Friday, August 6, 2021


 It is unbelievable that so many Americans are refusing to be vaccinated against the China Virus. It is about 98 percent survivable but still about 600,000 Americans have died from it. 

Part of the problem is 'the science'. The experts immediately began pontificating publicly about the best way a person could be protected against the China Virus before anyone knew what it was and that led to a lot of confusion which has resulted in a justifiable distrust of the medical 'findings'. Then to make matters worse politicians got involved. If you ever want to make a bad situation worse let those clowns help. Politicians are great at creating problems. They do a very poor job at solving them. Then of course there is the Trump Factor. 

We have a vaccine that protects people against the China Virus largely due to the influence of President Trump and that makes the Never Trumpers insane, on both sides of the aisle. Love him or hate him, he gets things done. And efficiency is the enemy to most bureaucrats. They like things nice and slow. When there is a virus out there killing around 50,000 people a month you don't have time to go nice and slow and President Trump recognized that immediately. 

He started demanding answers, and a compressed time frame for getting a vaccine approved. Democrats were opposed to it, and now it looks like a lot of Republicans were too. Except polls show that now democrats support the China Virus vaccine more than republicans do. It's great to see democrats actually doing something that makes sense. I applaud that. 

Now if we could get them on board with the real findings on global warming and the insane practice of abortion we could probably work together to get a lot of good things done. My conservative friends are telling me that the vaccine is dangerous so they won't get vaccinated. I don't know what their sources are, but the numbers they are throwing around look a little suspicious, kind of like the rapidly rising oceans. I'm there every day and the water is just about where it's supposed to be every day. 

The facts seem to be that today people who are being hospitalized and dying from China Virus are those who go along with the anti vaxxers. If you look at two sides and one looks like it's winning and the other looks like it's getting its butt kicked how hard is it to decide which team to be on?

People oppose the Polio vaccine program too, even though it has been and is wildly successful. And who wants a return of small pox? Measles anyone? Tetanus? Diphtheria looks like a lot of fun. 

To you anti vaxxers I ask; which diseases would you like to see return to us? To you democrats I am confused. When it comes to man caused global warming and abortion you ignore the science completely. Yet with the China vaccine, which really hasn't been fully tested, the anti vaxxers are right about that, but you guys pushed your way to the front of the line to get a shot! And the only reason we have the vaccine is because of Donald Trump and you hate him! HATE! Uncle Joe tells you that he invented the vaccine and that's enough for you to jump in and I'm not even sure you rolled up your sleeves, I'm pretty sure I saw a few of you rip your shirts off. 

Anyway I salute you for that. You did it to save your own skin, but if a lot of people are helped by what you've done you can probably live with that too. You still have time to march to protect the right of women to kill their unborn babies, and you can still lobby Congress to spend trillions of dollars no one will ever see to combat a threat that doesn't exist. 

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