Monday, January 10, 2022


New Yorkers beware. And show some respect for the people you are invading. Democrats always think they are right about every issue and if anyone disagrees that person should be shunned, fired, and run out of town. It's that simple. Now a few New Yorkers are getting it back and they don't like it. First of all if you consider yourself 'woke' there are only two or three states that will tolerate you. Either stay in New York or move to California or the Pacific Northwest where they think that is cool. Florida has great weather and they believe in individual liberty; that the individual has rights that the 'government' can't take away. To a democrat that is a danger to our democracy. Democrats are not a freedom loving people. 

When a concerned citizen, or group of concerned citizens placed a note on the windshields of cars parked in a Palm Beach neighborhood warning New Yorkers that if they consider themselves 'woke' they should probably consider moving back to the liberal toilet they just left because New York isn't a lousy place to live because the state is inherently bad, it's the people that make it the way it is. New York is a great place to live when governed properly, but they make laws that are simply not compatible with the ideals we believe in America. And the taxes there are of course outrageous. After decades of voting for tax increases for whatever social program is on the ballot, defunding the police, re allocating police resources in a way that causes a dramatic increase in crime, democrats look to Florida for a safe haven and then when they get there they start trying to change the political make up of the state. 

Then they claim that people warning them that their stupid, ruinous ideas and policies will not be tolerated in Palm Beach that democracy is in peril. No, that's called Neighborhood Watch. It's called being a good neighbor and letting you know that you are welcome to stay as long as you recognize that New York is a terrible place to live because of the people who live there, not because the dirt in New York is somehow worse than the dirt in other states. The dirt can't vote. If the dirt could vote New Yorkers wouldn't be leaving in search of better living conditions because the dirt knows what people need, and they don't need to pay people for not working, or to throw money at people because they are a certain race, or outlawing soft drinks, or whatever. The fact is that most New Yorkers are dumber than dirt and that concerns many of the people in Florida who do value the Bill of Rights. In Florida they believe in the right to self defense for example. They understand that no firearm has ever killed anyone but some idiot used the firearm to kill someone or a group of people. 

They also believe that people should work for a living no matter what race they are. And they believe in being civil to each other. New Yorkers have views on sex education for children that aren't compatible with a lot of people who have religious values and think that there is a time and place for such education, but perhaps kindergarten isn't the best place to begin teaching about birth control or a teachers favorite 'positions'. No one is saying that there aren't any perverts in Florida, but they don't celebrate their perverts the way New York does. Floridians aren't convinced that wearing a mask is the answer to the spread of covid 19. There is no clear evidence that it does help. Democrats have done their best to make sure we never have a good understanding about what does help stem the spread of the coronavirus. They don't even want to admit that covid 19 came from Wuhan China. Being a people diametrically opposed to freedom they use the coronavirus to strip us of our civil liberties. To make us wear masks even if they don't do any good, or get a vaccination that may actually have long term harmful effects. Democrats have no tolerance for a free exchange of ideas; once they have spoken there is no need for a free exchange of ideas because they have already told you everything there is to know about whatever subject is being discussed so please kindly SHUT UP! Facebook and Twitter are prime examples. If you dare to opine that masks might not be the answer to the spread of disease you are suspended from the sight. And there are a variety of others subjects that are similarly 'tolerated'. 

Palm Beach police said they received reports about the notes and when they investigated there wasn't anything to investigate since it is not against the law to leave fliers on vehicle windshields. And the sad truth is if the notes had been advertising a local meeting to ban guns or how to increase local taxes for more AIDS awareness, or maybe they should get a petition against a local church where same sex marriages aren't being performed,  the 'woke' crowd would have been all smiles. If there's a way to take away a person's freedom democrats are all over it. And while I'm on the topic of things being a 'threat to our democracy' I just want to suggest that even that is a stupid slogan. As long as we're allowed to vote our democracy is fine. Even if some people cheat, and democrats love to cheat, our democracy is still working. Firing people for voting for a candidate an employer doesn't approve of is a threat to our democracy and democrats fired a lot of people when it was discovered that they voted for Donald Trump. Firing people for belonging to the wrong church is a threat to our democracy and in California anyone who supported Proposition 8 was in serious jeopardy of being fired or worse. They even published a list of all of the people who donated to the Prop 8 campaign, along with the amount of money each individual contributed, and hundreds of people were fired for supporting it.  Forcing people to deny their basic religious beliefs is a threat to our democracy, firing people who like to shoot guns is a threat to our democracy, and appointing Supreme Court justices who are hostile to our Constitution is a threat to our democracy. 

Democrats today are a serious threat to our democracy. I live in California and I forget how many freedoms we've voted away until I travel to America and see how Americans live. Just not having to wear a mask everywhere I go is worth leaving this state occasionally. I'm a firearms enthusiast and I can't stand all of the laws preventing me from buying certain guns and ammunition. I like to fish and there are certain hooks we aren't allowed to use because they might damage the fish. First of all, I'm not a catch and release dude; I eat the damn things. I actually cook them myself and they taste good too! 

Fortunately I live in one of the few fairly conservative areas of the state so homelessness isn't too bad, although it is getting worse, but we were just able to obtain a court order to get rid of a growing 'homeless village' that was a real health threat to our community, but traveling through San Francisco and Los Angeles is pretty disgusting. There are dirty tent cities all over the place. Why democrats are afraid of clean, safe communities is a mystery to me. That is until I see Californians fleeing to neighboring states, and New Yorkers fleeing to Florida, then I realize that maybe they do prefer clean and safe cities they just have no idea how to make them happen. Trying to educate a democrat is like trying to teach a pig how to fly so the people in Florida are using Neighborhood Watch tactics to keep the 'woke' crowd in check. Unfortunately, true to form the New York transplants are claiming they are receiving death threats. What else is new? Asking you to try to remember as far back as yesterday when you left the toilet you created in New York and then think about what you left and try to not make the same mistakes in your new state, is not the same as a death threat. Democrats make threats, Republicans educate. Any democrats looking for better weather should come to Southern California, it's a lost cause anyway. We believe in criminal's rights over victims rights, that kindergartners need to know all about human reproduction, taxes need to be raised so we can pay people from certain racial groups some money for something their ancestors may or may not have suffered at the hands of another racial group whose progenitors had nothing to do with even if there were some racial injustice generations ago. 

Anyone who considers themselves to be 'woke' should just shelter in place. Democrats have come up with a lot of real stupid ideas and being 'woke' is a real knee slapper. 

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