Thursday, January 13, 2022


Christmas 2021 is in the books and I'm just happy to have surprised another stressful 'Holiday' season. I love our Savior, Jesus Christ, with all my heart. And I love studying the lessons he taught during his mortal ministry on this earth. Healing is His goal; he wants all of his children to live happy and productive lives preparing for our eternal existence when our mortal mission has ended. 

His mission did not end with mortality. He lives today and he continues to teach us real time lessons through His prophets. He knows the world evolves and challenges get harder with each generation. Compared to the challenges my grandchildren face, my challenges could hardly be considered challenges. In my day we didn't have the challenges of the internet. The Internet is a great tool that can help us in a lot of ways, but it can also bring us a lot of grief. I never had to worry about things like flash mobs or internet shaming where ugly things can be spread about people anonymously, ruining reputations and in some cases causing people to kill themselves. And pornographic images are easily accessed. News cycles don't really seem to exist anymore in a world where politics is everything. I'd love to be able to watch a real news program that actually tells us what is happening in the world. There has to be more than our petty bickering over what actually happened on January 6, 2021. I'd like to know more about what's happening in Southeast Asia, and China and North Korea. What's going on in Africa and the Middle East? 

I've had enough of Senator Paul insulting Anthony Fauci endlessly. We get it, Tony is a scumbag who gave our tax money to a lab in China to conduct gain of function research even though it is illegal to do so, but insulting the guy every isn't going to make him change his story and as long as he has democrats covering for him there's nothing they can charge him with. So he funded a project that resulted in millions of deaths and shut down the world economy, to quote the unembarrassable Hilary Clinton, "What difference does it make at  this point?" That's becoming their standard response whenever they cause a disaster. Democrats have never cared about the law and they aren't going to start now. As long as democrats have a stranglehold on the positions of power there will not be any justice for Fauci no matter how guilty he is. I haven't watched a so-called 'news' program in several months. About every couple of months I check to see if CNN is still telling everyone what I think, and MSNBC is just spouting gibberish that no one can understand and Fox News is still spouting the same loop about election fraud, and the ills of homelessness, or the fact that democrats consider burning cities and murdering people is a legitimate form of protest and it never changes. They rarely talk about current events that are happening around he world. 

It could be that journalism really is dead and no one wants to risk their life getting stories that will never be aired. Reporting on places like China and North Korea is very dangerous. The same is true of many parts of Eastern Europe and the Middle East. If a person is going to get killed for doing some real investigative reporting they should at least have a paycheck to leave their next of kin. It would be great if 2022 became a year of prosperity throughout the world, if the United States of America would exercise some true leadership and stop rewarding despots who want to bully their neighbors and create an unstable world. We need to stop supporting the build up of the military in communist China. Engaging them in an economic war now would be a lot cheaper than engaging them in a world war in a few years. 

We need to know more about what is happening in communist Vietnam where people who dare to tell the truth about the government oppression there are sent to prison for decades. And why are so many people starving in India where they brag about their nuclear weapons capability? As the world becomes smaller it also becomes more dangerous. Americans need to realize that slave labor in Third World countries is still slave labor. Our manufacturing should be done here at home by Americans. It might cost a little more, but the quality will be better and our people could use a few more jobs that pay a little better. 

I'm not a huge fan of New Years resolutions, but I make a few every year anyway just in case I actually follow through some time. This year I'm going to try a little harder to look for products that aren't produced by slave labor where people literally are forced to work twelve hour days in unhealthy factories that pollute the air and water more than ours did during our darkest hour. If you really want to raise the world's standard of living, start at home. Buy American.

Have a happy new year. 


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