Saturday, July 31, 2021

Abortion: whose body are we talking about?

 Let's ask the baby comfortably resting inside the mother sucking her thumb what she thinks about abortion. I know we can't do that but what if we could? I'm going to speak for the unborn here and she isn't going to say, "I want a noisy machine to rip my thumb out of my mouth then violently rip me apart and throw me in the trash." Anyone who thinks the unborn baby doesn't have any feelings doesn't believe in established medical research. I don't mind telling the world that abortion is an evil practice. There is no excuse for abortion  at all. Rape is another terrible evil and a crime that I think is worthy of capital punishment upon conviction. Or surgical removal of everything male on the convict's body. Yes even his voice box. Why not? If we can't agree on a suitable punishment among ourselves I'll be content to let God take care of it in His own time. There is nothing we can do that will even come close to the punishment God will provide. And I wouldn't want to be the person standing before God's tribunal at God's final judgement trying to explain why I thought it was a good idea to abuse one of His daughters. 

And for all you genius science deniers who say a fetus isn't a human being, there is no other definition for a fetus. She has a heartbeat and a central nervous system, she requires food and oxygen, she has a brain that functions, and her parents are human, that is a human being. Maybe we should eliminate the word 'fetus' and just call her a baby. That's what she is. She doesn't know much yet, but she wants to learn and experience life like the rest of us, those of us whose mothers didn't murder us before we were born. 

In the one in several million cases where a mothers life is threatened by the pregnancy then a heart breaking decision has to be made, that of having to choose which life is more important. If we reduced abortions to only cover those instances of rape and incest, or where the life of the mother were seriously in question there wouldn't be any abortion clinics because there wouldn't be enough patients to keep them open. No matter how I try to analyze the abortion issue there is no way to justify killing a baby just because we aren't ready to be parents and the overwhelming number of abortions are performed just because the woman doesn't want a child. Parenthood isn't for everyone and if you don't want to be a parent, but you are pregnant the only correct way to move forward is to deliver the baby and immediately adopt her out to a good couple who want to raise her as their own in a secure environment. 

So yes, I can meet you half way. The mother can do whatever she wants with her body. She just can't do anything to harm the baby she is carrying. The 500 pound gorilla in the room here is promiscuous sexual conduct; women who want to fool around, but don't want to be held responsible for the consequences of their actions. I know, that's mean! No, abortion is mean. Ripping apart a baby and killing her is mean. Pretending she can't feel pain so your conscience won't bother you is mean. Saving her life and protecting her takes courage. Recognizing that you have conceived a child and are now responsible for that child's welfare is character. I'm not afraid of being labeled mean when I am protecting babies. I'm afraid of being considered a coward when I fail to speak up about it. People who support ruining the economy because they are afraid we are all about to perish in a ball of fire due to a phenomena they call 'man caused global warming', the existence of which cannot be proven, think it's ok to kill a baby if you didn't want to get pregnant during that intimate moment with some guy. 

When we are talking about abortion we're not talking about the mother's body. She doesn't want to kill herself, she wants to kill her baby. So stop with the 'My Body My Choice' nonsense. Let's ask the unborn baby what she thinks about that. 

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