Thursday, April 8, 2021



The Declaration of Independence states that we are "endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights..."

No man created us. Therefore we were most likely created by God.

And when Thomas Jefferson wrote his essay which included the idea of a wall of separation between the church and the state, he was not saying there couldn't be any references to religion on public property. He was emphasizing the fact that Congress is constitutionally prohibited from passing laws prohibiting the freedom to worship. He would be disgusted by the way his words are being twisted today by people who wish to suppress religious freedom in America. 

One of the primary goals of the democrat party is to abolish the Constitution. They can't admit that yet because too many Americans like the Constitution and the protections it offers. The evidence that democrat party leadership want to abolish it is demonstrated below in their efforts to take away the protections established in the Bill of Rights.

First Amendment:

Democrats want to abolish freedom of religion and freedom of speech. All Americans who support that raise your hand. 

As examples I offer the fact that people who refuse to participate in same gender marriage are put out of business by the government. And there have been cases of ministers of religion being prohibited by law from refusing to perform same gender marriage. 

And if you speak your mind concerning the same thing you can be fired from your job. There are a bunch of other examples but these two are bad enough. Another example is similar. Democrats say there are more than two genders. Medical science tells us there are only two genders yet anyone who voices that opinion again risks losing their employment since the democrat minister of free speech has spoken and there can be no debate. Further anyone who says there are only two genders may be found guilty of 'hate speech' whatever that is. 

Second Amendment:

"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." 

Apparently if you think that means you have the right to keep and bear arms you are wrong. Somehow democrats have decided that means you don't have the right to keep and bear arms. Confused?

They say since we have the protection of the armed forces and various police departments we dob't need to keep and bear arms, and there are crazy people who sometimes abuse that right and go on a rampage and kill other people wantonly. 

So next time you are in a public place and some crazy person starts chasing you with a knife in his hand all you have to do is call the police and he'll leave you alone right? And once the Second Amendment has been abolished there won't be any more mass shootings of innocent people because as soon as a crazy person starts shooting all you have to do is call the police and he'll stop right?  RIGHT!

How about this as a more likely scenario.  A crazy person starts chasing you with a knife and you use your firearm that you are constitutionally allowed to carry and you shoot that person and end the attack. Then you call the police so they can investigate. Same thing for the mass shooter. As soon as the crazy mass shooter begins the attack you use the same weapon to stop the attack. That makes much more sense to most of us. 

A lot of democrats claim they support the Second Amendment and their bobble head representative pretends to agree, even stating so publicly, but when the voting starts they vote against the right to keep a gun every time. The assault on the First and Second Amendments has been going on for a long time.
Now democrats have set their sights on the Fourth Amendment. 

What is the Fourth Amendment?  I'm glad you asked. It is the right against unreasonable search and seizure. It says that the police cannot barge into your house anytime they want and start confiscating your property. If the police want to enter your home, office, car, or any other place where you store personal property they must write a report and present it to a judge and it has to explain why they need to invade your privacy and why the judge should issue a warrant ordering them to violate your personal property rights. 

The Biden DOJ is petitioning the Supreme Court to make broad exceptions to the rule. For example what if someone says there is a gun in your house that may not be in compliance with state law. Since guns are inherently dangerous then of course the police have an obligation to act immediately in case the gun is in fact inside the house and theoretically could be used in a crime. They want an additional 'public safety' exception. I like the police but I don't want them to be given permission to barge into my home whenever they want. 

If we give them the First, Second, and Fourth Amendments the other seven will follow in rapid succession.

Do you want to be forced to testify against yourself when being interrogated by the police? Then keep the Fifth Amendment.

How about the right to be represented by a defense attorney if you are accused of a crime? Then hang on to the Sixth. 

If you think a life sentence is appropriate for shoplifting then give up the Eighth Amendment. Fewer chiefs, fewer thefts right?

How about a trial by jury? If that is a waste of time give them the Seventh Amendment.

Maybe you love the armed forces so much that you won't mind if they get tired of sleeping in a barracks and decide to move you out of your house for awhile so they'll be more comfortable. Just give up your Third Amendment rights.

The Ninth and Tenth are basically providing the states the assurance that they can pass laws governing their own citizens. Obviously all we really need is a strong central government and states don't need to govern themselves so we can give up on those wasted amendments. And that pretty much sums up the democrat view of our future. 

We need a minority rule government with a strong monarch, or king (or queen). That will be much more efficient than haggling among the various representatives who then are under the necessity of making certain concessions to each other which benefits all of us. 

The case in favor of the Constitution is overwhelming. We need it. We don't need to be ruled by a monarch or a dictator. And just in case it didn't occur to you, once you give up your constitutional rights the only way to get them back is by going to war against your monarch. Our ancestors in America already did that. We need to honor their memory by sticking to what works; a constitution that puts restrictions on government and keeps us free from unwarranted government intrusion. 

I see you. Yeah that's right, the democrat in the middle of the room waving her hands and shouting "What about guns! What about a woman's right to choose! What about the imminent destruction of the entire world because of global warming!" 

I know, I know, I've heard it all before. Believe in those things if it helps you feel better. Just don't try to force me to believe in them. 


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