Thursday, April 29, 2021


 The question may seem a little severe,  but what else can you call it when they are continually ordering us to pony up huge sums of money for whatever feel good project enters their heads? And make no mistake it is an order, disobedience to which could land you in prison or the morgue. One obvious example is the famous liar, Liz Warren. Liz used to be a Cherokee Indian until everybody found out that she was lying. And not only lying but receiving financial benefits for being a member of a Native American tribe. Is anyone demanding that she return the money? Not that I know of. 

She says that child care is part of infrastructure because it helps mothers and fathers get to work. If that faulty reasoning holds true then we should all be reimbursed for such things as tires and fuel. Hell, we should probably look to Uncle Sam for a new car every couple of years. Make mine a two door Bentley. I don't want anything too flashy. Democrats aren't just thieves they are also hypocrites. They claim they want unity then continue to push policies that they know are going to create division. If you don't win for than 49 percent of the vote you don't have a mandate to tax people to death just because it feels good doing it. How about claiming you are a champion of the Me Too movement, but when a woman makes a complaint against a fellow democrat that woman is disparaged and harangued to the point that she doesn't even dare leave her house for fear of being assaulted by one of her fellow Liberals. 

And how about Bruce Jenner? He has to be a democrat nightmare. A transgender who votes conservative. Most Democrats create their own nightmares. They celebrate transgenderism then look at the floor with their hands in their pockets as women's sports are being destroyed. How are they going to justify not voting for him? That's right Caitlyn is a 'him'. He was born a male and that is just the way it is. Sorry Bruce. You can say you're a woman but you ain't. That being said though you just might make a very good governor as long as you continue to support conservative causes. My only hesitation with Caitlyn is that he has already made one huge very bad decision. And I'm not sure he won't go the way of almost all politicians who talk one way to get elected and then lose their minds when they learn how much fun it is to wield power over other people's lives. What will he say to legislation that forces hard working Americans to pay for transgender surgery? 

Are all Democrats thieves? we'll find out during the mid term elections how many democrats cross the line and vote for candidates who are pro America.  

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