Monday, August 16, 2021

Democrats Strike Again

 A blind man could have seen the Taliban overrunning Afghanistan a month ago. Democrats have always had a hard time seeing past their own noses. Panning? That's for suckers! Democrats don't have to plan because they already know everything. And if something doesn't work out it's ok because somebody else always has to pay for their mistakes. I know, I know! I misspoke okay? Everyone knows democrats don't make mistakes. They just meander happily through life bouncing off walls while the rest of us try to make sure they don't hurt themselves. 

The Afghanistan thing? Oh yeah, Trump did that. Our new found fuel shortage? Trump's fault. The alarming rise in inflation? Yup, he did that too. It's a good thing we have a senile old white guy in the Oval Office, and a cackling dummy for back up, otherwise the world might be in real trouble. At least we can count on one thing from the democrats: we are safe from the ravages of man made (read- America caused) global warming. Somehow Uncle Joe and his cackling side kick are going to keep us from burning up for the next four to eight years. What a relief! 

I'm not sure the Afghan people are going to feel that good about America when the Taliban starts sawing their heads off with a butter knife. The Taliban will continue hating us because they hate everything we stand for, which is at least one thing they have in common with democrats, and those Afghans who aren't Taliban are going to wonder why we abandoned them to such a cruel fate. I wish I could tell you my dear brothers and sisters. And I wish I could do something for you. At least I voted for Trump, but alas, too many Americans prefer to be lied to and insulted and they thought a senile old man and a lush should become the new leaders of the Free World.  

The truth is that no one can rule Afghanistan. They are uneducated and superstitious. And they are clannish. Over the next ridge there is always another tribal leader and if he decides to eat you for lunch there is no one around to tell him he can't. 

I'm not sure President Trump's plan for the Taliban would have worked, but it might have. At least he had a plan. 

We get to enjoy the happiness that is caused when gasoline costs more than five bucks a gallon, and the Afghan people get to enjoy the happiness of a man of peace hacking their heads off if he thinks something in the Quran tells him that's what he's supposed to do. 

Everybody render the Uncle Joe Salute! AAAHH, that felt good. 

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