Sunday, May 29, 2022

Defective People

Salvador Ramos is a mass murderer. He is also dead. He died alongside the nineteen fourth grade children and two school teachers. He purchased a couple of guns and a few hundred bullets and a couple of days later went to a school and committed the largest massacre in Texas history. We all watched this unfold after the fact. After the school room had been silenced and all that was left were the torn bodies and pools of blood on the floor and blood splatters on the walls and ceiling. And people ask; how could this happen?

Parents send their kids to school then go about their daily lives not paying any attention to what is being taught to their children in school. We all assume they teach the 'Three R's'. You know, 'Reading', Riting, and Rithmitic. The fact is that most schools are teaching lots of clutter that is potentially goofing up our children's minds with garbage that they shouldn't have to deal with. And that is mostly coming from the homosexual community. From the day our children are born we name them and we pick girls names for girls and boys names for boys. Any reasonable adult knows how to tell them apart and it's been like that since the days of Adam and Eve. And schools used to respect the parent child relationship. And conversely parents used to demand that the school respect the parent child relationship. 

Lack of respect for parents is one way that we allow the state to produce defective people. We allow our schools to attack the family unit. We declare a parent unfit for disagreeing with a school policy, we allow school employees to take children to see psychiatrists without letting the parents know and we tell the child that the parent doesn't need to know. We allow school employees to take our children to abortion clinics or to surgeons who claim they can change the child's gender and we tell the child not to let their parents know about it. All of that undermines the basic unit of our society; the family. And that is one huge example of how the state produces defective people.  

Two things we can do to slow the production of defective people is get involved in what the schools are teaching. If you believe, against all evidence to the contrary, that there are more than two genders you are adding to the child's confusion. The other is teach children to respect each other. If you believe that our society is inherently racist and there is nothing anyone can do to stop inherent racism, you are contributing to the notion that the races need to distrust each other and possibly even hate each other. And if you believe that doesn't contribute to an environment of fear and mistrust you are deceiving yourself. And if you don't believe that an environment of fear and mistrust leads to violence you just aren't very smart. 

Parents need to get involved in what is being taught in school. They need to see to it that the schools are doing everything they can to foster an environment of trust and cooperation. We need to ensure that so-called educators aren't preaching hate via misguided programs aimed at belittling kids from any racial group. And if a parent doesn't think she or he has time for that then that family unit may very well be doomed. 

By all accounts Salvador Ramos came from a very fractured family. And the same can probably be said for each one of the maniacs who commit mass murder in America. We need to get back to basics. Fifty years ago we had family units that worked. We had guns and video games, and violent TV shows and movies and we had parents who cared about the well being of their children. And we had teachers who cared about the welfare of the children. And we never even thought of worrying that some crazed individual was going to go to a school and murder as many people as possible. Try getting a teacher to stay after school to meet with one of the few parents that cares about their child. In most cases it won't happen because the teacher won't be compensated for the time it takes. 

So until we fix that little problem we can be assured that there will be more school shootings and when there are you can thank a defective parent and a defective education system. The solution to this problem isn't difficult to see but it will be difficult to solve until someone really wants to solve it. 


RESTRAINING ORDERS- a serious violation of the 4th and 14th Amendments

"The right of the people to be secure in their houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated. Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause supported by Oath of affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." --Fourth Amendment.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." --Fourteenth Amendment.

Only a democrat could possibly think an 'emergency temporary restraining order' is legal. Only a person with no regard for civil liberties would support such a law. The Fourth Amendment clearly states that a person cannot be seized (arrested) until a judge has issued a probable cause arrest warrant. And in order for a judge to issue a probable cause arrest warrant a crime has to have been committed. Any person with a grudge against another person can go to a judge, sometimes via an online reporting system, tell the judge that the person they don't like has threatened to harm them and the judge will sign what is commonly referred to as a protection order. And one of the provisions of that order will state that the accused person must stay a certain distance away from the protected person. The restrained person has to be served a copy of the order and it has to be filed with the local police department before it takes legal effect, but once that has been done the person who is the target of the order can be arrested for just being within the distance proscribed by the protection order. All the 'protected' person has to do is follow the target person to a grocery store and call the police claiming that the target person is in violation of the order and the target person will be arrested. It doesn't matter that the protected person lied to the court about the supposed threat, or that the protected person lied to the court about serving the target person, the target person will be arrested. 

There is no way to know if the target person was served or not. And there is no way to know if the protected person was telling the truth about the supposed threat. Just about every time a person going through a divorce seeks a protection order it is based on lies. No abuse ever happened, no threats were ever made, and the protected person was never in any danger. On top of that the protected person lies about having served the target person so the target person doesn't even know he or she has been accused until they are being handcuffed and taken to jail. And now in addition to being unjustly accused in a so-called Family Superior Court the target person has to defend him or herself against a protective order that is based solely on lies. The targeted person never intended any harm to the so-called protected person. In many cases it is just the opposite. The targeted person has been subjected to unbelievable mental cruelty and other forms of abuse. And the real funny part is that the targeted person won't even have a chance to defend against the illegal order for several months. The arraignment after the arrest will only be for the crime of violating an order that was issued illegally in the first place. And all the judge has to say is, Thank God I'm  immune from the effects of my stupidity! 

Even judges who witness this multiple times a day put great weight on protective orders often using them to give an advantage to the person seeking protection. 

Never mind the fact that judges knowingly allow themselves to be used as weapons against a targeted parent or other person in a legal matter, the protection order is issued without offering the targeted person any due process rights and as such are completely unconstitutional. The targeted person is presumed guilty without a hearing, gets arrested for something that never occurred, and has to make bail in order to be released from the jail, possibly hire a lawyer who will then proceed to fleece him or her for as much money as possible so they can set multiple hearings to hear evidence that their client never committed a crime that never occurred. And the targeted person, usually a citizen of the United States, is openly and knowingly deprived of his or her Constitutional rights for the convenience of the court. And the judge has knowingly and willingly allowed him or herself to be used as a dupe for the so-called protected person. 

So much for the Fourth Amendment. It has been rendered useless by Superior Courts.

Ok then how about the Fourteenth Amendment? Maybe the court believes the Fourteenth Amendment protects a citizens rights.

Nope! As mentioned above the targeted person gets arrested for a crime for which there is no evidence ever occurred. And since there is no evidence that a crime ever occurred there can't be any evidence that anyone committed the crime that never occurred, yet a person has been illegally arrested for the phantom crime. 

Literally thousands of citizens are arrested every year and at least 90 percent of the restraining orders that are granted are based on lies, allegations of incidents of things that never occurred. This can only happen when judges are signing protection orders without asking for any corroborating evidence. The judge has no way of knowing if the accused person is guilty of anything, but he signs what amounts to an arrest warrant anyway. No matter how you look at it, this is wrong.

In the absence of any kind of proof that a person has done anything wrong it is illegal for the state to deprive that individual of his or her rights even if it is possible that the person might be a danger to someone. 

No judge who cares about the law, or who has any integrity at all would sign a restraining order without seeing some proof that there is a reason for the issuance of such a restriction of a person's rights.

Even a temporary restraining order has a long lasting effect on the targeted person that can affect such things as job opportunities and housing, or even traveling via commercial air carrier. Any court issuing restraining orders is probably willingly violating the Constitution for the convenience of the court. I have no idea how this is legal. 

And worse it undermines the credibility of the entire justice system. How can we possibly have any confidence in a judge who would knowingly sign a protection order for which the protected person has shown any evidence that one is needed?

So much for the protection provided by the Fourteenth Amendment. If you are going through a divorce proceeding you better be the first to request an illegal protection order because the first one to lie about being abused has a great advantage during the rest of the proceedings. 

At least in Family Court there are no laws. There is only a judge who is either ignorant of the law or doesn't care about the law. Either way we lose.  


Friday, May 27, 2022

King Barry; IDIOT

 King Barry, aka Barack Obama The Great! has struck again. He was one of the most divisive presidents we've ever had. He had a chance to be great. He really did. We wanted him to be great, but in true democrat form he walked away from the opportunity and instead became one of the biggest demagogues of all time. He was the first black president of the United States of America and he still insisted that America is a racist nation, that racism was systemic in our society and it was very difficult for a black man to succeed in America. 

The son of a white woman who also hated America and raised by white grandparents, he still insisted that this is a racist nation. He was actually supported by his white grandmother. His white grandfather was also anti America, as was his black father who was a devoted Communist. His black father was also absent from his life. The first black president also perpetrated the largest fraud against the American people ever accomplished by an American president. He lied repeatedly about obamacare stating that anyone who didn't want to sign up could keep their current health insurance policies. What actually happened? The day obamacare was signed into law millions of Americans immediately lost their health insurance and most of them also had to change doctors. 

He was a liar in true democrat tradition, but the only reason I'm picking on him today is his utterly unfathomable tasteless statement the day after a madman entered a school and murdered 19 nine year olds and two teachers. Of course none of the victims were black so King Barry said, it's cool to remember those asshole kids, but never forget the great George Floyd was murdered by a police officers TWO YEARS ago. 

Let's break that down for a second. Clearly King Barry is a racist moron. Second George Floyd was a criminal who could have cooperated with the police who were conducted a lawful investigation after being called to the scene to investigate a possible counterfeit bill. The guy who called the police identified Floyd the Asshole as the person who passed the counterfeit money so instead of realizing that Floyd was black and probably going resist so they should leave him alone, they tried to talk to him. And what did Floyd do? Well he damn sure didn't cooperate. He chose to physically attack the police. The police defended themselves and the result was that George died in the fight. So of course there were days of rioting and looting aka shopping and because the only reason the police possibly could have had for confronting Floyd was that he was a black man there was a murder trial. Was it a murder? No it was not. It was a tragic accident.

But that didn't matter. The trial was about an innocent black man being singled out by racist police officers whose only object was to murder a black man. It didn't matter that a crime may have been committed and that the victim pointed to George as the suspect. 

What about 19 nine year olds in Uvalde Texas? What crime did they commit? What about the two teachers, one of whom was a true hero? What crime did they commit? They were Hispanics killed by a lone maniac armed with a loaded rifle. The maniac, also Hispanic, was killed by a police officer who confronted him. Also Hispanic. Why is race important some people may want to know. It isn't. Not to anyone with a Heart and compassion for other human beings. Americans couldn't care less about race. I don't give a shit about race, but King Barry does. Most democrats do. 

What King Barry said was a total disgrace and hardly anyone is reporting it. If Donald Trump had said something like that, or Governor Abbott, democrats would be putting up billboards all across the country. East to West and North to South. They'd be putting signs on buses and corporate America would be buying ads in every newspaper, tv show, radio, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Google, you name it, that statement would be everywhere and every minute of every day from now until November. They'd be hiring pilots to tow banners. The fact is that Barack Obama was possibly the worst president we've ever had. I don't care what race he is he's an embarrassment as a president  and as a man. 

Democrats may think George is a great American hero, but the truth is those kids, those teachers, and their families deserve a lot more respect than that. The New Democrat party is an American disgrace. Nobody should vote democrat. If your only issues are abortion and transgender rights then I guess you should vote democrat. 

The rest should vote American. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022


The democrats keep up their relentless attack on our way of life. They need to break up the family unit in order to raise a new generation of Americans who are trained to do whatever the government tells them to do. That is not freedom. Evidence? In California, a state almost completely under democrat control, they encourage children to keep secrets from their parents about their relationship with their teachers and school administrators. Each schools has computer portals that allow parents to monitor their child's progress and communicate with teachers and administrators if necessary. Sounds great and it is great, but then there is another portal that allows children to communicate directly with their teachers and the children are told they do not have to share their password with their parents that way if their daughter gets pregnant they can rush off to Planned Parenthood and take care of it without causing any dissension in the home. Parents have no idea what the teachers are teaching their children outside of school, but we do know that too often their communications involve finding ways for teachers to have sexual relations with students and they can exchange pictures of each other with no clothes, I guess democrats would view that as a modern adaptation of sex education, in other words legitimate curriculum for children (something I probably would have enjoyed when I was thirteen, but I'm not sure that's really in the best interest of children.) Of course it's gotta be kept a state's secret from parents or there might be some dissension in the home. Democrats are so thoughtful!

It sure is great to know that teachers are becoming so chummy with our children. We don't need to be bothered with the details because after all that could just lead to trouble and one thing democrats want is happy families. And how about Delaware, another state that is burdened with democrat leadership. Delaware House Bill 400 states that our children can be treated by a physician without notifying their parents or explain to them later why they were treated in the first place. Of course parents still have to pay the bill. After all fair is fair right? I mean they are our children and someone has to pay for their care. And what business is it of ours if our daughters get an abortion without telling us, after all democrats are just looking out for our best interest. If we knew our daughters were pregnant we might not like that and we might even have a discussion about it and help them explore all of their options. Democrats are just saving us the heartache of knowing our children might be making poor decisions. Hell what if she got pregnant from having sex with one or two of her teachers; how's that going to look on a resume? And the other gem democrats are forcing upon our kids is homosexuality. What if Jonny is no good in sports but he still wants a medal? Duh! he can join the girls team. He can join the girl's team and be a hero, sort of. But how in the hell is he going to do that without telling mom and dad? They are never going to go along with such a simple plan because they hate him and don't want him to succeed in ANYTHING right? Why are parents so mean? Not to worry, democrats have solved this problem! Simply go to whoever is stupid enough to do sex change operations and get it done; teachers can help get a child's sex changed medically without having to ever inform mom and dad. Mom and dad will pay the bill because they have to and the provider won't tell them what they paid for because democrats passed a law making it illegal to tell them. Perfect. Of course there is no reason to fear what effect this will have on the family because after all the family unit is an outdated concept. What we need is a government program that allows government officials to have more interaction with children in order to teach them things that their parents don't understand. Too many parents are trying to force their children to accept religious teachings that are based on the unscientific notion that God created the universe. Democrats are engaged in a competition for our children's hearts and minds. And what do most parents know about educating children in the first place? In today's increasingly complex world parents can't possibly know how to help their children to adjust without massive government assistance. 

The way HB400 works is via a coding system and it's brilliant. Lots of parents still push the notion that there are only two genders. Too many parents ignore modern medical science in favor of thousands of years of religious fantasy about the creation of the universe and the laws given to us by a false deity. To democrats religion is ok, but just don't believe in it too much. So schools teach children that sometimes it is necessary to ignore parental advice and seek their own way in life, especially when they are still young and mom and dad are still legally bound to pay their bills. Since doctors and hospitals don't work for free and most kids don't walk around with thousands of dollars at their disposal, those providers bill the child's health insurance and when parents see the Explanation of Benefits from the insurance carriers there is a box on the form  that says 'other' or something else non informational. Many parents will then contact the provider and ask just what they are billed for the and democrats have shielded the provider from any liability by passing a law forbidding the provider from answering the question. And just like democrats have solved another problem. Jonny gets his sex changed so he can win awards on the girls track team and mom and dad can breathe a little easier knowing that democrats have relieved them from the responsibility of taking care of their kids healthcare decisions. I don't know how helpful it will be to little jonny's ego when he finds he stinks just as bad at girls sports. 

And just imagine how warm and tender feelings are at home when kids look straight at their parents and tell them they don't have to discuss their life changing decisions with them or answer any of their stupid questions. All mom and dad have to do is pay the bill. Democrats will take care of the rest. And when the family unit has been hopelessly split I'm sure democrats are already prepared to push their solution to the vanished family unit.  

Democrats constantly complain that it is unfair and to use their words 'disinformation' to show that they are not pro family. The challenge as I see it is to show how separating children from their parents is making the family stronger.  Obviously it's a real challenge to democrats also since they continue to speak nonsense when they try to explain their philosophy on family. Some gibberish about how important it is for children to feel good about themselves especially when they realize that they are a different gender than they were when they were when they were born. Nonsense begets nonsense and I have no idea how a thimble full of homosexuals were able to convince the rest of the country that homosexuality is natural and normal and if we were born male or female that might be a mistake and we need to have a surgeon correct the error. I'm tempted to ask if we as a nation could get any dumber but I'm afraid of the answer. 

I'm still waiting for an intelligent answer from democrats about their love of families when all of their policies have the effect of weakening if not destroying the family unit. It doesn't take a village to raise a child, it takes a mom and a dad. Democrats are trying to replace the family with the village, as it is done in most dictatorships. And because I believe same sex marriages are wrong, and that gender reassignment surgery is a total abomination, democrats will be looking for a way to pass a law that can be used to punish me for thinking such mean and hateful thoughts because after all there can be no dissent once a democrat has spoken. Anyone who supports the kind of thinking Delaware democrats are engaged in is anti-America. The village should be supporting the family instead of thinking of ways to take it apart. When the family unit is gone our society will disintegrate rapidly and another great civilization will come to an end.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Go Ukraine!

 I have been watching the Russian army getting its butt kicked since shortly after they began their brutal and unwarranted invasion. And the whole world watched the Red army get ready for weeks. Supposedly, according to their mass murderer dictator Vladimir Putin they were preparing for some sort of training mission. They weren't planning an invasion they were just practicing troop movements. Then they lingered and armored troop carriers began to line up facing the border of Ukraine. NATO watched with amusement and the NATO  leadership told the Russian dictator he better not attack Ukraine again. Not like last time, this time there will be consequences. Well Vlad had already invaded Ukraine once and no one did anything about it. He took over about twenty percent of the country. A few people said that he was doing the wrong thing and he shouldn't have done what he did, but then the brutal dictator said, "Hey the people in that part of Ukraine were Russians and they were being persecuted by Ukrainians and they wanted to be a part of Russia  so he wasn't invading he was liberating. 

And just like that most of the leaders of the world became bobble heads, bobbing their head up and down, ignoring all the carnage and the bombed houses, hospitals and other places of shelter and told themselves and each other that "Hey, it's none of our business they want to be part of Russia, they don't even like Ukraine and they are happy about having their houses destroyed if that's what it takes to help them be a part of Russia again. Bombs Away! In two weeks the Russia army murdered 4500 civilians in Donbas. President Obama watched and had his people broadcast the disinformation coming from the mass murderer dictator about free elections and the people in Donbas welcoming the Russian invaders. It was during the war in Ukraine in 2014 that Vice President Biden blackmailed Poroshenko by threatening to block a billion dollar aide package if they didn't fire a special prosecutor who was investigating his son's corrupt company. And not being a wealthy country, and Poroshenko possibly being a little corrupt himself, they fired the prosecutor.

Fast forward to 2022 the Russian dictator had no reason to fear any repercussions from anyone if he attacked Ukraine again. So he did. And everyone hoped he would take Ukraine over in a couple of days, two weeks at the most. The rest is history. The people he claimed to be liberating didn't want his help, they didn't need his help and they damn sure didn't want to have their homes bombed flat and their friends and family members murdered. The leadership of NATO nations watched in horror as they were unable to evacuate the president of Ukraine along with his family. And the horror grew as they watched President Zellensky passing out rifles to every citizen of Ukraine who wanted one and was old enough to learn how to use one. 

Soon it became obvious that Ukrainians weren't just going to surrender, they were going to fight and they were smart people and good tacticians. And the Russian army was more like a street gang than an army. They are undisciplined, poorly trained and poorly equipped and they are becoming afraid to fight the Ukrainian army. Unable to just sit idly and watch the carnage slowly countries across Europe began sending obsolete weapons systems to help them fight and the Ukrainians began to halt the Russian advance. Ukraine asked for aircraft but no dice. Afraid of offending Kremlin's mass murderer the West said no. Still hoping President Zellensky would come to his senses and surrender Europe and Washington watched with crossed fingers. Now after over two months watching Ukraine take a beating and keep fighting back the West is finally providing heavy artillery and the Ukrainian army has actually been able to push the Russian rabble out of some areas, in one case all the way back to Russia. 

Ukraine has also finally been given some pretty good anti aircraft missiles and all  of those things are helping to keep the mob at bay, but they still need more. More and better missile batteries like Israel's Iron Dome and David surface to air missile systems. Even the American Patriot missile battery would help ensure that Russian pilots would be afraid to bomb Ukraine. Advanced anti ship missiles have already helped Ukraine sink some important Russian warships. The Ukrainians are not good at running scared. Now it's fairly obvious that given the right type of fighter aircraft Ukraine could push the Russian army completely out of their country. Unable to manufacture their own weapons and transport vehicles in sufficient numbers Ukraine is at the mercy of their neighbors to provide them what they need. 

Clearly Russia has nuclear weapons and the mass murdered in charge of Russia has threatened to use them. But he hasn't done it and probably won't unless Russia is seriously threatened which has not happened. Nobody has any interest in attacking Russia. Russia is a sucking garbage can dump of a country. All they have is oil which their neighbors used to be willing to purchase from them. Now Russia is a sucking garbage can of a country with no trading partners, Their currency ia always weak and now it is less than worthless. 

Ukraine will destroy fighting spirit of the so-called Russian soldier such as they are. I'd be so embarrassed if I were in the Russian army not just because they are being stopped by a supposedly inferior force, but because their mission was just plain evil. Attacking a neighbor and murdering, raping and robbing the citizenry, and demolishing their great cities when they've done nothing to harm you or your country is evil and stupid. 

Hopefully soon the Russian gang banger of an army will begin so experience mass desertions. By now the Russian dupe of a soldier has realized they were lied to and they are not a liberating army, but a gang of thugs. 

I celebrate every Russian soldier killed or maimed, and I despise every Russian soldiers mother for defiling the grand title of 'Mother'. These kids were taught by their mothers that it is ok to murder and rape innocent people if their dictator tells them to. Ukraine obviously can't kill Russians fast enough, but they are trying. I love the fighting spirit of the Ukrainian people.

Go Ukraine!  I've never been, but I consider myself an adoptive Ukrainian. I wish Americans had that kind of love of country and their fighting spirit. 

The Agony of Democrat 'logic'

Wouldn't it be great if democrats weren't allergic to logic? Recently Congresswoman Katie Porter, a California democrat, stated that if the Supreme Court decides that the states have the right to decide when, how, and who performs abortions, the next logical step will be for them to outlaw all forms of birth control. I struggle to come up with an analogy for that claim. Democrats do love to say things that don't make any sense. Making 'if' 'then' statements are only useful if you remember to think logically before you speak. 

Birth control happens prior to a woman becoming pregnant. The entire purpose of birth control is to prevent a pregnancy from happening and some forms of birth control are better than others but none of them work all of the time except for one. Abortion has nothing to do with birth control, but democrats don't want to admit that because it hurts their cause. This inevitably becomes a religious discussion because God expects us to nurture children not kill them. He expects us to allow them to be born and experience all of the things that go with a mortal existence. 

God instituted marriage so we could bring His children into the world and raise them in a stable environment where they could learn and grow. Mom and dad and children are what constitutes a family unit. This is all eye rollingly stupid to democrats since there is no God. To the extent that we have any rights we receive them from a government body, not God. And since there is no God there are no rules except those conceived by a governing body, and that's just the way it is. There are no immutable natural laws either evidently. I keep hoping a group of democrats will demonstrate this someday by going on a  group sky diving adventure and jumping out of a perfectly good aircraft without parachutes. If they made it a pay per view democrats could finally claim they paid off the national debt. 

Like most democrats Katie doesn't like science. Science is unpredictable and icky. You can never rely on science to prove you are right because we keep finding out new things and besides science itself isn't emotions driven. You may really, really want a particular outcome, but it it isn't there you ain't gittin' it. She may want abortion to be the same as birth control, but alas, it just isn't, but claiming that if states are allowed to follow the Constitution and regulate abortion the way that is most appropriate for their communities they hate women introduces the emotional side of the argument. They start chanting slogans like 'My body My choice' and 'don't tell me what to do with my body' and a myriad of other illogical things. 

I am not a democrat, I'm an American. I'm an American who opposes abortion because it is wrong. It is a moral outrage that we are killing 700,000 babies a year and it is a bigger outrage that we are doing it because our society sees babies as an inconvenience. And sadly many of those babies are live births, babies that are just simply allowed to die from lack of care after they are born. One democrat governor described it as a very loving thing to do. He said they carefully wrap the baby in a warm blanket then set it on a shelf before going away to discuss what the mother wants to do with it. That's actually horrifying to any decent human being. It will be a very long time before I ever vote democrat; they will have to undergo a major attitude shift and from where they are now I don't see that happening any time soon if ever. 

Because they are so opposed to state's rights they are protesting in front of the residences of Supreme Court Justices trying to intimidate them into ruling a certain way. Members of the democrat party are so intent on overthrowing our government that when something doesn't go their way they burn buildings, loot businesses, overturn people's cars, block traffic, and commit murder. And the laugh of laughs is they consider all of that to be peaceful protest protected by the Constitution. And that is just more government nonsense. The law is rarely on their side, but judges frequently are. 

And that's why they are so scared out of their minds right now. For the first time in decades we have a clear majority of Supreme Court justices who believe in the Constitution. Democrats are screaming that abortions are going to be illegal now and women will be forced to suffer needlessly and that is actually funny. They are so crazed that Congresswoman Katie, California of course is claiming that next they will be making birth control a crime. No Katie, not only will abortion still be legal, but birth control methods will be with us until democrats come up with a way to mess with it while on one of their power trips. 

Abortion will now be regulated by the states, that's all. In some states it will be harder to find someone to murder your baby than others, there will always be certain exceptions. Some states will remind women that yes, pregnancies are 100% preventable. In other states it will be "Go ahead and kill her nobody likes a crying baby anyway!" Why can't democrats use logic? That's simple; logic lacks emotion. Logic requires thought and planning instead of knee jerk reactions. Thinking hurts, robbing, murdering and looting is fun. Democrats are allergic to logic. Abortion is wrong at least 96 percent of the time. Why democrats are so opposed to people being held responsible for their own decisions is a mystery. End the hysteria, support our great system and let the justices to their job. If they don't do what you want form a committee and work together to pass a law or change an existing law. It's maddening to try to talk to a democrat. Logic to them is like Kryptonite to Superman. We can always hope someday they will learn the benefits of thinking, but I don't see any evidence of that yet. 

Sunday, May 15, 2022

My Body My Choice?

Ladies if you don't want to have a baby then don't get pregnant. Pregnancy is one hundred percent preventable and we all know how to prevent it. On the other hand if you do get pregnant plan for the arrival of your newborn baby. The Choice is before you get pregnant not after. After you get pregnant you became the caretaker for another person with a body of her or his own and you don't have any moral or legal right to kill it.  

I really don't understand the "My Body My Choice" bit. Just about everybody agrees that you can do whatever you want with your body. Go ahead! Knock yourself out, have a 'it's my body' party! Just don't harm the body inside of you. That should not be your choice. 

What I'm about to say is only for people who believe in God. The rest of you really have nothing to contribute since for your life ends when your mortal body dies. There is no afterlife for you (Boy are you going to be disappointed!) The rest of you have a reason to live. You believe in some sort of life after death and I applaud and respect that. Then you believe we are all God's children and he put us all here for a reason. There is a reason for our mortal existence. And there are a lot of theories about that and I think it is important that we respect each other's beliefs. The one thing we all share is the belief that we are God's children and God created the universe, including the earth on which we live. 

God created men and women and He chose women to be his partners in bringing us into this life. I hope that most of us also believe in life before our mortal existence. We must have come from somewhere. I don't know how women who claim there is no God explain the growth process of a developing baby. It can't be a miracle because there is no God. And it can't be explained by science because while most scientists agree that you need contributions from a man and a woman to produce a baby they don't really understand how it happens. Or even why it happens. Scientists can't explain what causes the brain to develop and begin to think. What is the process that causes people to begin to make observations about the world they live in for example. What causes us to feel pain and pleasure? What causes us to start thinking? They know it has something to do with the brain forming and central nervous system, but what exactly causes us to think and reason? 

Instinct I guess. Does a woman instinctively want to kill her baby, or does it take some time to make that decision? Especially for women who believe in God; isn't it something unbelievably special that He chose you to join Him in a partnership? Doesn't God want all of His children to experience mortality? I don't doubt that some abortions are necessary and I respect that, but we are killing 700,000 babies a year. Some of them after they are born. And why not? According to democrats the standard is could the baby survive by itself outside the womb? I don't think any one year olds could meet that standard, let alone a newborn baby. How many toddlers could survive on their own? 

No, abortion is an abomination. For a woman to argue that she can do whatever she wants with her body so she can kill her unborn child defies logic. And now the United States Supreme Court may be on the verge of overturning the ridiculous law that was passed by the Supreme Court in 1973 that made it legal to obtain an abortion anywhere in the nation. The Constitution does not say a woman has a right to kill an unborn baby. The privacy right of a pregnant woman should not overrule the right of the unborn baby to live. Most likely if she were asked, that baby would say, "Yes I would like to live. I would like to experience mortality to its fullest. Please don't kill me." 

 Democrats are uncomfortable with the idea of a God and the belief that God would want His children to be allowed to experience what it feels like to be born and then progress from one stage of life to the next. Democrats don't want us to believe that line in the Declaration of Independence that references 'our creator'. The lack of belief in God is also strange to me. If we weren't created by God how did we get here again? How many theories are there for that? And how many of them ultimately lead to more questions and disagreements? All of them. Scientists know that science is never 'settled'. We live in a changing environment and constant change means we will always be discovering something new. Every scientist, even the unbelievers should always have that nagging thought somewhere in their brain housing groups, "What if there is a god? And what if he did create the universe?" Since they haven't come up with a viable alternative I'll keep reading their essays and following their discoveries, but I'll stick to the eternal truth that there is a God and He did create the universe and I'll rattle their cages a little more; when our mortal life ends there is a lot more to discover. 

The scholar and explorer in me finds that very appealing. The end of mortality is not something to fear, it is something to look forward to prepare for and embrace. So for me, "My Body My Choice" is just a way of telling the world I'm selfish and irresponsible and that's the way I like it and most of us find that appalling. For those few women who have to make that horrible choice, those who are actually in that life threatening position my heart aches for you. And I know God will bless you. And I don't think anyone wants to take that away from you. It is a very private matter. Those who are pro abortion want us to think that a lot of women are in that position, but that simply isn't the case. The fact is that very few pregnancies bring the mother to the brink of death, but it does happen and it is tragic and sad when it does happen. Once again democrats are ignoring all of the medical and scientific research and making noise that doesn't help anyone. They prefer confusing things like 'hate speech' and 'science denier' or 'woke' or 'my body, my choice', and so many more. Slogans that don't have any meaning and are used to create confusion. 

No one says you can't do what you want with your own body and if you are unwilling to protect the other body inside of you we will come up with a way to help you. Some states will outlaw abortion on demand and some will embrace it. The Federal government simply doesn't have the right to force any state to make laws the people of that find abhorrent. 

So alright I'll meet you half way; do what you want with your body, but don't force your will on another person just because you are bigger and stronger. Killing babies is wrong and no amount of chanting slogans or destroying other people's property will ever make it right. 

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Democrats continued assault on the Constitution

 I hate making this post so political, but I really don't know what else I can do. Just a few days ago democrats gave us a new bureaucracy inside a bureaucracy inside a bureaucracy called the Disinformation Board. No one has explained why we need such a board or what the duties of the Board will be. We know it will be housed inside the so-called Dept of Homeland Security, a bureaucracy gifted to us by an idiot president named GW Bush. Was GW a bad president? In my opinion he was a bad president. He waged a war he didn't know how to win and he gave us a very dangerous bureau that is doing more harm than good. He may have done some good things, but starting a war he didn't know how to win and creating a huge bureaucracy were two terrible ideas.  

Keep it Simple Stupid! Well that wasn't GW's style. Now after waging an information war against anyone who disagrees with them democrats have given us in rapid succession rules regarding hate speech, climate change, homosexuality, the right to self defense, and now they are threatening to regulate speech. But who needs freedom when democrats are going to give you free medical treatment and affordable housing? Mayorkas has guaranteed his office would never be used to spy on American citizens insisting that they will rely on 'best practices' whatever that means. When he gave us the Dept. of Homeland Security GW made a similar promise and then to make sure he was covered he joined the Clintons as they promoted a variety of causes throughout the country. That was a smart thing to do since we all saw what the Obama administration did to the Trump campaign; Allowing the Director of the FBI, or perhaps encouraging them, to lie to the FISA court to get them to authorize illegal spying on a  political candidate they didn't like. 

The Biden administration has been asked just what the Bureau of Disinformation was supposed to do and Director Mayorkas just keeps saying 'best practices' as if that has some sort of meaning. We've never had a bureaucracy before whose job was to make sure Americans tell the truth so how does 'best practices' work in that context? The closest Mayorkas has come  to explaining the roll of the Board is to explain that it is an effort to stop disinformation from Russia. Since there is no way to know what disinformation he is talking about because in true democrat style he doesn't believe in education, preferring disinformation, intimidation and fear mongering.  Why can't he provide any examples that would help us understand the need for such a 'Board'? 

And Uncle Joe's assertion that he doesn't understand how anyone could possibly think this amounts to a Ministry of Free Speech almost leaves one speechless, which is what they want! So rather than remain speechless I will continue to expose the hypocrisy of the left. Fortunately Republicans aren't as bad. We've had a few bad apples, GW and his old man being two prime examples, but over all they support the Bill of Rights and believe that peaceful protest can be productive until you start burning and looting and overturning people's cars and committing murder. We all saw the CNN reporter standing in front of a block of burning stores claiming that the protest was mostly peaceful. 

Democrats don't know what peaceful means I guess. I complain about Republicans sometimes and I'm not a Republican, but Mitch McConnell did save us from an anti Bill of Rights Supreme Court Justice in Judge Merrick Garland when he refused to present him for a vote. 

And history is going to prove that Donald Trump was one of our best presidents. Of course Donald Trump isn't really a Republican; he's an American. No one who is openly pro America could run as a democrat so he had to choose the Republican Party. And the Republican Party didn't want him because he is even too American for them. He is very direct and open about what he wants for this country. He doesn't like vague language and Americans are so accustomed to being coddled that they become scared by someone who is honest about what he wants. Donald Trump was open about his feelings about illegal border crossings, he went to NATO and told them all that they were slackers and not paying their way. He pointed out the weaknesses of NATO and told them to organize better arm themselves better. He reminded them about the threat Russia posed to the security of Europe. He opposed the natural gas pipeline Russia wanted to place in Europe so Putin could sell them natural gas at a lower price, and provide him the money he needed to build up his mansions in Russia and perhaps buy a tank or two. President Trump aggressively encouraged more oil exploration in the US so the country could be more self sufficient and he achieved that goal. The USA was energy independent. President Trump could see how foolish it was to continue to rely on people who hate us for our oil needs. The same with China He saw the potential danger of allowing all of our manufacturing to be done in China. Now democrats don't believe that Americans are smart enough to know when they're being lied to. Since this is an election year I guess we'll find out in November how gullible Americans are. 

People who believe in freedom don't oppose freedom of speech. 

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Minister of Free Speech?

For years I've been making the case that democrats want to kill the Bill of Rights. And some people have seen that I was right about that and others have angrily told me that Donald Trump lies therefore democrats love the Constitution. They never can state what Donald Trump lies about. Does Uncle Joe lie? There is evidence that he does lie. One obvious example is his behavior toward his son in the case of the Burisma energy company in Ukraine. His drug addicted son (and there is a lot of evidence of that) Hunter was given a job at an energy company in Ukraine even though his only possible value to the company was that his dad was the Vice President of the United States. And when there was evidence of corruption in the company and the one of Ukraine's top prosecutors began an investigation into that evidence, Uncle Joe called the president of Ukraine for assistance. 

There is some evidence that the president of Ukraine at the time was corrupt himself. His opponent in the last election ran on a platform of corruption in the government and he won over seventy percent of the vote. Here we would consider that an impressive victory, similar to the margin enjoyed by President Reagan. Petro Poroshenko was expecting a billion dollars from the United States and Uncle Joe's son's company was being investigated for corruption which was causing the company some difficulty so Uncle Joe simply told his corrupt counterpart that if he wanted the billion dollars he had to fire the prosecutor that was causing Hunter Biden some grief and for a billion dollars Poroshenko had no problem firing the guy. The prosecutor is lucky that Uncle Joe didn't order Poroshenko to hang him in a public square. Later with that stupid smile of his Uncle Joe made a statement to the effect that he never discussed business with his son and the call to the President of Ukraine had nothing to do with the fact that his son's company was being investigated. No rational person would believe such an obvious lie. Democrats claim that Uncle Joe was simply concerned about corruption in Ukraine and for some reason he felt like he needed to do something to straighten them out. 

So having presented more evidence that our president is corrupt, I also will present evidence that he really has no regard for our Constitution. Just this week he has appointed a Minister of Free Speech to be housed (protected) in the Department of Homeland Security, another questionable bureaucracy. And why do we need a minister of free speech? Because democrats are afraid of people who disagree with them. In the United States of America there can be no difference of opinion. 

If you think you have a First Amendment right to say what's on your mind you have obviously misunderstood and because of that misunderstanding you must clear any disagreement with the democrat party through the Minister of Free Speech. To be fair it is actually called the Disinformation Guidance Board. I think. The goal is to ensure that anyone who is guilty of spreading disinformation is punished appropriately. And the way we know if someone is spreading disinformation is by asking the boss of the disinformation board if what we are about to say is true or not. No one has addressed what kind of power the Director of the Department of Disinformation has but it could be considerable. The DHS itself operates outside the confines of the law sometimes for 'operational expediency'. The FBI operated outside the law for example when the Director thought Donald Trump shouldn't become the next president of the United States so he authorized his people to lie to the FISA judge in order to obtain an illegal warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. 

Since the DHS only answers to itself it is very unsettling to have them house the Ministry of Disinformation. I don't want to be considered too one sided here so I will quickly point out that a Republican president gave us the ungovernable bureaucracy called the DHS. It was a stupid idea. The only reason democrats opposed it was because they were ashamed that they didn't think of it first. And now even Republican Senators are favoring some additional controls on freedom of speech. Just a couple of days ago, Senator Joseph Kennedy, Republican from Louisiana, said we don't want to allow Hate Speech on the internet. In my opinion he is no champion of freedom. We can't learn to be civil toward each other if we allow the government to tell us what to say and when to say it. 

If someone has something ridiculous and stupid to say I want to know what it is. Don't force dangerous people underground, let them speak so we all know who they are and how dumb and stupid they are. We definitely do not need a Minister of Free Speech. That is completely contrary to who we've always been as a nation. 

I've said it at least a thousand times and I still believe that we don't have a political party that respects our traditions and values, and because of that too many people in America don't understand what those values are. The two most obvious are our philosophy that individuals are sovereign over the government and tell their elected officials what to do instead of being told what to do by our elected officials, and we can say whatever is on our mind without fear of losing any of our hard won freedoms. 

Ministry of Free Speech? I'm glad it came from a democrat and not an American. This year's midterms should result in a landslide conservative victory, which will be a minor victory for the entire country. Maybe we can pass a law making it illegal to pass a law against Hate Speech. I wonder where the United States Supreme Court stands on Hate Speech. Dictators have Ministers of Free Speech, Americans are revolted by the very idea. 

(petro poroshenko) (victor shokin)