Monday, April 26, 2021


How does any intelligent human being fall for the idea that the biggest threat the world faces is catastrophic global warming? I've read your books and they are jam packed with graphs and numbers and explanations about how global warming can occur, but most of them ignore all of the graphs and theories and warnings that just were either false (lies) or didn't occur. If you've followed the dire warnings from Al Gore, the UN, and multiple other agencies you know that we've already past the 'point of no return' in the nineties, or maybe even earlier so there's no point in worrying about it. Since there's billions of money to be made by scaring people into believing in the Global Warming myth the 'experts' keep revising the time until we will reach the 'point of no return' which is never since there is no such thing as catastrophic global warming. If you really want to believe in that fairy tale send me a couple of bucks, some of the cushions in my sailboat need to be replaced and I'd like to upgrade my GPS. And I'll tell you if it's a little hotter today than it was yesterday. Actually I'll tell you for free; it is significantly warmer today than it was yesterday. I'm not worried because tomorrow it looks like it will be about like it was yesterday. Don't throw away all of your winter clothes just yet. 

I don't pretend to be a scientist and I don't know a lot about carbon dioxide or how gases escape our atmosphere and somehow end up in space or something. I don't know much about 'brilliant' scientists or the thousands upon thousands of 'scientists' who all agree that we are about to explode in a huge fireball if I continue to heat and cool my house. Arrogant/ignorant people like to argue with me about, "Oh yeah! How about So And So! He/she has dedicated his/her life to science and he/she knows a lot more about global warming than you do!" 

Big Yawn here. I don't remember their names. Why should I? They may be good at math and plotting graphs based on whatever thing they are trying to prove, but they have been consistently wrong for over 40 years. Why would anyone with any common sense remember their names? 

Ive been surfing and sailing the West coast for over fifty years. If the Pacific Ocean is rising here it's doing it at a very unimpressive rate. And people who live in mansions right next to the sand tell me they aren't worried about 'global warming' and rising oceans. The tide comes and goes on a regular schedule. I've been watching the tides come and go for most of my life. It rises and recedes about the same now as it did when I was a kid. None of those mansions seemed threatened in the least. I've had my sailboat in the same marina for over thirty years and we haven't had to make any modifications to accommodate rising tides, oceans, seas, or whatever. It is still colder in the winter than it is in the summer so nothings changed there either.

If the earth is heating up by a couple hundredths of a degree every year just calm down. After awhile it will begin to cool off again. Far from being a Chicken Little Global Warming Fool I'm an ecologist. 

If you want to talk about people who leave trash on the beach when there are empty trash cans everywhere I'm with you all the way. That should be a fifteen thousand dollar ticket. And heaving waste overboard into the ocean should be enough grounds to confiscate your boat. 

Global warming alarmists should be laughed at as the liars they are. They should be ignored. And any legislator who wants to waste our money and time 'fighting' global warming should be voted out of office at the earliest opportunity. 

Green energy is good. Look to hydrogen as the cars of the future. Teslas are probably polluting the planet as much as my old Jeep. Solar energy is great. I've got solar panels all over my roof because just like I don't pollute the great outdoors with my trash I don't like polluting the air either. Clean water is another issue of mine. Stop throwing toxic chemicals into the streets where the runoff ends up in our ground water and oceans. 

Global Warmers are a blight on our community. True environmentalists look for ways to combat ignorance and provide information that helps people do small things that really are beneficial for everyone. We don't want your money. We just want your hearts and minds. Recycle. Put your garbage in a garbage can and don't throw trash into the ocean when you are out fishing or entertaining friends on your yachts. 

As near as I can tell almost fifty percent of the people in this country support political candidates who want to raise our taxes (steal more of our money) to combat something that doesn't exist. 

Isn't that kind of dumb?

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