Wednesday, February 23, 2022


 Our country, the greatest nation ever formed, is coming unglued. I hate to blame the democrats, but once again it is their view of the world that is weakening the character of the American people. Democrats hate the view of the 'Rugged American Individual'. They want to force religious people to abandon their legitimate views on morality and replace them with a political dogma. They want to take away our First Amendment right to freedom of religion and freedom of speech. If you don't believe me try making a statement that contradicts their propaganda about how wearing masks everywhere will help stop the coronavirus from spreading, or see what they do to ministers of religion who still believe in the sanctity of marriage and refuse to perform so-called same gender marriages. Or tell them the truth about man made global warming. They've renamed it climate change because global warming is just too hard to prove, but they still say we need to give democrats all our money so they can stop the climate from changing. 

And look at the members of minority groups they choose to be their 'role models'; every black kid in Los Angeles knows who George Floyd and Michael Brown are, but none of them have ever heard of Thomas Sowell, and damn few could tell you who Harriett Tubman or Frederick G. Williams were. Of all of the terrific role models there are in the black community they choose criminals. Disagree with them about gay 'marriage'? They created a law just for you, it's called Hate Speech.  Anyone who disagrees with gay 'marriage' supports bullying and beating up gay people. There is no such thing as Hate Speech, only speech,  and people ought to be able to say what's on their mind without being shouted down by groups of people who have decided they are superior to everyone around them. They need to control everything we do, and now they are extending that to what we think. According to them we can think whatever we want as long as we are agreeing with them. The fact is that if you don't allow people to speak their mind you are making the world more dangerous, not safer. 

If a person is dangerous I want that person to to speak up. I want to know what is on his or her mind, and I want to have the opportunity to help them change whatever anti social behavior they may be contemplating. I don't want to force them underground or to some ranch along the Canadian border where they can stoke each other's fears, stockpile guns ammunition and food while preparing to attack a school somewhere. I don't want to make guns, ammunition, or food illegal nor do I want to silence people who feel marginalized. Democrats fear an educated population. I think the most successful societies will value education and promote educational opportunities. They won't create 'safe places' where students on college campuses can go to avoid becoming educated.  Freedom is our most prized asset and we need to allow freedom of speech and movement and education. We don't need to separate ourselves into small groups of people who mistrust anyone outside of their group. 

Democrats are trying to take away another of our most fundamental human rights, the right to self defense. And if you are looking for a good laugh, democrats say that we don't need to defend ourselves because we have well trained police officers to protect us, then they go on TV and various social media outlets and tell us the police are the enemy; they are all a bunch of thugs who go out everyday and murder black people because they are racists. They say the police are evil and ought to be murdered (just watch YouTube BLM marches) and police departments should be defunded and disbanded. Across the country police departments are finding it necessary to lower their hiring standards because no one wants a job where they are constantly accused of lying, killing people because of their race, and run the risk of being sent to prison for simply doing their job.  There was a time when a police recruit needed to have a clean arrest history, now certain felony arrests are overlooked as long as there was no conviction and some felony arrests such as narcotics possession and burglary are acceptable even if there was a conviction, but the violation is considered 'minor'. I don't think it is a good idea to hire police officers who are petty thieves or habitually use illegal narcotics. And if there has been a conviction due to an anger management problem I certainly don't want that person involved in helping to solve other people's problems. In Los Angeles a few years ago there was a police officer who completely lost his mind. He shot and killed the daughter of a fellow police officer and her boyfriend over a workplace disagreement. He then went on to kill several other police officers in Riverside and San Bernardino. We later learned that this individual had issues while in the United States Navy over race that caused him to separate from the service. 

For some reason the LAPD not only hired him, but allowed him to complete his probationary period on the job, a time when it is relatively easy to fire people who don't belong on the job, even though he beat up a classmate and accidentally shot another one. He was a mediocre police recruit at best and could have been dismissed from the job simply due to his performance while attending the police academy. He was most likely allowed to keep his job because of his race. And I am fairly certain that people say he lost his mind because the LAPD is a racist organization and they pushed him to the point that he had to become a mass murderer. Just prior to his rampage he had been fired for lying during an official investigation. He had falsely accused his training officer of brutally beating a helpless suspect, which proved to be false. The only decent thing he did was when he killed himself as the police cornered him in someone's house in the San Bernardino mountains. Of course he even messed up that one act of decency when he set the house on fire before taking himself out. A good man lost his daughter and other families lost husbands and fathers and sons because democrats want to prove that black people can never be fired because over a hundred and fifty years ago a few states in this country used to have slaves. I don't know how else to say it, if you vote democrat you may be insane. 

They are attacking the family by encouraging our society to accept sex change operations. Boys and girls you may be able to change your appearance, but you will have always been born male or female. Anything else is just confusion. Unions between same gender people do not produce offspring. For the first time in the history of the world our children will not know if the person they are talking to is a boy or a girl. When they are old enough to date there is a chance that they will be so nervous about dating that they forego the experience altogether. It was hard enough when we knew who the boys and girls were, now it can be too scary to even think about dating. Two people can be a family, but children make a society grow. Forcing ministers of religion to perform same gender 'marriages', something that by definition cannot happen, will weaken our society. Breaking down the family unit in favor of government institutions where children can be warehoused and indoctrinated by government officials who are afraid of people who believe in God, and even more afraid of people who know God is our Father and our creator, and the greatest horror of all, He is stronger than any government institution. When they take away our right to worship God and believe in the teachings of the prophets, and they take away our right to speak our mind and protect ourselves when necessary, they weaken our society. 

We were formed on a foundation of liberty. We have always had the God given right to pursue our dreams free from unnecessary government intrusion. It's in our Declaration of Independence and inscribed on public buildings all over the country. Our laws are based on the teachings of the Holy Bible and now we want to base our laws on the so-called wisdom of men who have no foundational beliefs. 

We are creating far too much confusion and uncertainty among people and confused people don't know how to act and that is one reason why we have increased incidences of violence in our cities. Weapons don't cause violence, that is a silly notion. How can a weapon cause violence? They can't! They can be used to stop a violent person from hurting other people and they are used for that purpose every day. Democrats want to make it impossible for law abiding people to defend themselves against lawless criminals. It is lawless criminals that cause violence not the guns they carry. To further illustrate how unstable we are becoming as a nation, a few days ago there was a riot in a restaurant in Pennsylvania because apparently two things happened; the restaurant ran out of steak, and one of the customers felt like he should have been served the last one and when it was given to someone else he started a fight over it. Somehow the fight became so severe that the entire restaurant broke into a frenzied fight with people throwing chairs and tables at each other. First of all, the people in Bensalem Pennsylvania should be ashamed of themselves. I've been to the Golden Corral many times and it is always filled with families with young children, including babies and toddlers. 

I hate to think of an America where we act so foolishly. Risk injuring a baby or other people because you didn't get the last steak? Stupid, insane, idiotic, selfish, foolish, these are all words that come to mind when contemplating such a scene. Undisciplined is another, and democrats hate it when we teach self control and restraint. And why in the world would we ever teach people to be patient? The idea that people should be taught and expected to exercise self control is something that democrats really hate. The party of 'sex, drugs, and rock n' roll!' does not want to hear about such silliness as self restraint. 

And democrats hate the police. klsdDemocrats hate municipal police departments partly because they are too independent. Democrats prefer a national police department that can be controlled by the central government. If we had a national police department called, say, National Minister of Community Relations, or something innocuous sounding similar to that, the the black woman heading the ministry could pick up the phone in Washington D.C. and call one of her appointees in Winslow, Arizona and tell her to pick up Danny Williams and fly him to Des Moines Iowa to be interviewed by the ministry there because he was suspected of saying negative things about Dr. Fauci on his blog and he was advocating against wearing masks and getting vaccinated, which goes against directives from the Ministry of Health and may cause people to be nervous and avoid getting vaccinated and refuse to wear face coverings. Since that is a violation of Federal Hate Speech laws he needs to be interrogated by the Hate Speech coordinator in Des Moines. And since there are hundreds of such violations committed every day Mr. Williams should be prepared to spend about four months in a detention center awaiting his interview. Such a detention would be allowed under the Constitution because Hate Speech is a human rights violation and therefore Williams and his cohorts are all a serious threat to all civilized people. All municipal police departments are governed by the Constitution and most of them follow the law. Local communities also govern themselves by passing laws appropriate to their needs. And each state has a state police department which enforces the laws of the state. We already have the FBI that investigates certain civil rights violations and crimes involving crooks that pass state lines. We know the FBI cheats when it wants to in part because Herr Comey, who used to be the Director of the FBI bragged about his illegal wiretap of a sitting president. Since it was a Republican president no one in the press cared and professors in universities across the nation applauded his 'courage'. 

 The FBI lied to Congress repeatedly and lied to judges in order to obtain FISA warrants allowing them to spy on anyone close to President Trump. Agents of the FBI repeatedly lied to General Flynn during questioning and after many hours of interrogation on various days over several months, they charged the general of lying to them. Out of money to mount a defense and hopeful of working out a sentence that would avoid any jail time General Flynn plead guilty. After his lawyer submitted legal briefs outlining the prosecutorial misconduct that had been committed against the general the DOJ dropped the charges against him but the judge presiding over the case had already called General Flynn a liar and suggested he was guilty of treason as well. He wasn't willing to let the DOJ drop the case so he pursued a criminal filing against Flynn, prompting President Trump to pardon General Flynn allowing the general to resume his life and begin to rebuild after the FBI had driven him and his family to financial ruin. For those reasons it is imperative that we never allow political leaders to form and equip a national police department. 

Unable to control municipal police officers, democrats label them racist and liars and accuse them of any manner of crimes they never committed. Their assault against the police has caused a huge increase in the crime rate mostly in big cities across the country. When government officials from the president of the United States to the mayors of several large cities claim the police are racist murderers and they want to defund and cut back the police departments and hire psychologists to deal with violent criminals, that only encourages more fear among the public. We all know the police aren't going out every day with the goal of killing black people. They don't want to kill anyone, but sometimes they have to.  You can be pretty sure that a psychologist with an iPad and a cell phone is no match for a criminal armed with a knife or a gun. 

And when democrats tell the police not to to their job, but stay in the car and mind their own business, that is dangerous to all of us. Well, not all of us. It is good for the armed crook who wants to rob and murder people, but it is dangerous for the rest of us. And anyone can see that all categories of crime are on the rise in America. Police officers are being murdered now more than ever, and armed citizens are confronting armed intruders in their own homes at an increasing rate and fortunately they are winning most of the time. Since democrats act on emotion and not critical thinking they don't realize that it is inevitable that soon armed citizens will begin to form Neighborhood Watch groups into armed militias who will patrol their neighborhoods free from the restraints local politicians put on our police officers, and that will also lead to confrontations with the police who will think it is their duty to enforce even the most blatantly unconstitutional laws against citizens carrying firearms, or even owning them. And don't forget he judges. Where do some of these Bozos come from? All firearms are potentially dangerous. Some are better made than others and they all function just a little bit differently, but even the dumbest people among us know that you have to be very cautious when handling a gun. Everybody knows that if there are bullets in the gun all you have to do is pop off the safety and pull the trigger and a bullet is going to exit the muzzle lickety split. Most of the time you can't even see it as it moves through the air in the direction it is instructed to travel, and most of the time they are traveling at near the speed of sound. When they are handled recklessly catastrophic damage is done to other people. 

So someone gets injured either in an accidental shooting or intentionally by a bad person and who do we blame? No one! We blame the gun. If that gun had never been manufactured then Davey would not have been shot by it. Not very sound reasoning so judges made up laws allowing people who are injured by another person acting irresponsibly, or malignantly, o course you sue the manufacturer, and if the gun was stolen from someone you sue the gun owner. Judges who rely on their prejudices and emotions instead of their intellect and what's actually written in the law are a menace to society. 

The fact is that the police are a very important component of keeping free people safe from boneheads who break the law, but the police are no longer allowed to do so and they can't always respond to an emergency quick enough to stop a bad person from doing something horrible so prudent citizens carry firearms for self defense when necessary. But allowing citizens to take care of themselves goes against the grain of certain people who want the government to take care of all of our needs from the time we are born to the time we die even thought that is impossible. Democrats will pass laws against citizens carrying guns in public which will force confrontations with the police. The police will have a mandate to uphold the law of the cities where they work, and armed militias will feel bound by the Constitution of the United States. I don't like Republicans either, but given a choice between law and order and freedom of religion and speech, and the right to defend myself against an armed and violent maniac, and a few other things like protecting the family unit, I will vote Republican. 

We have to restore calm and a sense of civility among our citizens or we will continue to slip into an abyss of destruction. We were the greatest nation in the history of the world until democrats introduced a culture of fear and mistrust pitting races against each other and dividing us between rich and poor. Racial strife, class envy, and gender discrimination are the ways they sow seeds of mistrust and anger and if we don't do something to stop them we are truly doomed. We won't need to worry about so-called man made global warming because we will kill each other off long before Mother Nature has a chance to do it for us. 

To the democrats who don't believe in a divided America I hope they will work toward changing the party leadership and help make this nation strong again. If there are any democrats left who believe in freedom of speech and religion, and who believe in strengthening America's families I hope they will speak up. 

We need to remember our roots, the rugged individuals who worked hard to build carve a nation out of a wilderness where there was nothing. They prayed to our Creator and formed cities and towns that were governed by laws found in the Holy Bible. No, they weren't perfect, they were flesh and bone just like we are. They were tempted just like we are, and they had lazy people just like we do. They realized that success didn't always come just because a person worked hard, but that didn't entitle people to live off the hard work of others, Thieves were not tolerated. Liars were scorned. Honor and hard work were celebrated. Today we seem to be willing to excuse just about any abhorrent behavior as, "Well, that's just the way she is!" 

No. Certain things should not be tolerated. We don't need to continue to be a nation plagued by thieves. We don't need politicians to tell us how to deal with miscreants who steal from us or attack us in any way. We need democrats to stop criticizing the police and to stop making excuses for murderers, rapists, and thieves. We need to restore our dignity, dress like we respect ourselves and each other, and learn the value of faith, thrift, hard work, and self discipline.That's the America I was born into and that's the America we should strive to become again. 

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