Thursday, December 30, 2021

Moer Madness from the Left

 I doubt that Keith Olberman is going broke financially, but he does seem a little desperate for attention. Easily one of the dimmest bulbs in the democrat drawer, somehow he manages to keep his job, wherever that is. Democrats seem to love him which brings me to my point about democrats and family values. Democrats are simply anti family. Not as individuals; I know several democrats who are decent people who've been deceived by the democrat 'ideals' whatever they are. 

Democrats say that if you are not pro abortion you hate women. Complete nonsense which is demonstrably false, but that is their position. If you don't agree with gay marriage you hate homosexuals. And if you think it is wrong to change your gender then you are just a horrible person and should probably be exiled or killed, because you simply are not fit to live in any decent society. So back to Keith the skank. 

By any measure Mitt Romney is a better man than Olberman could ever hope to be. Romney has done more to help thousands of people. Keith Olberman only wants to help himself. Romney has a beautiful family with kids who have grown up to be productive members of society. His kids have kids who are well on their way to strengthening whatever community they live in. Keith? Well, not so much. Keith is a democrats democrat. His main question in life is 'What can people do for me?'. He pokes fun at people like Mitt Romney probably because he is jealous of Romney's success, and because he knows he could never be in the same class with Mitt Romney. He also hates Romney because Romney claims to be a republican, which is a dubious claim. 

Mitt Romney is pro choice. And he believes in man made global warming, which are two of the main things democrats are constantly ramming down everyone's throats. I'm not sure where Mitt stands on welfare, or solutions for the homeless, or even raising taxes on everyone but himself, but politics aside Mitt is a good man. He lives a clean life and sets a good example for others to follow. Mitt Romney is a man to look up to and emulate, something Keith Olberman would never understand. I don't care much for Keith, I think he is a liar and a simpleton. 

I think very highly of Mitt Romney and hope he can continue being a good example for all of us. Maybe someday he will join us politically as well. Nobody is perfect. In my book Romney is a good man and that kind of vulgar remark toward a good man could only come from a democrat desperate for the limelight. 

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