Thursday, August 12, 2021

Uncle Joe Strikes Again

 Once again we have a president who only represents one party. If you are not a democrat Biden has no interest in your well being. If you are a democrat he loves you, but other than that he won't do a thing for you. We've had worse presidents, but not many especially since this one was going senile before the election and people voted for him anyway. Pretty stupid, but that's the America we live in today. If you believe in killing unborn babies and ruining a booming economy fighting a non existent threat then you should be very happy. Other than that democrats have not been much to help anyone. Anti police, anti military, anti liberty. When President Trump was in the White House he had the world running pretty smoothly. He wasn't afraid to tell the leaders of other countries what they were doing wrong and show them how to correct their mistakes. He loved this country and constantly let the world know which country was the leader of the free world, and he stood up to those nations who were leaders in the world of bondage. 

He lost the election mostly because too many Americans are cry babies and didn't like it when he said things that sounded 'mean' to them. He wasn't mean he was direct. The guy hardly ever slept. He worked for free. He was a problem solver; all of these are things that Americans no longer value. 

Now there are three things that are very important and Uncle Joe is screwing up and very badly. The Southern border. We all know how that's going. He is inviting people to storm the border and spread covid 19 like wild fire while he blames the governors of Texas and Florida for allowing it to spread. He has limited the amount of gasoline that can be produced in this country so we can become more dependent on people like the Taliban for fuel. Smart. That is exactly how smart democrats are. And then he is fomenting another human tragedy in Afghanistan. The Taliban are less than a hundred miles from the capitol of Afghanistan and our embassy is being protected by about 600 Marines. There are thousands of civilians who are in danger of being punished by the Taliban for helping us in the war against them. 

GW Bush did a horrible job of prosecuting the war on terror. We dropped a lot of bombs on Bagdad and it was sort of fun to watch, we were in a very bad mood after the shenanigans of Al Queada and that murderous coward in charge of Iraq, but our fight wasn't with Iraq. We were attacked by Al Queada and another madman named Bin Ladin and he was emboldened by another incompetent president named Bill Clinton. The Middle East is ruled by madmen. It cannot be controlled, only managed. 

Now after twenty years of scratching their heads and asking each other 'what can we do?' One of the greatest presidents we've ever had started implementing a program that would allow for the withdrawal of American troops while still holding the Taliban accountable for their actions and hopefully leaving the Afghan people with a more peaceful government. And of course the American people once again voted for a senile old man because President Trump was always honest, but a little too direct with them. President Biden will inevitably oversee a very sad blood bath in Afghanistan. Our own people will barely escape and most of the Afghan people who worked with us will not be evacuated and will face unimaginable deaths. 

I don't like republican leadership, but I'll never vote for a democrat until they demonstrate an ability to think with their brains instead of being run by emotion and a thirst for power. They are so worried about man made global warming that they can't function on any other level. The only other thing they have time for is supporting the killing of unborn babies. 

Uncle Joe wants us to return to the days when we were dependent on oil from the Middle East, he wants to continue the fairy tale that democrats can stop the climate from changing and he is about to abandon the Afghan people to the Taliban who he knows will reign with mass murder and terror. 

That is the democrat legacy. 

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