted by the FBI and the DOJ. He does believe in individual liberty and the law. He believes in the foundation of the United States of America. He is opposed to One World Order, he knows it is a bad idea and it cannot be obtained or controlled. The Deep State has a lot of power over our government. They control the FBI and the DOJ and the democrat party, along with several republicans. In an era where Deep State is hitting us hard with global warming concerns, teaching our children that there are more than two genders and that a child's parents shouldn't be involved in the child's education unless the parents agree with the Deep State B.S. and unbelievably parents are agreeing with them.

The establishment was about setting a national norm for people to follow. Dress a certain way, talk a certain way, get educated and find a job in corporate America. It was actually beneficial in a lot of ways and it was relatively civil. People could disagree without worrying that they'd be fired or beat up. Today I'm not sure corporate America even exists since now money is flowing from all over the world and many conglomerate corporations operate under the laws of many different countries. Certainly corporations today aren't burdened by worries about employee loyalty. Corporations are making so much money today and business is so automated that people are way undervalued. Unions aren't helping as much as they used to and the American worker is poorer today than ever before while corporations that now operate all over the world are wealthier than ever before. Low wages and inflation are killing everyone who isn't making at least 80k a year. 

We need solid Americans who want to make America strong, but also want to make sure the average American worker is treated right. The Asian model of stuffing a couple hundred thousand people into cramped high rise apartments and working 12 hour days cannot become the American ideal. Deep State is a real threat to our survival and we have to be on the lookout for good people to run for political office. And Deep State hates Donald Trump so they are using their enforcers at the FBI and DOJ to send him to prison if possible. One of the best presidents we've ever had and the FBI is trying to manufacture evidence to have him arrested. 

We can do better. If we're going to hate someone we should have a very good reason. The Constitution of the United States has to be protected at all cost, especially the Bill of Rights. Bureaucrats at offices like the EPA, DHS, IRS and others need to be defanged. They do not have any legal authority to impose fines or pass laws. They dang sure shouldn't have their own well armed army. 

Stop voting away your rights. Stop making your whole future about abortion. You can get an abortion if you want. Some states may have outlawed the procedure but that doesn't mean you can't travel to one that does. Always vote pro America. Stand for the flag don't be foolish. A lot of men and women gave everything they have and then some for you. Show them respect. Live happy dream big and enjoy the benefits of being an American. 


Sunday, September 11, 2022

Karina Castro

 I'll be honest about democrats; they do have some good ideas sometimes, at least they used to. Innovation can be a benefit too and keeping the planet clean is a good idea. Clean water and clean air are essential to maintaining a healthy environment. And we should all be willing to work together to make these things happen. If there is an argument it would more appropriately be about how to make these things happen. Democrats used to be able to talk to their colleagues about important items and look at areas where improvement was needed then discuss how to make it happen. 

Not anymore. Now they create problems and then pretend to find a solution. Global warming for example. Democrats say that people are causing the earth to heat up at an alarming rate causing the oceans to rise as much as six inches to thirty feet in the next three to three hundred years. According to their models if certain things happen such as continued use of fossil fuels, eating steak, farming, and a host of other things there is no way the earth can survive much more than the next ten to three hundred years. In the next hundred years the average temperature of the earth could rise as much as one or two degrees. That's if their faulty models are accurate. 

They love to create panic so they can benefit from the confusion. Reasonable people look at a problem that actually exists then look for a solution. Democrats create problems, inequality for women, racial inequality, equality for homosexuals, abortion, sex change operations, gun violence, hate speech, the list is only limited by the imagine. In the midst of the confusion they come up with laws to limit our freedoms. 

Minorities commit more crimes than the rest of the population and therefore are arrested more frequently, which shows a racial bias so people from protected minority groups cannot be forced  to pay bail in order to secure a release from prison. Democrats give them a get out of jail free card. And during all this confusion they continue to insist that rising crime rates aren't a problem. Karina Castro needed protection from a violent ex-boyfriend so some stupid judge signed a protection order for her and sent her home with the assurance that now she would be safe because now there was an order in place keeping her ex-boyfriend from hurting her.  Armed with this powerful tool she had to pay the sheriff a couple hundred bucks to serve her ex-boyfriend with the notice of the temporary restraining order which they did just a few days before he took her out in front of her apartment at 11:50 on a Thursday morning and cut her head off with a sword in front of the neighbors. Apparently he had a warrant for his arrest at the time he committed that savage act. I hope the arrest warrant wasn't in the system at the time the sheriff deputy served him with the restraining order. 

If she could have enjoyed the protection of the law guaranteed by our constitution she could have at least had the opportunity to carry a firearm she could have used to shoot the son of a bitch. Now she's dead and her kids are at the mercy of the county. I don't know why democrats are so opposed to living in a free society. I guess it really doesn't matter why. It is enough to realize that they do. They are opposed to strong family units, and they hate the police. Rising crime isn't a problem. The threat of nuclear war is not a problem. They only things they care about are abortion and the artificial threat of human caused global warming. 

Hopefully Americans will wake up before it is too late and start worrying about real threats instead of wasting billions of dollars a year on imaginary threats. People like Karina Castro could be helped if only we could get democrats out of her way. 

Friday, September 9, 2022


 Who in the world is Jeff Berardelli? I'm happy you asked! He is the latest in a very, very, very long line of climate experts to tell us that we have about 3-5 years until catastrophic global warming buries our coastal cities in ten feet of water. At least that is a number a lot of us can remember so in 60 months we can email Jeff and ask him how come my yacht is still safely moored behind my house if the oceans have risen ten feet? Better yet, if the oceans have risen ten feet how come I'm standing in my living room gazing out at the peaceful harbor behind me and not up to my roof in ocean water? 

Add to that this nincompoop's wife just gave birth to a baby girl and guess where they're moving? Miami Florida. A Climate Specialist/Climate alarmist is so concerned about the oceans rising ten feet in 3-5 years that he is relocating to coastal Florida with his wife and their baby girl. So I checked with the NOAA climate map that allows me to adjust the rise in the oceans all over the world. A brief perusal of the available scientific psychobabble reveals that no one has any idea how fast the oceans are rising or even if they are rising. Jeff likes the Thwaites doomsday glacier theory that states that the Thwaites glacier in Antarctica is about to break apart and that when that occurs the earth's oceans will rise by 3-5 feet and that is going to be catastrophic to cities on the coasts all over the world. There is another theory that the seas could rise anywhere from 2-30 feet in 3-100 years! And of course all of this assumes that Mother Nature agrees with all of the so-called scientific predictions about the earth's natural cycles which it looks to me like they all ignore entirely. 

Virtually every so-called scientific model assumes that there are no other forces acting on the earth's eco systems other than human beings. It is my opinion based partially on personal observation and what I've read from various scientific publications that even if there weren't any humans on the planet at all there would still be climate and weather patterns that were constantly changing. And I think it is painfully obvious that if we could regulate the weather we would and somehow we'd manage to screw it up. A long time ago it rained so hard that the entire world, as far as we know, was completely covered by water and the only people who survived were Noah and his family. There were lots of warnings, but nobody listened, and the warnings weren't in the form of a bunch of people proclaiming there is no God and the only hope was for people to listen to the scholars of the day and stop eating meat and cooking off of open fires. The warnings came from God's prophets whom the people killed because what they said wasn't popular.

Noah was the last prophet left and he built a ship like he was told and was able to survive The Flood. Eventually the water dried up, another example of the earth being warmed by the sun just like it always always has been and always will be, at least as long as the sun lasts. God controls the climate and we need to listen to him. We need to understand what he wants us to do and stop listening to all of the doomsday nonsense. Every single time scientists come up with a new theory, no matter how accurate it may be, they end up with the same old question; something like, "Ok, now how did that happen?" 

I challenge anyone to prove me wrong about that. Only God knows how that happened and He isn't going to tell us until he's ready. I think it's great that people take so much time to the study the universe and everything in it. I like reading their theories and studies and admire their intelligence and willingness to study, learn and explain it all to the rest of us. The only problem I see is their arrogance believing that they can prove there is no God by applying their theories. Do they honestly believe that just because they don't understand everything about the universe that there is no God? The universe is here, and we are here, and somehow we got here. The so-called intellectuals can doubt God all they want, and they can continue to wonder how we got here. And it all happened by the power of God's word. 

They would learn far more if they would ask Him. They will still have to do the work, but He will guide them in certain directions and help them understand even better than they do now what they are looking at and what it all means. They can keep wasting their time or they can listen to pure logic which only comes from our Creator who wants us to learn and will guide us in the right direction if we will just ask Him. 

So all of you people who listen to these prophets of doom and destruction, many of whom live on the coastal areas of the world in large mansions, and live in fear of something that may never happen, and probably won't, at least not the way they describe it, need to start studying God's word and ask him what we should do. He'll likely tell us to start by cleaning up our own homes and improve the way we dispose of things we no longer use. We've come a long way in the last sixty years. We should use items that can be recycled and we should put our trash in trash cans instead of city streets, sidewalks and parks. We are using cleaner building materials and methods. We could do more. A lot more. We rely too much on internal combustion engines and we need to keep searching for cleaner and more efficient ways to power machinery. Wind, solar, and electricity are all great, but there is something we are missing. Something that hasn't been discovered yet. 

We need to work together and not worry so much about political parties. As soon as a candidate tells us what an opponent thinks, we should listen to the opponent and find out what he or she says. That is the best way to determine what a person thinks. Be kind to each other and stop judging each other. Keeping ourselves honest and trustworthy will do a lot more good than pointing out the faults in the people around us. And we can't ignore the fact that there will always be opposition in the world, there will always be wars and we can't stop that from happening, what we can do is vote for people who will prepare us for war, but always hope and pray and work for peace. 

We live in a land of freedom and no other country can make that claim. Whenever someone says we need to change our way of doing things so we can be more like the rest of the world, ignore that person. That person will destroy everything this country stands for. I've lived near the coast for over sixty years and there are occasional changes in what we find in the tide pools, but the ocean is still where it belongs. The boats are tied up at the same wharves and the beach is right where it's always been. Sometimes the waves are small and sometimes they are scary. It's always beautiful. I've never had a bad day at the beach or on the ocean. I've been scared a few times, but that's just part of the experience. If I ever die out there that will still be a good day! Even scientists for all of their arrogance, hard work, and so-called knowlege can't stop us from dying. 

So yeah, the climate changes and right now it looks like it may be getting a little warmer, but no one knows how long that trend will last. During the next 5-300 years the earth could start to cool off. It probably will, but if it doesn't, if the planet ever decides to kill every human being on it, there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. 

We need to put aside our arrogance, recognize that God created the universe and if we let him he will answer our questions. If we follow His plan we will live much happier and more productive lives. 


Monday, September 5, 2022

The Soul of America

 Look, I'm a believer in our two party system. We need a diversity of opinions and we need to have the freedom to say what's on our mind even if we offend some people. No, especially if we offend some people. Not that I think it is necessary to offend anyone, I just think that if a person has something stupid to say they should blurt it out. I'm far more offended by those among us who want to tell us to STFUP! Open minded people are so kind. They aren't mean they just want to make sure everyone understands what is proper and what is unacceptable. That's why Uncle Joe started the department of disinformation. We have to stop people from saying things like the Covid vaccine might be dangerous (because for some people it could be). Or there just might just be two genders and fooling around with something that delicate and so little understood also might be dangerous? And is it really dangerous to suggest that God did actually create the universe? 

Are we so fragile that we can't handle the idea that there could be a power greater than ours? I hope not. And I hope we aren't too fragile to realize that we need moms and dads and children and that each has a role to play. And maybe five year olds aren't quite ready to run their own lives and mom and dad should be providers and protectors. And maybe sometimes there might be mom and mom or dad and dad, but that isn't the ideal. The Holy Bible provides us all of the teachings we need to know to begin to organize a society. The Ten Commandments are here for our benefit. And it really is interesting how our system of laws so closely mirrors those commandments. It's almost like someone better than us showed us the way. But nah-that's silly! who could be better than us? 

Those who are claiming to be fighting for the soul of America are deceivers. They are fighting to extinguish the soul of America. Anyone who tells us we don't need parents to raise our children, or that parents don't have a right to know what medical treatments their children are receiving, or that there is an infinite number of genders, is someone who should be avoided. Anyone who tells us that there is no God is dangerous. Prophets from the days of Adam and Eve right up to our day have been teaching us the things that God wants us to know and what He wants us to do. The only way we survive as a nation is if we turn to God for answers. Look to Him for guidance, not Uncle Joe or his handlers like AOC and her gang, God will never let us down. He doesn't work on our time frame,  He has his own way of doing things and He wants us to adjust to His ways. He cannot adjust to our way or He couldn't be God. 

Have faith. Believe. And if someone tells you it is foolish to have faith and believe, smile and bid that individual a fond farewell, or offer them a copy of the Holy Bible, or the Book of Mormon, or both and let them be on their way. Planting a seed is never a bad idea.  

Sunday, September 4, 2022

More Democrat Fodder

There's a book called the Book of Mormon that all Americans should read actually everybody in the world should read it. It doesn't have much pornography so too many Americans will dismiss it out of hand. There is a play about it which I understand a lot of Americans loved so there is that. And it does contain quite a bit of violence, wars, tactics, strategy and other things people seem to enjoy. There are brothers who murder  each other so you may actually enjoy it. What it does besides teaching the mundane problems many civilizations endure it also teaches that there is a God and his Son is Jesus Christ, and Christ gave his life for us. So if you're one of those 'open minded' Americans who claims to know (HOPE) there is no God, then stick to your pornographic images and continue to hope that all of life's experience really is just a mirage and someday it just all goes away. 

For those of you who really know how to think then you should pick it up, read it, then judge it. Among other things it tells of several civilizations who through hard work, industry, and faith became strong and wealthy, then jealous, lazy, self indulgent, crime ridden, poor, warlike, murderous, watched as their wives and children and finally their entire civilization was destroyed then they become humble and teachable and turn to their maker who teaches them through His prophets, they become religious, prayerful, humble, hard working, industrious, successful, wealthy, prideful, and the cycle repeats with alarming predictability. As you read it look around you at what's happened in the United States. Two hundred years ago we were still relatively poor. We were religious, we worshipped God each of us in our own way and there were some who scoffed at believers, but mostly Americans read from the Holy Bible and shared their thoughts with each other. Then we became a wealthy nation and a strong nation. The world leaders and we were the strongest nation in the world. 

We suffered two world wars and became a noble people, generous to other nations who were trying to overcome the problems they were having such as no running water or reliable electricity. We became wealthy as individuals as well. Most poor people in America have a better standard of living than even middle class citizens in most of Europe and Asia. And witness our decline. If you can't see it then it's even worse than I thought. Wealthy Americans don't pay their employees enough money to even rent a room in someone else's house. Food costs are soaring, fuel costs are higher than ever, nobody even complains about theft anymore. If you can afford to have something worth stealing count yourself lucky. Armed robbery, murder, kidnap, every category of violent crime is getting worse every day. And morals? Fewer and fewer people are getting married and having children. Abortion is all a political candidate has to say in some states to become elected to a public office. Premarital sex? Kids who aren't openly engaged in it are laughed to scorn. And public discourse is embarrassing. Eight year olds use vulgar language not thought of by most Marines twenty years ago. 

And the political party that claims "We are in a fight for the soul of America!" Tells our kids in public schools that they don't really know if they are boys or girls. That's just something some doctors put on a birth certificate when you are born; it doesn't really mean anything because you can't tell what gender you are until you are at least five years old. Sometimes a little older, just be patient. And they support laws that tell twelve year olds they don't need to tell their parents if they are seeing a mental health professional, or if they are getting an abortion, or hush, hush you need gender reassignment treatments but we can't tell mom and dad because they just wouldn't understand and they might freak out! 

Some parents are so narrow minded that they don't believe there are more than two genders. And that's the science man! How come parents are so behind the times that they don't realize that gender can change from time to time! Like they told you that you were a boy when you were born, but they don't know that, how could they possibly just know. You just might have been born with the wrong parts and parts can be changed. They really can't know, what if you really would like to go to college on a sports scholarship, but you really suck at sports like you can't run real fast or throw a ball that far, it's harder than it looks, but if you're really a girl well, hell man, that changes the whole picture. On the girls teams you rock! You take home all the trophies! Every girls coach in the country wants you on their team. You're Ivy league now! And no, you're not cheating. Any of those chicks could bulk up and beat you but they're just too stupid and lazy or sump'n. They could change genders and try out for the boys teams if they wanted, why not? 

That's the party that is fighting for the soul of America. They're pro family, just don't tell parents what their kids are up to. Their teachers will take care of them. That's why they went to college so they could take the heat off of mom and dad and let them relax after a hard day's work. All kindergartners have a right to know that they can't be pigeon holed into one gender or another. And there are way more than two genders. And over an alarmingly short period of time they've managed to convince a lot of moms and dads that it's best that they don't even worry about what's going on at school. If your son decided he wants to be your daughter that's cool man, and the same with your daughter. What difference does it make anyway? Who are we to judge? 

Like hell! That party is destroying the soul of America. Parents have to be part of their children's lives. Children need a moral compass, something they can believe in, and depend on. They need to know they aren't out in the world all alone and there are at least two people who genuinely care about them, and it ain't the school administrators and teachers. Teachers are cool, no problem there, it's the law that's fouled up. There are a lot of teachers in public schools who have their heads screwed on tight. They know that boys have to be boys and girls have to be girls. Thank goodness for Brittany Aldean who had the courage to say how thankful she was that her parents didn't make an appointment for her to have gender reassignment procedures during her tomboy years because she likes being a woman. And the party who is fighting for the soul of America is being as nasty to her as they can for voicing her opinion about herself. It's a good thing democrats aren't judgmental or her husbands publicity company might have dropped him from their line up. Oh wait, they did drop him from their line up. 

It is discouraging. The country is about evenly split, just like the decadent societies of the Book of Mormon. You believe in prayer? What kind of fool are you! People who pray and study the Holy Bible and other sacred books are labelled superstitious fools. God didn't create the universe! There was an explosion somewhere in space a long time ago and somehow from that the universe was created. Nobody created it. That's just silly man. No one can create a universe. And there's no such thing as right and wrong, that's just more superstition made up of evil people who want to take away your liberty and your happiness. Sadly, the party who claims to be fighting for the soul of America is the party sowing the seeds of confusion and dissent. I've observed many times how happy I am that when I grew up we knew the difference between boys and girls. How completely awful would it be, and even frightening, to find out that the girl you've been dating was really a boy!

That's how to destroy the family. And when the family is gone the country will be gone. It is that simple. There is a God and the party who is actually trying to keep the country together is trying to remind the others that confusing young people isn't a very smart thing to do. We need young people who are sharp and confident. We don't need people to tell them that mom and dad shouldn't be so nosey. They don't need to know everything you do. In fact, it's better not to tell them everything. We need parents who are actively engaged in their children's lives. Parents who aren't afraid to stand up and tell the truth about medical science. There really is such thing as boys and girls. And there really is a God and He really did create the universe and His son really did break the bands of death and we are eternal beings who will live forever. 

Whatever defects we may have now will not follow us beyond the grave. When we are resurrected everything about us will be perfect. Everything. Our minds and our bodies will work together in perfect harmony and we will never get sick and we will never die again. And those of us who want to will continue to learn and progress and those of us who want to rest will get to do that. Those of us who made an honest attempt to follow God's laws and understand what He wanted us to do with our mortal existence will experience an eternity of happiness and fulfillment. And there's no need for the party who is fighting for the soul of the nation to get all tight jawed and snarly I'm just telling the truth. I'm not judging anybody because that isn't my job. My job is to teach and set the best example I can. God will judge us all. 

I'll let the other guys judge me. The open minded people who point the finger of scorn at those of us who believe in eternal life can judge the rest of us. The party that believes in freedom of expression as long as we get it right. None of that difference of opinion BS, that just causes problems for everybody. 

I'm afraid Uncle Joe is right; we are fighting for the soul of America and it's a tough fight. And I'm on the wrong side as far as he is concerned because I do believe in God that he created the universe and all of us. And I know there are only two genders and that God allowed us to come to earth to find out who we will follow. Will we be obedient to God's law and pay attention to what we learn from the prophets, or will we be enlightened and listen to people who can't create anything of lasting value, but want to tell us there is no Creator? 

There is such thing as good and evil boys and girls and we have to be careful not to follow the forces of darkness. Always look to the light. And believe me, I'm not saying that all democrats are evil and I'm certainly not saying all Republicans are good. Just be careful about who you are listening to and don't worry that much about what political party they belong to. If they're teaching good stuff vote for them, if they're spouting nonsense vote for someone else. 

And be happy! Live and learn. Be good to each other. Some people will allow themselves to be deceived into trying to change their gender be kind to them too. Just don't let them push you around. Be kind, but be firm. There is such a thing as right and wrong and we need to be on God's side always. When the time comes He will judge us and that is all we need to worry about.