Thursday, January 27, 2022

What is a Real Woman?

  First I'm an unapologetic Christian who believes in the Creation as it is explained in The Holy Bible. I prefer the King James Version, but I've read several different versions and don't find any reason to dispute which version is best since they are all the Word of God and that is what we all need in our lives. If anyone disputes the Bible version of the Creation that's fine, just stop trying to pass laws against my belief. I read all of the other theories about how we came to be and none of them are adequate. Each theory leads to more unanswered questions that will probably never be answered so the version in the Bible is probably the best description we have of the creation of the universe and the world we inhabit. It is clear and concise and it doesn't leave any room for speculation since the Bible tells us we are infinite beings who are currently in the mortal stage of our eternal existence and at each point in our progression we will gain more and more knowledge. 

God is our Eternal Father and He knows what is best for us. Anyone who subscribes to that teaching will live a full life and achieve more knowledge than those who insist that the Bible is wrong. So what is a real woman? The Holy Bible gives us a great example with the First Couple; Adam and Eve. I'm not going to quote Bible verses. There are too many and it is not my intention to write a book on the subject, just to offer my opinion from my study of what the Bible teaches us about the role of women in our society. 

Adam and Eve were a team and they worked together as a team. They weren't in competition with each other like so many men and women are today. Eve never complained to Adam that she could work just as hard as he did, and Adam never complained that Eve just sat around playing with the kids all day. We were created with differences that are complimentary to each other and I'm not going to make a list of those either. The Bible tells us that Adam and Eve taught their children obedience to God's laws and they knew something about that since they apparently had it made in the Garden of Eden until they broke the rules and their Father made them leave to find a life where they had to learn how to do things for themselves and what a tough lesson that must have been. Eve broke the rule first, but that doesn't absolve Adam. He had a choice to make and he made the choice to remain with Eve. The whole Garden of Eden story makes a lot of people uncomfortable because it seems unfair of God to tell them to multiply and replenish the earth then tells them not to eat the only fruit in the Garden that will allow them to obtain the knowledge they will need to accomplish that task. 

A real woman is a woman who accepts her gender as it was assigned by God the day she was born into mortality. There is occasional gender confusion at birth, but that is very rare and is dealt with medically after consultation with the child's mother. For the purpose of this treatise I will assume a birth where the gender is not confused. 

A real woman will strive to learn throughout her life what her role is in society. A real woman will want to be a mother and she will want to teach her children how to be strong and productive members of their families and then their community. She won't try to be a man and she won't worry about being equal to a man in every way. She will realize her worth to her family and her society for a woman is a very special person. She will protect her identity and her role in society and she will demand respect. She won't sell herself short or allow anyone else to rob her of her role as a mother and a nurturer. She will understand that she is a child of God and she will study His teachings as she is a literal co-creator of all human life. 

She won't try to be superior to a man and she certainly won't allow anyone to tell her she is in any way inferior to any man. Men do not have the ability or the authority from God to create human life. Marvelous things can be accomplished in laboratories,  but it is a foolish man or woman that thinks they can create a human being in their lab. So called journalists once again demeaned and sensationalized the creation of human life by referring to the first successful IVF baby as a 'test tube' baby. They took a sacred and personal event and turned it into a circus. There is no such thing as a test tube baby. There is a mother and a father and a baby. 

To lower the value of human life just because medical doctors found a way to help people have children after learning that for some reason they can't produce children in the usual way is morally wrong. Louise Brown was not born in a laboratory or conceived in a test tube. Her life began in a Petri dish and her creation could not have been complete without her mother. For journalists to cheapen human life the way they did was unethical and wrong. No lab can take the place of the mother and no man can give birth to a child, not without a major restructuring of his body which has never been accomplished and probably never will. Men have an entirely different role in our society. 

We would all be better off if men realized their place in this life. They are to be protectors. Women can become anything they want. They are capable of running large companies and to some extent working factory floors, but physically they are weaker than men. Overall they are shorter and weigh less. Generally speaking they cannot lift the same amount of weight as a man can. Big deal! Who cares? Intellectually women are at least equal to any man and superior to many, if not most men. While it is true that a woman can operate a plow or run a big corporation men and women will never be completely equal. It is impossible and God did not mean for them to be equal in every single thing. Just like all humankind is not equal. 

We need to spend more time learning God's will concerning us as men and women. Why can't we ever be completely and totally equal in every single thing? I can't answer that, but I can say that in one very important thing women will always be superior to men; they can carry and nurture a baby in their bodies until that baby is ready to be brought into the world. Women also have the power although not the authority to kill that baby. Women have the ultimate power over life and death. No man can say that. What a woman is incapable of doing is protecting herself during that nine month gestation period. Most women are physically ill during their early pregnancy, they get tired and need to rest, and as the baby grows they are physically awkward. Things happen to them that I can't explain, but it's not all physical either. Mentally and spiritually they are experiencing life in a way that no man can ever comprehend and no man will ever be able to share that experience. 

And what is a woman to do with that baby after it comes into her world? The baby can't feed itself, or bathe itself, or clothe or protect itself in any way. That is why a woman must be taught from an early age the sacred role she plays in our lives and she needs to be careful about who she chooses to help her bring a child into the world. That is something a woman cannot do on her own. And the man she chooses to help with that task has to be a man who will help her take care of that baby after he or she is born. 

A real woman will recognize that she has a responsibility to learn all she can about her role in life the same as all men should. She won't measure her worth against the things men can do, she will realize her value comes from within herself. Real women are confident and strong. They need a good man to compliment their strengths, who will allow them to be women. Real women expect the man they choose to respect them and become the best they can be. They expect their men to be loyal and they pay the respect to them. 

A real woman is not a wimp or a whiner. The real woman loves who she is and doesn't want to be a man. She wants to take care of her children and if she never has any children she wants to find a man who shares her values so they can work together to make their corner of the world a better place. A real woman is priceless and she will demand respect. A real man will recognize her worth and give her the respect she deserves. 

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