Monday, June 21, 2021


 The ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment is one of the most historically important events in American history. All Americans should know instantly what Juneteenth stands for and how it came to be an amendment in the first place. On January 31, 1865 the 13th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified. It was proposed by Republican James Mitchell Ashley in 1863 and backed by Republican President Abraham Lincoln. 

On June 28, 2021, a democrat president from perhaps the most racist state on the Eastern Seaboard and desperate to prove to black people that the democrat party was the only group that cares about them, signed a bill to make Juneteenth 'National Independence Day'. 

I don't mind that the party who gave birth to the slave trade in America, then started a bloody civil war and tried to destroy the Union in an effort to ensure that black people remained enslaved for as long as possible, then having lost the war did everything in their power to ensure that black people couldn't receive a decent education, get a decent job, or vote in any elections, pushed this holiday through, desperate people will do just about anything, and I'm not saying all democrats are hypocrites, but hypocrisy is what drives the democrat party, what I hate is what the democrats decided to name the holiday. 

If democrats had any respect for our history they'd realize that we already have a national indepedence day. We celebrate it every single year, and on the same day too! I wonder if there are any democrats out there who can tell us what day that is? And I have very little respect left for the Republicans either. Where are the fifty republicans? Fourteen voted against this horribly named holiday yet they didn't do anything to show any unity. One of them said he voted against it because it would force people to decide which Independence Day to celebrate based on their race. Would a democrat do that? Yup! Another said we already had an Independence Day and suggested something more precise; Emancipation Day. Not bad actually.

Democrats need to create confusion and dissension in order to maintain power. If republicans had any guts they would find defeating the democrats almost too easy. Democrats keep chipping away at our basic civil rights and republicans keep shaking in their shoes, afraid they might say something that would offend somebody. It is part of their job to offend somebody. By being so cowardly they've offended most of the people in their base. Republican 'leaders' are asleep at the wheel. None of them saw anything wrong with the name of this holiday. No statement was issued and apparently no guidance was offered to their colleagues giving them ideas about how to vote and why. 

Democrats fought hard to preserve slavery in America. Now they are fighting hard to say they never wanted anything to do with slavery. If slavery ever existed in America, and there is some evidence to suggest it did, it must have been republicans.  That's probably why republicans are opposed to destroying statues of confederate generals at civil war battlefields. If they weren't such racist bigots they'd be wanting to change the way we teach history. 

It's mind boggling. Juneteenth should be recognized as a special day of remembrance, a day of reverent reflection, and a national holiday, but it should not be called Independence Day. 

Thursday, June 17, 2021


Is it possible for democrats to learn? There are some concepts that democrats understand very well. We are all about to die from catastrophic man made global warming is a prime example. The only problem is that we are not in any danger at all of being killed by any sort of climate change. And even if we are there is nothing democrats can do about it. Another concept democrats love is that the Constitution of the United States of America has outlived its usefulness and needs to be overhauled. As Yeonmi will tell you there is nothing more precious than freedom and about the most valuable freedom we have is the freedom to say what's on our mind no matter who is offended by it. 

There is no such thing as hate speech. Just speech. Murder is murder. How is a person any less dead if the reason they were killed is because of their race or their gender, or their sexual orientation? 

She is a young woman with exceptional courage and a great story to tell. Contrary to what democrats want you to think socialism is a failed system. It doesn't work and it never will work. Miss Park studied at Columbia and observed that the professors are biased against the United States of America and labelled certain classic authors as racists or colonialists or something, such as Jane Austen. Somehow reading the works of Jane Austen will turn a person into something bad. I don't know a lot about Jane Austen. She died when she was 41 years old and she lived in England. Her books seem to appeal mostly to women. 

I'm not a fan of Republicans either. They seem slow to defend the principles Americans expect them to stand for. When a democrat claims the Constitution is outdated, Mitch McConnell needs to speak up loud and clear and defend that sacred document. It is not outdated and there is a process to add or subtract amendments to the Constitution. Democrats are reluctant to say why it is outdated and what is wrong with it, the usual objection is the Second Amendment. 

"The Founding Fathers had no way of know about machine guns or hand grenades, and what about nuclear bombs! Should we have the right to keep nukes in our houses?" 

The main reason we need the Second Amendment is to defend ourselves against a threat. The police are rarely there when you need them. And democrats seem to ignore the Oath of Office regarding defending the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. 

All of this is important because what Yeonmi is pointing out is that we have something extremely special here. We have something nobody else in the world has. In fact we have something that no nation has ever had in recorded  history. We have a constitution that guarantees us rights as individuals. It puts us above all government officials. We don't have a king because we don't want one. We don't want a queen either. We have elected officials who are supposed to work for us. If they don't work for us we have the opportunity to vote for their opponent during the next election cycle. And anyone can run for public office it isn't kept within any family or group of people. For those of us who value our freedoms it is hard to understand why so many Americans are willing to vote away their rights, especially the right to free speech. Only dictators are afraid of an open exchange of ideas. Ms. Park is only stating that she is having a hard time believing that seemingly intelligent people wold criticize our system in favor of a much worse situation. She has lived in a country where people have no liberty so she knows what that looks like. 

Saturday, June 12, 2021


Basically critical race theory is a waste of time if you try to teach it to a bunch of children in the public school system from kindergarten to 12th grade. It is a theory that has not been fully baked and there is no way a cadre of kids between the ages of 5 and seventeen can grasp it. If it belongs anywhere it would be on college campuses where it can be studied by a group of young adults who have 8-10 hours a week to spend on it. 

And honestly it doesn't make a lot of sense. It is based on the premise that America is a racist country and always will be until who knows? Just the hypothesis that we live in a racist country can be proven false, and has been thousands of times over the seventy years. The United States of America is an integrated country made up of people from countries all over the world. We need a common language, but we also need to respect people who speak English as a second language. Embracing friendship will be far more beneficial to our country than celebrating our differences. It's true that we all see things in a slightly different way and integrating different points of view can help us find the best solutions to problems that we face and problem solving is what will make us stronger. There are people here from all over the world and they bring a rich heritage of traditions that can be lots of fun for many people and celebrating those traditions can be relaxing and beneficial in a variety of ways, but that is not the same as celebrating our differences. It isn't the same as celebrating diversity either. We need to celebrate inclusivity. The USA also has some very rich traditions. The most important of which is the reverence for individual liberty. 

Our Constitution wasn't written to hobble the individual it was written to hobble the government. In the USA there is no ruling class. We elect people to serve us. We have a governing body that answers to us, 'We the People'. We don't answer to them and if they forget that we have the opportunity to fire them every two, four, and six years. We don't get our rights from any individual, but from our Creator. I've studied Critical Race Theory intently and it looks like most of the 'experts' have their own opinion about it. It certainly isn't a theory that can be taught in elementary school or even high school. 

Its main focus does seem to be on teaching white people not to be so white. It is meant to divide us into small entities based on our race. Critical Race Theory wants us to believe that America is hopelessly racist and the best way to fix that is for everyone to live in separate areas based on our race. The worst race being white people. 

It seems to me that CRT belongs on the ash heap of many other stupid theories. There is no foundation for any of its assertions and most of it is demonstrably false just on its face.  Be kind to each other. Respect each other and help each other. That will get us much farther in life than any theory based on suspicion and hate. 


Wednesday, June 9, 2021


 They used to teach children about the Constitution in our schools. During my grade school experience we were told to memorize the preamble to the Constitution. I'm afraid that today the majority of the kids attending any school, public or private don't even know what the preamble to the Constitution is. They used to teach kids that America isn't perfect, but we were always looking for ways to improve. A lot of black people get angry when a white person (me) says slavery was wrong. At the time the Constitution was written a lot of the men who signed it thought slavery was wrong. The guys who wrote the part about all men were created equal knew slavery was wrong so they wrote the document in such a way that future generations could debate the issue of slavery and eventually abolish it. Democrats didn't like that idea so they declared war on the United States and began a four year war during which hundreds of thousands of Americans died to abolish slavery. 

The guys who signed the Constitution were not evil men. They weren't even bad men. They were human and they made mistakes just like we do. They were also thoughtful men and for the most part they were honorable men. And they were mortal men subject to all the problems that mortality brings. There were men among them that believed that slavery was necessary to their financial survival and they knew that slavery didn't start in America. The slaves here were also slaves in their native Africa. Tribal leaders sold them to others and eventually they ended up here. 

No that doesn't justify slavery. But certain concessions had to be made if we were going to get the Constitution ratified. Thomas Jefferson didn't just write the Constitution one day and then get a bunch of people to sign it, it took thirteen years to get the Constitution ratified. Once it was drafted it had to be shown to delegates from each of the colonies. And the colonies each had their own ideas about what had to be added or subtracted from the document. After years of debate and threats to dissolve the Union before it even began, the Constitution was finally ratified by all of the colonies. That didn't end the debate entirely, but most people were happy with it. And is has withstood the test of time. It endures because it grants each citizen the opportunity to succeed for fail in life. Sometimes life isn't fair. It isn't the Central governments role to steal from one man and give to another.

It is the role of each person in America to create their own road to success. Today many Americans don't even know what the Constitution is. And one of the major parties is trying to set it aside as a relic in a museum and then impose a new form of government. They don't believe in Freedom of speech or of worship. They don't accept the sovereignty of the individual, preferring instead the sovereignty of the state over the rights of the individual. The Constitution was designed to stop the Central government from trampling on the rights of the individual. It puts limits on government power not the individual. We elect our officials, they aren't appointed by kings or other rulers. 

If we are to remain a strong nation we need to get back to the Constitution. We need to appoint judges who respect the Constitution above all other laws in the world. And we need to protect the Constitution at all cost. Once liberty has been lost it is almost impossible to get it back. It can only be regained by fighting a brutal war and killing a lot of people. We must vote for individuals who respect the ideas of all Americans. Compromise is not a dirty word. Sometimes it is the only way to preserve the peace. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2021


 It couldn't happed here could it? Could we lose our freedom in America? Nah, we have a constitution and a set of laws. We have the Bill of Rights! And we elect our leaders every two, four and six years. We are the most powerful nation in the history of the world, and possibly the wealthiest. We have a well equipped and well trained armed forces group that is loyal to the Constitution of the United States of America and to our citizens. And we have a system of checks and balances. Our military is led by a civilian president who issues orders to the leaders of the armed forces units. We are as secure as a nation can be. There is no way we could lose our freedom here. Right?

Wrong. We have given away so many of our freedoms that I'm not sure we can recover from the nosedive we are in now. I'm no constitutional scholar but I can tell that a partisan Supreme Court could do a lot of damage to our system of laws, and our Supreme Court has become politically divided. And it is becoming increasingly hostile toward our constitution. Ruth Bader Ginsburg admitted that when ruling on legal matters in the USA she often used the United Nations charter and other world opinions when making her rulings. 

That is dangerous and there is not a peaceful method for correcting the Supreme Court. There will probably never be a foreign country that has the ability to attack and defeat the United States. The threat to us comes from within. Of the two viable political parties one holds the Constitution as the absolute law of the land and the other says it is an old document that has outlived its usefulness and that it is fundamentally flawed. It is a relatively old document. It is also the longest surviving constitution in the history of the world. It is not outdated or flawed. One party says it has too many restrictions on government power, the other one says we don't want any unnecessary government intrusion into our lives. If you think free speech, freedom of religion, the right to self defense, and the right to be secure from unwarranted search of your home by whatever cop may be interested in what's in your house then vote democrat. Right now they've got an extra special deal for you, but first a short history lesson from that great bastion of reverence for civil liberties-Communist China. During the 1950's, 60's, and early seventies they had a special group sponsored by the government affectionately known as the Gang of Four. They had Chinese names that are hard for me to pronounce or remember so Gang of Four will do for now. 

They were a sweetheart group that went from village to village re educating people who weren't thrilled with Communist rule. A lot of the 'pupils' were mayors, aldermen, teachers, and other 'subversives'. They had to kill a couple of the slow learners and torture a few others in order to ensure that other villagers understood the importance of informing on their neighbors. It is difficult to say how many people they killed but the estimates are anywhere from the low hundred thousands to as many as twenty million. They started out as propagandists for Mao Tse Deng, affectionately known as Chairman Mao. When the chairman heard the details of what they were doing he turned on them and eventually three of them went to prison and a fourth killed herself. 

Fortunately for us the democrats have their own version of the Gang of Four. Led by Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the others are Omar Ilhan, Ayana Pressley, and Rashib Tlaib. All four of them are openly hostile to the United States. What's at stake is our culture of rugged individualism and American exceptionalism, freedom of speech, and the right to self defense. The other right they have in their sights is the right to be secure against unreasonable search and seizure. If a neighbor says a person has a prohibited gun in their house they want the police to have the authority to enter and search the house immediately because an improperly registered gun is an eminent threat to society. If you think same gender marriage is wrong they want that regulated by 'hate speech' legislation, and if you are a minister of religion who refuses to perform a same gender 'marriage' you can lose your tax exempt status and possibly even face jail time. 

And of course we have to remove any monuments to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or any other Founding Father who owned slaves, and rename schools that carry their names and rename streets, these are some scary badgers. The same thing for any battlefields created during the civil war. All statues depicting Confederate soldiers or generals have to be removed and the Confederate flag has to be lowered. No confederate flags or other emblems of the confederacy can be sold in the gift stores. Even statues in various town squares that depict Confederate officers have to be removed. And schools have to teach children that white people are inherently bad people even if they don't mean to be. It's called 'white privilege'. And 

These four elected officials want to change the United States of America from a land of freedom to something else. They are dangerous. We are a strong nation because of the individual liberty we enjoy. We are strong because of the limitations we've always put on people like them. We need strong individuals, not kings or dictators.

If we are going to remain strong as a nation we need to increase our faith in God and follow the Constitution. Anything else will lead to destruction. 

Saturday, June 5, 2021


 I don't know if the Republican Party can be salvaged. There have been a few good thinkers lately, but they have largely been overshadowed by others who are not such good thinkers such as Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy. Republicans are not having a hard time deciding what the important issues are, they are having a hard time mustering up the courage to support their own cause. Uncle Joe is set to preside over an extremely slow recovery, similar to his most recent mentor; Barry Obama, when the economy should be booming. Democrats kill booming American economies by stopping things like the pipeline from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. 

For the last four years republican 'leaders' refused to defend President Trump from what ever the charge of he day was. He was anti Hispanic or anti black. He had sexual relations with a porn star, He was too friendly with Vladimer Putin or he was trying to pick a fight with Russia, he was xenophobic when it came to the Chinese people. He refused to make his tax returns public because he had something to hide, he hated women the list is practically endless. And Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy were practically silent. Lindsay Grahan was one of the most vocal Trump supporters but even he refused to support the president all the time. Sometimes President Trump was a little too blunt in his speech like when he called out the parents of the Muslim soldier killed in Afghanistan and who were being critical of the way the president was leading the war. He wasn't disparaging Gold Star parents, he was disparaging parents who were dishonoring their son's memory by protesting the entire war effort and making statements against President Trump specifically. And he wasn't making fun of a handicapped person. He was responding to a rude reporter who happened to be handicapped. And one thing Donald Trump always made clear was that he wasn't going to make any personal attacks against an opponent until they attacked him first.

He always said he could work with anyone, but if anyone made a personal attack against him he was going to respond ten times worse. He never said, "Vote for me, I'm a nice guy!" He said, "Vote for me, I love this country and I know how to make it great again!" And he did. If Republicans don't learn how to take a bold stand, and clearly show the world how they are different than the democrats they will doom this country to a future of mediocrity and worse. Freedom really isn't free. We have to work at it and remember what made this country great. Democrats don't believe in the greatness of the individual, they believe in the greatness of the Central government. And Republicans believe in their that it is the greatness of the individual that makes the Central government strong. If the Republican candidates don't grow a backbone and follow Donald Trump's lead, at least in part, and tell the American people what they need to hear and provide solid solutions to real problems the party is dead. And if someone doesn't step in and fill the gap immediately the country will be dead also. Unchecked the democrats will lead us down the road to another bloody and unnecessary civil war. They've done it before and there is a vocal team (Gang of Four) who seem ready to do it again. There will be more on the Gang of Four later.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Black Lives Matter?

 If you like celebrating terrorist organizations then by all means give generously to the Black Lives Matter organization. Don't ask them what they've done to help the black community though. People who ask that are labeled racists and kicked out of the building. The organizers of BLM couldn't care less about black lives unless there is a lot of money to be made. They intimidated elected officials into making George Floyd the poster boy for their organization. George Floyd was a criminal. A two bit hood. If he had been Irish-American instead of black his death would have gone unnoticed.

For some reason there is a lot of money to be made from White Guilt. I don't have that. I haven't experienced 'White Privilege' either. I witness black privilege every time a black criminal gets killed by the police. They loot stores and set them on fire. They block traffic frequently dragging people out of their cars and beating them senseless. And the police stand there, sometimes at arms length, and do nothing. And I don't blame them. If they accidentally kill a rioter they may go to prison. I used the words 'black criminal' deliberately, How many people know the names Amber Guyger or Gotham Jean? 

Amber Guyger was a white female police officer in Texas. She was going home one night after completing her tour of duty with the police department when she accidentally walked into the wrong apartment. I have no idea how she became that disoriented but it gets much worse. As she entered someone else's apartment she was the occupant eating something at his table and shot him dead. Somewhere shortly after she realized she wasn't in her apartment, but that of her downstairs neighbor. She stood trial and was found guilty of murder and received a ten year prison sentence. Some people think ten years is not enough and I would be comfortable with a life sentence since I doubt she will live long enough to complete her ten year sentence. Where was the Black Lives Matter movement during the trial of Amber Guyger? How come Gotham's life didn't matter? He wasn't a criminal, he certainly wasn't doing anything wrong. He was eating something in his own apartment. And he had a good job and he wasn't fighting the police or being a public nuisance. The only heroes of the BLM movement are those who have criminal records and get themselves killed. Obviously BLM didn't think  his life was worth the trouble. The mother of Travis Crane stood in front of the courthouse complaining about justice for her son. Crane was a criminal who had an arrest warrant and tried to get away from the police when they caught up with him. He ran over a police officer before being shot. His shooting was not an accident, he was using his car as a weapon against the police and they shot him. His race didn't matter, his actions did. Luckily for the people in Arlington Texas Black Lives Matter didn't care about Travis Crane either. They must have aleady reached their quota of shake down money when he got himself killed. 

Everyone's life is precious and should we should all respect each other. Unfortunately in this country there is a large community that believes since there was slavery here for awhile, and Jim Crow laws in the Deep South we should all feel guilty. We abolished slavery after a violent civil war in which hundreds of thousands of individuals died, and eventually we were able to put an end to Jim Crow laws in the Deep South. 

Some misguided people in this country keep saying over and over again that we should be punished even more than we've already paid. They claim that the USA is a violent and racist country and that there is no opportunity here for black people. We need to emphasize that we have made tremendous progress in this country in the area of race relations and it's time to move on. There is no such thing as white privilege in this country and 'woke' is one of the stupidest words malcontents have ever come up with. 

With very few exceptions people who are killed by the police did a lot to contribute to their own deaths. When BLM celebrates people like George Floyd or Travis Crane we need to shout from the rafters that criminals get what they deserve no matter what race they happen to be. There shouldn't be any 'race' privilege in America. The fact is that anyone of any race or background can succeed in this country, the greatest country in the history of the world. 

Why is it so hard for some black people to obey the law? I don't really care. People from all races commit crimes and get killed by the police. The only difference is that when a black person gets killed by the police, no matter why it happened, the police are guilty until proven innocent and frequently people riot and break windows, steal things, block traffic, the usual except now a lot of white people are starting to participate, after all why should black be the only people taking home free TV's and other appliances and expensive clothing?

I can see it already. Black people will soon be complaining about the police not beating them for burning and looting stores and generally acting foolish and committing crimes; white people are also involved in the burning, looting, and shooting, that's why the police don't do anything about it anymore. If the police weren't racists they would arrest the white people and ignore the crimes committed by people from other races!

There shouldn't be any racial strife in this country and the American people should have no tolerance for groups like 'Black Lives Matter.' If you're experiencing white guilt the best thing to do is get over it. Treat everyone with respect and live a happy life. 

Thursday, June 3, 2021


That is not a stupid question. It would be stupid to ignore the fact that democrats are treating the police with a total lack of respect. Police work is an honorable profession and we need the police to help us keep our streets safe. My apologies to my friends who do vote democrat; I just have one question are you out of your mind? And yes you can ask me the same question only try to provide a reason for asking. 

Democrats don't like history. They like re-writing it. The reason we have police departments and police officers is to prevent vigilante justice. Before we had police officers the only law we had was brute force. There were good guys and bad guys and scared guys and brave guys. The bad guys could do whatever they wanted until a brave good guy made them stop. Sometimes there wasn't a brave good guy around so a bunch of scared good guys would over power the bad guy and hang him in a barn somewhere. The only trial the bad guy received was when he was begging for his life while being dragged down the street toward the barn and disgruntled thownsfolk shouting "Get a rope!" 

And sometimes it was just people taking out their frustrations on someone passing through and happened to resemble someone else. Police work was invented to help society deal with crime and criminals in an orderly manner. The idea was to ensure that justice was served and the dignity of the individual was preserved. Over the decades police work has improved a lot partly due to the technological advances we've made. We no longer rely on inaccurate drawings to identify criminals. And we are getting better at making sure that an accused individual has an attorney representing him when he goes to trial. And those are good things. Law and order is good for society. Vigilante justice is bad. 

It just is. Vigilante justice is not dignified, it is ugly. Without a system of law and order vigilantes will take over our streets. We need to respect the police and hire the best people we can find to protect ourselves and our families. 

I don't very often credit democrats with the ability to think rationally and I'm not going to start now. They've always needed my protection and they still do and I don't mind protecting them. They are Americans after all, misguided, but Americans. They don't realize it but mostly I'm protecting them from themselves. They are a danger to themselves and others because they are run by their emotions instead of having the ability to think a problem through. 

The police are the most important component of our criminal justice system. Remove them from the equation and no one makes sure that criminals are brought to the courtroom to face a judge and a jury. Democrats don't seem to be able to feel that  defunding the police is the same as disbanding the police department. Police do love helping other people, but they still have to get paid for their service. 

Vigilantes would make good democrats. A vigilante looks at someone and says, "I don't like the way that person looks!" and then they start making reckless accusations against the person until finally enough people in town don't like the way the person looks that they begin to accuse him or her of doing things they may or not have done. Suspicion turns into fear and fear to anger at the person being targeted by the vigilante and finally the vigilantes become violent. Sometimes they force an unwanted person to leave town, sometimes they rough the person up first and sometimes they accuse a stranger of a capital crime and hang them from the nearest post or tree. All because of their feelings. 

Rational people support law and order with a strong well trained police department and follow up court appearances. Democrats support a hangman's noose hastily tied and looped over a tree branch near the edge of town. 

I welcome a rational discussion with any democrat who disagrees with this post, but I'm confident that is not going to happen. 



Wednesday, June 2, 2021


 Some things are just plain stupid. Personally I think everyone should be vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus as long as there isn't a medical reason for them not to. Some people could be at risk for some sort of horrible side effect and the vaccine is no joke. I don't know a lot about it, but I do know that 'One Size Fits All' usually isn't true. Make sure it is safe for yourself before diving in. I received both doses of the Moderna vaccine and I haven't experienced any side effects except for temporary lethargy and a slight fever. My wife received the same one and she suffered a severe fever, about 104 degree fever and some joint pain. Very similar to what people report with influenza, which is also a killer, but not everyone chooses to get the flu shot. Personal choice. 

Covid One Nine hit like a tornado. There was little to no warning and the effects have been devastating to the entire world. It came from Wuhan China and rolled across the entire planet very quickly killing hundreds of thousands of people. And nobody knew how to respond to it. Somehow in the United States we picked an octogenarian who used to be an expert on the AIDS epidemic to lead the effort to stop the spread of the virus. President Trump should have looked for someone younger and more studious. One thing became clear immediately and that is that Dr. Fauci had no idea how to deal with this virus or what it even was. 

There were a lot of ideas that were discussed in the beginning. Among them were 'Social Distancing' and wearing a mask everywhere we went. The mask is just like those used by doctors and nurses in hospitals and doctor's offices. It's a white patch of some cotton like material that is held against a person't face by elastic bands that go around the person's ears. An entire cottage industry immediately sprang up with people producing surgical masks out of various types of material and with different designs on them to make them look a little less dreary. I just tied a bandana around my face bank robber style. Most states passed emergency statutes making it illegal to go out without wearing a mask. Most businesses were forced to close their doors and the reaction from Dr. Fauci caused a general panic to grip the nation. 

President Trump was able to assemble a team of scientists who  created a vaccine in a very short period of time which had never been done before. It was called 'Operation Warp Speed' and the vaccination was available before he left office. Even before the election. The virus struck around December, 2019 and people were getting vaccinated by September of 2020. During his election campaign Uncle Joe said President Trump wasn't doing anything at all to stop the spread of Covid 19. He also called the President a racist when he imposed a travel ban on anyone from China. Both statements were absurd lies. Most lies are bad, but Uncle Joe knew he was lying and he knew he was lying about something that was very important. When he was asked what he would do differently than President Trump he said he "Would do everything differently. I'd act, I wouldn't just do nothing like our current president is doing..." Then he named all of the things President Trump was doing and said that was his plan from the beginning and President didn't have any strategy at all and that was dangerous. 

Reasonable people can disagree I suppose about whether or not he was lying or just misinformed, but the fact that he is a fool is well documented. He wants to allow men in women's sports, restrooms and locker rooms. That is a stupid idea. He wants to waste trillions of dollars combating 'Climate Change' which isn't even happening. At least not in any alarming way. The truth is that the climate does change and there's nothing any of us can do to stop it. He can't remember the names of his own cabinet members. And he supports those misguided dopes across the country who want to 'defund the police' whatever that means. I'd like to know who brushes his teeth. I think his teeth are probably the reason people voted for him. He might be a misguided fool, or worse, but he has great looking teeth.

And today he was speaking to a group of people about how important it is for everyone to get vaccinated, ending his pathetic speech by saying, "I promise you the vaccine is safe."

Most of us have an uncle who we wouldn't trust with any sort of task at all. A complete incompetent no matter how much we may love him otherwise we just recognize that he is an untrustworthy fool. Now we have one for President.

Please don't do us any favors Uncle Joe. If you want to help stay in your house, or the White House, just stay out of sight and keep your mouth shut. When Uncle Joe speaks he not only embarrasses himself, he embarrasses everyone in this country. 

I hope people will get vaccinated even though Uncle Joe made that promise. You're right if you think he's a liar, but you need the vaccine. Get the shot. Put the entire process on Youtube. Have fun with it and hope and pray we survive four years of Uncle Joe Biden and his gang of misfits. I don't know if the vaccine is safe and you can bet your most prized possession that President Biden doesn't know. I don't even know if he's vaccinated. I saw somebody give him an injection of something but I don't know what was in that syringe. The virus does seem to be slowing down and the vaccination might have something to do with that.