Friday, September 3, 2021

Uncle Joe has got to GO!

 What a clunker. Uncle Joe is doing what most democrats do. He is making a mockery of the most respected office in the world. If the legislature of the United States leaves any American citizens in Afghanistan they are guilty of one of the greatest atrocities ever perpetrated against our country. I don't understand how democrats can continuously and completely make a total mess of American foreign policy and not see it. There is no excuse for what just happened in Afghanistan. There was no excuse for what happened in Lybia. 

In true democrat tradition Uncle Joe wants to blame his predecessor. President Trump was in communication with the Taliban because he wanted to bring American military personnel home. He doesn't believe our country should be involved in so many other countries. We can help them without doing the work for them. Our military people trained the Afghan army and as long as they knew the Americans were there they were confident, but when we left it looks like the Afghan army folded and their president fled. 

It looks like Donald Trump was right. Uncle Joe probably thought if he screwed this event up he could blame President Trump and make the world think Trump was a fool. We don't need people with a 'royalty complex' in the White House. Democrats want a monarchy with a royal figure at the top.   If Uncle Joe had wanted to avoid the tragedy that took place under his shaky guidance he would have done what President Trump promised the Taliban he would do. This isn't just another political blunder, it's a major strategic defeat that we will be dealing with for a very long time. Biden wanted to use Afghanistan as a club to beat Donald Trump over the head with. He didn't, and doesn't give a damn about the military personnel who are suffering under poor leadership. 

The guys GW hired were no geniuses, but at least they were working for the right cause. Politics wasn't what GW was worried about; he watched those towers fall, those people jumping out of windows and he wanted to kick somebody's ass. And he did win a second term. Doing the right thing will usually get the right result. We suffered such a heavy defeat in Afghanistan because President Biden wanted to be a politician. He likes telling people how good it feels to have children rub his legs in the pool. He likes photo ops in high places with families with small girls so he can hold them and fondle them. Joe Biden is a despicable man. 

The fact that he won the election is a testimony to how far we as a nation have fallen. Biden ran a horrible campaign. He had no foundation to stand on having accomplished exactly nothing during his fifty years in public office. He displayed obvious signs of dementia throughout his campaign. And now I have no idea what kind of drugs he is being fed to make it look like he can function for short periods of time and look almost coherent. And now, early in his presidency he has embarrassed this nation in a very damaging way. He has armed the Taliban with some of the best weapons systems available and he is contemplating providing them money that has been frozen and withheld from them. 

He is paving the way for the Chinese government to take over some very important strategic mineral deposits. And he has blamed his predecessor for his failure. If he had followed Donald Trump's plan Afghanistan probably would have still fallen to the Taliban, but without the advance weapons systems and we wouldn't have abandoned American citizens and critical allies to the mercy of an evil bunch.

A man like Uncle Joe should never have been elected to such an important office, he is more Taliban than American. 

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