Thursday, January 27, 2022

Damn Dems! Again.

 Anyone who claims democrats want to preserve our Constitution is delusional, completely capable of ignoring anything their party leaders say. It is truly maddening to watch democrats say they love our 'democracy' and then watch them tear down our Constitution. Not long ago they removed a statue of Theodore Roosevelt from the entrance to the Museum of Natural History because they thought it was demeaning to African Americans and Indians. It depicts Roosevelt sitting on a horse leading people from all parts of American communities. He was a president for all the people not just some of the people. He wanted everyone to become contributing members of American society and somehow democrats think there is something wrong with that. They prefer to portray America as a land divided by race and gender opposed to a land where all people work together to make the entire world a better place. They are opposed to every thing that made this a great nation. Division does not unite us. Coming together to make the world a better place unites us. 

And they are marvelously consistent. You Tube just banned any comments by Dan Bongino on their network just because they disagree with his political views. Democrats seem to think that we are stronger as a nation if everyone agrees on everything, and that one group of people gets to decide what we will all agree on. Dan doesn't think that all Americans should be forced to wear a face covering and he doesn't agree that everyone should be forced to get vaccinated against the Covid virus either. He believes in freedom and especially when those who shout 'follow the science' all over the place can't even agree on what the science is. Democrats blithely ignore the fact that the coronavirus is 99 percent survivable and that among otherwise healthy people the survival rate is even higher. 

Americans don't trust the 'science' because it isn't very scientific. In areas where people are forced to mask up they get the virus at about the same rate as people who live in areas where people have more freedom. And people who are vaccinated are still dying from the virus. And why do democrats care if Bongino voices his opinion anyway? Why are democrats always so afraid of differences of opinion. The CDC has been all over the place when announcing ways to avoid the Covid Menace. I recently attended an event at a large motocross venue, with about 45,000 people in attendance and maybe one percent of the people in attendance had a face covering on. 

But democrats have decided that it has to be mandatory. Anyone who doesn't wear a face covering is a mass murderer and should be shunned from our midst. They should never be allowed to have a job certainly and if they have a family their children should be sent to a government run orphanage where they will be safe. And the parents should be sent to re-education camps where they can be tortured, er taught until they understand what the government wants them to say. Voluntarily of course. At bayonet point. And we all know that most people when prodded by a faceless individual ramming a sharp dagger at them will 'volunteer' to do what they are told. I mean it's just common sense, and democrats are nothing if not practical. 

So democrats continue to promise people that the 'government' will take care of all of their needs from the cradle to the grave, no need to worry about unemployment like those nasty republicans do because the 'government' will make sure it is not necessary for anyone to have to work for a living. Actually that doesn't even sound very appealing to any thinking person. Don't we want to work to improve our lives and the lives of others? Isn't that what has made the USA the great nation it is today? 

Americans will continue to educate themselves and try to make the world a better place and encourage people to live in societies where people will be able to voice their opinions and share ideas, and democrats will continue to shout, "Sit Down Shut Up! Working for a living is for suckers!"  I hope this year we bring things into proper focus and vote pro America. Anyone preaching government care from cradle to grave should be fired. 

If you care about our Republic you will vote for those who value freedom of speech, and a free market of ideas instead of those who believe we need an office of the Minister of Free Speech and Education. Wake up America! Democrats say there is, but the truth is their just 'ain't no such thing as a free lunch!' 

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