Saturday, January 15, 2022

coronavirus testing

Democrats claim that everything they are doing to stop the spread of the coronavirus is based on scientific research; except that's not the way they say it. All they say is "Just follow the science!" Then of course they promptly proceed to ignore the science regarding the coronavirus favoring instead to focus on the politics and any scientist who disagrees with the company line will be banned from social media platforms for life. Fear mongering is what they prefer instead. People who are afraid are easier to control. They constantly claim that it is the government's job to save lives, which by itself is misleading. We still legally consume tobacco products which science has proven beyond any doubt to cause over 500,000 deaths a year. Almost 100,000 Americans die each year from alcohol related issues. That's 600,000 deaths per year that the government could theoretically stop or reduce through legislation. They passed seat belt legislation and hardly anyone was being killed because they weren't belted in. There were some, but the truth is that the seat belt manufacturers wanted to sell more seatbelts so they bribed 
There are no published reports that provide any education regarding the ways covid 19 is spread. At best all we have are surveys that are still based on erroneous information that was gathered in the early days of the pandemic. The way we count covid related deaths is flawed, and the rate of infection is useless information since a person could test negative one day then a week later be positive without symptoms and never know it. We have no idea how many new cases there are on any given day, but we know it is probably much higher than reports show. Very few people who test positive ever have any symptoms and even among people who have symptoms at least 98 percent are going to recover and the remaining two percent who die are probably people who are already at risk due to their having other illness before they contracted the coronavirus. 
If a person has a lung disease for which they are being treated prior to getting coronavirus are probably more likely to die from the combination of the two illnesses than a healthy person. Many people who reportedly died from the coronavirus would probably have died within a few months from the illness they were already being treated for.  I haven't seen any reports that separate those numbers from the rest of the population. And the most likely reason for that is that the government would have a much harder job of making Americans fear dying from the virus if it turns out that 90 percent of the people who reportedly died from the coronavirus probably would have died in a few months anyway due to the actual life threatening illness they already had. 
I haven't conducted any type of actual poll on this, but I have only been tested three times for the coronavirus. Twice during the first year when I was showing symptoms and there were lots of places conducting drive thru testing free of charge, and once because it was a travel requirement. Now even if a person is exhibiting symptoms they have to pay for the test then hope the insurance company will reimburse the expense. A few of the people I've asked have been tested and paid the fee for service, now they have the privilege of filling out the form and hoping the insurance carrier will reimburse the cost. The rest all say that since the virus is at least 98 percent survivable and there is nothing that can be done about it anyway there is no point in being tested especially since it costs over a hundred dollars for the test. They'd rather take the family out for dinner.
I was exhibiting symptoms for a week, but didn't get tested because I couldn't get an appointment in less than three days. In other words if this virus was anywhere near as fatal as democrats want us to believe they should have testing locations all over the place and people should be testing about once a week. Democrats are even attacking the vaccine. They say everyone should get vaccinated, then get the booster, then that there will be other types of the coronavirus that we will have to get yet more booster shots for. I'm not a science experiment for the government. I've been vaccinated and that should be enough. 
If you want to follow the science then follow the science. Look at the rates of death from infection in states that mandate wearing a mask and those who don't. There is no obvious correlation. States with mask mandates experience approximately the same rates than states who don't. 
And the statistic that democrats are really afraid will become public is the number of people who reportedly die from the coronavirus that actually already were suffering from a potentially life threatening illness such as cancer or pulmonary fibrosis. I don't know how many that will be, but it is safe to say that it would be a substantial percentage. In this age where science takes a back seat to political desires and goals democrats don't want the real coronavirus death rate to ever be published since it is probably very low. 
Realistically testing for covid 19 is probably a waste of time except for travel purposes. People testing negative on one day could easily test positive the next. And the number of people who test positive then actually get sick from the virus is low and those who die from it are extremely low. 
I'd love to see organizations like the CDC drop their political leanings and stick to the science when studying any disease. Lets see some numbers on the actual deaths from coronavirus. Separate the people who already had potentially life threatening illnesses prior to picking up the virus and tell us the truth about the dangers to the general public from covid 19. It's possible that statistically no one dies from covid 19 since the actual mortality rate could easily be less than half of one percent.  

Get tested, don't get tested, get the shot don't get the shot. You've got to wear the stupid mask or risk being arrested on some other trumped up charge like trespassing. Be smart. Don't ever vote democrat, all they want is to turn you into one of their peasants. 

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