Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Lia Thomas

 Let's get something straight; Lia Thomas is a guy. That is the science. He can think he is a girl all day long, but at the end of that day he will still be a guy. Science is constantly evolving and we are always learning new things and challenging old ideas, but there are certain things that are simply true and cannot be changed. Adam and Eve were the first people to inhabit the earth. Adam was a man and Eve was a woman and that's the way it's been ever since. There are two genders among the human species; male and female. I'm not sure how to feel about people who are confused about that. I'm not an advocate of abusing people who claim to be transgender and I won't be abused by people in that group either. I expect to be treated with the same respect I give them. I would never force anyone to lie for me and I won't let anyone force me to lie for them. It's that simple. And I'm not the one being rude here. I'm not the one who is saying that science has been wrong about gender since the foundation of the world. 

No Henry, you can't put your pants on backwards and call yourself Henrietta. You are a man, not a woman. If you are confused about that you need mental health counseling not a surgeon. And any of you surgeons who think you can change a person's sex need mental health counseling too. It really should be illegal to commit a fraud on that scale. 

Lia Thomas' coach should be ashamed as should every one of the administrators of Penn State not to mention the leaders of the NAACP.  what a horrible thing to do to a young person. Lia is sick and he should be treated with compassion and given the mental health counseling he really needs. And what about the girls on the team? The real girls. The girls who know who they are and don't share the confusion of the coaches and administrators of that once great university? 

All of you Title Niners make me sick. I literally want to puke all over you. Democrats care about women's rights? Sure! And pigs really can fly! Title IX was passed by a democrat congress and signed into law by a Republican president (Richard M. Nixon). And in those days it was about equality for women. Today democrats want to water down women's rights by forcing them to compete against men in skirts. The whole thing is a nauseating mess. No real man wants to compete in women's sports and no real woman would ever allow him to. So what's going on in America today? Who Knows? Confusion is the rule of the day and democrats are rejoicing because confusion is their greatest ally. It was a democrat president who famously claimed that the word 'is' is subject to interpretation. No Bill, either the stain on the dress is yours or it isn't. And what a great dinner conversation that was to have with our twelve year old daughter. 

And now democrats are pushing transgenders onto everybody. I have no idea why. Transgenders do vote, but there are very few of them. If I were to guess I'd say they just want to keep on pushing the lie that they are kind. They are not kind. They are dangerous. Ronald Reagan and Tip O'neal didn't always agree, but they were civil with each other and were able to work together on several areas about which they disagreed. Bill Clinton learned to work with Newt Gingrich, but Barak Obama never saw himself as a mere president; he was the White House king and kings don't work with other people. Kings proclaim laws rights and privileges that may be imposed upon their 'subjects' at the kings pleasure. King Barry said it himself when he made the observation that "If congress doesn't act, I will!" I don't remember which of his pet projects Congress opposed, but that is their responsibility. It is the Congress that passes laws, not the king. We haven't had a king since 1776 and we fired that one. 

Anyway democrats are still at it. They claim that a 'democracy' is supposed to be 'messy' whatever that means. It sounds like disorderly or confused to me and that would be a democrats position. They love confusion. Clarity is always the enemy of of the democrat party. As we will soon learn during the 2022 midterm elections once Americans have seen the results of democrat policies they will vote for America and get rid of the dead weight in Congress and in many governors offices across the nation. Triple digit increases in violent crimes and double digit inflation are not going to be winning issues. 

And women thinking they are men and men thinking they are women are not clarifying issues. We are born as one or the other. As women are increasingly forced out of women's sports by mentally challenged men who want to be women it may become necessary for women to withdraw their support for women's sports as long as men are allowed to pretend they are women just so they can have a trophy in their cabinet. I'm not saying they should quit the team, just refuse to compete with men in women's sports. And when weak administrators begin to force women out of women's sports by kicking them off the team while supporting men on the women's team, maybe Americans will wake up and realize that we are becoming a nation of dupes and worse. 

It is not unkind to tell a man or a woman what gender they are. It is terribly mean to let them continue to believe that there was a mistake made when they were born and the wrong gender box was checked. It is mean to tell a woman that she must compete with men in women's sports, and to further insist she must undress and shower with men. The whole thing is madness and confusion. It is causing unnecessary division among students at all levels of education and for what? So a few men and women can follow a life pattern of mental illness untreated? 

All women who are forced to compete against men should refuse to play. Transgenderism is the result of a frenzied mind. It is total confusion and it is wrong. If we must insist on placating people with mental illnesses then at least start a separate league for transgenders who want to compete. I guess we'd call it the transgender league and see how much interest there is. Americans need to search for the courage they've lost over the past few decades. We used to have the courage to tell people, "Hey, that's just not right!" 

And the truth is that letting Lia continue to believe he's a female just isn't right. 

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