Saturday, June 25, 2022


Okay you're out of high school. Now what? You're seventeen or eighteen years old and what have you accomplished? Most of them haven't accomplished a damn thing. A few of them participated in athletic activities, and musical pursuits, and a small number excelled academically and that's great! I salute you. The majority skated through doing enough to graduate, but nothing extra. Those are the ones I'm talking about. The eighty percent who were spectators. You want to be an entrepreneur, that's great, but that has to start when you are young. What did you do during high school? Were you selling something? Inventing Things? Organizing groups? Or were you skipping class, sleeping all day, smoking dope and hoping for a miracle? 

If you're more in the sleeping all day and skipping class, your options are very narrow. And I'm not being mean, I'm being honest and direct. I'm telling you what you need to know. If you couldn't motivate yourself in high school, and you had a bad attitude about life you haven't changed just because you have a high school diploma. Even less if all you managed was a GED. Some kids manage to wake up on their own and attend a community college, find a subject that really interests them and suddenly find a new reason to keep going. Others still stay at home, working part time minimum wage jobs. Basically they are looking at the next sixty to seventy years. Part time minimum wage jobs convincing themselves that life isn't fair. Sometimes life isn't fair, but usually you get what you pay for. 

Be honest with yourself. Mom and couldn't or wouldn't motivate you. You wouldn't listen to them anyway because you are in the one percent bracket who openly rebels against them. 

Besides being patently offensive it is patently untrue. Members of the armed forces are thoughtful and caring people. They are trained in how to organize and to think for themselves. They are sent to a variety of schools and have the opportunity to attend schools that are not part of the military regimen. In fact a great way to stay safe far from the reach of enemy hardware is to seek all of the educational opportunities you can. And the armed forces will pay for most if not all of your education. You graduate debt free and then you move to the front of the line of job seekers. 

Outside of the military those who've served honorably and take advantage of the educational opportunities are highly sought after in the business world. The truth is that 'college boys' can step aside when those with military experience are also applying for the position. People with armed forces experience show up for work on time and looking good. They know how to communicate in a clear manner and they are great at teamwork and problem solving. 

The volunteer army has allowed American youth to become soft and lazy. Many see themselves as entitled to the continued care of their parents for the rest of their lives. Or at least until mom and dead run out of breath. Then Junior is screwed. Mom and dad may leave a couple hundred grand, but try living off that for twenty to thirty years, especially if you insist on voting democrat. Free stuff sounds great, but inflation turns the free stuff into dust the moment it lands in your grubby, dirty, lazy, self important hands. 

Now kids walk around wearing hundred dollar t shirts they didn't earn and complain about how mom and dad should have worked harder. Since not all moms and dads are multi millionaires they can't afford to put Junior through college, so Junior takes a loan and a few part time jobs and graduates with an educational debt which he pays off over time. He or she land a job that rewards effort, buy a house and live happily ever after, or they sit at home all day, working twenty hours a week part time at the local sandwich and complain about their lazy parents. 

I don't like whiners. Whiners don't accomplish much, and many of them don't accomplish anything at all. The armed forces offer a program that turns whiners into productive members of society. And even those who have educational opportunities benefit from serving their country. They may have every thing right where it's supposed to be, organized, well dressed, pretty well disciplined, but they are needed to help the kids who aren't as well set up as they are. They learn how to lead and how to train others. Everyone wins. 

Wimps need to get out of mom and dad's hair. They need to experience life on their own, and if they're not college bound, mom and dad need the courage to show them the door. There you are Junior, the world is yours. You can choose homelessness, or the armed forces, but I've carried your sorry ass long enough. I love ya kid, but you need to spread your wings and fly. 

Parents need to be strong and they need to point their kids in the right direction. Parents can't do their kids jobs for them. Eventually kids need to stop being wimps and become productive members of society. Those social workers who conduct 'studies' that show kids need to stay home into their thirties are full of baloney. Kids need a gentle push or a swift kick in the ass so they can really experience life. No wimps. Just well adjusted American citizens. 

Thursday, June 23, 2022


 Democrats are constantly calling those of us who believe in science, and scientific studies and methods, science deniers. That's science deniers; the phrase doesn't even make any sense. What exactly is a science denier? The favorite tool of the democrat is to either change the definition of a word or phrase or just make something up that doesn't make any sense. Two recent examples would be 'woke' virtually no one knows what that really means, and science denier. Does anyone really doubt that science exists? I don't think so, but there are groups of people who deny certain things that science teaches us. For example if I don't believe that we are about to explode into a giant fireball unless Americans ruin their own economy, or that men cannot get pregnant, or that there are only two genders, then democrats say I am a science denier. 

Basically if you believe that there are only two genders, that man made global warming is a hoax, or men cannot get pregnant, or Joe Biden is a lousy president, or if you disagree with a democrat about anything you are a science denier. The same would be true if you are anti abortion, pro Bill of Rights, or don't believe that white people are evil and America is a fundamentally racist and evil country then you would also fit in the category of science denier.

I've mentioned this before, but there is a fundamental truth that all democrats adhere to; once a democrat has spoken there is no need for further discussion. They are the sole proprietors of all knowledge. Others can learn from them but never disagree with them. It is a fundamental reason for their lack of belief in God. If there is a god, and there is, then it is possible that there is a being greater than a democrat,  and as much as they hate hearing it; there is. Someone with more knowledge and wisdom even than the great Joe Biden. That's why democrats don't want there to be a Creator of the universe and they are uncomfortable with the Declaration of Independence. That would mean democrats could be judged by a higher power, but there is no higher power than a democrat.  

Back to pregnant men. The same principle applies. Any doctor will tell you that men cannot get pregnant, but if someone makes that statement democrats will claim they are a science denier. And if being called a science denier doesn't get your mind focused they will declare that anyone who says a man can't get pregnant is guilty of hate speech. And of course anyone guilty of committing hate speech should at least be fired from his or her job, and possibly prosecuted criminally. Does anyone see where I'm going with this? Boys are girls, women are men, right is wrong, wrong is right, there is no such thing as right or wrong, everything is right and everything is wrong. Men can get pregnant? Where did that even come from? It came from the frenzied mind of a democrat. 

And they keep getting elected! I can hardly wait for the first pregnant man to run for president! How cool will that be? But first maybe we need to have the First Transgender president. Not long ago we were desperate to have the first black president and he was elected to two terms,  mostly because a lot of Americans knew there would be rioting, looting, burning, murdering, and a lot of other stuff democrats think is really cool, so we gave the guy two terms. He did a fair amount of damage, but we survived. The First Female president was supposed to be Bloody Hilary and it was close. Too close, but she lost and we saved the country for a couple of years. 

But move over women. Now men can be women and, Joy of Joys! Men can get pregnant! No one is sure how that can happen, and of course it never has happened, but why not? The late Robert F. Kennedy famously said in one of his many brilliant speeches that some people see things as they are and ask why? But he dreamed of things that never were and asked why not?

Was he dreaming about men becoming pregnant? Not likely. He had some goofy ideas, but he knew that men simply cannot get pregnant and any scientists working on making such a thing possible were not to be trusted. They would be madmen like the Dr. Victor Frankenstein who created life in a basement, and the man he created became a monster who murdered people, driving his creator mad which madness eventually kills him. A pregnant man would be a freak and I really don't even want to think about the survivability of the baby. Who wants to go through life famous simply because his mom was a man. The lgbtq whatever has steered us down a very dangerous path. One that leads to destruction and despair and eventually death. They will kill whatever civilization embraces them.  

If the fact that I will never accept the ridiculous idea that there are more than one gender and will always scoff at the idea that men can become pregnant, aaaannnnd I don't believe that man made global warming is really a thing, then I will have to live with the notion that I don't believe in science. I actually don't believe in the science preached by democrats. It is madness and leads to destruction. They always have to redefine words and terms in order to win an argument. The truth is always against them. And the truth is against them now. It is my pleasure to inform all democrats and anyone else that denies scientific truths that men cannot get pregnant. Did I really have to say that? I mean have Americans really become that dumb?

Tuesday, June 21, 2022


I've been thinking about the families of the victims in Uvalde and the people in Buffalo. Back to back mass shootings in Buffalo New York where an 18 year old racist killed ten black people. Then another 18 year old in Uvalde Texas killed 19 school kids and two teachers. Both of them used semi automatic rifles. I don't know what's got into people today. Why would anyone want to kill a classroom full of fourth graders? Or a bunch of black people at a grocery store? And there have been others like the evil dude who shot all of those concert attendees in Las Vegas. 

Not that long ago stuff like that just didn't happen. Nobody ever worried about their kids getting shot at school. We warned them against taking candy from strangers and told them never to get into a car with someone they didn't know, but no one ever even considered the idea of a person being so evil that they would take a gun to a school or a grocery store and just start shooting people. I'm asking what has changed? We've had access to firearms in this country since forever. Without firearms we would still be speaking the King's English or maybe French, or Spanish, or Russian, or who knows what? King George did hire German mercenaries to kill Colonists, and the Colonists killed the Germans. Without firearms they couldn't have succeeded in their war with Great Britain. 

Democrats like to say we are gun crazy and violent. There are some mentally ill people among us, that's for sure and I'm equally certain that if they voted they'd vote democrat. Democrats are the only people promising 'free' medical care, and 'free' food, and 'Medicare for everyone'. Apparently democrats don't have to pay for Medicare like the rest of us do. I probably wouldn't object to everyone participating in the 'free' Medicare program as long as they pay at least as much for it as I do. Democrats are also trying to confuse children in a very horrific way; telling them they don't really know what gender they are and if they ever think they are a different gender that's good and they can seek medical treatment to help them change to their correct gender. That's a terrible thing to do to a child. How do people who claim to ALWAYS follow the science convince themselves that there are more than two genders?

That's why crazy people vote democrat. If I'm going to go out and start committing street robberies, or holding up convenience stores at gunpoint, I'd probably vote for the guy who thinks I shouldn't have to post any bail money in order to ensure I show up for my pending trial. Especially since I'm not sure I even want to appear in court to answer for a crime I know  I committed. Democrats pass laws that encourage deviant behavior then act surprised when the inevitable happens. So I don't really think they have the brain power to carry on a meaningful discussion about the Second Amendment. The right to keep and bear arms isn't about hunting, or even target practice, although every responsible person who owns a gun practices several times a year, it's about self defense. 

The guys who wrote those first ten amendments weren't concerned with having the opportunity to sit in the lodge and brag about how many bullseyes they made, they were concerned about having the ability to protect themselves against armed aggressors. In those days many of them did depend on a properly functioning firearm to bring down wild game so they could eat. I guess democrats don't realize that supermarkets hadn't been invented yet. Mass shootings are a problem, but the gun isn't. We need to study the past forty years and look at everything that's changed and find out if that is the cause. Everything from telling kids there are dozens of genders to the Critical Race Theory and the 1619 project. And prayer in schools, the Flag Salute, teaching children that America is a bad country that is the source of most of the world's problems today. Just forcing kids to look at one another based on their race and gender is going to make some of them confused and angry. And possibly more than a little violent.

We don't teach them to respect anything anymore. Putting up a few signs that say "Stop Bullying!" is not teaching kids to respect each other. We don't teach children to respect their elders anymore. I'm not sure we teach them anything worthwhile anymore. Math and science scores are in the basement, okay maybe not the basement, but a long way from the top ten. American kids are more concerned with questions about race and gender than about such useless things as math and reading. And that confuses kids. They really do know what gender they are and they don't need some dunce with a degree in Education telling them they are wrong. And we don't need teachers telling our kids that it's bad to be White or any other race, or knocking their religion, or their hair color, or anything else. And since there are a few kids who occasionally commit horrible crimes while armed with a firearm maybe we should teach gun safety in school. At this point democrats are split about 50-50. Half of them want to put me in front of a firing squad (some of them back the 2nd Amendment when it's really necessary) and the other half think I should be sent to a re-education kamp where I could learn how to become a more productive member of society. 

A lot of people understand that a government where only government employees have guns is called a dictatorship. Not democrats. Democrats never can remember if we have a democracy or a dictatorship. To them it sounds kind of similar. Dictators make a lot of promises they can't or don't intend to keep and you don't have to vote for anybody, which saves a lot of time. In a democratic form of government you have to try to keep up. You have to pay attention to what your elected officials are doing and what laws they are voting on. In a dictatorship all you have to do is wait for the daily memo, and if necessary show up for your scheduled execution on time so they don't have to select one of your other family members to stand in for proxy because somebody is going to get shot (they don't have a Second Amendment in dictatorships, but somehow lots of the wrong people have guns). 

Democrats like to tell us that no other country allows their citizens to own guns. Maybe, so what? India likes to brag that they have a very low incidence of people killing each other with guns; for some reason they don't brag as much about the 750 thousand people who literally starve to death every year. If you're looking for Utopia in the world, the United States of America is about as close as you're going to get unless you are hauling in a hundred million bucks a year, for those people everywhere is Utopia, but most of us don't. I believe that the right to self defense is a fundamental right. If some maniac breaks into my house armed with a semi automatic rifle with thirty round magazines I'm not going to feel that good about my single shot, democrat approved firearm and a steak knife. 

I know it takes effort and democrats are afraid of work, kind of like Dobie Gillis in his TV show years ago. Every time someone said the word 'work' he almost passed out. That's your average democrat. A few of them work very hard to make sure that others don't have to. That is curious behavior that probably stems from the thought that in their new dictator/Utopia professors will become part of the ruling class. Stalin and Mao murdered educators by the busload And the same thing happened in Cambodia and Vietnam. I  don't know why democrats insist that history isn't important unless you are discussing slavery, Jim Crow or abortion. And now we have to add how to identify a fellow human being as a man or a woman. And believe it or not if you can't accept the fact that there are only two genders you can actually be fired from your job. We need to study the cause of the violence not the tools used to carry it out. Something has changed over the last forty years and we need to identify what it is and put a sock in it. As a nation we've always believed in individual exceptionalism. Our country was founded on that theme; we can achieve great things through dedication and hard work, and we don't need any government bureaucrat getting in our way. 

The police have spun so much false information about what happened in Uvalde that it is going to be almost impossible to figure out what happened. Over a dozen police officers stood outside listening to the bad guy shooting kids, by the time they decided to force entry almost everyone in the room was dead. I think one girl survived by pretending to be dead. I'm not sure about that though and with the FBI working the case it will take years for them to figure out which font they want to use for their report, and margins, all the important stuff. They publish gorgeous reports, nicely bound with an expensive cover, and almost nothing inside. Lots of pages, just poor content. No, we don't need a 'study' from any of the federal agencies. They will come up with a list of rights that need to be curbed. We need a good scholastic study from a cross section of the country. And don't exclude scholars just because they didn't vote for Biden. Make it a reasonable study hopefully conducted by people who can at least try to keep it academic and not emotional. 

Even if you hate guns you might at least admit that people have an inherent desire to defend themselves when they are attacked. I'm not sure democrats recognize that fact, but I hope so. And on the other side we don't need people stockpiling 105 mm howitzer rounds in their houses. Even military storage units are built to exact standards for safety and I suppose if my neighbor would subject himself to an inspection of his property by regular army inspectors I'd be ok with that. 

I'm not really concerned about people who spend hundreds of thousands of dollars collecting guns. They are not going to be out doing stupid things. For one thing very few people could even afford such a thing and those who can are going to prize it and rarely take it anywhere. Bullets for those things probable cost around fifty thousand each. No, it's the loner, the kid who gets bullied at school, or the kid who bullies everyone around him and maybe a teacher tells him to knock it off. School bullies who lose fights can be pretty vindictive. 

The most aligned organization in this discussion is the NRA and all they want is to protect our right to self defense. That's it. And one of the things they try to get everybody to do is practice safe shooting protocols. A safety class for all gun owners. One of the things they believe is if people are more educated about the potential hazards of handling a firearm they will have more respect for it and the less likely they will be to do something stupid with it. The class emphasizes respect for others as well. Democrats hate the idea of anyone defending themselves; it's not necessary, we have police departments for that. The problem with that is especially if you live in a 'safe' city like I do, or Uvalde, Texas, the police are going to take fifteen to twenty minutes to arrive and if there is any real danger 95 percent of them are going to wait for back up to arrive before they do anything and then their back up is going to wait until it's safe to go in. And by then it will be too late. 

If we valued our right to self defense as much as we should someone could have stopped the democrat in Uvalde as soon as he started shooting at people in front of the school. And the guy in New York could have been stopped much sooner than he was. If we were still a  God fearing country none of this would be happening. And that is the honest truth. People who believe in the sanctity of life and believe in God don't do horrible things. This is not a Second Amendment problem it is a Ten Commandments problem. 

It's too easy to blame the tool instead of blaming the person misusing the tool. If we are going to solve the problem of mass shootings we need to take a look inside ourselves and be honest about where the nation is headed. We can look to God and live or we can keep relying on our own wisdom and continue to watch more of our citizens, including small children, become victims of mass murderers. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The Case Against Newsweek

Years ago when I was young and lacked experience I used to read Newsweek magazine. It has always been a very attractive publication with great photos and the writers are very good as well. The only problem is that it's mostly fiction. Historical fiction much of the time, but fiction nonetheless. And it is deceptive fiction, always making people who are conservative look bad and always covering up for democrats and progressives. In June, 2015, Donald Trump shocked the world by announcing he was going to run for President of the United States of America. Just by announcing that he breathed new air into the political campaign season. There wasn't a single Republican candidate that excited the imagination. There wasn't a single democrat that did either. Even Bloody Hilary shrieking that it was time to elect the 'First Female President of the United States' wasn't garnering any real interest. We'd just been through eight years of the First Black President of the United States and the sting hadn't worn off yet. The prospect of another mediocre democrat president of any gender was just not that exciting. It was not going to be a great year for the Party of the Jackass. Bloody Hilary was still in a celebratory mood. Her criminal arm was working on the 'Fix', she was going to be the First Woman President' and she was feeling very good about her chances. She was going through expensive interior design magazines looking for the ugliest wallpaper she could find for her new West Wing digs and, well, they have rules for the Oval Office, so we would have been spared that embarrassment. She was picturing herself having beer bashes in the Rose Garden and midnight Conga dances on the roof of the White House, it was going to be great!!

And then the souffle fell. Mitt Romney had been considered the most likely Republican nominee and he was practically a democrat. Every Republican candidate was the same, they were all boring and completely conventional. Vote for me and I'll lower your taxes, I'll support the police, I'll increase American jobs.. yada yada yada. The same thing they've been saying for decades and taxes still go up, kids still don't learn, and jobs may or may not happen. 

Donald Trump came on hard and strong. Border security! We've got to strengthen our Southern border and not because we hate Hispanic people, because we need to protect ourselves against terrorists, stop Hispanic gangs, stop child sex trafficking, and a host of other things. Then he went after corruption in government and there is no shortage of that as we all know. Every candidate says they want to clean up Washington D.C. and it never happens. We swap one corrupt politician for another. He called the Washington Big Shots, the members of the Old Guard, members of the Washington swamp and he was going to drain the swamp. That most likely sent a very strong shudder throughout the entire community. Republicans and democrats were nervous because Donald Trump was an outsider, but he knew where the bodies were buried! He was dangerous and he just might start naming names. He knew all of the people and he put on some great parties and knew where to spend money behind doors and he was potentially dangerous to the whole apparatus. 

We knew Trump was different because he acted different. He had energy and he was building up America with shameless statements like, "NATO is a disgrace, they've got to start paying their way", "We've been in Afghanistan long enough it's time to bring our people home." "That North Korean dwarf has got to stop playing with fireworks." and "China is taking over the world, we've got to bring manufacturing back to America." And yeah, there might be something to the man made global warming thing, but we don't need to ruin our economy over it. He was non stop. We needed to produce our own oil and gasoline, we needed to continue to use good clean coal, and he was tired of the policies of King Barry. The King Barry 'America Sucks World Tour' was a real embarrassment. America is the greatest country in the world! And we have to reclaim our place as world leaders or China will take over and nobody wants that! And the fact is that democrats give lip service to the human rights abuses taking place in China, but their actions tell a different story. Many of the components we need for our military aircraft and ships were being manufactured in China. Unbelievable! No wonder China has been able to catch up with military technology so fast. Democrats gave them advanced guidance system technology as well as the technology that would help make their submarines undetectable.  Donald trump was not afraid to take on the world. He said whatever was on his mind and if someone was offended he just kept on truckin'. 

It was a close election. Much closer than it should have been and it is my opinion that democrats cheated. I don't trust those electronic voting gadgets at all. They can be manipulated, and the computerized ones can be manipulated from anywhere in the world. The upshot was that even with King Barry's FBI spying on the Trump campaign and all the Bloody Hilary dirty tricks Donald trump won the election. My favorite event on election night was when the Hilary campaign announced they were cancelling their fireworks show. Ah man! She was going to put on a huge fireworks extravaganza. She was so sure she was going to win, but she was disappointed. They didn't rig enough voting machines to pull it off and Trump became the 45th president of the United States. 

Members of the press lost their collective minds. They'd all voted ten or eleven times in twenty different voting districts how could this have happened? Donald had never run for any political office before. He was 70 years old! How did he beat a seasoned old Hag like Bloody Hilary? They had to destroy him. He proved very difficult to destroy because the 60 percent of the people who voted for him really liked him. He was the genuine article. He was going to bring jobs home and relax regulations that were needlessly putting American business out of business. The left hated him. 

They hounded him every step of the way. It didn't matter that he was keeping his campaign promises; jobs were coming back to America, onerous regulations were being struck so companies could stay here, oil production was up, a pipeline from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico was being built and The US was exporting oil. After eight years of King Barry Americans were ready for a president who loved America. King Barry once said that the reason he didn't wear an American flag lapel pin was because, "I don't wanna take sides!" What? The President of the United States didn't want to take sides? Was anyone paying attention? Donald Trump said he was going to drain the swamp. And besides all that he was working for free. He was going to donate his presidential paycheck to some organization he would choose. Democrats said that was a publicity stunt. So? How many democrat billionaires were donating their time for free? That's right, none of them. Somebody said that if he walked on water the headline would be, "President Trump can't swim!" And that sounds about right. Democrats were desperate. They were in real trouble because they can't run on their policies because if the country knew what they really wanted to do they'd never win another election. 

So they started picking on his money. Where's the tax return? And his business dealings with the Kremlin. Who would have guessed that an international hotel chain would have a hotel in Russia? Democrats didn't think that could possibly be a legitimate business move. Neither did most members of the press. And during King Barry's reign Putin had invaded Ukraine and taken over Crimea so what did Donald Trump think about Vladimir Putin? "He's a good leader!" Oops! He may be a good leader but you can't just blurt it out like that. The press had a hey day. President Trump is a traitor he said Putin is a great leader! Impeach!

We all know that the democrats put together a mirage of lies, produced an embarrassingly stupid impeachment charade and Donald Trump was acquitted. No surprise at all and neither was the continued hatred. The only thing President Trump did wrong was trust the members of his cabinet and the heads of all of the Federal law enforcement offices. They all should have been replaced. No one from King Barry's administration should have remained, but many of them did. And just like I predicted they weren't loyal to the Constitution they were loyal to their King. They had spied on Donald Trump's campaign and they continued to spy on him after he became president. They should have all been replaced immediately. 

Newsweek ran a series on how corrupt President Trump was. He wasn't just corrupt he was dangerous. He was unhinged, a maniac who wanted to abolish the Constitution and turn America into a dictatorship. He was bad. He was so bad that after being elected he started firing members of his cabinet. He fired James Comey, the corrupt director of the FBI. Later he fired Mike Esper, Secretary of Defense, and he was about to fire just about everybody in the cabinet. It was legal and it was necessary to his promise to clean up the Washington swamp. Even members of his own party hated him, saying he wasn't really a Republican to which he responded that he didn't really care what they called him. He just wanted to make America great again. 

By November 2017 the rest of the cabinet was very nervous. They didn't want to lose their jobs so they formed a small tight nit group and started a coup against our nation. They met in secret in a room called the Tank because they could have meetings in there and no one could ever hear them or find out what they were saying. And what they were saying was scary stuff. They told each other that President Trump was dangerous, he was only firing members of the cabinet because they were loyal to the Constitution instead of him. General Milly, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said they needed to stick together and warn others that they didn't have any obligation to obey an illegal order. Milly even spoke to some generals at the Pentagon to remind them that if President ever told them to fire a nuclear missile at China they didn't have to obey that order. President Trump was becoming a dictator and it might become necessary for the army generals to take over the country at some point to save the country from the President. After all, what if he didn't win the next election and refused to leave the White House? 

Meanwhile President Trump was letting cabinet members go because they were against everything he wanted to do. He wasn't breaking any laws, they just didn't agree with him. Espers didn't think the US should be pulling troops out of Afghanistan, the Director of the CIA didn't like the way the President was talking about Venezuela, General Milly wanted to be he first general to take over the country via military action and install himself as the first general to take over America. These people were involved in a conspiracy to bring about a military take over of our country. General Milly even joked that 'they can't do anything about it because we have more guns!' Not really a funny joke general. And not smart either. Americans own enough guns to give the military a real run for their money if it ever came to that. These guys are bragging about stopping President Trump from launching a coup against the Constitution while they were involved in a deep conspiracy to overthrow the government. And one more scary thing President Trump did that may have made it necessary for them to use the military to stop the Commander in Chief happened just before Veterans Day 2020. The general in charge of the general in charge of the Old Guard, the soldiers who protect the tomb of the unknown soldier, was afraid of catching a cold so he cancelled all of the Veterans Day events blaming Covid. 

President Trump, the guy who outranks every general in the armed forces, ordered him to put the events back on the calendar, screw the CDC and Dr. Fauci, President Trump wasn't going to stop that long standing tradition out of fear of a virus gifted to the world by China. The event was back on the calendar. Then the President had the audacity to show up without wearing a mask. The general of the Third Army had specifically ordered EVERYONE participating in the service to wear a mask (obviously President Trump was planning to overthrow the government why else would he defy the orders of one of his subordinates?) It wasn't the people in the basement plotting to overthrow the government who were the traitors it was the President who was above ground building up America every chance he got. 

Christopher Wray, Gina Haspet, Mark Milly, all thought they were about to be fired, and they should have been. They should have been on trial. They kept telling each other that the only reason the president would want to fire them is because they were loyal to the Constitution and not to him. They were delusional. They continued to hold secret meetings in that underground room called the Tank with other generals and admirals. It was an election year and President Trump was working hard to be reelected which isn't really unusual, yet they claimed he was obsessed with the election, which is kind of a subjective opinion, instead of concentrating on the Constitution, whatever that means. Probably most prior presidents also worked real hard to get reelected, but for these cheeseballs the president was obsessed with winning so if he lost the election they had to be ready to take over if President Trump refused to leave the White House. They even leaked stories to an eager press that President Trump was planning on staging a coup if he lost the election. President Trump was gong to refuse to leave the White House if he lost. There never was any reason to make such an outrageous claim, just jealousy and hatred. 

A bunch of unhinged generals and cabinet members were planning a coup against the Constitution while they were falsely accusing the president of planning a coup against the Constitution. And the President, who was not planning any such thing, in fact the thought never entered his mind, was unaware of the plot being hatched by his generals and cabinet members. Fortunately those traitors never had a chance to take over the country, and when President Trump lost the election he did complain about the election being rigged which a large portion of the population agrees with, but he didn't stage a coup against the country, he left graciously just as most other presidents have done. 

Newsweek, like most other so-called journalist publications most likely became caught up in the frenzy surrounding a man who was not a politician, but won the election for the highest elected office in the entire world. Republicans hated him for being an 'outsider' who beat the pants off all of them and democrats hated him for the same reason. Donald Trump wasn't loyal to either major party. He was loyal to the country and politicians don't understand that type of behavior. Trump had no chance of winning the nomination from the democrat party because he loved the country too much. And he won the nomination for the Republican party because the public absolutely loved him. There wasn't a Republican candidate who could defeat Bloody Hilary until Trump arrived on the scene. A lot of Republicans weren't even going to vote because what's the point? Bloody Hilary hates her country and says and does stupid things, but the Republicans were too timid to know what to use against her. Trumps answer?


Most Republican candidates were afraid to criticize Bloody Hilary publicly because she is a woman and they are afraid to be labeled 'anti-woman'. And it is true that most women want to be seen as at least equal to men, if not superior, except when they are running for a public office. Then they will go out of their way to paint their male opponent as a man with a history of abusing women verbally and physically. They will lie, cheat, and steal to get what they want. Most politicians will. Donald Trump is not a politician and is willing to criticize anyone, including a woman, who is not doing a good job, or who is violating the laws of the land. Trump is not afraid to be criticized, but he will not be lied about nor tell lies about his opponents. He has famously stated many times, "If you hit me you better be ready because I'm gonna hit you back ten times harder!" 

 Donald Trump won in 2016 because he was an outsider and Americans had lost all confidence in everyone in a position of power in Washington.  His approach was so refreshing we finally had a candidate who was articulate, and not afraid to criticize anyone regardless of race or gender. And he never had to resort to the tactic of 'making stuff up'. He asked "Why should I when the facts are right there for everyone to see?" A lot of democrats voted for Trump precisely because he was so different from the usual politician. He was not afraid of his position and stated what was on his mind even when he knew he was going to be criticized. He said he was always going to tell people what he planned to do. He had nothing to hide and if enough people liked what he had to say he would win the election. 

Newsweek assumes, correctly it seems, that people who read their publication are knee jerk democrats and will believe anything the magazine prints that is negative about a conservative candidate. They would have more credibility if they stuck to the facts to the extent they are available. Evidently they are not interested in the facts, they only want to smear a candidate they don't like due to his pro Constitution opinions. In this article Mr. Arkin cites the fears of his democrat friends that the president could be thinking of barricading himself in the White House if he loses the election simply because, I suppose, that is what they would do. President Trump never made any such statement. Since it is a silly question he never addresses it directly if a reporter asks because there is no reason to believe he wouldn't leave even if he did believe the election were rigged. He might also be thinking how good Bloody Hilary would look behind bars in a Federal Penitentiary somewhere. I'm sure Newsweek would try to write a story in their publication that somehow anyone who wanted to prosecute a woman so naturally virtuous as Bloody Hilary for her crimes is a racist and a woman hater. And don't forget that in their opinion prosecuting liberals who are plotting to overthrow the government are doing so out of genuine concern for the actions the President might take. They have no evidence at all that he is planning to subvert the government in any way.  

On the other hand Gen. Milly and multiple cabinet members are preparing for a military take over of the government if the President fires one of them because they think they are so far above the law that the country simply can't live without them and the only reason for President Trump to fire them would be if he plans to subvert the Constitution. The constitution they pretend to protect, took an oath to protect, states that the members of the cabinet work at the pleasure of the president. There is a formula for replacing a president in the unlikely event that he 'goes rogue' so to speak and it has nothing to do with a handful of knuckleheads meeting in secret plotting a military take over because they are afraid they might be about to lose their jobs. 

I've got to rant a little here; it's unbelievable to me that people can hate Donald Trump so much that they can talk themselves into believing that since a president is firing members of his cabinet for constantly disagreeing with everything he wanted to do, and he is not breaking any laws, that he is planning a coup against the USA. Obviously they had no legal recourse, he wasn't doing anything illegal or unethical. One of the items they found treasonous was his disagreement with the Secret of Defense who wanted to keep military personnel in Afghanistan and President Trump thought twenty years was long enough and he wanted to bring them home. And during his campaign he promised to end the war in Afghanistan. He was one of the handful of people who objected publicly to American involvement in Afghanistan, and he courageously stuck to his objection throughout the campaign, which is something no other candidate was willing to do.

 So because he didn't want to cancel a Veteran's Day event in 2020, and ordered the Army to put the event back on the calendar, and while attending the outdoor event in a steady rain president trump didn't wear a face mask after an Army general had ordered that everyone in attendance wear a mask, a handful of cabinet members and even a couple of generals decided that the president was involved in a 'right wing coup' against the nation. A few generals at the Pentagon were calling each other and self-righteously reminding themselves that their loyalty was to the Constitution and not the President of the United States. 

Once again Newsweek spends a lot of ink outlining a coup being planned by some unnamed generals, president cabinet members afraid they might get fired for doing a lousy job, and General Milly organizing the planning of the coup, and reaches the conclusion that President Trump was planning a coup 'against the Constitution'. These people were and probably are insane. How is it possible that there have been absolutely no indictments? 

Fast forward now to the end of the article. The proof that Veteran's Day violations of some generals dress code, a spate of disagreements with the Secretary of Defense over policy decisions, more disagreements with the Director of the CIA over policy disagreements, and a handful of shaky generals planning a coup against the Constitution, which really means a military coup against the USA, somehow leads to the conclusion that President Trump planned and carried out a riot at the United States Capitol Building on January 6, 2020, during which a police officer murdered an alleged rioter and a couple of police officers died from heart attacks. One person reportedly died from a drug overdose. 

Arkin offers loads of proof that there was a military coup being planned by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a few Pentagon generals and some of the president's cabinet members, but doesn't even hint of any proof that President Trump was planning a 'right wing coup', yet reaches the conclusion that Trump was guilty of attempting to overthrow the government because there were some disgruntled fans that did some stupid things at the Capitol Building. 

The riot at the Capitol should never have occurred and the people responsible should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law even if it was instigated by FBI undercover plants. But that is also my fear; that it was instigated by undercover plants who were either FBI agents or working for the FBI. The only reason I can come up with for the FBI undertaking a role like this would be to try to point fingers at the President of the United States. And given the events Mr. Arkin described involving a coup that was being planned by some generals in the Pentagon, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and members of the presidents cabinet, and the illegal FISA warrants that the top leadership of the FBI and Justice department authorized so they could spy on members of Donald Trump's campaign, the reliance on a dossier provided by a retired British intelligence officer which the FBI knew to be fake, all add up to a really scary and very real attempt at a military take over of our country. But not by President Trump. The coup began in the King Barry White House, was supposed to be completed by Bloody Hilary and they still attempted to pull it off in the early days of the Trump administration, but it lost a little steam when the laws broken by the Director of the FBI and Justice department came close go being disclosed, then according to Newsweek began to pick up momentum at the end of President Trump's administration. They're still trying to prove President Trump planned the riot at the Capitol Building in January, and even if the FBI did instigate the riot anyone stupid enough to do the things they did deserves to be prosecuted. To label that riot a coup is irresponsible. A couple of hundred rioters never posed any threat to the Constitution, but they were a real threat to themselves. What kind of an idiot breaks into the office of the Speaker of the House and takes a picture of himself seated at her desk? And there were many more people taking selfies for posterity and law enforcement. If you're going to break the law you might as well document all of your activities for the police right? Many of the rioters were very helpful to this investigation and those who didn't vote for President Trump will be dismissed with a quiet vote of thanks. The rest will get what they deserve. Any Trump supporters who participate in any riot anywhere have to know that the FBI will spare no expense in tracking you down and you will do the maximum time allowed. As for Newsweek, they should be ashamed of themselves for participating in this effort to glorify the women and men who admittedly plotted to overthrow the government of the United States of America. 

The only thing I want to know is why did it fail? What if the vote recount and found ballots had tipped the scales in President Trumps favor? Is that really how close we came to losing our country to a handful of left wing crazies? Why is General Milly still employed by the United States government. Why is Christopher Wray still the head of the FBI? Why doesn't Newsweek have the guts to explore that story? 

Thursday, June 2, 2022


 Michael Sussman wasn't tried by a jury of his peers, he was tried by a jury of his best friends. Kind of like OJ Simpson. I'm kind of torn because he did obviously lie to the FBI, but the FBI was intimately involved in the effort to overthrow the Presidency of Donald Trump so since they had the same goal why were they after Sussman? Most likely Sussman had to take the fall for the treasonous organization he worked for so they told him he was going to be charged, but not to worry because the jury was already in the bag. When the FBI lies nobody cares, apparently not even Durham. Sure Sussman is a lying puke, look at he company he keeps! Let's hope Durham has something better coming up after all the time he spent on this project. Just listening to the testimony offered during the democrat impeachment farce involving the so-called Mueller investigation told us volumes about corruption in the top offices of the FBI. That impeachment was an embarrassment. I'd have thought that if you were going to prove that the President of the United States was a traitor you should at least bring some evidence. Just a little please, just humor us a little and pretend that you care about this country even though you obviously do not. That the impeachment process against President was completely fraudulent was best demonstrated by Robert Mueller, a celebrated decorated Marine and therefore incapable of disgracing his office, when he took the stand and had to admit he didn't write the Mueller report. He had very little to do with the investigation, but he did sign the report. He didn't know what was in the report or how the supposed evidence was gathered. He disgraced himself and brought dishonor to his distinguished career. 

Durham in my opinion is guilty of the same form of fraud. His assignment was not easy. He was tasked with proving that certain people including officials at the highest level of the FBI and Justice Department were engaged in an attempted coup against the United States of America. The fact is that there was in fact an attempted coup that was stopped for a very short period of time, but now is gaining steam again. What we learned via the Mueller inquisition was that there were some people close to the president who may not have paid their full tax bill, and some who under hours and hours of intense FBI questioning became confused and gave what appeared to be conflicting testimony and that Bloody Hilary paid a former British spy a ton of money for a report that was negative about Donald Trump then attempted to make it look like Steele had actually investigated Mr. Trump and found out some very embarrassing details about his business life and his personal life. 

To make matters worse top officials at the FBI lied to FISA courts in order to obtain illegal search warrants so they could use electronic surveillance on the presidents friends and employees. They were trying to take down a sitting president and that is a coup. And it went all the way to the White House, which is a supposition I have made based on the fact that the Director of the FBI knew so the president had to know. We will never know for sure because after three years of doing who knows what, all Durham could come up with was one of Bloody Hilary's advisors lied to the FBI. Was it a material lie? Yeah, maybe, but was it worth three years and 35 million dollars? No. 

Mueller and Durham are a disgrace to the country and thanks to a very poor performance by Durham we will never be able to prove that Bloody Hilary, the head of the FBI, and many other senior people in government belong behind bars for attempting to overthrow our government. And the swamp still needs to be drained. And that is the Sussman Principle, anyone who lies for a person running for the democrat ticket will never have to worry about gong to prison. Even if he or she is guilty the Jack asses will find a way to save their ass. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Liberal hate their own policies

I'm continuously surprised that I have to keep saying this, but even democrats don't like democrat policies. In San Francisco the people elected a district attorney who is a proud socialist and ran on a platform of ending mass incarcerations, the war on drugs and criminalization of poverty. And democrats elected him in a landslide. He was supported by Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, and Linda Sarsour. That's quite a lineup. Three anti America politicians, one of whom is another proud socialist and another an avowed anti semite. Cackling Harris was reportedly tough on crime when she was the district attorney, but if so she appears to have changed her mind now.

The new pro criminal plan was supposed to be the beginning of a Utopian era for San Francisco as criminals became so overwhelmed by emotion at being accepted as part of main stream society that they would form a union and schedule crimes during more convenient days or something like that. Who knows? Who would have guessed that keeping criminals out of prison would result in more crimes being committed? Of course to a democrat, and especially to a socialist more crime is a sort of utopia. What right do working people have to think they are special just because they can finally afford to replace their ten year old computer? If someone breaks into their home and steals it they should be thankful that they were able to assist someone through their unearned largesse. Criminals are people too. They have the exact same needs as the rest of us. And they have the courage to go out and get what they want, how can we object to that? 

Well according to the current gang of democrat voters it may be a quandary, but for now they'd like to have the debate after criminals have been safely locked up. It would be tough being a democrat if they had the ability to look at themselves once in awhile and do some honest soul searching and ask themselves, "Why am I surprised? Why am I even thinking of recalling this man from office? He told me he was going to do some very stupid things. He even told me what those things were. He didn't lie and then he did exactly what he said he would do." Democrats hear words like Utopia and immediately think something like, "Oh my! Who could possibly be against that?" So obviously we all want Utopia, we should definitely vote for that! Socialists never lie and they always say the nicest things. 

So poor Mr. Boudin must be very confused. He did exactly what he promised he would do and the people seem to be blaming him for the rising crime rate, as if a slight rise in crime is even a problem given all of the social ills he solved by putting an end to incarcerating so many people. Democrats can definitely be prickly. Give them what they want and they are  bound to complain. We voted for a Socialist so why is crime increasing? We are good people and kind people, we are pro abortion so why is there an increase in the crime rate? We love our planet so we stopped drilling for oil and started buying it from people who couldn't care less about the planet and they are charging ten times what we used to pay; why is the cost of everything going up? We voted for UTOPIA so this can't be our fault. It has to be that Boudin guy. Obviously he lied to us. He doesn't understand how utopia works and he screwed it all up. Let's get rid of him and find someone else who really knows what utopia means, then everything will be groovy! 

I don't know what else to say. Democrats just don't think like normal people. I have a piece of advice for the rest of us though; if someone runs for office claiming that all of our problems are caused by putting criminals in prison don't vote for that person. If they tell you that most of our problems would be solved if we would be kinder to homeless people and let them put up tent cities on our sidewalks and take care of their bathroom needs in the alcoves of our businesses and public office buildings don't vote for that person either. Public defecation is not a good idea and citing people who do it is not criminalizing poor people; it is teaching them that we have at least a minimum standard of hygiene and we don't want anyone pooping and urinating on our sidewalks. Why don't democrats understand that? 

And now that poor district attorney in San Francisco has become another victim of democrat confusion. If you ask for something stupid to happen to you, try not to be surprised when stupid things start happening to you! The guy did what you told him to do, he's an honest politician, usually we celebrate that, but they are punishing him for doing what they told him to do. Until there is a major attitude shift in the democrat mindset there is no way I will ever vote democrat. The only platform Boudin espouses that I like is the war on drugs. All drugs should be legal. People tend to want something the government tells them they can't have. Legalizing drugs will probably result in a lot fewer overdose deaths, and lower addictions as well. There will be a learning curve, but it will be short lived. The same people who blame prohibition for a rise in crime when booze was outlawed, claim that dropping the prohibition on drugs will result in higher crime. One of the reasons the prohibition on narcotics causes a rise in crime is because of the people involved. If we could just go to the local pharmacy and purchase whatever drugs we wanted we wouldn't be supporting black market. The black market is run by thieves and murderers. We really should shut that down. 

One thing you can always count on with democrats is if you give them whatever they ask for there is an excellent chance they are going to hate you and blame you when it turns out that what they ask for isn't actually what they want. So poor Mr. Boudin is about to be lynched by his friends. Another democrat bites the dust and at the hands of the people he loves.  

The Current President Biden

Well today's a new day and the current President Biden has apparently been in contact with his boss at the Kremlin and they've decided that the United States now has permission to provide with missiles with a slightly longer range than those currently employed, but barely enough to maintain a stalemate. Apparently Vlad has realized that he is being depleted of resources much faster than he thought possible so he is seeking a diplomatic solution that will allow him to save face. And his puppet in the White House is eager to please, as in, "Please boss I'll do anything you say, just help me look good so we can both maintain our positions in the world." The two men have mutual goals; the dictator needs to be able to declare his 'military action' a success even though his goal was to completely annihilate Ukraine. If he can pull off a diplomatic soon the serfs in Russia will never know what his plans were or how badly he failed nor will they ever know the horrible price they paid in their effort to murder everyone in Ukraine. For the dictator this must end soon.

And the democrat coward hiding under his desk in the Oval Office is in a similar position. Initially he showed his true face and retreated in the face of the enemy. Then when he saw the countries in Western Europe stepping up and fighting against the mass murderer dictator by giving Ukraine anti tank and anti aircraft weapons systems and not getting nuked like Vlad said they would, Biden slowly crawled out from under his desk, picked up the phone and asked someone at the Pentagon what we had to send so we wouldn't look too foolish to the rest of the world. After all we are 'The land of the Free and the Home of the Brave'. And in a way its good that Uncle Joe and his boss have been able to find an agreement that will end this evil being perpetrated by Biden's boss. It would have been better to supply Ukraine with the weapons systems they needed before Ukraine was destroyed, but the democrat policy has as its number one priority to first create a mess, then come up with a 'solution'. 

In the current study it seems like the dictator needs to save face and his puppet needs to be able to claim a role in the coming 'agreement' between Ukraine and Russia. The mass murderer will get to tell the Russian people that he has spanked the Nazis in Ukraine (Zellensly must be the only Nazi Jew in the history of the world) and Uncle Joe can claim he played a major role in ending hostilities, and thus 'saving lives'. Uncle Joe loves to say 'saving lives'. He has never saved a single life; cowards almost never do, but he loves to say it. Nobody with any sense at all ever believed Vlad was going to do something that would destroy Russia and ruin his own life, but he had fun watching the world run every time he said the Nuke word. So now that Uncle has Vlad's blessing he will send a few of our slightly more advanced rockets to Ukraine so their army can push back a little harder against Russia and force a negotiation process that will result in a very short peace. The murderous dictator in Russia needs time to rebuild his military machine and the United States needs to be able to say he 'saved lives'. And he needs to say it over and over again. 

This is an election year and the dictator needs to keep democrats in the majority for as long as possible because after he has had a couple of years to rebuild his terrorist network he will attack Ukraine again. And will he contribute to the rebuilding of Ukraine? He may make that promise at the negotiation table, but it will never happen. The United States will rebuild Ukraine likely spending billions of dollars while the rest of Europe takes a break. They should contribute to the cost of rebuilding Ukraine and hopefully they will. And  after billions of dollars have been spent by the US to rebuild Ukraine, while ignoring the depletion of American weapons stores, Russia will have rebuilt its terrorist units and resupplied the weapons lost and invade Ukraine again, this time without worrying about outside interference from a USA that didn't bother to replenish weapons used in the defense of Ukraine. 

In the event that democrats don't do well in the polls this year Vlad may have to wait until the general election in 2024 since the election of an American president could be ruinous to his plans for the new Soviet Union. An American president will be willing to work with the Russian dictator, but not for him. Each day we see a different Uncle Joe. He has almost single handedly recked the American economy similarly to the job Jimmy Carter did in the 70's and for similar reasons. Democrats care so much about the world that they are willing to destroy America if that what it takes to make the world a better place. Maybe this year Americans will vote pro America. I really do hope so. 

Putin owns Biden

 It's a disturbing thought but historically several despots have won over various American presidents sho have forged relationships of trust with mass murderers like Joseph Stalin (Franklin Roosevelt), Fidel Castro (Jimmy Carter), and Vladimir Putin (Barak Obama and Joe Biden). Okay, I'll give in a little about President Carter because I'm not sure what relationship they had while Carter was actually in office. Most likely Carter was willing to open an avenue of communication with the dictator in order to do something that might raise the standard of living for people living under Castro's control. Carter had a soft heart and a soft mind. The fact remains that Fidel Castro was a mass murderer who continued to rule his country by using fear and intimidation. 

Today another brutal dictator rules over a president of the United States. Putin is also a mass murderer and brutal dictator. He has invaded multiple countries bordering Russia over the years, claiming parts of Georgia and Ukraine via unjustified wars, murder and mass destruction. He wants to reunify the old Soviet Union for reasons that only he knows. They don't want to live under the thumb of a brutal dictator. They've been down that road and don't want to return. Putin is currently involved in a brutal attempt to complete his take over of Ukraine and he has been responsible for the murder of tens of thousands of civilians and lost almost twenty thousand of his own soldiers, a number of warships, aircraft, tanks, and other support vehicles. His war is completely unjustified and he claims Ukraine was planning to attack Russia which is an insane position to try to sell. Besides being an obvious lie it doesn't make any sense. Why would Ukraine attack a much larger, nuclear armed country?

During the first days of the war, which Putin calls a military action, Ukrainian president, volodamir Zellensky was asking for military assistance from the United States and NATO. President Biden responded by offering to send a plane to rescue Zellensky and his family. Zellensky famously replied, "I don't need a ride, I need ammunition." And that worried Biden. He was worried that if Zellensky was going to fight the Russian invaders the war was going to last a long time and Uncle Joe didn't want to wait a long time. He wanted to be consoling the losers in a couple of days, issue a self serving statement condemning Putin, while behind the scenes breathing a sigh of relief that he was still 'good' with the Russian murderer. Now Zellensky was ruining everything. 

From the beginning of the invasion Putin was threatening the world with a nuclear strike against anyone who helped Ukraine. God Bless Great Britain for their unwillingness to be cowed by a brutal dictator and immediately answering the call by sending anti tank missiles considered among the best in the world, and they turned out to be very good tank killers. Gradually other NATO members responded. Poland is taking in as many refugees as possible and other European nations are sending various types of military aid through Poland. And Ukraine is able to at least fight against their tormentors using whatever tools they have. Zellensky was passing out rifles to every citizen who was willing to kill Russians. Old people were going through their kitchens looking for their strongest and sharpest knives they could use to kill Russians. One elderly gentleman interviewed on TV said he didn't know much about firearms, but he was confident with a knife. One elderly woman actually approached a couple of Russian thugs on a sidewalk near her home and offered them sunflower seeds which she wanted them to put in their pockets so sunflowers would grow where their dead bodies would lay rotting. These are not people that will easily be defeated. Even the US has begun sending large amounts of weapons and ammunition. but not enough to turn the tide and allow the people of Ukraine to expel the invaders. Biden is still afraid of the Russian dictator. 

Over the last couple of days Vlad announced that he was still a nuclear power and he would retaliate against anyone who sent weapons that would give Ukraine the ability to win the war. Given the renewed threat Uncle Joe has decided not to supply them with long range artillery. The Russian terrorists have the ability to stand back and fire rockets from hundreds of miles and slowly and systematically destroy the homes of innocent people and the Ukraine army cannot strike back because they have weapons that can fire maybe twenty miles. The terrorist invaders cannot get too close, but they can still destroy Ukraine from a distance. Various countries, including the US have given Ukraine a decent close range anti aircraft capability  which does hinder Putin's ability to attack from the air and that has helped to make Russian pilots a little more timid, and Ukraine has been able to sink a couple of ships using anti ship missiles with a limited but effective range. 

So the West has given the Ukrainians enough support to allow them to fight at close range while watching their country systematically ruined by a terrorist nation with long range weapons capabilities. I don't know how Uncle Joe or any other democrat politician can stand by and watch the destruction taking place against a civilized democratic nation begging for help, and just continue supplying the types of weapons that allow them to prolong the war until the Russians finally win, which is inevitable at the current rate. Putins ragtag group of terrorist gangs are very slowly winning. Not because they are great soldiers, but because they are supported by effective long range artillery. 

Uncle Joe and Barak Obama refused to send aid to Ukraine when Putin invaded them in 2014, and Uncle Joe was completely inept when he abandoned Afghanistan, so Vlad knew he was safe to invade Ukraine once more. And add to that the fact that Uncle Joe is so stupid that he is willing to ruin his own country's economy to combat something that might become a problem in a hundred years, so he wants to purchase oil from countries that hate him, supposedly because American oil is inferior to oil produced by people who are America's enemies. And oil is an essential component of any successful government. And at the time Uncle Joe decided to purchase it from Russia the United States was an exporter of oil, but was in the process of stopping domestic production. Putin couldn't believe his good fortune! He was going to take over Ukraine and the United States was going to pay for it. Vlad knew he had Uncle Joe under his thumb. All he was going to have to do once in awhile was whisper the word 'nuke' and Uncle Joe would turn into a good little boy again. 

And Vlad loves to remind Uncle Joe that Russia is a nuclear powerhouse and they will attack with reckless abandon if anyone tries to provide Ukraine with weapons that would give Zellensky any real advantage. So Uncle Joe panics over and over and waits under his desk to see what the rest of NATO is doing. Unfortunately for him when the war started many NATO nations stepped up and started helping. The only reason the United States is considered the leader of the effort to save Ukraine is because now, having come late to the game, they have more money and can send more stuff. The United States is still afraid of Putin and is being very cautious about the weapons they are sending, kind of like shooting rubber bands at a cat that is trying to torture a mouse before eating it. 

Apparently feeling somewhat puffed up at the small successes Ukraine was able to achieve with the small arms it received Uncle Joe boldly stated something like, "Hey, Ukraine is in the right, they need better long range artillery capability so we are going to send more effective multiple launch rocket systems with longer range missiles!" So what does Vlad do? He picks up the phone and says something like, "Was I not clear about my threats? We have nuclear missiles aimed at every major city in the world, and many smaller cities. You send long range rockets to Zellensky and you will cross a red line and I will nuke somebody." 

So Uncle Joe shrinks, and slinks back to his desk peaking underneath trying to decide if he wants to hide underneath before following Putin's directive. Maybe he doesn't hide under the desk this time but he does make a call to the Pentagon and cancels the long range missile system. I'm ashamed of our leadership. Cowards who are willing to sit back and observe the mass murder of civilian women, children, and elderly people. Not to mention the soldiers of the Ukraine army who have been training for such an event but hoping it would never happen and the doctors and teachers and housewives and students who are volunteering everyday to join the Ukrainian army so they can do something they never imagined they'd have to do; kill Russians and kill them as fast as they can. All because a madman in charge of the Kremlin wants to kill Ukrainians because they fought to save Crimea and Donbas from Russian aggression in 2014. 

Ukraine needs help and if we didn't have a worthless coward for a president the war in Ukraine first of all never would have happened and second, in the unlikely event that it did happen it would be over by now and Ukraine would have been liberated. Uncle Joe has probably been taking money from Russian oligarchs for decades, he is a very weak leader with a weak mind who wants us to believe that he believes the world is going to burst into flames any day now unless we ruin the American economy and let China become the world's financial leader. He is one of Putin's key players. He is a coward and Vlad is capitalizing on that cowardice until Ukraine finally and tragically falls in ruins and the Russian terrorists pretending to be soldiers begin mass executions of anyone who won't pay instant homage to the dictator Vladimir Putin. 

Tragically Putin does own Uncle Joe and the war in Ukraine will probably last a very long time. The only hope for Ukraine is that Russia will run out of money to pay it's terrorist soldiers and replace the stuff being broken by the Ukrainian army, or NATO will find the courage give long range rocket launchers to the Ukrainian army so they can expel the Russian terrorist invaders.