Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Bill Maher?

Who is Bill Maher? Years ago he had a tv show called 'Politically Incorrect'. He used that hour to embrace political correctness. In those days it was mostly about how oppressed black people still are in America and how little progress had been made, and the other hot topics were women's rights, which means abortion, which really means, 'man if I can talk this chick into getting an abortion my life will be a lot simpler. I just wanted a good time I'm not looking to pay child support for the next 18 years'. That's what men mean when they get all teary eyed about women's rights,  and his third topic was either illegal immigration (We have room for everybody as long as they stay out of my neighborhood), or more welfare for poor people. 

He was so politically correct that he eventually had to change the name of the show because people were not watching. Now it's Real Time with Bill Maher, which is more accurate and I think the guy is entertaining sometimes, but he still is a knee jerk democrat, or at least he was until very recently. A few months ago he was still a rabid Global Warming alarmist, decrying anyone who didn't believe we were about to be destroyed by a climate that was warming up at an accelerated rate because Americans were driving big cars and living in air conditioned houses. Then he started getting beat up because he drives gas guzzling cars, lives alone in a Beverly Hills mansion on a three acre lot that requires a lot of water to maintain yet doesn't produce any food. It's all for looks, which is fine with me, just don't tell me I shouldn't enjoy the same privilege, and he travels alone or in a small group on his own private jet. 

Maher does want to be viewed as basically an honest man so recently he has admitted to being somewhat hypocritical. He travels to one or two environment gatherings a year where fat cats pat each other on the back for recognizing what others are too stupid to notice and that is that  American are destroying the planet (Every year they say we have ten more years). And over the years people have asked Bill about his travel habits if the planet really is in serious danger from human activity, and fossil fuel has been labeled as the main problem, why does he travel in such an extravagant manner?  He used to justify it by saying he travelled so much, and he was so important that he couldn't make all of his appointments and maybe he is that busy. It doesn't bother me that he lives in a nice house and can travel more comfortably than most people can, what I don't like is his lecturing about how I'm killing the planet because I air-condition my three bedroom house and I drive a Grand Cherokee. I could drive something smaller I suppose, but a lot of times I need the extra room that small cars don't have. Maybe if I could afford a house with a ten car garage I could put a small car in there and drive it once in awhile, but that's my lifestyle. 

And of course I don't believe in the threat from catastrophic man made global warming any more than he does, and he's finally starting to admit it. I just read an interview he did and he just blurted it out; yes, it is hypocritical for me to fly around in a private jet while telling people they should all be driving electric vehicles and staying home. The funny thing is he pulled all of his environmental activist buddies down with him. He told of an environmental conference he had attended recently and stated that just about everyone there arrived at the airport at about the same time, each in their own private jet. He admitted that's a problem, but it's a habit that he intends to keep. It's a fresh twist to the Maher narrative. And he's becoming a tiny bit less of a democrat knee jerk 'liberal'. I have to bracket the word liberal because although democrats have hijacked the word, they are far from liberal. You can disagree with a liberal and engage in a dialogue about your differences, but a democrat has to destroy anyone who doesn't agree with party line. I don't like republicans because I think they are too timid, but they will talk to anybody about anything. They don't feel the need to destroy anyone who doesn't agree with them. 

Bill has liberated himself in other ways as well; he no longer feels duty bound to spout the democrat party line. He recently pushed back on Critical Race Theory being taught in grade schools and he criticized the so-called 'woke' movement. And he has been critical of Alexandria Ocasio and her extreme rhetoric. She fired back at him that 'woke' is a term only used by old white people and Bill fired back that she was the one who made it a mainstream part of our vocabulary five years ago. Say what you will about Bill, he is no dummy. It would be very entertaining to see him have a debate with AOC, the only thing is he'd blow her away so easily, it would almost be sad. He can be entertaining and he is smart, even insightful. When he puts his mind to it he may be a good problem solver, but I'm not sure about that, most democrats excel at creating problems for others to solve. 

Still I hope the new Bill will emerge as a problem solver as that is something the democrat party really needs. Unfortunately the Republican Party has become far too stubborn itself. Maybe they aren't so timid after all. Rand Paul tries to publicly humiliate Dr. Faucci on a daily basis and that really isn't helpful. As long as there is a democrat majority there will never be any legal action taken against the doctor even if there should be. Republicans will prosecute one of their own on occasion. Democrats never will. 

I loved some advice Bill offered the democrat party recently when he suggested that the campaign slogan 'white people suck' may not be as successful as AOC and her gang might lead you to believe. I hope he's right. Biden-Harris is even worse than Obama-Biden and a lot of us though it couldn't get any worse. 

Things are so bad that Donald Trump is making speeches and it looks like he is going to be the republican nominee for president in 2024. He was a great president but we need someone with his drive and work ethic, but is more diplomatic. I didn't mind his outspoken ways, I found him refreshing, but Americans are becoming pampered to the point that all they want around them is 'yes' men and that isn't helpful. We need to be strong enough that we can tolerate someone who is outspoken sometimes. 

I like more of the things Bill is saying right now. The democrats need to tone down their Global Warming hysteria and pay more attention to inflationary measures that make it harder for many Americans, even the middle class these days, to feed and house their families. Gas isn't six bucks a gallon yet, but it probably will be by next summer and that means everything will cost more, especially food. 

Another knee jerk lib, this time a man I actually have despised until recently, Alan Dershowitz, has toned down his democrat demagoguery, standing more forcefully in favor of freedom of speech and the right to self defense. Before the jury acquitted him, Dershowitz said he thought Karl Rittenhouse should be found 'not guilty' and he thought there might be strong legal grounds for Rittenhouse to sue several individuals and corporations for defamation of character. 

Hopefully between the two of them they can teach the democrat party what true liberalism is. A true liberal supports such things as free speech, freedom of religion, and other basic human rights, democrats led by AOC and her gang do not. It would be better for everyone if the democrat party would swing back toward true liberalism. And maybe Bill Maher can help make that happen. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Are there Two FBI's?

There probably are two FBI's. One that upholds the law and genuinely believes that their oath of office includes defending the Constitution of the United States agains all enemies, foreign and domestic. The other FBI was hatched during King Barry's administration. His Royal Highness, King Barry, embarked on a world tour during which he apologized to heads of state around the world for all of the dastardly deeds that America had committed against them. He accused our country of being arrogant and heavy handed and suggested that the United Nations should be ruling the world and the United States should step back from its roll as leader of the free world. He even said that China would probably be the next country to step up as the world leader, ignoring their abysmal human rights record. 

The King appointed people who were loyal to him and not the country as directors of the DOJ, ATF, FBI, and the CIA. His DOJ director allowed the ATF to illegally sell high powered semi automatic rifles to drug cartels in Mexico. Those weapons were quickly used in a shootout with our Border Patrol officers and two of them were murdered by enforcers of the Mexican cartels. At first the ATF and Eric Holder denied the claim, then when the evidence was overwhelming and becoming an embarrassment to the administration they suddenly remembered 'oh yeah! We did to that.' Sorry. And that was the end of that. King Barry's head of the IRS illegally targeted conservative groups seeking permission to operate as non profit organizations. Their permit requests were denied or put on hold for years. When that embarrassing fact surfaced at first they denied that it ever happened, then admitted that there may have been a few who had been put aside because they sounded like subversives who didn't' really qualify for tax exempt status. The boss of the IRS ended up quietly 'resigning' from her post. 

Hilary Clinton was supposed to win the election and appoint Supreme Court justices who were loyal to her so they could subvert the Constitution and install a minority rule government. Fortunately we dodged that bullet and elected Donald Trump. President Trump campaigned largely on a platform to drain the Washington D.C. swamp. Unfortunately he underestimated the immensity of the swamp and left a lot of cabinet members in place who were part of the Deep State coup against the country and against him. After King Barry left office the coup continued and it still continues today. Even before he took the Oath of Office the FBI had placed spies in President Trumps camp. 

They were planting stories about Donald Trump that they knew were not true about him colluding with the leadership of Russia to help him cheat and win the election. The FBI agent in the field was doing his job; investigation crimes and putting crooks in jail occasionally, FBI guys hate getting their shoes dirty. At the top of the organization Andrew McCabe and his assistants were actively attempting to overthrow our government via a soft coup. They used a report they knew was false to obtain warrants by lying to FISA judges about espionage being committed by members of President Trumps administration when they knew that none of the people they targeted were guilty of committing any crimes against this country. 

 They were able to show that a few of the president's friends and associates had failed to report certain things in tax reports and other offenses that had nothing with spying on our country, and they misrepresented the activities of a lot of people to make it look like they were seeking assistance from foreign governments. By forcing people to appear at the FBI headquarters repeatedly for questioning they were able to manipulate the questions to make it look like they had lied during previous interviews, and just for fun they accused people of lying to Congress without producing any evidence. They tried to help the democrat Congress impeach the president twice, the first time over his supposed activities with the president of Russia and the second time for obstruction of justice and abuse of power. During the first impeachment proceeding they produced evidence from a report paid for by Hilary Clinton that they knew to be false. The impeachment failed. 

The second impeachment also failed because there was no evidence at all that President Trump was guilty of anything. And the FBI did that. And the coup isn't over yet. Now with the prospect of Donald Trump winning the election in 2024 they are pushing another false narrative, a narrative that they cooked up all on their own that President Trump organized an insurrection against the country by leading a riot on the capital building. And now it turns out that the FBI probably organized that so-called insurrection using an informant. The director of the FBI most likely knew about the plan from the beginning. It looks like their informant is at the front of the crowd encouraging them to force their way into the legislative chamber. Fortunately for all of us President Trump was able to appoint three new Supreme Court justices, ensuring that the Constitution would be upheld for a few more years. 

It looks like the coup has lost some momentum, but is still alive. The FBI has to be stopped and soon. Christopher Wray needs to be replaced with someone far removed from the Deep State leadership, possibly a low ranking field agent who understands the sacred nature of the FBI's mission. The current FBI fantasy will fizzle as the evidence becomes clear that the FBI and not President Trump orchestrated the Capital riot that resulted in the deaths of several individuals including a couple of police officers. Unfortunately it is unlikely that the leadership of the FBI will ever be charged with the crime of insurrection. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Democrat Nightmare

 What the heck? A black female Republican as lieutenant governor of Virginia? Who let that happen? Poor Bobby Lee must be vomiting in his grave. And this time she defeated a female mixed race democrat. At least this wasn't a campaign about gender or race, it was a democrat worse nightmare come true. No doubt there were some democrats who voted Republican in this race, those who actually care about the quality of the candidate and not the party to which they belong. Sears has demonstrated a quality most democrats just can't understand; she put the interests of others before her own. She was a Marine and later ran a homeless shelter, contributing something to the community. Her opponent Ayala was a parasite who put her needs before anyone else's. She boasts of being on welfare for a significant part of her life then becoming a community agitator. No thanks!

The margin of victory should have been larger, but in democrat Virginia I'll take a conservative win any day. Winsome will be a great lieutenant governor and eventually, finally, Virginia may have an American governor again. She will also be a great example to others. In another insult to democrats she believes in the importance of the family as the basic unit of civilization. She also believes in preserving the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. If this trend keeps going democrats will have a very hard time winning elections. With domestic oil production down, and inflation rising rapidly, many people will have a hard time heating their homes and feeding their children. Democrats will take a victory lap, but many Americans are going to be voting for survival during the coming election cycle. Finally Americans are starting to think again and that will cause a tip in the Republican direction in the mid term elections next year. And no it doesn't matter which party wins. Not really. What matters is which party will reduce our independence on foreign oil, and foreign labor, and which party will encourage big corporations to return to the USA, which party will make reasonable policy decisions regarding the environment and not allow the EPA to put small businesses out of business, or make it impossible for anyone but the Big Guy to remain in business because they have enough money to put up with the onerous 'laws' passed by unelected officials at the EPA and OSHA and the Coastal Commission. 

And I don't hate the alpha bet soup agencies either; I get frustrated by elected officials who allow those agencies to pass laws that are binding on all of us. It is the legislature that passes laws so we have someone we can hold accountable for what's going on. Politicians don't want that so they quietly turn our lives over to unelected activists who oftentimes have an axe to grind so they start showering sparks all over everybody. And currently democrats control both legislative bodies and the presidency and inflation is making it tough for many people to feed their children. The democrat solution is raise taxes, give somebody some money, teach race hatred and gender confusion and life will be grand! 

Recent history suggests that the American people aren't completely gone just yet. When Barry and his merry band of misfits tried to bankrupt the nation they lost both the House of Representatives and the Senate and finally the presidency. For some reason too often we fall for the shiny object hovering nearby and allow democrats to take everything only two panic two years later and begin to clean house again. Next year the house cleaning will begin again. 

Two questions I've been asking anyone who will listen are what have democrats contributed the country since 2016, and what lies did President President tell? Democrats refuse to answer either question and with good reason: the answers are nothing, and I don't know. Irony may become the defining characteristic of the democrat party. Nurses have always voted democrat and now theyre been fired for refusing to give up their constitutional rights, and now two black women had a contest in Virginia or lieutenant governor of Virginia, robbing the democrats of the opportunity to ignore the issues and make the defining issue about race and gender. Stuck with the issues, the Republican candidate won and now wants to challenge Joy Reid an MSNBC nincompoop to a debate. 

You don't have to be very smart to know that Joy ain't gonna show up for that one. It will be all about important issues and Joy probably doesn't know anything about the issues. Hopefully the democrat nightmare will continue as more and more minorities become educated and decide to work hard and provide for themselves and leave the democrat plantation where no human growth is possible. Once they realize how easy it is to take part in the American Dream they will abandon the plantation in significant numbers, leaving the plantation back in the hands of uneducated racist whites with their hand out. And that will complete the democrat nightmare. 

There is an old saying that goes something like: Teach a person how to fish and that person will vote Republican. Give a person a fish and that person will vote democrat until the democrat plantation runs out of fish then that person will starve. The victory in Virginia is rich in its irony. Democrats completely lost their bully pulpit, it was burned to the ground when two female candidates of mixed racial backgrounds ran against each other. When the contest is less about emotion and more about substance democrats become disoriented. Lost and confused. It's like they're saying, "We've always been the champions of rights for women and minorities and now the world is upside down!" Their entire platform was broken and faced with decisions based on logic and not emotion, Americans will usually choose logic. 

Educated women and minorities are going to be a real nightmare for democrats for a long time. They've spent a couple of hundred years convincing those groups that they were worthless and dumb so they had to vote democrat because democrats won't expect them to work. Those nasty Republicans expect people to look out for each other and work hard to provide for themselves and others in need. It really isn't a tough choice. Freedom? Or bondage to the plantation masters? 

How was the Universe Created?

 The only reason I hesitate to use this site for my religious views is because of my many political musings. I want people to understand that no matter their politics I don't dislike anyone. I'd never ruin a friendship over their political party affiliation even though I may on occasion attempt to redirect some of their political views. And my feelings about religion are the same. I have very strong religious leanings. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and there is nothing in the doctrines taught there with which I disagree. There are mysteries in God's kingdom, but He has promised that we will have the opportunity to understand everything if we apply ourselves to learning them. 

I believe in personal revelation, guidance from the Holy Ghost. And I believe that God created the universe. I don't know exactly how he did it, but I know he did it. And no one else has ever been able to demonstrate to me that He didn't. Scientists have their theories, but one after the other they fall apart because they always find something else that they can't explain. Atheists say there is no God. I say 'prove it'. The universe didn't just happen, there is too much design to it and people didn't morph into people over millions of years of evolution from some small particle of something until we became human beings. Nope. And give me a break! Does that even make any sense? 

No it does not. The simple truth really is that simple. God created the universe and He created all of us. The strong and the weak. The beautiful and the not so beautiful, and the intelligent and the not so smart. Handicapped and all other sorts of people were created by Him and there is no mistake in any of it. We learn from hardship  and we grow. So let's give God the respect He deserves. Let's take care of this earth He gave us. And let's respect each other. 

Parents are Domestic Terrorists

 According to the National School Board Association parents shouldn't be the people telling teachers what they should be teaching our children. They refer to parents who attend school board meetings and object to what the Board is doing as domestic terrorists and they want the U.S. DOJ to investigate them the same way. 

They are in compete alignment with communist party ideology where it is practiced. The state has the ultimate authority over our children. For now they only want to indoctrinate our children during the school day. Gender issues, race issues, environmental issues, issues relating to family relations, including religious preference are among the most important issues teachers want to wrestle away from parents.

And where do parents fit in all of this? They don't. Teachers don't need some dumb ass parent telling them how to raise said dumb ass parent's child.  Chairman Mao, Pol Pot, and several others demanded the same thing. In this country we need families to raise our children not villages. Contrary to democrat dogma it doesn't take a village to raise a child. It takes a family to raise a child. The village can be an important support, but the family raises the child. Where a need arises for the village to take care of some children then the village can decide how to help a child in need find a family. Communists and democrats denigrate the family as an unnecessary component of society. 

In California, a state completed controlled by democrats, children as young as 12 years old can make their own medical decisions and in many cases it is illegal for medical providers to share medical information about their children with parents without the 12 year old child's written consent. I don't know about everybody's village, but in mine there are some real kooks. Drunks, drug addicts, prostitutes, thieves... all types. In the democrat ideal model (the village) which of those village members should mentor my child. Of course we have computer programmers, physicians, lawyers..., but since the family is just an appendage to the village, who gets to decide who the child chooses for her mentor? 

And what should the penalty be when a parent decides to tell the village what's in the best interest of their child? In post WW2 China the penalty was often a program the party called reeducation camps. Sometimes the penalty was death. In post WW2 Vietnam and Cambodia they were a little less reliant on reeducation, but liberally murdered people with whom they disagreed. We're not supposed to talk about Nazi Germany unless we are making an analogy to a Republican. Presumably because they believe in things like freedom of speech and a free marketplace of ideas, which is dangerous to the village. However it is nearly impossible to ignore the way the Nazi party separated children from their parents so the children could learn the 'correct' way according to the village. 

There can only be one way of thinking; the way of the village. One science, one correct philosophy, one religion..., you get the point. If everyone isn't the same that just causes confusion and that is bad for children right? After all how can a child know what is best without the village? And that brings us to the fact that democrats as a group tend to be myopic and short sighted. Who runs the village? The person who is the strongest, the most ruthless? Should the man or woman with the strongest gang be the decision making body for the village? 

Democrats rarely know what they really want or need. They are mostly ruled by their emotions; logic confuses them. My most recent examples are Barak Obama. For the first two years of his administration Americans were dumb enough to give a democrat president majorities in the House of Representatives and the Senate and the literally went on an insane spending spree, passed regulations that forced a lot of businesses to go under or move overseas. Now we did it again and President Biden and his cronies are doing the same thing and just like Obama next year the American people are going to give at least one legislative body to the Republicans. We need our emotions to be sure, but we can't leave logic out of the equation. If I could give every homeless person a house and a guaranteed income I would, but it isn't that simple. 

And democrats control all of the teacher's unions and they want sex education for kindergartners, they want to pit one race against the other, and gender confusion (yes, boys and girls it's true; there are only two genders, that's it) boys can't be girls and girls can't be boys. And parents who disagree with those philosophies aren't terrorists. They might get tired of being told they have no business telling educators what to teach their children because parents are primarily responsible for the education of their children, not the teachers. And what the heck? It's the parents that pay for the teachers and the schools and many other things so they have a right to tell teachers what to teach. 

Forget about the village, it's the family that raises a child. And any parent who just sits home and doesn't get involved in the education of their children needs to get out of their easy chair and attend a board meeting and be heard. 

Contrary to democrat dogma parents are not a threat to national security, teachers unions are. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Democrats & Reason

 Chuck Schumer is a danger to everything America stands for. I've said many times, and I still believe that Republicans have the best vision for our country, but they are very weak. Part of the problem they may have is getting access to the media. Ironically there are very few media outlets that believe in freedom of speech or the free and open exchange of ideas. I don't know of any well known reporter that even tries to be unbiased. Fox News is the closest because they don't have a liberal bias. They will talk to anyone and even their editorial board rarely resorts to actual lies, preferring hyperbole and over exaggeration to lying. The reporters at CNN, MSNBC, and other major outlets have repeatedly spread lies, stories like Adam Schiff having irrefutable proof against President Trump, or more currently spreading lies about the so-called January 6th insurrection, the truth about Critical Race Theory, or the 1619 project being taught in public schools. They routinely lie about businesses like Planned Parenthood not being involved in abortions and the problem experienced at the border with Mexico. 

They edit interviews with conversation lawmakers to make them look like they are lying about  conditions along the border and the issues of the cartels not operating on our side of the border. They lied about border patrol officers on horseback whipping migrants which clearly was not happening. 

And now they are covering up the truth behind the current multi trillion dollar tax increase  on all Americans. They claim that they are going to force 'wealthy' Americans to pay the increase and not 'all' Americans. These 'wealthy' Americans don't mind paying their fair share of the tax burden, but they are not going to spoon feed whomever the democrats decide are the not 'wealthy' Americans. Ain't gonna happen. You may be hearing that whooshing sound already. It's the sound of 'wealthy' American's money shipping out to parts unknown. And 'wealthy' Americans tend to vote democrat because democrats support the idea of a global economy without borders and there are lots of countries that are eager to take the money democrats foolishly chase out of the state. Foreign investment, especially in cheap labor and rent is a terrific money maker for 'wealthy' Americans. Poor countries benefit from that because they get to manufacture things for 'wealthy' Americans to sell all over the world, especially in the USA where we gobble up items put together by basically slave labor. The first group to suffer from this practice is American manufacturing and American labor. The 'unwealthy' class suffers when plants here shut down and the laborers suffer when the job they depend on for a living goes to somebody living in a hut in India who has no electricity or running water and can run to the state paid doctors and dentists any time they want at no cost to them, and can work for far less money than the 'less wealthy' Americans here.

For four years we had to listen to Obama telling Republicans, "We won you Lost! Sit Down! Shut Up!" which really isn't the way the two major parties should treat each other. And now incredibly Americans handed the Senate and the House of Representatives, and the White House to the democrats. Luckily President Trump succeeded in appointing Supreme Court justices to the Bench who believe in the Constitution, without that democrats would be free to force feed their anti America goals unopposed. During the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administration there was an effort to raise the number of Justices from nine to fifteen so they could circumvent the legislature and pass whatever laws they wanted to by appointing justices who belonged to FDR and not the citizens of the United States, and now Biden wants to try something similar in an effort to appoint Justices who don't believe in the Constitution any longer and want to try to circumvent the legislature to change the law according their political leanings. Currently there are at least four Justices who have a history of relying on such bodies as the World Court and the United Nations Charter and other outside sources as the basis for their opinions. 

And now that democrats have at least a slight majority in both legislative chambers their dopey leader, Chuck Schumer, is telling the Republicans to sit down and shut up. There is no need to work together because the 'American people obviously trust us more since they gave us a simple majority'. I'm still not a fan of either major party, but the democrats are literally insane when there are only two of them who are able to see that a five trillion dollar increase in the national debt is a good idea. And further proof of their insanity is the fact that they think so-called wealthy people are going to pay for it. That's why rich people vote and donate to democrats. Democrat party leaders give them whatever they want. 

To hide their love affair they dress it up like something they are doing to punish rich people for beating up on the 'working guy'. The truth is the democrat party has thrown the working guy to the ground and is now jumping up and down on his back. Think how great it would be to have access to 600 American billionaires at election time. I don't know how billionaires vote, but they throw money at democrats and there has to be a reason for that. Republican candidates don't have much access to the nations billionaires and there must be a reason for that. The only party helping the people who do the day to day work is the Republican Party. 

Besides the Middle Class the other group being damaged by democrats is the so-called poor people. Which really has become a euphemism for black people. The democrats are great at accusing the Republicans of wanting to put black people back on the plantation when the truth is democrats own the plantation and they are terrified that black people will become educated and leave it. Republicans are proclaiming that the plantation is a bad place for them to live, they need to get off the plantation and take advantage of all of the things the USA has to offer tall Americans. 

Race is no impediment to success in America. Attitude is the biggest potential impediment to success here. If you are afraid to try you will not succeed here or anywhere else. If you work hard in America you will probably achieve the success you are seeking. If you are black and you listen to the rantings of democrat losers like Herr Schumer you will live a life of self pity on the democrat plantation complaining about how racist America is. Wake up! Look at all the successful black people in America. Start with Barak Obama. He looks black to most people and he claims he is black, but he was raised by white people he claims were racists. Morgan Freeman, Chris Rock, Denzel Washington, hell, there are thousands of successful black people in America. No one talks about them because that's not the democrat narrative. Democrats want you to believe that successful black people are sellouts, Uncle Toms, traitors to their race. That's nonsense. Stop listening to them, be successful, have fun be happy don't be upset about the color of your skin be happy about  it. Enjoy life! 

Don't vote democrat this country is too precious to squander your vote on a party that wants to take away your freedom. Vote your conscience, but get educated. Don't pay attention to all the election promises. Believe your lying' eyes, no president has ever worked harder than Donald did to keep his campaign promises. And the only thing that kept him from keeping all of his promises was traitor republicans who decided to join the democrats on some key votes. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Why are We Talking About Race?

 Whoopie Goldberg should be among the happiest black people in the country. She said white people need to stop making race an issue and we did that over a hundred and fifty years ago, and we've been trying to achieve race equality ever since the Civil War ended. It took a long time to get the Southern states to stop their murderous rage against black people, but that was less about being white than about the political make up of the South. They were pretty upset about losing the war and they didn't like having to do their own chores very much. In order to be able to even have the stomach to buy and sell human beings they had to convince themselves that black people weren't truly human beings, they were somehow a sub species, a lower form of human being I guess. Southerners were a very sick portion of our population who somehow desensitized themselves to the extent that they truly believed they weren't doing anything wrong by selling people, oftentimes breaking up families. Any normal person would have to ask themselves, "What's wrong with these people?" 

Whoopie Goldberg is still trying to put black people back in chains on the auction block I guess. Why else would she make such a stupid statement? She's a multimillionaire; a privileged member of our society and she got there because white people thought she was funny and a decent actress, which she was until she decided that race trumped all else and black people need to continue to be angry over past misdeeds. All Americans need to get move past the race issue and make it become a non issue. 

If Whoopie is sad about being black she needs to get over it. She is a member of the American privileged class and she is a black woman. I hope she is doing something meaningful for the black community and not just trying to make them feel bad about the color of their skin. America is a land of opportunity for anyone with the desire to succeed and that includes the black communities. We all know dozens of examples of very successful black Americans and they couldn't' have achieved that status in such large numbers anywhere else in the world. 

So wake up Whoopie! There was a time when I was a fan of hers, but I don't have any use for the David Dukes or the Whoopie Goldbergs of the world. There is no difference between the two of them. 

Jury Duty

I just read a story about a man in Seattle Washington who brutally murdered a 19 year old man by hitting him on the head with a cinder block multiple times then stabbing him repeatedly until he died. That man is a hero as far as I'm concerned. The maggot he killed had kidnapped and sold his daughter into sex slavery in the Pacific Northwest. The man is 60 years old and I hope he gets a good jury. There is no way I'd ever convict a father who did that. 

It does sound like it may have been a planned event, but is was not murder. I'm not even sure how they identified the bad guy's body. Dad found out where the subhuman creature was going to be one afternoon and planned a kidnapping of his own, driving to the creeps location and forcing him into the trunk of a car. Then he used a cinder block to put a few dents in the guys head before stabbing him with a knife until he bled to death. Not a bad afternoon's labor. Then he drove him to a remote part of the county, parked the car and walked away. A year later someone found the car and the dead creep. Identifying him had to be no fun at all. At least after a year the guy didn't stink any more. 

I don't know how whatever detective who is investigating this decided to make an arrest. Dad was just doing the best he could to protect his daughter from any further harm. She had already endured the horror of being used a a sex slave and now some idiot detective wants her to relive it all over again. I guess some cops are Biden voters who just can't help themselves. I can see him now hitching up his pants and saying, 'nobody's above the law, he should have let me handle it.' This needs to be a short trial followed by a Not Guilty verdict or at least a hung jury and no refiling. And the detective should be shunned for presenting the case to the district attorney's office and the deputy district attorney who filed the case should ashamed of herself. I really hope Dad is victorious in this unjust farce. 

Firing Nurses

 Some knuckle dragging democrats have decided that we have too many nurses I guess. I guess that because they are firing nurses who don't want to be given an untested injection that might actually be harmful to people. They are health care professionals with concerns about the covid vaccine that has yet to pass all of the tests that stuff like that has to pass before shooting it into everyone in the room. 

I was around for the polio and other vaccines in the 1960's. We all survived and a lot of diseases were eliminated, but I think those vaccines went through many rounds of tests that lasted about 7-10  years before forcing a bunch of elementary school kids to take it. And I'm pretty sure mom and dad knew about it before I did. This nation used to rely on informed consent for things like that. Americans used to be courageous and inventive. We're becoming uninformed and lazy. Indolent is a word that comes to mind. 

So what has changed? As a nation we are becoming more cowardly than we ever were. And we're becoming more dependent on government handouts than we ever were, which is really pretty dumb considering the fools we elect have to raise our taxes in order to provide those handouts. It wasn't that long ago that politicians used to look at a problem that needed to be addressed and form committees to study the situation and try to decide on the best way to solve the issue. The democrats on the committee would all suggest that we raise taxes and spend a lot of money and see if the problem went away. The Republicans would agree that the problem needed to be addressed, but instead of raising taxes maybe there is someplace in the budget where we can find the money. Take a little out of some projects that were in progress and divert some funds to the new issue. They'd argue about it, the democrats would call the Republicans mean people who never wanted to help anyone and Republicans would complain about tax and spend democrats and sometimes they'd reach an agreement and sometimes they'd have to wait for the next budget year.  Yeah, we used to have a budget and I know that a lot of people born after 1990 are scratching their heads and asking, "What's a budget?" They think money is free like it just falls out of the sky or springs up through cracks in the floor of the local bank. The point is that through it all most of them remained friends. They recognized that we were a nation of hard working Americans and no one was better tan

We are getting a worse education every year. We are learning that there are far more than two genders, and that America is a racist, bad country. We attack weaker nations for oil and other resources, which just isn't true. If you are a racist you need to work on that, but this I s not a racist nation. Even our first black president was constantly telling the world what a horrible place this country is. And racist too! We have our share of dopes for sure, but we are the least racist nation in the entire known universe. 

Democrats are trying to convince us that the police are scumbags because a black man in Minneapolis started a fight with the police and during the struggle he died. White people aren't allowed to start fights with the police either. Asians know better as do people from every other race. And black people know that too. You have got to be very creative to convince yourself that Americans are a racist nation today. You don't have to be particularly bright to realize that Americans are getting a little dumber every generation. Today we have white people hating white people. They are actually apologizing for being white. The CEO of Coca Cola is telling white people to stop being so white. 

That just doesn't make any sense. If you're a democrat somehow it does. Knowing that I don't know why any white people are still wasting their money on Coca Cola. I used to be a hard core Coke fan. Now I pick up the store brand and the big surprise to me was that it is actually better tasting than the real thing. Firing nurses and police officers and fire fighters or anybody else just because they are uncomfortable taking an experimental vaccination isn't a good idea. It's an idea cooked up by democrats who are desperate to control as much of our lives as possible. If only they could find a way to get rid of that darn Constitution. It is a real party killer! 

There is a rich irony in all this; nurses voted to have their rights stripped away when they voted for Uncle Joe. They watched all of the rioting across the country in the wake of the death of a criminal who attacked the police and ended up getting himself killed  and said, "Man that just aint right! We don't need the police if that's the way they behave!" They supported lowering the pay for police officers because police officer are 'racists'. They killed that poor black man just because of his race. It didn't have nothin' to do with his attack on them. If he'd been a white man they would have let him hit them a few times and then they would have just let him go. That's what the policed would have done then. Damn police! Who needs 'em? 

Nurses probably still vote democrat since it is all but impossible to teach a democrat anything. And the nurses unions are all heavily democrat. I'm sure it's Donald Trump's fault somehow; if he hadn't pushed for a vaccine as soon as possible there still wouldn't be a vaccine available so no one would be in danger of receiving potential harm by being vaccinated against the coronavirus. The irony makes me smile, but I still don't understand the logic behind firing nurses when they are so badly needed and there are many ways to protect against transmitting and contracting the virus that don't involve sticking a needle in someone and injecting them with something that could potentially be harmful. 

Democrats firing their constituents for believing in the Constitution. Let's see if any of them cross the aisle next year. 

Monday, November 1, 2021

More Truth from Afghanistan

August 30, 2021, was another diplomatic and military failure for Uncle Joe Biden. He shut down the only military base capable of offering support to retreating Americans then let the enemy take over the entire country only attempting to evacuate American citizens at the very last minute, and leaving many American citizens and Afghan support people at the mercy of one of the most merciless groups in the world, the Taliban. I pick on democrats a lot. It's almost embarrassing because it could give the wrong impression that I'm a Republican. I don't like either major political party and there isn't a viable third party. I'd pick on Republicans more if they were trying to implement policies that were destructive to our country but they aren't. They are quietly trying to save our country. President Trump never would have allowed our military to abandon American citizens and vital allies in Afghanistan to be murdered by merciless thugs. 

He knew better than to leave behind valuable military hardware including attack aircraft, tanks, personnel carriers, rifles, machine guns, hand grenades and bombs for the enemy to use against innocent Afghan citizens. He never would have left a fortress behind for the enemy to use. He would have taken the time necessary to dismantle the entire base. His order was to remove anything that could be useful to the bad guys. He said 'every board, every nail, every bolt...' he would have only left the dirt. Attack aircraft? No. Tanks, armored personnel carriers, rifles, ammunition, bombs? Nope! Nada, zilch. 

Trump would have made sure that American citizens and important support personnel in Afghanistan  made it out and the egress would have been orderly. The Taliban was no match for the American military and our allies. Joe Biden is great at empty promises and campaign slogans, but actually doing something useful is beyond his meager grasp. If anyone cares to provide examples of things he has accomplished that are actually helpful I'd like to read about them. No one should be totally useless, but he seems to be working at it. 

I don't like picking on democrats all the time. I hope they soon wake up and start thinking of ways to improve this great country instead of finding ways to break it.