Saturday, April 10, 2021


 In posting this I don't want anyone to misunderstand. I am not a Republican, not by a long shot. The Republican platform closely resembles my set of values and my vision for this great country, but there hadn't been any real party leadership since the days of Ronald Reagan until Donald Trump decided to run I wouldn't have even voted in that election if it hadn't been for Donald Trump. 

Most politicians have a vision for themselves, but that's about it. The pay and benefits for members of Congress are outstanding. Donald Trump already had a great pay and benefits set up so he did't need to feed at the public trough. That's why he refused to be paid for his services as president. But even before that he laid out some clear goals to improve and strengthen America's position in the world. 

For some reason democrats always put other country's needs before ours.  They seem to be obsessed with the idea of one world government. In the case of our Southern border it is for the votes. In the case of other countries like China it is probably for the bribes. It looks like the Chinese government has some very creative ways to bribe foreign government leaders including our own. Look at what is going on with the Bungling Bidens. It looks an awful lot like they are benefiting a great deal from 'business' dealings in Ukraine and China. After eight years of democrat rule our country was weak in the eyes of the world. American corporations were relocating to China and our workforce was suffering, all so a few American billionaires could work toward becoming trillionaires, and while the Chinese government used the money pouring in from the United States to build up their military might. 

We've given them a navy as formidable as our own and helped them build better ballistic missiles and guidance systems so they can menace their neighbors in that region of the world. We've also given them an outstanding air force with fighter planes and bombers with excellent targeting capabilities and enhanced their space program. A bittersweet irony in all this is that we are doing it all off slave labor. Democrats pretend to hate our own history of slavery, but don't mind at all that we are benefitting from slavery in other countries and even helping one of the biggest threats to world stability increase their military might. We did the same thing for the old Soviet Union in the decades before Ronald Reagan was elected. The Carter administration helped the Soviets build up their navy while shrinking our own. His administration made sure that Soviet submarines were as good as ours in the interest of fair play. His reasoning was that if we helped them make better ballistic submarines they wouldn't be afraid we would attack them so they would feel a need to attack us first. The democrat mind is one big acid trip. Ronald Reagan destroyed the Soviet economy and used diplomacy to break up the Soviet Union and practically eliminated the Russian threat for decades. 

Clinton, that great model of human restraint and chivalry, and of course a very smooth talker, did a lot to court the Chinese government. The Russian government was in tatters so there wasn't much they could for him, but the Chinese government was very interested in American markets. They needed money so they could build up their military might and the USA was full of money and didn't care how foolishly they spent it. The boss of China was more than willing to help with that carelessness. Al Gore spent a lot of time in Southern California hosting 'Teas' for dignitaries from Korea and China. I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure that hundreds of millions of dollars were discretely handed over to the Clinton campaign and the DNC during those events. Somehow a guy without a job amassed a fortune in the hundreds of millions of dollars. What Clinton excelled at was self preservation so he let Newt Gingrich save his administration by agreeing to certain tax measures that helped Americans and provided cover for his own shady deals. 

When Bill Clinton left office he was personally disgraced by several allegations against him of rape and the affair he had with a young intern in the Oval Office. He also had millions of dollars in the bank. And he left the world in a very precarious situation. He provided no leadership in the Middle East and he helped launch China to the forefront of world finance. American jobs were fleeing for China as were American corporations. The most likely reason United States corporations are huge supporters of democrat candidates is that democrats aren't concerned about this country as much as they are about wielding power over it. And the best way to do that is to get billionaires to give them lots and lots of money. China didn't have lots and lots of money but they did have a gigantic workforce, much of which could be forced to work for little or no money. And what businessman doesn't appreciate the benefits of cheap labor? Democrats and the bosses of China had one huge thing in common; a lust for power. China needed money and democrats knew how to help them get it. All the bosses of China had to do to get it was to give a big chunk of it to the DNC and when possible to a few key politicians.  And don't forget the benefits of cheap labor pouring over the border with Mexico. As long as democrats are in control American corporations can take advantage of a huge cheap labor market in China as well as cheap labor pouring in over our southern border. Money is what corporations care about, they couldn't care less about political parties and democrats consistently provide them with a huge workforce at very little cost. And democrats don't mind if American corporations move their operating base to China to avoid business taxes and very tough government regulations. Democrats are great at pretending to care about people and they've made some pretty good speeches about preventing human rights abuses throughout the world (and of course the United States is the biggest offender because we used to allow slavery). Their actions have consistently been the opposite. Bill Clinton made some self serving statements about human rights abuses in China and warned them that they needed to do something about it if they wanted to continue to enjoy a good working relationship with the United States. At least that's what he said in public. And the money started pouring in. Not to the United States, but to the DNC and large American corporations. Money was flowing out of this country and into the Communist dictatorship of China. We were helping them build up their military might so they could someday attack their neighbors, hopefully while a Republican sat in the Oval Office. Throughout the presidency of Barack Obama the regime of North kept testing China's ballistic missile systems for them. They would detonate test nuclear bombs when they wanted to and they would fire missiles over Japan and into the Sea of Japan so the regime in China wold know the effective range and accuracy of the missiles. 

That was not going to happen while Donald Trump was in office and republicans controlled Congress. President Trump did more to make the world a safer and better place during his four years in office than any president since Ronald Reagan. The presidents Bush didn't do much good, but they didn't do much damage either. They were just weak leaders. The first George helped increase taxes, breaking a campaign pledge and ensuring that power hungry Bill Clinton became the next president. The next George got us into a war that has laster more than twenty years. President Trump did the most to de-escalate and bring that war to an end than any other president. Obama was the worst president we've had in a long time, possibly in the entire history of this country.  

President Trump was not a polished politician. That is not his personality. He speaks his mind and lets people decide what they will think of his ideas and actions. He has never been a person who sought the favor of others. And that didn't change after he was elected. Several times I wished he had the ability to soften the way he said certain things, but he was usually right so in the end it didn't matter to me that he didn't word things I might have. It was more important that he was honest with the American people than to be a polished politician. He never made fun of people with mental disabilities and he never disparaged any parents of members of our military who were killed or wounded in battle. Those accusations are false. Most people probably allow those of us with mental disabilities and people who've lost family members in wartime to hide behind those problems and say whatever they want and that probably isn't very helpful, but at least we aren't accused of being mean. President Trump did't worry about people thinking about him being mean or being nice. He was always himself. And America failed to realize that. He did more to help black people than any president since Abraham Lincoln. And he helped every other demographic as well. He did more to bring peace to the Middle East than any other president in our history. And he tried to end the endless war we became involved in in the Middle East. He brought jobs back from China and he did a lot to stabilize the currency. He did more to stop the theft of intellectual property than any other president. 

And he did it all for free. The so-called leadership of the Republican party hated him for winning the election. He was very tough on border security. And he worked constantly to strengthen our position in the world. World leaders were reluctant to say good things about him because his honesty and courage in dealing with them made them nervous. He was a man who couldn't be bought. If anyone said they had dirt on him he said, "Bring it on! Let's see it!" 

 He expected them to pay their share and follow the rules and he didn't mind telling them publicly when they were out of line but they respected him and usually did what he said. I'm still not sure if Mexico paid for the wall or not. Democrats childishly scoffed at the idea of the Mexican government writing a check to pay for the wall. There are myriad ways to make a person or entity pay for something and that is s concept that democrat leaders know very well. They know how to take bribes and who to bribe. When the facts are against you you attack the person. That's why democrats held two farce impeachment proceedings. They knew President Trump was innocent even before he was elected. What really disappoints me is that the American people were so quick too forgive that madness. Not only did they forgive democrats for that completely foolish act they elected a man who has been demonstrably senile as president. There is a good chance that in a year or two Americans will wish they had re-elected President Trump. Especially if the democrats crown queen Kamala Harris to take over in the White House. 

And that brings us to the current occupant of the White House. Uncle Joe. What can you say about Uncle Joe? Not much and they spent an entire campaign season doing exactly that. The more we learn about him the more obvious it becomes that he is clearly not qualified to do much. Certainly not as President of the United States. Or Senator, or whatever he was running for. For all he he knew he was running for Dog Catcher of Scranton Pennsylvania. Despite his obvious brain lapses, luckily for his handlers he could hide behind the pandemic, stay in his house in Delaware and not be bothered by press conferences and other nonsense. And the 'journalists' of America breathed a collective sigh of relief because they hated Donald Trump. Donald Trump was pro America and that is unforgivable. 

In contrast to Donald Trump Uncle Joe wanted to be seen as everybody's uncle, or brother. His father and grandfather called him 'Joey' and how cute is that? Kids in the pool like to go under the water and rub his legs. Isn't that just a little creepy? About half of the time when his handlers let him talk he manages to put his foot in his mouth. Despots the world over are salivating as he reverses everything President Trump did. And now he is issuing Executive Orders that negate amendments to the Constitution. And for some reason people think those orders are binding on the public. King barry used Executive Orders to change the law regarding Obamacare and nobody stopped him. Now Uncle Joe is doing the same thing. With the same result. King barry said that when Congress failed to act he had to do something. And now Uncle Joe is saying the same thing. The only things that can be said in his defense is he didn't elect himself. Moronic Americans did that, and he may not know what he is doing. His handlers are telling him what to do and he is doing it. This could be an example of elder abuse. 

We will soon know if King Biden will survive his first term in office. I'm not saying anyone is going to kill him, that will be unnecessary since all they have to do is declare him incompetent and BAM! Kamla Harris becomes president, possibly for six years. 

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