Sunday, April 25, 2021


 I'm tired of government overreach. The idea that it is the government's job is to keep us safe is true but there are limits. We've been dealing with this pandemic that was probably deliberately started by China as part of an effort to see how easy it would be to cripple the economies of certain countries, like ours. And it seems likely that they're surprised at how easy it was to create a virus in a laboratory and then use their own citizens to deliver it to the world. The Chineses citizens they chose wouldn't even have to know that they were part of that grotesque experiment. When a despot has control of billions of lives there is no limit to the damage he can inflict on others. 

Due to the heroic efforts of our medical community, along with the political support of  President Trump, a vaccine has been developed and delivered in a very short period of time. Unfortunately heavy handed government pressure has crippled our economy and cast a pall of gloom over our nation. The most visible mark of the heavy had of government is the mask. There is very little evidence that wearing a mask is even helpful. And now they're telling us that even after everyone who wants a vaccination has received one we will still be required to wear masks and practice social distancing. Why? 

Well even the experts don't seem to know that. Do masks help? It depends on who you ask and what their motivation might be for continuing to require a mask. If the motive is to slow down or even to stop the spread of covid 19 then we should not be required to wear a mask in the near future. If the motive is to see how long we will allow a bloated bureaucracy to push us around our great grandchildren will be wondering why they are being required to wear a mask everywhere they go. If our government is lying to us and they know more about this virus than they are willing to share then who knows? 

I'm already fed up. I rarely wear a mask anywhere anymore. I've been fully vaccinated but that doesn't seem to impress anyone. I shop online. I put the mask on a couple of days ago to eat in a nice restaurant, but it was so depressing. Most of the tables were off limits, the menu was modified and I had to order before being seated. And the fear was palpable. Americans are supposed to be fearless. Schools should be open, churches should be open. All government offices should be open. Under the best circumstances the Social Security Administration offices are hard to deal with, now with the coronavirus excuse all government offices are closed and public employees are on a paid vacation. 

Even with a mask try entering a 'public' courthouse, or even your local police station. Nope! Sorry we're not allowed to work right now, or for the foreseeable future, because there is a one percent chance that we might get coronavirus and die. Of course we are getting paid. You don't expect us to not work for free do you? After all we are public servants. Patrol officers are out there everyday even though a huge portion of our society seems to hate them they continue to do their best to protect others at great peril to themselves, and grocery stores are open. And banks. We need to end this thing now. Get vaccinated. 

We need a mask revolution. 

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