Monday, August 16, 2021

Identity Crisis Grips America

 A couple of years ago a woman called me and asked if I'd mind taking a 'short' survey. I didn't have anything going on at the time so I agreed. I don't remember what the survey was about but one of the questions really bothered me and my answer bothered her so we talked about it a little while. I'm pretty sure not many people conducting surveys do that but she did.

The question was: "Do you identify as a man or a woman."

"I don't identify as anything, I was born a male." I was polite and in no way condescending to her and I was happy to talk about my views if she wanted to.

"So you identify as a male," was her reply. I could tell she didn't understand or she didn't agree with my answer, but she sounded nice, perhaps a little lonely.

"No," I said, "I was born a male, I'm old now so I'm a man." She chuckled and said, "Ok."

There are a couple of things I don't understand about the homosexual thing. 

They don't know what gender they are and I'm the one that's confused? And now so-called medical science claims that by making a few cosmetic changes they can change a person's gender? Homosexuals are going to destroy our society eventually and we can't even talk about it. Anyone who disagrees with their opinion is a bad person and has to be silenced and that is the reason for the creation of hate speech. Hate speech has only one function and that is to silence the opposition. We should never punish people for saying what is on their mind unless they are inciting immediate violence. It is not ok to advocate violence against anyone or any group of people, but it is ok to express your opinion about anything you think is destructive to a free society and transgenderism is a clear threat to our existence. I'm not advocating violence against anyone. No one has the right to harm another individual just because of the person they are holding hands with. I'm just opposed to the creation of thought police anywhere, especially here in the USA. I don't know why it's so important for democrats to create a special protected class for people who think they should have been born a different gender. 

How is a kid supposed to ask a girl out on a date if he isn't sure who is a girl and who isn't? 

And if boys and girls have to worry about the contacts they are making they are going to stop trying. No girl wants to start going out with a good looking young man only to find out after a couple of dates that the young man is actually a young woman, and it works the same way for boys. If a young man has been going out with a girl and he finds attractive and after awhile finds out she's a he he is going to freak out. He might even act out violently toward the guy and in that case I'd defend him all the way. 

I'd call it gender fraud and defend him in any court. Gender reassignment surgery is medical malpractice and should be regarded as such. The rule used to be, 'first do no harm'. I guess the American Medical Association is rethinking that philosophy. 

I do feel sorry for kids these days. I never had to worry about anything as stupid as that. Boys are boys and girls are girls.

It really is that simple.

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