Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Anti fascists- (antifa)

 Anti fascist. What an insult to any American who cherishes our principles of freedom, justice and respect for individuals. They dress in black and completely cover their faces so they can't be identified. And why don't they want to be identified? It probably has something to do with the windows that get smashed out and the buildings that catch fire whenever they are around. And what about that? I've never seen window smash and building burning competition at a rally for a conservative cause. Unless antifa shows up to stage a 'counter protest' which is just a euphemism for riot. Democrats need to face the fact that antifa is the enforcement arm of the DNC. Paid under the table no doubt, but there are other types of cash payment such as paying the bail for them after they've been out on the town destroying property, looting, blocking traffic and beating people who try to stop them.

I think both parties are ineffective. Republicans are 'do nothings' and democrats are the nation's destroying angels. I have no use for either of them. I completely supported Donald Trump in his bid for the presidency and I think he is one of the greatest presidents we've ever had, but I don't want him to run in the next general election. If he is the best the GOP has to offer I'll take him over Kamala Harris or Uncle Joe. I love this country too much to see it trampled by a party that wants to set the Constitution aside and water it down via activist judges. 

If you can support killing unborn babies and critical race theory you are an enemy to freedom and America stands for freedom. Seriously your conscience is severely damaged if there is anything about antifa you can support. I know a lot of otherwise good people who are fooled by the democrat party rhetoric. Black people can't succeed in America? Tell that to all of the successful black people in America. America is a racist country? Tell that to anyone who has seen a photo of Barack Obama. He says he's black and he was the president of the United States of America. And what about Kamala Harris? She is not white and she seems to be doing very well in America. And abortion. Just about everyone claiming to be 'pro choice' claim that abortion is not being used as a form of birth control, but only in the cases of rape, incest, or the health of the mother. Very few rapes result in a pregnancy. And the health of the mother is completely subjective. Mom doesn't want to have a baby. The thought makes her sad. Boom! There's your mental health exception. Bye bye baby. If we only take cases where the pregnancy is the result of a rape or incest, or the life of the mother is in serious jeopardy, there wouldn't be any abortion clinics. 

Democrats are going to be very sad when black people find out they can succeed in America and the police are not racists. Almost half of the police officers in America are black. Wake up! Believe what you are seeing not what the talking heads are telling you. Recently in Portland Oregon a group of fascists calling themselves antifa attacked a prayer meeting in a park, beating people and spraying them with pepper spray and throwing eggs at them. 

Antifa is the definition of fascism. The democrat party supports the 1619 project, critical race theory, BLM, men competing in women's sports, protected status for homosexuals, abortion, and many other things that are destructive to society. That's right, you can say LGBT XYZ all you want, what they are talking about is same sex attraction and anyone who disagrees with them gets a special label to show the world how 'dangerous' they are. The same with abortion, anyone who thinks abortion is wrong hates women. Just because we are trying to persuade women not to make the biggest mistake of their lives does not mean we hate women. And democrats don't even want to talk about it. Once a democrat has spoken the debate has to end because they are compassionate and kind and anyone who disagrees with them is mean. We are dangerously close to shutting down freedom of speech by labelling certain subjects as hate speech and making hate speech a crime. They are making a mockery of our way of life. Speaking your mind can never be a crime in the USA.

Let's be honest, antifa is a terrorist organization and antifa members should be arrested for whatever terrorist statute covers members of terrorist organizations, tried and locked up for a few decades so they can get their minds right. 

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