Sunday, May 2, 2021


 As a thirty five year veteran of law enforcement in a major city I hate to even ask such a question, but after watching Barack Obama weaponize various offices of the federal government such as the IRS and the FBI and use them to persecute people who represented conservative ideals I realize that one man could unravel hundreds of years of progress in this great nation. He turned the head of the IRS loose on several groups when he didn't appreciate their opposition to some of his policies. She refused to grant tax privileges to groups who were on Obama's bad side. There are many other examples, but one is sufficient to show the lack of regard for the law of his administration and it's easy to throw rocks at the IRS since they are constantly throwing rocks at us. Then there was the Defense of Marriage Act which legally defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Obama ordered his attack dog, Eric Holder, to refuse to uphold the law because he wanted to use the gay community to his political advantage. Then he turned the FBI into his personal police force when he ordered them to openly defy the First Amendment by writing an affidavit they knew was false so they could seize the personal computer of a journalist who had published a story that was embarrassing to the Obama Administration. He used the ATFE to undermine the Second Amendment by using ATF 'informants' to sell weapons illegally to criminals, specifically drug smugglers principally from Mexico. When one of those weapons was later used to kill a Border Patrol agent they did everything they could to make the whole mess smell better, but every story they floated smelled worse than the preceding one until they finally had to admit that they hatched a ridiculously stupid idea with predictable results and it blew up in their faces. Of course they didn't want to kill a Border Patrol agent, but it shows how far they were willing to go to prove that we needed to repeal the Second Amendment. And there were no whistle blowers from the ranks of any of those agencies. Either they agreed with their boss's illegal activities or they were afraid to stand for the laws of this great land. 

Whenever any federal agency allows itself to be used to undermine the Constitution of the United States of America you can be sure that agency cannot be trusted. In the case of the missing machine guns the ATFE was selling to drug smugglers President Obama invoked executive privilege to protect Holder from any possible criminal prosecution in the future. The investigation was stopped dead in its tracks so we will never know what happened. Shortly thereafter Eric resigned from his post. It's fine for a president to have his set of goals for our country's future and ideas on how to keep America strong and ensure that citizens are free to pursue their own happiness and build a good life, but those goals must be kept within the framework of the Constitution or the result will be chaos. Fast forward to the presidential campaign of Donald Trump. His opponent was Hilary Clinton who was very popular for much the same reason as Barack Obama. He was the first black president and gobs of people were desperate to prove we are not a racist country so they voted for him even though he was raised a marxist who didn't like this country and viewed the constitution as a fundamentally flawed document which it isn't. Americans were about to vote for Hilary because she would be the first woman president and of course she is married to Bill Clinton who for some reason is wildly popular among women. 

Women are hard to understand. They claim to hate Donald Trump because he was recorded saying some very disgusting things twenty years ago, but they love Bill Clinton even though he took advantage of a very young female intern, and was accused of multiple rapes, and he was a frequent flyer to a privately owned island out in the ocean where the attraction was the availability of under age girls who could be used to perform sexual 'favors' for those with the ability to pay their owners. 

Democrats were so afraid of Donald Trump that Hilary hired a retired British spy to write a fake report about Trump. He manufactured a lot of false testimony and produced a series of false interviews claiming that Trump was involved in all sorts of illegal business transactions in Russia and he frequently hosted parties for prostitutes in his hotel. It was all bogus and the FBI knew it, but they still used it as the basis for obtaining evidence against multiple Trump advisers and friends. They 'investigated' many Trump supporters and lied to judges so they could obtain illegal search warrants and wiretaps. They held lots of false interrogations in an effort to make look like innocent people were lying to the FBI when in fact the questions were changed and asked in many different ways so some of the answers could look false if they were bent a certain way. Agents of the FBI actually sent people they knew were innocent to federal prison. 

One particularly disgusting FBI agent, Peter Strozk, a man who was cheating on his wife with an attorney promised to make sure President Trump would never be president, was put in charge of this entire false investigation against Trump. And James Comey and other leaders of the FBI knowingly approved applications for warrants based on evidence they knew was manufactured. And they did all of this under the protection of Barack Obama for the purpose of completing a peaceful coup against the Constitution. I believe that if Hilary had won the coup against this country would have intensified and we would have engaged in another violent revolution. 

The FBI used to be a highly respected organization, but when we have a president who doesn't like our Constitution they are easily manipulated. Just two days ago they were used by our current president, Joey Biden, who is another person who doesn't like our constitution, the FBI allowed itself to be used to storm the house of Rudy Giuliani, one of President Trumps attorneys where they seized personal computers that might show that Rudy committed a crime. 

In 1775 the colonists didn't have a bill of rights and they were being abused by a king thousands of miles away. They held several peaceful protests and a couple that weren't so peaceful, one of which resulted in the killing of several people, and when the king attempted to seize their weapons they fought back with a skirmish in Lexington Massachusetts that culminated in a full scale war against Great Britain and the defeat of the British army. And that is the spirit of the American people. We need the Bill of Rights for a lot of reasons including our self defense. And we need to elect people to office who believe in keeping the USA a strong country and in upholding the laws embodied in our Constitution. 

I believe that Barack Obama didn't like being a 'mere' president. He had his heart set on a much higher calling and that is why he used to say things like when Congress failed to act, he would. And in order to do that he had to control federal law enforcement officers and to that end he only appointed people who were loyal to him and not our great country.  

Unfortunately the FBI can no longer be trusted. They gave in to a president who really did want to overthrow our government and they were willing to help him do it, and when they are asked to do the same thing again they will salute the president and take down the flag. 

The only thing that saved our Constitution was the election of Donald Trump. Hilary was going to continue the coup in full force and she, along with her democrat buddies in the Congress, and a Supreme Court hostile to the Constitution would have set the constitution aside in favor of a minority rule government with important government posts manned only by people who were loyal to her. 

Donald Trump obviously had the best interest of the American people in mind when he was sworn in. He was fair to all nations but he wasn't about to give America away just to make someone feel better. He never threatened to circumvent Congress if they didn't do what he wanted them to. 

If we want to continue to enjoy the peace and safety we've always had as Americans we need to elect only people who are loyal to our Constitution. Any other way will risk another violent civil war. Most Americans love our way of life and when the democrats continue to trample our civil rights by lying to judges in order to obtain warrants to search our homes they will resist, and the resistance will be violent if necessary. 

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