Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Black Privilege

 On January 6, 2021 there was a riot at our nation's capitol and a police officer shot and killed an unarmed woman who was evidently trying to enter the capitol chamber illegally. Was there a protest about this killing of an unarmed woman by a police officer? Nope! Not a peep. No buildings were burned. No monuments were defaced, no windows were smashed, traffic wasn't blocked and no one demanded that the police officer be fired or prosecuted for murder. And the police officer admits that he didn't know if the woman was armed or not at the time he killed her. He couldn't see her hands he said, but she was attempting to bypass a makeshift barricade erected by the police to keep the rioters out, and she had a backpack. She wasn't reaching into the backpack, but Lt Michael Boyd shot her dead because he said he thought she might have a bomb in the backpack. 

I gotta tell ya, I ain't buyin' it. Last year a police officer in Minneapolis accidentally killed a criminal who physically attacked him and that police officer is going to prison for murder. And there were riots all across the country. And they named streets, parks and schools after the criminal. What's the difference? In Minneapolis the police officer knew the suspect was violent and had just been involved in a physical altercation with him. And the police officer didn't use his service pistol or a police baton, he was using a control technique he was taught at the police academy, but in that case it was fatal. Maybe he applied it incorrectly, but he didn't murder anyone. So why all the fuss? One police officer shoots a woman dead because he was scared and he admits he didn't see any weapons in her possession and she wasn't physically attacking him or anyone else. The other accidentally killed a man who was violent and hyped up on narcotics. 

The main difference is race. The police officer who accidentally killed the violent criminal was white and the violent criminal was black. Therefore according to democrats the only reason the police officer killed him was because he hated black people. It couldn't have been an accident since the thug was black. In the other case the victim was a white woman. Boom! Say no more! Except to make the deal even sweeter the police officer was black, so of course he killed her! He was scared because white people are violent oppressors. It didn't matter that she was unarmed because we used to have slavery in this country. The capitol police officer is being hailed as a hero because, get this, he 'saved countless lives' by killing her. That's right, she was unarmed, and he knew she was unarmed when he killed her, but, and here's the line that makes him a hero, if there had been a bomb in her backpack and if she had exploded it, a couple of hundred people might have been killed. But there wasn't a bomb in her backpack. If the police officer had been white and the victim black we'd all know exactly what was in the backpack, but due to black privilege we will never know because the truth is he killed her for no other reason than he was afraid. Afraid of what? 

All I can say is, we are so lucky that Lt. Michael Boyd was working that day. If he hadn't been there it is possible that no one else would have seen the obvious threat posed by that obviously unarmed woman, and maybe none of the police officers there that day would have killed her and there might have been some sort of sit-in in the capitol chamber!! Oh the humanity! The horror! Boyd should be on trial for murder. If accidentally killing a violent criminal gets a police officer sent to prison for murder the least they could do is send Lt. Boyd to prison for deliberately shooting an apparently unarmed woman dead. 

And just how many politicians were in the chamber at the time? Probably fewer than two hundred. I know for a fact that most people can count to two hundred. Boyd has a hero complex and should be on trial for murder. 

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