Friday, August 27, 2021

The For The People Act

 It's a little unsettling how close democrats come to matching communist slogans. And regulating everything we do, say, and think. Today global warming is the alter democrats worship and anyone who disagrees with their view on global warming is just not worth talking to and should be considered a danger to all human kind. If you think surgically changing your gender, as if that were even possible, you could be guilty of hate speech. Hate speech is not easy to define, but if someone is guilty of it democrats will be happy to point that out. And of course there is abortion. Anyone who thinks abortion is wrong is simply filled with hate. How could killing a baby in the womb possibly be wrong if giving birth to a baby is inconvenient to the mother?  

Anyone who opposes abortion has to hate women. And be narrow minded and stupid. Most people who oppose killing a baby in the womb are just religious fanatics and we all remember how dangerous the Crusades were. Actually I may have lost a few democrats with that one. Look it up. 

The For the People Act is a law that is overly broad and almost impossible to understand. And while democrats claim to represent all the people clearly Herr Schumer disagrees. Claiming he wants bipartisan support he goes on to proclaim that the bill as written is perfect and there is no room for discussion; "We are going to fight and fight and fight...." to pass this bill because without it the country will simply cease to exist. Eight hundred pages is simply too many. Instead of re-writing the Constitution why can't they pick one or two things at a time. 

Voting rights have been established since the 1960's when democrats were denying black people the right to vote and even having the sheriff go after them with attack dogs when they staged protests. Now they are desperate for votes and they are claiming that it is racist to make people show some proof that they are who they say they are before they vote. A law that is equally enforced among people of all races. Through overly generous government assistance packages black have become uneducated and easily manipulated by the democrat party that tells them they don't have to work so many hours because the government will give them money. That sapped the motivation to work hard or even become educated. 

Recently largely due to some well known black people how have become successful through hard work and discipline telling them that it is good to go to work and education will pay off. I recently saw an interview on CNN with Don Lemon and Morgan Freeman. Lemon was trying to tell Morgan Freeman that it is hard for black men to succeed in America and Freeman looked at him and said that was not correct. He said, "Look at us." And pointed out that they were both very successful and they are black.

The so called For the People Act is just a smoke screen for more government usurpation of the autonomy of local and state government by the Federal government. That's why not one republican supports it. It isn't partisanship, it's a genuine desire to have a meeting of the minds. A realization that neither side is going to get everything they want, but they can work together anyway. An acknowledgment that neither side has all the answers and whenever no one on one side of the aisle agrees with what has been proposed it's time to reach out and ask what they would to to make it better. This isn't the time to puff up one's chest and proclaim kingship. This is an opportunity to display a little diplomacy and compassion and find a solution together that will benefit everybody, but don't try to tell us that people from certain racial groups are too dumb to get an ID card or find their way to the polls. 

Voting is a sacred responsibility and anyone who can't figure out how to vote probably isn't ready to take on that responsibility yet. 

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