Sunday, January 9, 2022


 We are desperately in need of better information about the coronavirus, covid 19 and I don't think we'll be getting that from Tony. We know it came from a lab in Wuhan China, we don't know and probably never will know if the spread was deliberate or not. We know that it can be deadly, but it isn't necessarily deadly. We don't really understand how it spreads. Tens of thousands of families get together all the time and never have a problem with the spread of covid 19, but occasionally a family gets together and half the family gets covid 19 and dies from it. 

It appears to be about 99 percent survivable, which is pretty good.  We know that politicians have done a great job at making people fear covid 19. We have to wear masks everywhere we go in certain states because politicians tell us that if we don't we are terrible people and should be fined or imprisoned or both. Yet in states where there are no mask laws people still get covid 19, but no more than states who require masks. 

We have a vaccination that does prevent the spread of covid 19, and now we are told we need to get a booster shot less than a year after the vaccination because there are other 'strains' of the coronavirus, the 'Delta' strain, and now the 'Omocron' strain. And now Dr. Fauci is telling us that we may need several more booster shots to keep everyone safe.

In California many cities make citizens carry a piece of paper proving they have been vaccinated. Now there are booster shots available. Soon democrat kings are going to require people to carry around a book full of visa stamp-like pages to prove their peasants have been good little peasants and taken all of their shots. Pin cushions? Other countries can treat their citizens like that. I hope the people in California soon wake up and realize that we are a freedom loving people and if someone wants to dictate to us what we can and can't do that person has to go. 

It's time to realize that there is only so much we can reasonably be expected to do about the coronavirus. Every year we are going to lose some people until it runs its course. If people want to wear a mask everywhere they go that's fine and if people don't want to wear a mask that's fine too. Get a shot, don't get a shot, get boosted from now till the end of the year, or don't get a shot at all, it doesn't matter to me. Everyone on earth is going to die of something. Some will be young, some will be old and it really doesn't matter, but there is no way that the coronavirus is going to kill everyone on earth.  

What matters is living the best life we can as long as we are here. Dr. Fauci apparently did a good job of helping some people when aids was reaching epidemic levels among a certain population during the decades of the 1980's and the 1990's, but he hasn't done much to help with the coronavirus that has gripped the world. He's helped ensure that we never find out how it started, or how it spreads. He doesn't seem to have much interest in knowing why it spread throughout the world so fast. Holding on to the power seems to suit his needs. Telling the rest of us how to live seems to give him tremendous satisfaction.

Luckily for him he has Uncle Joe Biden making sure no one listens to what Senator Rand Paul is saying. No need to be unkind to a senior citizen, just let Tony retire with a 'Thank You' and 'good luck'. Let him go! Take the politics out of science and find a way to live with China's latest gift to the world. 

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