Sunday, April 25, 2021


No matter how you look at the way George Floyd died he is no hero. He was a criminal who decided to fight the police because he thought he was big enough to beat them. As it turns out he wasn't. Losing George was no tragedy. 
On the other hand convicting Derek Chauvin should not have been an easy decision and I hope he gets some relief from the appellate court. No matter how you look at even that video Chauvin is not guilty of murder. Manslaughter possibly, or involuntary manslaughter, but not murder. Murder is a crime of intent and there is not any evidence that suggests Derek Chauvin intended to kill George Floyd. And there is no evidence at all to suggest that Floyd was attacked because of his race. He just lost the fight. A fight that he started because he thought he was big enough to win. 
The jury was under extreme pressure to reach a guilty verdict. There were thugs lining the streets of the city every day shouting threats, and not long ago the same thugs had burned and looted the city and now they were threatening to do it again. A congresswoman threatened violence if the jury didn't render a guilty verdict. This case demanded a change of venue if it was to have even a partial chance of a fair trial.  
All this trial really shows is that if you put a loaded gun to a jurors head, you will probably get the verdict you want. 

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