Saturday, April 10, 2021

Southern Man

 I was watching the news regarding the border between the Untied States and Mexico. King Biden has invited people from Central America and Mexico to invade our country and they are heeding the call. Who is benefitting the most? Drug cartels. They have cornered the market on human smuggling by murdering the competition. They are literally throwing children over the wall between Mexico and the US and are reaping huge financial benefits. And apparently children are being held in confinement under extreme conditions by government officials appointed by King Biden to make sure they are ok. This has happened to kings throughout history. King George assumed he was universally loved by all of his subjects until he received a letter from 56 colonists informing them that they were no longer his subjects and he was no longer their king. 

So-called journalists who got him elected are now being barred from visiting these 'facilities'. And even Senators from Texas are being denied a peek inside. It is all happening in Texas and even the governor of Texas is admitting he is powerless to interfere. Republicans are cowards. The governor has the manpower and the authority to put a ring around any facility in his state and shut it down. He has the authority to demand entrance and ensure that everybody detained there is being treated humanely. 

And of course virtually all journalists in the country should hang their heads in shame. If they refuse to report on the evils of human trafficking, especially in the USA, then they have lost whatever conscience they may have ever had. I don't like Hunter and Joe Biden being bribed right in front of us by foreign governments, but that is one thing politicians are good at. It bothers me that reporters allow obvious abuses by one party, but they report vigorously when there are rumors against another. 

We have almost four years to find a man or woman of courage who believes in America to run against the next person democrats come up with. I have very little faith in the Republican party to come up with anybody. It won't be Donald Trump I hope. I love him, but he'll be too old by then. There must be a young person who believes in the Constitution of the Untied States of America who can defeat the democrat candidate who will most likely be Kamala Harris. And what an embarrassment she is to any decent American. Whenever she is asked a question all she can do is laugh like a fool. Apparently she has been assigned some sort of oversight over the border crisis, but she won't go anywhere near the problem. The best reason I can think of for her staying away is plausible deniability. If she refuses to take a look she can claim she has no knowledge of anything going wrong at the border. 

This is the greatest nation in the history of the world and it is worth saving. The Declaration and the Bill of Rights are two of the most powerful documents ever written and we need to study them both carefully. We are governed by the Constitution and a system of laws, not Executive Orders written by people who wish they were kings or queens instead of mere presidents. 

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