Tuesday, August 29, 2023


In any investigation by a law enforcement body there always has to be a presumption of innocence. The first ten amendments to the Constitution deal with the rights of individuals. It was written to protect all of us from being abused by corrupt police officers and other investigators or government officials. 

The First Amendment deals with our right to freedom of expression. We can say just about anything we want, especially when complaining about the actions of a government official or a government process such as the way an election is conducted. There are laws that govern everything government officials are supposed to do. One of the things they are prohibited from doing is telling people they are not allowed to protest against an official or a government process. And what they are doing today is criminalizing protest against the results of an election because it looks like the election was tampered with.

The Fourth Amendment prohibits police officers from arbitrarily searching people to look for contraband. That included your person, vehicle, home, office, and a variety of other places. They can't even search your garbage without your permission or a warrant signed by a judge. And today the Biden Department of Justice and FBI are lying to federal judges so they will sign bogus warrants to search Donald Trump's home and offices.  

The Fifth Amendment tells all law enforcement officers from every law enforcement organization that they cannot force you to testify against yourself in court. It also offers other protections that include being held in confinement for long periods of time for the purpose of wearing a person down to the point where they would confess to just about anything. It also states an accused person has the right to the presence of a lawyer whenever the accused person is being interrogated. 

The Sixth Amendment guarantees an accused person the right to a speedy trial. The police can't lock a person up for months or years until they schedule a trial date. 

The Seventh Amendment says we have the right to be tried by a jury and not just a judge.

The Eighth Amendment guarantees that we cannot be tortured or subjected to cruel or unusual punishment.

The Ninth Amendment guarantees the right to privacy; government officials cannot spy on us without approval from a judge.

As you can see the first seven amendments specifically prohibit any government entity from taking away an individual's rights. Those who wrote the Constitution made sure Americans were protected from government officials who would abuse the authority of their office. It is a concept uniquely American and it is still valid today. Madison was right, if men were angels there would be no need for government. If only that could be the case. People have been governed by the forces of good and evil since the days of Adam and Eve. And people have been taking sides since then as well. Today it seems that most people in the United States are only thinking in terms of Republican or Democrat instead of right and wrong and what is good for everyone. Lack of leadership in America today is astonishing and the debate is increasingly centered on patriotism. Democrats view patriotism as a bad thing, preferring to pledge allegiance to a non existent One World Government, over the United States of America. They say America is a racist and a selfish country and only racists and power hungry people would insist on pledging their allegiance to a country with such a violent history. 

Democrats have wrested control of just about every university in the country and the democrat party has abandoned it's liberal roots in favor of a more totalitarian view. Examples are many including abortion, homosexuality (especially gender transition therapies), respect for law and order, pornography (especially in elementary schools), and others. In their efforts to kill freedom of speech in America democrats have twisted deeply held religious values into purely political principles. In my view the Holy Bible, both testaments, condemns homosexuality very clearly. It also condemns all other forms of sexual impurity; not just homosexuality. If I say that sexual impurity is a sin while at the place where I work some of the people with whom I work will laugh at me and call me old fashion or a prude, but there is little chance of being fired for saying it. 

That all changes with homosexuals. If I say I believe there are only two genders I'm taking a real chance of at least not being able to promote and move up in the organization, but if I take a stand against men actually attempting to change their gender I will find myself out on the street looking for another job. The government is forcing photographers, disc jockeys, florists, and people who run bakeries and  many other occupations to participate in homosexual marriages, ignoring their right to freedom of worship. No government should ever be allowed to tell an individual they have to do something they consider a sin and enforce their will at bayonet point, but is what is happening. Soon it will be a crime for a minister of religion to refuse to perform a same sex 'marriage'. A few artisans have closed their shop rather than be forced to participate in the government imposed religion, but most need to stay in business so they go ahead a participate under muted protest. 

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." That's a partial quote from the First Amendment. It seems to me that when the government forces people to participate in an activity that is prohibited by their rightly held religious beliefs it has established a religion. And Congress hasn't established such a law, the Supreme Court has. There have been two times the Supreme Court has illegally usurped it's power in my lifetime. First was when they passed a law making abortion legal in all fifty states, and second, when they created a national religion. Just like the courts now are supporting, and possibly even encouraging their use as legitimate political tools against the opposition party. Today we are witnessing the illegitimate use of criminal courts to keep a popular political candidate from running for office. It is painfully obvious that each time there is a report unfavorable about Hunter or President Biden in the news the very next day, or very soon thereafter there is another action taken against Donald Trump. The goal appears obvious to me; to keep Donald Trump from campaigning for president of the United States. 

It is obvious to me that the Democrat party is falling apart and the Republican party isn't far behind. That is the reason why Donald Trump is being persecuted the way he is; the leadership of both parties despise him because he is not part of the Washington Swamp. He is a solid outsider who thinks for himself and couldn't care less about party affiliation. For him the country comes first and that's the main reason I support Donald Trump for president. Contrary to the charges against him, he is probably the most honest politician I know of today. And that is another reason they hate him. He's not afraid of the way people see him. He speaks his mind and as he said himself if people don't like him they won't vote for him. And it is that simple. 

That is why the democrats are so afraid of him; he can't be bought. Their candidate is a proven liar, he is weak, he sells his influence to others for money, he is a despicable person. About the only way for Joe Biden to beat Donald Trump is by cheating, and traditional methods of cheating are becoming less reliable. They can no longer depend on the Black vote to get them what they want. Accusing Republican Black people of being Uncle Toms is not as damaging as it used to be. The truth is that democrats have become experts at election interference. Possibly the greatest example of Republican interference would be Richard Nixon and his handling of the Watergate issue. And how did that turn out? Nixon resigned rather than put the country through a divisive impeachment and possible criminal trial. Republicans used to put country first, today I'm not so sure. For at least the last seventy years democrats have been registering dead people and household pets to vote. They have also been very effective at driving busloads of people to the polls to vote and pressuring them to vote democrat all the way there. Those forms of election interference are less reliable than they used to be so here we are today. 

Barak Obama appointed cabinet members based on their loyalty to him, country came second, if at all. That stopped when Donald Trump took office. Of course he wanted people to be loyal to him, but he always wanted the country to come first. And Joe Biden has weaponized government even more effectively than Obama did. I will always believe that it was supposed to be Hillary Clinton's job to complete the destruction of America. Obama was able to appoint three Supreme Court justices who were hostile to the Constitution and Hillary would have been able to appoint three more justices who were also hostile to the Constitution and that would have effectively doomed our Constitutional Republic and with it America. It was supposed to be a bloodless coup, I'm not at all sure it would have been bloodless though. There almost certainly would have been small groups of people around the country who would have done something violent to prove their patriotism and try to save our country. I believe that's what democrats wanted so they could paint those individuals as Republican extremists and continue to portray members of the Republican party as anti America thus, they hoped, forever weakening the influence of the GOP and paving the way for them to impose a monarchy. By electing Donald Trump we literally saved America for at least a few more years.  

Hamstrung by the loss of the Supreme Court, democrats are using the power of the top federal law enforcement officials in the land to twist any political statement at all into a criminal conspiracy. And some district attorneys are doing the same thing, many of whom under the direction of the Department of Justice. They will do whatever it takes to ensure that democrats remain in power. The goal is no longer to strengthen the nation. The goal now is to control the nation and everything and everyone in it. When Donald Trump accused James Comey and others of treason he wasn't that far off. There may not have been enough evidence to get a conviction in court since it is such a serious charge, but what else to you say about people who take an oath to defend the Constitution then violate that oath in an effort to prevent a person they don't like from running for president? I'd call subverting the Constitution treason.  

There have been constant attacks against the Constitution almost from the beginning and two hundred and fifty years seems to be about the most any civilization can stand. This is one of the very few governments instituted by a freedom loving people designed to serve all of the people and not just the ruling class minority. About a hundred and sixty years ago we fought a brutal, bloody and costly civil war because democrats thought they could destroy the Union and now they want to give it another try. Like I've said before they will lose again and America will be safe once more for at least another century and a half.

Sunday, August 27, 2023


Things are heating up in public schools again. Summer must be over and once again parents across the nation are protesting the waste of valuable school time explaining to children five to ten years old the importance of accepting homosexual relationships. In Montgomery Maryland recently parents were not allowed to attend a school board meeting where the members of the board were planning the best way to include the importance of valuing homosexual relationships over traditional relationships. Obviously some parents are concerned about the LBGTQXYZYADAYADAYADA community forcing their agenda on small children in public schools. 

And why shouldn't they be? Why should the alpha bits community be treated any differently than the rest of the community. We should be teaching kids to respect each other because we need to help one another and learn to work well in a group setting and solve problems together. The alphabet soup community wants to create problems and that is not helpful. For example; how many five year olds do you suppose care about the make up of everybody's family? Why do we even use phrases like traditional family, or lgbtyaketysmakedy families? As much as homosexuals think they are the most important thing in the universe maybe we need to grow a little backbone and let them know that they are no better than anybody else. Homosexuals who have children need to teach their children respect for others the same as any other family. 

Act like you're normal and try to accept yourself for who you are and nobody is going to care who you are married to. There certainly is no need to waste valuable time trying to tell kindergartners how important it is to be nice to their friends who have two daddies or two mommies. Anyone who knows anything about kids knows that if a kindergartner has a grudge against a classmate it ain't got nothin' to do the kids parents. Kindergartners don't think about other kid's parents unless their forced to by ignorant educators with a chip on their shoulder. 

And teachers, school board members, and administrators should have more important business to tend to than forcing their political agenda onto children in elementary schools. It is probable that small children are learning any anti LLLLLGGGGGBBBBTTTTT+++++ bias at home and that is most likely fueled by the anger the homosexual community creates when they attempt to force their propaganda onto kids who couldn't care less and have no need to.   

For some reason school boards, educators, and administrators seem to think that teaching kids to read and write in school is a radical idea. A lot of us never studied education at the university, but we still somehow figured out that teaching kids to read and write should be the primary goal of public or any other schools. When parents are barred from attending a school board meeting where the topic is about homosexuals' special rights what do you think they are going to be talking about at the dinner table? It isn't going to be about how important it is to give homosexuals preferential treatment at school. At the dinner table when tempers are still hot, kids might even hear some words they probably would never hear mommy and daddy say if they hadn't been provoked to anger by ignorant homosexual activists. When are teachers going to learn how to put their cognitive reasoning abilities to good use? 

Something to think about. It is possible that those people who want to force all of us to worship at the LGBT++++++++ alter are their own worst enemy? They are outnumbered and probably their best tactic is to teach their kids how to get along with other kids and stop worrying so much about a lifestyle they've chosen to live and even they aren't all the way comfortable about it. 

Saturday, August 26, 2023


They finally did it. Democrats have raised the stakes to a dangerous level. They rarely think about the consequences of their actions and their arrogance is going to destroy this great nation. You won't hear it from them, but the United States of America is the greatest nation in the world's history. It is worth saving and building upon, but democrats want to destroy it. And now they've resorted to a tactic that is so dirty that the struggle will only escalate to new heights. I don't know why they've only arrested him four times. Why not twenty? or fifty? 

Democrats are cheering each other and dancing in the streets. They think they've stopped Donald J. Trump from running for president. Some of them really seem to believe that Donald Trump is going to prison. If he does somehow end up in prison he will not only be the first former president to be wrongfully arrested, convicted and sentenced, he will be the first former president to be elected again while serving his sentence and the first president to receive a presidential pardon while serving in office from a prison cell. All they are doing is adding momentum to a growing cause; rally around Donald Trump. I'll be wearing my Trump shirt all over the place. I don't like dirty politics but I'm used to the usual lying and mud slinging. I don't like it but both sides do it. Until now. This is not mud slinging, this is trying to put a man in prison for life for crimes that were never even committed just to keep one man from campaigning. 

It simply isn't right. Not only that but it's dangerous in just about every way. We need to be able to have faith in federal law enforcement officers, but people like James Comey and Christopher Wray, and others at the top of the FBI, have destroyed that trust and it's going to be hard to get it back. Today Christopher Wray testified at a congressional hearing that he didn't know if there were any FBI assets present in the mob that stormed the Capitol Building on January 6th 2021. Two years after the event, and hundreds of arrests later, he claims to know nothing about what his office is calling an attempt to overthrow the government of the United States of America. Kind of sounds like Joe Biden claiming to have no knowledge of his idiot kids business dealings with other countries. 

He probably doesn't know that Donald Trump is getting arrested every other day either. The worst part is that they are fanning the fires of discontent that are building all across the country. Fortunately America is a Second Amendment state and about a hundred million Americans own firearms. If we can marshal about three hundred thousand armed crazy people and storm the prison where Trump is being kept they won't be able to arrest all of us. If we are successful in taking over a military base and a couple of major cities people will back us. And I am not talking about an insurrection, not by a long shot. I'm talking about the Declaration of Independence. Democrats know it as 'the thing'. 

We won't be overthrowing the government, we'll be restoring it. Dusting off the Constitution and using it, studying it and rebuilding America. Nobody wants that except democrats, and a few loony bins in the mountains and deserts who don't know what they are. They will be hard to control too. That is what democrats are working up to when they do stupid things like trying to make an honest disagreement look like a conspiracy to commit some sort of crime. All they have is statements that are based on rumor and not fact, no physical evidence, very little eye witness testimony, and none of that is reliable. I admit Donald Trump does scare people. He get's things done and politicians and bureaucrats hate that. They'll talk about a problem for years and finally decide to think about it a little longer. 

Not so Mr. Trump. He'll think about a problem for a few minutes, a few hours if it's complex, and then make a decision about how to handle and much to the horror of Washington bureaucrats, he'll order them to fix the problem and tell them how to do it. He doesn't tolerate people who can't get a job done. Especially when they've got all the resources in the world to do it. So he is dangerous. People have been killed for being exactly like Trump. Bureaucrats don't look like much, but when they get scared they can be dangerous. Bureaucrats will shoot you in the back then scurry back to the comfort of their little cubby holes. 

So the sheriff of Fulton County Georgia, Patrick Labat, a spiteful little man, is trying to make a reputation for himself by actually taking a mug shot of Donald Trump and making sure everyone in the world can see it. It's an act of cowardice really. He didn't catch Donald Trump and Donald Trump didn't commit any crime. Donald Trump was ordered to show up and that's what he did. All Patty did was try to embarrass Trump as much as he could. He succeeded in embarrassing himself. What an idiot. Besides being a former president of the United States, he is also a candidate for the presidency. The stupidest person in Georgia would tell you that the only reason Trump is being arrested is to keep him from campaigning. That's it. I can hardly wait for the trial to begin so I can watch those so-called prosecutors make fools of themselves. I'm having a hard time believing they are actually taking it this far. 

When Donald Trump wins the election in 2024 democrats better start looking for the exit signs and maybe even leave the country because they are probably guilty of real crimes. Like conspiracy to interfere with an election by make repeated false arrests of a political candidate, lying to Congress, filing false affidavits, taking bribes from the leaders of foreign countries and lots of other juicy stuff. Donald Trump is not a man to forget people who have been good to him and he is not afraid to show his gratitude, and he will not forget people who tried to see to it that he died in a prison after being arrested multiple times on false charges just to keep him from being able to campaign against their candidate, who really is a corrupt mobster. 

Mr. Trump will not wait until after the inauguration either. He's probably putting together a team right now of people who will go after the Biden crime syndicate so the day after he is inaugurated he can start rounding up all those people who tried to ruin his life just because he belonged to the opposition party. And it's going to be fun to watch. They not only arrested him multiple times, they plastered his mug shot all over the world. Look at that face; he is going to go after them like Hurricane Trump and I'll by that shirt too. He warned them, "If you hit me, you better put me down, because I will be coming after you." 

I hear you prez and I'm with you. I will be voting for Donald Trump in 2024 and I really hope he wins. I will be paying close attention to these personal vendetta cowardly tribunals disguised as trials as well. None of those prosecutors have the ability to stand up against a team of solid, keen, well dressed, eager and enthusiastic lawyers. Don't forget aggressive. If those democrat hack prosecutors had any sense they'd be scared already, but there's not much chance of that. Wait for the trial and watch them make fools of themselves then stand by for a wave of Congressional hearings. There will be plenty of scared democrats trying to lie to Congress and landing themselves in the prison they thought they had reserved for Trump. 

This is a dark day for America and a new Revolution may well be coming in the very near future. It may be necessary to take serious action protect moms and dads from being arrested at school board meetings by over zealous police officers who become confused about a parents Constitutional rights after they've been labelled 'Domestic Terrorists' by the FBI for objecting to teachers telling first graders all about anal sex, and stocking school libraries with pornographic materials. Another democrat felony is teaching your children that there are only two genders; female and male. Parents have become such a pain in the rear end. They insist on getting involved in their child's education in public schools. How dare they interfere with a curriculum that has been put together by professional teachers? What do parents know about education anyway? Butt out! 

Donald Trump is becoming a folk hero and ya gotta love it. Arrest him for committing hundreds of crimes worth hundreds of years in prison and watch his popularity soar. Take a mug shot of him during one of your beloved 'perp walk' tours and propel him into the White House. We used to wonder who was going to win the election. Thanks to stupid democrat paid prosecutors Biden can start packn' things up. If he lives long enough to lose the election, face it his health is deteriorating fast, he will be moving out shortly after election day 2024. 

Thursday, August 24, 2023


 Okay, say it with me:  FEM-IN-IS-M.

I thought feminism was about empowering women. Yup, they deserved the right to vote and drink liquor and smoke cigarettes and swear a lot in public, and burn their bras. You know, the stuff that makes a society stronger. And they were vocal about it. And now they have all of those rights. They wanted the right to kill their children in the womb and they got that right. Some states have restricted that right, but it still exists in most states. 

I was ok with most of that actually. I don't smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, swear in public, but if that's what women want to do, if that's what makes them feel better about themselves then they should do it. Feminism is not about making our country stronger, it is about making women feel better about themselves. After all, what self respecting woman would want to take care of kids when she can go to work and be under appreciated, underpaid, and hit on for sexual favors several times a week by uncouth men who have no respect for women? One of the other great things about leaving your kids at day care (if you're dumb enough to even have kids) so you can compete with other women at the office, is that a disappointing number of who don't mind helping the boss, wink, wink, if it helps them get a promotion, is that you'll have to make that decision yourself and you will be passed over sometimes for that other woman who is more serious about the direction of the organization. 

Think that doesn't happen? I worked for a major American city for a long time and saw it happen many times. The more skilled the job, the less likely that type of activity is going to happen, but staying on the job to work your way up to those positions can be heartbreaking for many women. It's true that men are pigs, but it turns out that women are willing to learn how to become pigs for an extra couple of bucks an hour. Men are fierce competitors; women are brutal competitors. Of course now women can sue the boss if she can prove that is what is happening. The city where I worked has paid out millions in those types of lawsuits, but nothing has changed. The boss never is reprimanded and the woman who won the lawsuit is frequently transferred to another department where she will be ignored for months. Sometimes the new department will be led by another woman who was promoted by the same boss after proving her loyalty. 

There used to be a very active feminist movement that helped women succeed in the workplace and in sports. We passed a number of laws designed to help women, especially in high school and college sports and feminists helped get those laws passed. Now there is no organization to help women and they need help now more than ever. Women need a modern day Gloria Steinem, a woman who used to champion women's rights and made a ton of money in the process. Now it looks like she's just in it for the money. She's actually joined the other side and has decided to carry the banner for men who want to displace women at the podium, in the workplace, and anywhere else women fought hard to be. The current Woman of the Year is a man. In many once respected publications the new Female Athlete of the Year is a man. This year's Miss Netherlands is a man. Men are winning many trophies and contests that were formerly awarded to women and feminists think that is something to celebrate? I don't think there is a logical explanation for that, but it seems like they are thinking something like 'the more the merrier'. If feminist leaders can make more money by championing for a man's right to call himself a woman by insisting that a 'trans woman' is in fact a woman, that's what they're going to do. If that's the case there is no such thing as women's rights. 

A quick internet search revealed that women have been abandoned by the feminist movement who discarded them in favor of homosexual rights. Currently there are no groups organized to  defend women's rights. If there are any women who still believe women can't compete against men in college and professional sports they need to band together now. There may be a few women who can beat men in sports, but it's a very small number. Maybe there should be a pro match up between the worst NBA team and the best WNBA team and find out how successful women are when competing against men in sports. 

Or a cage fight between the reigning male cage fighter and the reigning female cage fighter. I don't think women will come out very well in those contests unless they pick fake women; women who are really men. No matter, the fact is that no one is standing up for women's rights anymore and somebody needs to. It will be political suicide, but it still needs to be done. Unless someone has the courage to speak up in support of women, women's sports is done. There will probably be a fairly large market made up of people who want to watch transgender women compete against each other and that is the future of women's sports. 

It's a tragic period of time for women who like to compete. I don't know who it will be because the opposition will be vicious, but there needs to be a leader with the courage to stand up against the evil practice of men pretending to be women and competing in women's sports. I don't know many people who are transgender (actually no one), but they have to realize that they have put themselves in a different category. They are neither men or women, they are something else. Non Binary if they want, but they have to pick a demographic they can live with and then live with it. 

It just isn't fair to women who were born female, and therefore legitimately consider themselves females, to be abandoned like this. Someone needs to stand up and shout, "What's wrong with you people!" It has to be someone with charisma and good standing. It also has to be someone willing to sacrifice that standing in the community, and whatever other future they may have. Democrats will do whatever it takes to destroy them because there is no room for any discussion about something this important. Democrats have spoken and anyone who disagrees with them has to be destroyed. It is already practically illegal to claim there are only two genders; a person can be fired from a job for saying that. I always suspected that People like Gloria Steinem and others were phony's out to make an easy buck and now I have further reason to suspect that. How could anyone who is serious about women's rights, possibly contend that a trans woman is really a woman? And women need to band together, join hands, and hold on tight. No woman should compete on a high school, college, or professional sport if men are competing against them. The fact that this isn't obvious is actually frightening because is means this great nation is losing it's sense of human decency. 

We need a new feminism that is willing to do the hard work of reminding women who they are and helping them find the courage to stand up against the homosexual transgender movement. There a few women who are starting to defend women's sports. There are no so-called feminists among them and they will be addressed in a separate essay. The feminist movement is dead. Anyone who claims to respect women and supports the National Organization for Women has some serious soul searching to do. The NOW crowd has abandoned any pretense of sanity. They have also abandoned women in favor of men who claim they are women. Fake feminists are in it for the money and now they have actually turned their back on women and are embracing men. 

The feminists have turned into a group of raging lunatic cannibals who gobble up real women and spit them out. The feminist era is over and women lost. The irony is that men didn't win. Well they sort of did win and that's even more tragic. A few men decided that there was no way they could win any prizes competing against their peers in sports so they decided they were women and somehow that was enough to get them access to women's sporting events, and locker rooms, and showers. Why didn't I think of that when I was in high school? There are a couple of reasons. First it's just plain wrong. Second if I'd have been caught in the girls showers I would have gotten my ass kicked. And third, if my old man found about it, the ass kickin' I got at the high school would have seemed like nothing more than a severe scolding, and my mom wouldn't have spoken to me for months. If ever.  I may not have been a math whiz but I knew the difference between boys and girls. 

Let's preserve womanhood and put transgenders in their rightful place; in their own league competing against each other. One advantage might be that men will be forced to compete against men (frightening I know!) and women would be competing against women. How they'll know the difference is their problem. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Joan of Arc

I don't know the origin of feminism, but I think the period leading up to the year 1430 AD is far enough. That is the year a nineteen year old young woman was burned to death by the British for heresy. She was betrayed by French countrymen with whom she fought for the liberation of France from British rule. The crime she for which she was convicted was heresy, a crime against the rules of her church and they reached that bizarre conclusion because she wore men's clothes while wielding a sword and presumably killing British soldiers, in defense of France. In court she defended herself with elegance and bravery, often stumping members of the court who were bombarding her with trick questions. 

She made them agree to ask her questions one at a time and answered a trick question with an honest and direct answer. "Are you in God's grace?" One of them asked, hoping she would respond either "Yes" or "No." If it was yes she would be guilty of heresy for claiming to know the mind of God, if no she would be admitting she lied about seeing visions from heavenly visitors and would still be convicted. Her answer was that if she was not in God's grace then she hoped He would put her there and if she was in His grace she hoped to remain there. In the end she was convicted and sentenced to death and burned at the stake. Joan of Arc was a great example of a brave and virtuous woman.

Now we are almost six hundred years after that event and where are the women of courage today? There are some. Women are under attack throughout the world mostly by other women. Transgender is a term used to describe a person who has changed his or her gender from a man to a woman, or a woman to a man. And that is allowing men to dominate every aspect of being a woman. Men are being named 'Woman of the Year', they are taking first place awards in women's sports and they are being treated like women. Organizations that used to protect women, the National Organization for Women being the most obvious are telling women to get tougher and stop complaining; a transgender woman is the same as a woman. Except it isn't. How many transgender women are winning awards in men's sports? None. 

There are at least four fairly well known women advocating for women's rights today. They haven't formed an organization yet, but it is all but inevitable that they will soon. Inga Thompson a very successful bicyclist who has won national and international attention as a multiple gold medalist in the Olympic games and a list of national championships as well. She is advocating that if there is a man competing in a women's sport when the starter pistol is fired all women take a knee. Recently a man won a women's cycling event and when he stood on the winners podium to receive his medal on center stage the two women he beat in the race obediently took their places on the losers podiums flanking him. They were the true first and second place winners and the victory rightfully belonged to one of them and because they wanted to be 'good sports' so they played along. 

Hannah Arensman would probably like to be a good sport too, but she also likes to win prizes in women's sporting events. She works hard and trains to win, but she can't compete against men. Her last race she was a fourth place finisher. First place went to a man, second to a woman, third to a man, and the person in fifth place was also a man. Three of the first five to finish the race were men. That is actually heart breaking, but progressives and democrats don't have a heart. They don't care about women who work and train long hours to hone their skills only to have their efforts ignored by race officials who think we should be more compassionate to people who don't know their own gender. 

Riley Gaines is another notable woman trying to save women's sports and suffering a lot of criticism for her belief that men should not be allowed to compete in women's sports or change clothes in the women's locker room. What a loser she is. Carrie Prejean Boller has joined the fight along with another podcaster named Britt Mayer. Their detractors are saying they have no compassion, they're mean people for wanting to exclude men from women's sports. The rationale for the criticism is that men who go through transgender therapies really are women. It's not just in their head, they are actually women and anyone who can't see that is guilty of hate speech. 

These women are modern day equivalents of Joan of Arc. There are few things more dangerous in America today than going against progressive dogma and these brave women are taking that chance. The United States of America is no longer a nation that celebrates freedom of speech. You can say whatever you want but you better be prepared to suffer the penalty. It really is time to stop being good sports. If a man is participating in a women's sporting event not a single woman should participate. I sympathize with the plight of female athletes, but the fight really does belong to them. They can go back to the days of high school home economics class and knitting needles or they can band together and reclaim their place in the sports world. I will back them anyway I can, but if they lack the courage to fight for themselves I'd be wasting my time. 


Sunday, August 20, 2023

Well Regulated Militia

 To my democrat associates; the Second Amendment advocates for a well regulated militia. What constitutes such a militia? Is it the army, the police department? Is it the National Guard? Or is it the people who live on my street? The people who own firearms and practice at least twice a year to make sure they know which end of the gun the bullets exit is another example of a militia. The democrats like to, and do, insist that a well regulated militia has to be the National Guard or the police and sheriff departments. They insist that it cannot be anything else. According to them gun ownership is a privilege and not a right. It is ridiculous, they claim, to even think that our government could ever turn on us. And even if they ever did there is nothing we could do to stop them because the United States Air Force has F16's. 

If there is anything more narrow minded or shallow than a democrat, meeting that individual would be a gas. The truth is We The People own those F16's and we have lots of veterans who know how to fly and maintain them. And we have lots of infantry who know how to defeat the airbase security so we can either destroy or turn those precious aircraft against pilots who would dare to use them on innocent civilians just because a madman in the president's seat wants to take over everything. Democrats in Congress take an oath to defend the Constitution because it is a requirement to serve. In fact their oath is to the democrat party. Conservatives and Republicans take an oath to defend the Constitution, the party comes second. There are probably very few officers in the Air Force who would violate their oath to defend the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, to follow an order to attack a city in America that hadn't been taken over by a foreign power, or a huge group of Americans who had turned against their country. The same is true for the other branches of the military. For any officer to use his or her military might against a civilian population in America who had not first taken arms against the United States of America would be close to impossible. 

What would we do though, if Congress passed a law requiring every citizen to surrender his or her firearms? If such a law were to be enacted what would we do with citizens who banded together against the local constabulary to defend their Second Amendment right? Multiple arguments and papers have been introduced in favor of at least stopping the sale of firearms in America and eventually confiscating all firearms that had been legally registered because Uncle Sam knows where those firearms are. What about the millions of unregistered firearms? When the Constitution was ratified in 1788 the Second Amendment was adopted as part of the Bill of Rights. Even after the debates were over the wording clearly states "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." 

For a lot of us that settles the debate. The Constitution guarantees citizens the right to keep and bear arms. It references a well regulated militia, but it still guarantees all citizens the right to keep and bear arms. No matter that some jurist thinks he knows what the people who wrote the Second Amendment had in mind, they wrote, "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." 

So go ahead and form your government sponsored militias and arm and train them if you can afford it, but keep your guns secured inside your homes if you want. No one is compelled to own a gun if they don't want to, but we are allowed to if we wish. I'm not planning on attacking the United States of America and I hope she never attacks me because that would be a real problem. Remember Shay's Rebellion. It pretty much ended in a stalemate but it involved a group of people in Massachusetts who were being abused by the government and had no legal recourse because it was being denied to them by corrupt politicians. The government in that case actually hired mercenaries to kill anyone who opposed confiscating farms from veterans of the Revolution who were having a hard time repaying debts incurred during the Revolution. Democrats hate Daniel Shay, I love him. 

In the end it was his efforts that forced local government to stop over taxing farmers and stealing their farms. He is another excellent example of the reason why "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." If we wish to maintain our basic rights we have to defend the Second Amendment at all cost. Those who oppose our right to self defense must be defeated if we want to preserve our right to freedom of speech and freedom of worship. Today our First Amendment rights are under assault. People are being forced to agree with the absurdity that there are more than two genders and that if a man thinks he's a woman than he is a woman and the same for women. 

That goes against our freedom of expression and our freedom of worship. If a man wants to call himself a woman that's his business. If he wants government officials to force me to say he's a woman that's my business and I won't do it. The existence of a well regulated militia is fine with me to a point. Maintaining a standing army is expensive and probably unnecessary when the citizenry is well armed and ready to defend their community against attack. There are millions of Americans who would volunteer for duty in a local militia. You know, do it for free including purchasing their own weapons. They should be led by someone with experience and that's simple enough as well. There are lots of veterans who were officers and would be willing to train volunteers under the supervision of locally elected officials. That's actually what people like Hamilton advocated; militias made up of people from the community who knew and trusted each other. 

Democrats don't like the idea of a well regulated militia because they would be somewhat autonomous and difficult to control for political expediency. The National Guard is not a militia since they are available to be called up to fight wars in other countries. A militia would be exempt from that, being kept in reserve strictly to protect the community where they live. The Second Amendment mentions the importance of a well regulated militia and an armed citizenry and I concur with that. Democrats will never accept that concept because their only goal is total control of everyone and militias might not always be ready to attack whomever a local politician wishes to silence. Taking over a free country and subverting the citizens to your will isn't an easy task. Until they've been disarmed and rendered helpless you just cannot do it. 

Saturday, August 19, 2023


So Leftists have found another reason to lose their minds. A country singer, Jason Aldean, sang a song about how life is lived in a small town in America and democrats across the fruited plain are going ape. The song is called 'Try That in a Small Town' and it's about how people in small towns respect America and the law. People in small towns respect each other and the property rights of others. They don't understand why people would want to fight the police or burn down businesses and stop traffic, stomp on other people's cars or burn the American flag. They understand having differing opinions, but don't understand why anyone would feel a need to beat up people over a difference of opinion. In short they respect other people's rights, not just their own. City people are the opposite. They think it is their right to destroy property, damage other people's cars and block traffic if they disagree with something the another person says or does. We recently witnessed democrats in big cities all over the country burning stores, stealing whatever they could get their hands on, fighting the police, burning police cars, and shouting slogans and of course burning the American flag. And murder. The mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkan, called it "Another summer of love."

Is that really what democrats want for leadership? I can't stand the 'woke' movement. Not at all. Not even a little bit. I have no respect for anyone who goes 'woke'. And I refuse to support any business that espouses 'woke' ideologies. People who think there is anything worthwhile about being 'woke' have my eternal and everlasting disdain. Being 'woke' is being anti America and anyone or anything that is 'woke' is helping to destroy America and I will do all I can to oppose such an evil ideology. The United States of America is by far the greatest nation ever founded in the history of the world. "That isn't true!" Parrots the democrat party. "The United States used to allow slavery!" 

What I think 'Try That in a Small Town' is really about is asking big city libs to learn from the small town way of life. What's wrong with teaching Americans the importance of civil discourse and the difference between peaceful assembly and destroying property and looting stores and killing people? While I'm at it what is wrong with teaching Americans to respect each other and lend a helping hand once in awhile without being paid for it? We hire the police to do a difficult job because we want to enjoy a peaceful existence without having to carry a gun everywhere we go. We still need the Second Amendment. We still need to respect the country we live in and support the Constitution of the United States. It's been working for almost two hundred and fifty years. 

And what makes democrats think that it's racist to suggest that rioting, murder, and attacking the police and burning the American flag are all unacceptable forms of expression. It is unbelievable to me that one of the most racist groups in the country has somehow been able to portray themselves as compassionate. One thing I have to give democrats credit for is their marketing skills. They really are brilliant at marketing, deception, just plain lying, spreading unthinkable rumors about others even when they know those rumors are untrue. 

Some people think it is fun or cute to be disrespectful to others because 'their' cause is so much more important than anybody else's. People living in small towns don't see it that way. You can talk about things that concern you without becoming violent and resorting to theft and murder. There is nothing in 'Try That in a Small Town' that promotes racism. It only promotes respect for others. Somehow democrats seem to think that promoting peace and harmony and respecting your country is racist. The more I think about it the more I realize what a mess this country is. With half of America hating the police and burning our flag and the other half realizing what a great country the United States of America is, respecting the flag and the rule of law, we are headed for a violent civil war. This one, like the last will spill into other countries, and it will be so much more violent and destructive. 

Unfortunately it is racist to teach people to treat each other with dignity and respect. It is racist to respect the country where you live, at least if you live in the USA. It is racist to teach people that it is wrong to burn and loot stores. All Try That in a Small town does is advocate for helping your neighbors, treating others with respect, not burning the American flag, and not burning and looting stores and killing people. Still waiting for a clear explanation why democrats are so opposed to that.   

Sunday, August 13, 2023

INDICTMENTS EVERYWHERE, but where's the evidence?

What I'm asking is not where is the evidence that will be presented in court, that's a separate issue and will be presented in court if any of these cases make it that far, which is kind of doubtful since during pretrial motions the prosecution is going to have very little to say, although he will most likely repeat what little there is in about a hundred different ways and include photographs. The evidence just isn't there. And any lower court anti Trump judge who decides that rumor, innuendo and interpretations of public statements is good enough is going to be overturned eventually in the legal process. The lynching democrats are praying for may not even see the inside of a court room until after Donald Trump has served his next two terms and is playing golf in his nineties and then the case will either be dismissed, thrown out by the Supreme Court, or will result in an acquittal. What I'm waiting to find out is what evidence is there that there was even a crime committed? During the thirty six years I investigated crimes we had to have some information that led us to believe that a crime had occurred before opening an investigation. There had to be reason to believe that some sort of damage had been done, or injury inflicted, or if something was stolen what was actually missing? In a burglary there is often a broken door frame or window. If someone conspires with someone to commit a crime there has to be at least two people involved and a specific crime has to have been discussed and planned. 

In all three cases involving Donald Trump the allegations focus on theories of discussions Trump may or may not have had. There hasn't been any mention of specific damages suffered by anyone. He hasn't lied to anyone or refused to cooperate with any investigators. They say he lied, but there is always the question in any reasonable person's mind; what did he lie about? The most recent case of a president being accused of a crime was Bill Clinton. He was never criminally prosecuted, but the judge had him disbarred for lying under oath about his relationship with Monica Lewinski. Bill Clinton lied under oath and was never criminally prosecuted, but sanctioned by a judge who reluctantly had his law license suspended knowing that he was never going to have to work a day in his life again. Even knowing Clinton had committed a serious crime the judge was willing to help him avoid a criminal conviction which she knew was inevitable since the evidence proving his guilt was overwhelming. Friends paid all of his legal fees and the source of his immense wealth will forever be a mystery. History has shown that people who might know something that could embarrass the Clintons get killed. And apparently there is little to no investigation into those deaths since they all remain unsolved. 

The list of dead bodies in the Clinton's wake is very long. Being a confidante of the Clintons can be very dangerous evidently. It is my belief, based partly on news reports which are not always accurate, that their latest victim was Jeffery Epstein. Jeff was a pervert and a child abuser and a friend of Bill Clintons. His arrest made him vulnerable, but there are other reasons for my belief that Epstein was targeted. Multiple women have testified that Bill Clinton sexually attacked them. He abused Monika Lewinsky while she was a White House intern and of course he lied about it and was later proven to be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. 

Multiple people have stated that Clinton was a frequent visitor to Epstein's Sin Island. The fact that apparently he was never listed on the passenger manifest of the now infamous jet affectionately known by the perverts who used it for transportation to their island paradise as the 'Lolita Express' is obvious to me; he was no doubt a paying customer and as a former president of the United States whose wife still had political ambitions his identity had to be protected. Most leaders of the democrat party condone sex trafficking. Not openly of course, but with a wink and a nod. It is a fact that sex slaves are brought into the USA every day yet democrats refuse to even investigate people who are crossing illegally into the United States even though we know those are the people who are forcing women and children into forced servitude. Bill Clinton has reportedly been seen aboard the Lolita Express multiple times and the main reason for visiting Little St. James Island is to sexually abuse under age girls. 

Epstein had the ability to conceal the identity of several famous people who did not want to be publicly embarrassed by having their association with him made public. And Bill Clinton had Secret Service protection. While in custody in federal prison in New York City Epstein was found dead in his cell, supposedly he killed himself. Unfortunately the surveillance cameras that covered his cell were turned off. And the guards who were supposed to be monitoring him failed to make their scheduled rounds to make sure he was ok. There is no evidence to prove who killed him. I don't care all that much it's just another example of the feds failing to do their job. 

What I'm talking about is allegations of real crimes with real evidence and reasonable suspicion that real evidence was destroyed or overlooked. In the indictments against Donald Trump there isn't even a reason to believe that any crimes were committed. Not by Donald trump. There is lots of evidence to show that the heads of the FBI and DOJ committed crimes. When Trump announced that he was running for president democrats immediately began floating the rumor that he was a man of poor character who travelled to Moscow, Russia, and hosted parties with prostitutes who he paid to do all sorts of sordid things, among which was giving him a 'golden shower'. I'd never heard of a 'golden shower' before and didn't know what that was. Reading further I learned that democrats were claiming that he paid the prostitutes to urinate on him and on each other. Those rumors were false, and worse democrats and alleged 'reporters' knew they were false when they spread them. Only a democrat would knowingly come up with a story that foul and that bizarre. Only a democrat would perpetuate such a story in an attempt to ruin an innocent man's reputation just to win an election. 

If I new something like that were true I might use it in a political campaign. For one thing it would show not only a very depraved character, but a man who would be that careless and stupid should never be trusted to be the President of the United States. Democrat leaders are blatantly reckless with the truth, their followers are what I call knee jerk democrats. Party leaders claim they are all about civil rights and women's rights, and pro abortion of course. They have lulled themselves into believing that all Republicans are racists, and anti women, and of course homophobic so Republicans must be bad people. They don't even notice that there has been some compromise in the areas of abortion and protections for homosexuals. They refuse to admit that Republicans were alone in the civil rights movement when democrats voted against every civil rights legislation that was voted on. It was the Republican Party that freed the slaves. And the Republicans, along with a few notable democrats in Washington D.C., pushed forward civil rights bills in the sixties and seventies. 

Democrats brought us the Ku Klux Klan and the welfare state. Orval Faubus, democrat governor of Arkansas, possibly favored civil rights for Black Americans. He appointed some Black Americans to the democrat state committee. That move brought him a lot of grief from his democrat constituents who accused him of opposing their efforts to deprive Black people of their civil fights. The United States Supreme Court had just ruled on the case of Brown v Board of Education that all public schools had to be desegregated and democrats were furious. Then one of their governors appointed six Black people to a state committee. How could this possibly happen? In true democrat fashion it didn't take long for Faubus to abandon his principles and call out the Arkansas National Guard to make sure no Black students were allowed to enter a Whites Only public school in Little Rock.

There were nine Black students who wanted to attend the White school. They weren't trouble makers, they were scared to death, but the public schools for Black kids didn't have adequate plumbing or electric lights. They were substandard in every way. Students had to share worn out books and suffer unsanitary conditions generally, all they wanted was a decent education and now the Supreme Court was offering them the chance to achieve that.

Democrats weren't having it. The National Guard in full uniform and armed with semi automatic rifles with bayonets affixed were called to action by the governor who was determined not to do what he apparently believed he was right, but to save his political future, and his political power, which even today is all democrats really care about. All those nine kids wanted to do was attend a decent school. And all democrats wanted to do was prevent that from happening. President Eisenhower, a Republican, contacted the governor by telephone and tried to reason with him and get him to not only do what was right, but to follow the law (something else democrats today still reject). 

When the governor refused to order the Arkansas National Guard to stand down, President Eisenhower, a Republican, activated the United States Army, calling out elements the 101st Airborne Division to escort those nine Black students to the school. The current leader of the democrat party, a doddering old fool named Joe Biden, likes to brag about how he bribed a foreign leader with a billion tax dollars to fire a Ukrainian prosecutor he didn't like because the prosecutor was investigating a company that was paying his son millions of dollars so they could use the Biden name. He says he gave them a dead line to meet and, quoting Biden, "Son of a Bitch they fired him!" 

Similarly the Arkansas National Guard stood down as the 101st Airborne units arrived and escorted those nine scared students to the school. I guess I'm deranged since I see power and dignity in enforcing civil rights laws in the South. I see cowardice and shame in an American vice president bullying the leader of a foreign government into halting the investigation of a company so they would keep sending the American vice president's son millions of dollars. 

The reports used against Donald Trump that were designed to impugn his character were false. Democrats knew they were false because they hired a former member of British intelligence to write them. The top officials of the FBI knew they were false and used them pretending to have confidence in their content. The leadership of the FBI also knowingly lied to federal court judges in order to get warrants allowing them to employ electronic surveillance techniques against the Trump campaign. They also paid people inside the campaign to dig up dirt against candidate Trump. As far as I've been able to find out the FBI has never engaged in such a treasonous act before. 

I know treason is a very serious thing to charge the head of the FBI with but he was actively engaged in helping a political candidate he endorsed win an election by using the power of his office to get judges to allow him to spy on a political candidate. The Director was purposely manipulating the political system in order to get the outcome he wanted, thwarting the ability of the voters to make an informed decision about who they should vote for. The Director of the FBI also used a report he knew to be false to tell Americans that Candidate Trump was collaborating with the dictator of Russia to get him to help Trump win the election. If that isn't treason then at the very least it is an outrageous abuse of his office and he should have been removed from office as soon as the facts were known. He wasn't. President Trump won the election and democrats were furious. They had cheated in just about every way possible. The election was supposed to be a sure thing, then the unthinkable happened; Donald Trump, a man with no real political experience won the election. 

There were subsequently two sham impeachment hearings. No evidence was presented against President Trump during either proceeding. There were interpretations of statements and outright lies admitted as testimony, statements the democrats knew were false because they knew the report they had paid for was all a lie. It didn't matter to them. What they cared about was keeping their power in tact. They were going to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the president had conspired with a foreign leader, Vladimir Putin, dictator of Russia to ensure that Donald Trump won the election and the reason Putin was going to help was because he hoped to enrich himself from bribes Trump was going to pay him in return for being allowed to build hotels in Russia. They didn't present any evidence at all of the conspiracy and their was not one witness who testified about any collusion, conspiracy, butt kissing, or any other shenanigans. At the end of this very expensive farce only two democrats voted against impeachment while ten Republicans voted for impeachment. The so-called Mueller investigation proved to be a thirty five million dollar fiasco. He embarrassed himself on the stand and democrats should have been ashamed of themselves, but it turns out you cannot embarrass a democrat. Having experienced a complete failure on their part they turned to another avenue; they made up crimes supposedly committed and now they actually want to put Donald Trump in prison for the rest of his life so he can't run for president again. It makes me wonder how long it will be before they resort to assassination as a tool to achieve the outcome they so desperately desire.

And that's why I don't like either party. I've already addressed my feelings about the Republican party several times. There is a small and damaging group of Republicans who are petty and hateful. They all need to put the country first. One of the democrats opposing impeachment had already indicated he was going to change his party affiliation, while the ten Republicans apparently just hated President Trump for not being a career politician and still beating them at the polls. It was obvious that Donald Trump was not guilty of doing any of the things with which he was charged. One of the charges, abuse of power, is completely objective and very poorly defined. If they lose an argument with the president democrats accuse him of abusing his power. The truth is he was doing his job and they disagreed with the decisions he was making. Usually those details are settled on election day, but democrats have never trusted the electorate to make sound election decisions. It's better to lie to them and make them believe things that aren't true than to let them make informed decisions on their own. Truth and facts usually go against things the democrats value most; acquisition and maintenance of power. 

So now the former president is running for president again. Before he announced his candidacy the Federal government left him alone. As soon as he announced he was going to run the Directors of the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation decided he had to be stopped so they looked for something to charge him with. In New York the Manhattan District Attorney charged him with paying hush money to a prostitute, Washington D.C. federal prosecutors have charged him with keeping classified documents at his home, and a Federal Special Counsel has charged him with conspiracy to defraud the government, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, and blah, blah, blah conspiracy. He probably uses the wrong brand of toothpaste too. 

The fact that this has never been done before to any president or former president is a big bright red flag. Worse it's being done in support of a sitting president who barely knows his own name. A sitting president against whom there are serious accusations from credible sources that he is taking bribes from multiple countries who are making deposits into shell companies that distribute millions of dollars to Biden family members including grandchildren. And no one is investigating at all. They are only focused on allegations against Trump who was supposedly engaged in activities that even if true wouldn't constitute a crime. And soon some pseudo law enforcement outfit in Atlanta Georgia is going to charge him with a fourth crime and the local county Sheriff is already bragging that this time in addition to fingerprints they are going to take a mug shot of him. I hope they do. I want that t-shirt, I'll buy a couple dozen of them and wear one just about every day. 

Americans used to hate a bully and Uncle Joe Biden has become a vicious bully; he wants to put a seventy six year old man in prison for life knowing that the man hasn't committed any crime. In the mean time Uncle Joe Biden is probably guilty of bribing the leaders of foreign governments and receiving bribes from multiple sources. There are credible reports that shell companies have been set up for the purpose of hiding the money and making it hard to tell where it is going. Credible investigators have learned that the money has gone to Biden family members. I admit the trail cools a bit here because now we are in Deep State territory and it is difficult to tell who the players are. Deep state is made up of Republicans and democrats and they've put their own people in high places. The Director of the FBI, the Attorney General of the United States, The Commissioner of the IRS, actually every federal organization but one is currently led by a person who is in line with the Deep State. The Director of the CIA, BATF, Director of National Intelligence and the Chief of Naval Operations. The only department that is not led by Deep State is the Chief of the Border Patrol. 

Donald Trump is a very tough man and he will probably be able to hire a team of very intelligent and aggressive lawyers who will make the government lawyers look foolish in public. I'm looking forward to his trial. No doubt the judge presiding over the trial will deny any request for a change of venue, and they will do their best to impanel an anti Trump jury. I don't believe for a second he is a traitor, or that he did anything against the United States of America. He will be remembered by history as one of he best presidents we've ever had, especially if the American people are foolish enough to reelect Uncle Joe Biden the Ridiculous. 

Note to the sheriff in Georgia who thinks he is going to embarrass the former president; go ahead, make my day. I will wear those t-shirts with a big smile of my face. And you will have done the country a tremendous service by helping Donald Trump become elected president in 2024. Every time you idiots charge the ex president with a crime that never occurred, his popularity soars. Keep up the good work! 

TRUMP 2024!

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Democrats Encourage Child Sex Trafficking

Here's the deal. Everyday, according to Border Patrol statistics, three thousand to seven thousand people cross the Southern border illegally. In 2019 when we used to have a President there were less than one thousand a day, which is still way too many, but President Trump was working on it. Let's all scratch our heads and ask, "What happened? Did something change?" Yes something did change. One version is that a president with a solid economy, low inflation, high employment in every demographic, and the respect of a nuclear armed maniac in North Korea as well as the leadership of Russia, Europe, and Asia, lost the election to a man who only knew his own name half of the time; an old man obviously on the verge of dementia. The other version, the only one that makes any sense, is that the election was rigged to make sure that a man on the verge of dementia, one who could easily be controlled by democrat party leaders, could win the election. There is a third version that also makes a lot of sense; the collective American voters have lost their minds. I would never support a policy that aids and abets child sex trafficking. Democrats are obsessed with the idea that abortion has to be legal in every state and that has to include aborting a child during child birth. There is no one in the entire world that can explain why such a procedure is not murder. The only other thing that matters to them is the ability to legally mutilate children via gender reassignment procedures.

 In fact, the biggest obstacles to democrats being able to make good decisions are abortion and homosexuality. As long as women have the legal right to kill a baby in the womb and boys and girls are guaranteed the right to force me to call them whatever they want, democrats will also continue to support trafficking children for the purpose of turning them into sex slaves. Why, you are hopefully asking yourself, is Savage Sam saying such horrible things? I'm glad you asked. It is simple; how do you continue to support an unchecked migration across your border when you know that among the able bodied and hard working people entering the country illegally there are also a lot of criminals. Democrats deny that and that is all the more reason to believe it. Here's my question; what is wrong with making them enter via legal ports of entry? What is wrong with separating adults from children when there is ample evidence that many people are kidnapping women and children and forcing them into many types of slavery including prostitution, and many other illegal activities? 

Democrats claim that they know that all minors who are accompanied by adults while crossing the southern border are loving families seeking a better life in America, that it's impossible that any minor who is accompanied by an adult is actually being forced into a horrible life of servitude. They will tell you with a straight face that they know this because they are not racists. All Republicans are racists and all Republicans hate women. 

If wanting to save women and children from a life of drug addiction and forced prostitution makes me a racist then I am very happy to be a racist. You bet! Sign me up! I wish democrats made such outrageous accusations out of ignorance, but I fear that they do know better and the real reason is to preserve their power base. Nothing else matters. Nothing. And while they pretend to be noble and loving people, as horrible as this thought is, you have to consider the probability that many of those women and children are then murdered once they've been used up. Anyone who could support that position has to be unable or unwilling to connect the dots. And I wouldn't make such a bold statement if I didn't have the facts to prove it. I hate making such an accusation against such a large group of Americans, but no one I've talked to is willing to discuss it rationally. If I even pose the question they immediately start telling me I'm a religious bigot or I hate women or I'm transphobic, or some other damn thing. And I'm none of those things. And I actually forgot to mention that of course I'm a racist: duh, I'm a white man in America. I'm transphobic because I object to child abuse, and I've actually forgotten why I hate women, but any democrat can tell you.  

There is a docudrama being shown in several movie theaters across the country right now that deals with child sex trafficking. It's called 'Sound of Freedom' and it is about a man who rescues children who are being sold as sex slaves. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I have been saying for at least twenty years that Americans are guilty of turning our heads while children are bought and sold right in front of them. It has become increasingly obvious during the Obama and Biden administrations. People who vote democrat dismiss the claims in the movie as 'false' or 'embellished'. 

Worse than that they are actively opposing the movie. They claim it's part of a conspiracy theory, but against what? They claim that the actions portrayed in the movie are embellished. I hope so, I was employed for forty years in an action packed occupation. Lots of movies have been made about the work I did and I can honestly tell you that if those movies weren't embellished a little, not lied about, but spiced up some no one would watch them. No, democrats don't really care about embellishment, I do believe they are sensitive about conspiracy theories because they are involved in so many conspiracies and that is probably the main root of their nervousness about this movie. They do support pedophiles and they preach against narcotics trafficking, but then they invent a disease called addiction so they can claim innocence since if they weren't afflicted with the disease they wouldn't be acting the way they are. After all we don't put people with heart disease in prison do we? Well of course it's the same thing! 

As far as I'm concerned if it's the same thing then we should start allowing people with heart disease to commit robberies so they can pay for the medications they need and their hospitalizations. Let's call it the 'Mrs. Harrison' defense. Mrs. Harrison was feeling the effects of her heart disease one day and didn't have the money to pay for her new prescription and the Bank of America is right next to her pharmacy so she visited that branch armed with a .357 magnum and made a cash withdrawal which she then immediately used to pay for her medications. After taking the pills she felt much better so obviously her motive was not robbery, but she was only thinking about saving her life, which of course is not a criminal activity so she is not guilty of the crime of robbery. The defense rests. I actually think in California that might work. The Twinkie defense did. There are so many democrats who are opposed to this movie that I really have to wonder if my statement may have more truth than even I realize. Theater managers are turning up the heat in theaters, claiming that the air conditioner isn't working so people will leave without watching. So-called news reporters are saying the movie is a total waste of time and full of false claims so no one should watch it. The fear among democrats is palpable so what are they afraid of? 

I can't help but think the problem of forced sex trafficking of women and children slowed some during the Trump administration, but even then not enough. If Americans had been smart enough to give him a second term he may have made a larger dent in the problem, possibly even eradicating it, but democrats will have their power and if Uncle Joe is any example, they are obsessed with children. If Uncle Joe isn't a pedophile I bet he's at least thought about it. He is constantly fondling and kissing children. He's frequently recorded caressing and kissing other men's wives. Face it, he is a pervert. We will never be able to completely stop illegal sex trafficking of women and children, but we could do a lot to slow it down by enforcing our immigration laws. The fact is that we rarely enforce our immigration laws. Sixty years ago our laws regarding immigration were strictly enforced. Migrant laborers were given permission to cross the border between the United States of America and Mexico to help with farm labor, but anyone caught without a Green card was deported immediately. It was just understood, it wasn't personal it was the law. 

One of the worst things that happened to our immigration system was allowing those in the country with temporary legal status to perform farm labor to form labor unions. The most famous farm labor union organizer, Cesar Chavez, used to organize enforcement groups who would beat immigrants sneaking across the border and send them back because they were driving down wages farm laborers could earn. People caught in the country illegally were deported quickly and efficiently. In those days even democrats recognized the need to keep our borders protected. In the years that have passed between then and now democrats have seen an opportunity for more votes. They captured the Black vote by promising Black Americans free stuff. Welfare. They could live in a slum practically rent free and receive vouchers to buy food and clothing. Now they could promise illegal aliens jobs and free medical care and free food and inexpensive, possibly free, housing. And permanent residence status. They have succeeded in giving them driver's licenses that are just like those issued to legal residents, and while they are at it they can register to vote. 

That's how democrats lull groups of people to sleep and provide them a false sense of security. Government handouts are not the answer to poverty in the Black community, and ignoring the border between Mexico and the United States will not improve the standard of living of the people living in Mexico or the United States. It's hard to imagine that democrats really think that allowing tens of millions of uneducated people who may be criminals in their own country to enter this country every day is going to improve anyone's standard of living, but they claim that is exactly what they believe. Tell that to the Hispanic women who are forced to dance in night clubs in Los Angeles and San Diego for little or no pay. And dancing is not the only thing they are forced to do. And there are most likely cleaning ladies here who are also working practically for free. "Ok", they say, "But it's only a couple of thousand people it's no big deal, and we don't really think it's happening. No American would ever treat people that way. Their 'patrones' are confiscating every cent they earn to pay off the debt they owe for being 'rescued' or provided transportation to the interior of the United States. They also have to pay rent for the two foot by five foot section of floor they occupy where they sleep at night. And that should not be tolerated in the Land of Freedom. 

And the people who are being abused don't dare tell the police for a lot of reasons. Democrats claim that the only reason they are afraid to make a police report is because they don't want to be deported, and they probably don't want to be deported. They also don't want to be sent to another state where nobody knows them to live in another dilapidated rat infested building where for the first couple of weeks they will be beaten and raped by their new owner before being given their new job dancing in a sleazy dance hall in a part of town where no decent person ever goes. And if they die, well people die every day. They were here illegally and nobody even knows who they are. Police don't investigate beyond filing a death report, the county provides a burial and the case is filed and quickly forgotten. Who cares anyway! Just another case of substandard living, poor diet and poor lifestyle choices. To democrats that isn't exactly humane, but what do you expect? The system isn't perfect. 

No it isn't. And that's the way democrats like it, so when a trouble maker like Ballard comes along and makes a movie about the sex trade taking place in America they get real upset. So the border is no longer secure and we allow people to enter the country wherever they want. They are fleeing for their lives! Somehow the gangs in their native countries are more dangerous than the gangs in their new American cities? Hispanic gangs in the inner cities of America are not the welcoming committee I would want my family members to encounter on a daily basis. But democrats are thinking strategically, politically. They are always looking for more votes. They own union labor and teachers, and especially in the last ten years they have been systematically purchased by Citicorp, Goldman Sachs, and others so they won't have to keep their home bases in the United States where they can avoid certain tax laws and unreasonable regulation. Democrats have encouraged big business to keep growing everywhere but the USA. Democrats admire the way things are done in Asia where laborers may not be called slaves, but they probably should be since that's what they are. 

Democrats are looking for votes first, foremost, and always. So what if a few kids fall through the cracks and become sex slaves? They're doing the best they can! I don't know how they can say that when the fact is that no one knows who these people are or what they are fleeing. Yes, Mexico is very close to a failed government as is most of Central America, but does that mean that the United States needs to allow everyone who is tired of living there to enter this country? Democrats objected to even the suggestion that some of the 'families' traveling together might not even know each other. Completely ignoring the obvious fact that perhaps thousands of women and children were being 'escorted' into the United States by men who worked for the Mexican cartels democrats and most reporters shouted that Republicans were heartless and were separating families at the border just to be cruel. They even doctored or mis labeled photographs depicting poor living conditions of illegal aliens detained by Border Patrol officers. 

Democrats make that claim knowing full well that there is a real possibility, even a probability that that is exactly is what is happening, but it's okay because if they can make all Hispanics believe that Republicans hate them they can get more votes and unfortunately it is working. Women and children are forced into slave labor, including prostitution, so they can pay their debt to their 'coyotes'. And it only takes them about twenty five years to pay that debt, if they live that long. This movie illustrates the problem and the connection between keeping an open border and the child sex trade. You've got to be deaf, blind and stupid, or possibly even evil, to not see the fact that this situation lends itself to the abuse of women and children. The United States is once again being derelict in its duty to investigate anyone bringing women and children into the country. It's an ugly thing to accuse the democrat party of encouraging child sex trafficking, but the evidence is overwhelming. 

Since they are breaking our laws by knowingly entering the United States illegally would it really hurt to separate a family briefly for their own protection to make sure they really are a family? I understand that democrats don't like that idea since their goal is not the protection of individuals, but to increase their power by increasing their voting base and if a couple thousand women and children end up being used as sex slaves then apparently that is a small price to pay. The more I think about this the angrier I get. The leadership of the democrat party has successfully tricked their members into believing that it is not necessary to educate people who enter America illegally. It is vital that they are immediately indoctrinated into the democrat propaganda that Republicans are racists who hate Hispanics and consider all Hispanics criminals who should be deported immediately. Democrats biggest nightmare is an educated immigrant who can then make intelligent decisions on their own. In the democrat propaganda it shouldn't matter if a person is uneducated and cannot speak English. What difference does it make that they are uneducated and don't understand English? What's so special about English anyway? I dunno, perhaps a way to effectively communicate with each other? It isn't that English is special or better than other languages. Democrats love to create confusion and dozens of side stories that detract from the quality of a discussion. "Nah," democrats say, "You're just racist against people who are different from you!" Is that in any way a logical statement? Not to people who are trying to forge a strong American society made up of people from all over the world who come together over a common goal. A united America goes against the ideals of democrat leadership and their constituents; just accept whatever comes from the DNC as absolute truth. The other side of the isle isn't like that. Republicans questions GOP leadership and they aren't shy about telling them to take a hike when they step out of line.

There is no reason for democrats to be offended by my belief that they encourage sex slavery. I have proof of what I'm saying. It is far more offensive to me to be portrayed as a racist bigot whebn there is no evidence to support such a claim. Republicans are falsely portrayed as racists because they want to ensure that people enter the country safely and find decent jobs and live a good life here instead of a life of slavery and prostitution and organized crime. Democrats claim that I hate all Hispanics because I am opposed to the child sex trade in America and think it should be very thoroughly investigated and stopped. We can't do that if we don't take measures to ensure that men and women claiming to be married actually are married and that any children accompanying them are actually their children. I am revolted by any American who doesn't believe we should be doing everything we can to protect women and children seeking a new life in America. Of course my main goal isn't to wield power just for the sake of wielding power. The United States of America has always had as a main objective to build a country where people can live secure and productive lives; that is one of the reasons why we need to maintain a secure border. America is very well protected on the eastern and western borders, and there is very little concern from our neighbor to the North. Canadians used to need to come to America seeking proper health care, but medical care in the states isn't near as good as it used to be either. Americans are rapidly descending to the level of the people of Canada. 

The Southern border is a cesspool of crime and debauchery. Mexican authorities are in the pockets of the local drug pushers who make billions of dollars selling their junk to Americans. Dope peddlers in China share in the billions to be made by laundering their product through Mexico. Getting tons of illegal narcotics through customs is a lengthy and costly process since their product may sit in a port of entry for weeks or even months and even be confiscated if the narcotics are discovered by drug sniffing dogs or otherwise detected. The problem is solved by sending it to Mexico where government officials are easily paid for and there is no need to enter the USA via a port of entry. The truth is that anyone who enters the USA via a port of entry isn't very smart even if they have nothing to hide. Why waste time at the port of entry when you can walk or  swim across the border just about anywhere you want? Think about it. Americans have become so stupid that they are paying Border Patrol agents to rescue people attempting to enter the country illegally and are about to drown in the river or die from exposure in the desert. And once they've been rescued they are welcomed with open arms as if they've won some great contest. So we are paying Border Patrol agents to do the job that Coyotes are supposed to be doing; we are paying our law enforcement personnel to help people enter the USA illegally and then help them remain in the country. This is madness, insanity, stupidity, anyone who can't see the problems this creates just isn't capable of rational thought. There is nothing kind about forcing women and children into sex slavery or any other type of slave labor.

It is a pretty smart move the democrats have come up with to make sure they have a steady stream of new voters that increases their constituency daily. When an illegal alien applies for a driver's license they are also allowed to register to vote; all they have to do is lie on the application by claiming they are not here illegally and are eligible to vote. Nobody checks and millions of new voters register democrat every year. It's illegal, but what's the fuss? It allows democrats to hang on to power, and the only thing that matters is keeping positions of power over people. They love to remind everyone who will listen to their drivel that obviously Republicans are racists who hate Hispanics since they never talk about building a wall to keep Canadians out. I'd be willing to bet that it's a lot easier for a Canadian to enter the United States than it is for an American to enter Canada, although I have known instances where Canadians in America illegally have been deported. There isn't a line ten miles long on our Northern border of Canadians wanting to leave Canada. 

Republicans aren't racists they are just practical. They recognize that what they have is unique and special and needs to be preserved. And they are opposed to allowing criminals to enter the country illegally. Mostly they recognize the importance of protecting innocent women and children who are being brought across the border against their will where families really are being torn apart by narcotics manufacturers who also want to control the illegal human trafficking trade. And what about the tons of illegal narcotics entering the country everyday? If democrats really cared about the flow of dangerous drugs into our country and really cared about the number of Americans who are trapped into a narcotics addiction and many times dying from ingesting too much of a dangerous narcotic and if they really had any compassion for the millions of women and children who are being forced into prostitution in America they would help stop the flood of illegal immigrants crossing the border. As far as I'm concerned all narcotics should be legal for adults wanting to get high and don't really care about the health consequences. I'm not concerned about drug overdose deaths among adults who knowingly, even eagerly are seeking to escape reality. I'm not mean. I'm practical. We should be educating all Americans about the dangers of the illegal narcotics trade. We shouldn't be sensationalizing and making claims that are obviously false. One dose of fentanyl is not enough to kill everyone in a city block. Another example of democrats favoring indoctrination over education. 

When discussing the issue of stopping illegal immigration, one of the democrats' favorite arguments is, "It can't be done!" Yes it can be done and it must be done. The one argument they can't use in public is the one they worry about the most; Power. They crave power above all else and if a few million people have to suffer terrible hardship in order for them to increase their power that is just the cost of doing business. The leadership of the democrat party isn't interested in helping people, they are interested in helping themselves and at the ballot box their followers only look at party affiliation. They are able to dismiss any allegation of misconduct against a democrat politician because they are convinced that anyone who says anything against a democrat politician has to be lying. They have to be lying because the leaders of the democrat never do or say anything wrong and they obviously would never do anything that would hurt women and children. Among my democrat associates they have completely brainwashed themselves. Anything I say about Donald Trump has to be a lie. They don't need to investigate for themselves because anybody can just tell that Donald Trump lies about everything; it is so maddening. They still haven't even alleged anything that he actually lied about except for potential exaggerations about the number of people who attend his rallies. I don't understand how educated people and people who do a lot of good for their neighbors can be so blinded by a political ideology. It's exactly what happened with Chairman Mao, Prime Minister Tojo, and Adolf Hitler, Uncle Joe Stalin, and many others. Blind devotion to any individual or group is dangerous.  

The fact that they are actively campaigning against a controlled border tells any thinking American that what democrats crave above all else is not making the world a better place for everybody (what kind of idiot would sacrifice anything for that?) but wielding ever more power over people's lives. I have some democrat associates that I like, and one or two that I admire. I'm baffled at their ability to blindly follow an individual just because that individual happens to be a leader in a political party in which they have naively placed all of their trust. I don't see wielding power just for the sake of being able to claim that you have immense power over others as a good thing. I see creating a better world for everyone as a good thing. It takes a lot more work, but it is infinitely more satisfying, and it used to be the essence of the American Spirit. I'm no idiot Republican either. Republicans nauseate me almost as much as democrats do. Both major parties are wasteful and weak. The Republican Party is the 'do nothing' party. The Democratic Party is the 'destroy America' party. A strong political group would be the 'keep America strong' party. 

If Tim Ballard hadn't devoted his adult life to rescuing children who were victims of the sex slave trade no one would even know about it and what is the Republican party doing about it? Nothing that I know of. At least they care about the United States of America and recognize that if the borders are secure there will be less chance of a border breach. It will be easier to keep illegal narcotics out of the country and it will be easier to stop criminals and human traffickers out. Republicans know that if they hop on the illegal alien train, hang out a sign proudly announcing, "Come on in! Our ancestors worked their asses off so you wouldn't have to!" They could siphon off a good chunk of democrat votes. They don't think that way. Sure they want as many votes as possible, but they are not willing to destroy America to get them. So I implore the American people to look past party dogma and vote pro America. 

Democrats tell every American that anyone who thinks America is the greatest country and when our representatives, including the president, put the interests of the United States of America first, they are acting as Nazis who want to suppress the freedom of everyone in the world, and racists who are mean and cannot be trusted. Believing in your country doesn't make you a nationalist, that's foolishness. The only democrat who put American interests at the top of his list since John F. Kennedy was Jimmy Carter. Lyndon Baines Johnson was disastrous to America. Barak Obama told everyone who would listen, which was everyone in the world, including fifty percent of the American people, that the United States of America was a bad country and needed to be fundamentally transformed into something more like every other country in the world. The truth is that the United States of America is the greatest country in the history of the world. The only way to be better would be to find perfection and no matter how much democrats claim that the USA stinks because it ain't perfect, at least we keep trying. 

Child sex slave trafficking is a hideous kind of evil and any decent person would do whatever it took to stop it in its tracks. Evidently democrats think that it's not that big a deal, and honestly neither do Republicans except for Donald Trump but he isn't really a Republican, he's just a man who only cares about right and wrong, politics isn't what drives him. I'm not a fan of abortion, but have been able to compromise on certain cases. I don't feel the same about child sex trafficking. Anyone who pays any attention at all to the border crisis, the river of illegal narcotics flowing into this country, and the large number of women and children who are pressed into sex slavery, and can still vote democrat are afflicted with a serious mental illness. And the cure is conservatism. No Republican, and obviously no Conservative, could vote democrat as long as they continue to insist on promoting the horror at our southern border. Obviously the two major parties have differing views on what constitutes moral behavior; democrats consider prostitution a victimless crime and have decriminalized theft for example. Even democrats who claim to be religious seem a little nervous about admitting to a belief in God. It's a real problem for them since they don't like the statement in the Declaration of Independence that claims we get our rights from our Creator. If we get our rights from our Creator how can democrats take them away? 

Given that fact it is obvious that bad people exist in the world and the United States has a responsibility to make every effort to keep them out, and the southern border has the greatest potential for infiltration, we need to provide the Border Patrol with whatever tools they need to accomplish their mission of keeping bad guys out. Uncle Joe has put up a 'Welcome' sign all along the southern border inviting anyone who cares to to just come on in. So that's what they are doing. Once they are here they are here to stay. Worse, they bring in loads of illegal narcotics and they engage in human trafficking; forcing women and children into prostitution and many other crimes. We need to Turn off the 'Welcome' sign and put up arrows pointing to the Ports of Entry that are to be used by people wishing to enter the country legally. The only downside to that is it will be harder for democrats to cheat during elections due to the loss of votes from illegal aliens. The claim that people here illegally can't vote simply is not true. At the DMV when they are issued a license to drive, that looks like the same license issued to American citizens they are also given the opportunity to register to vote. Nobody verifies the information provided on the registration form which asks the person registering to declare under penalty of perjury that they are legally eligible to vote. Do you really have to be super smart to realize that a person who knows they illegally entered the country to care about making a statement under penalty of perjury? 

And democrats know illegal aliens are voting, they're the ones encouraging them to register in the first place. It's total madness. What's worse, in an effort to appease democrat appetite for power we have to allow a certain level of child sex slavery to take place? Which democrat politicians are in the pockets of Mexican cartels? How many ways can this atrocity be described? Democrats claim it isn't happening. There is ample evidence that they are wrong and tragically wrong. Actually the evidence is overwhelming and it is evil and disgusting. Where are the Republicans on this? The appalling truth is that none of the American people care about these victims. If we did we would put a stop to it. We allow it to continue to our everlasting shame. Everyone in this country should go watch the movie 'Sound of Freedom', believe it is true and demand that their representative do something about it. 

Until we take down the 'Welcome' sign and stop unfettered human trafficking the USA will have to carry the shame of allowing the most evil thing any person can do to another person take place inside its own borders. We can disagree on a lot of things, but we can never disagree about allowing the evil practice of selling children into sex slavery. And no, Republican's hands are not clean either. I haven't heard a single Republican representative make a speech exposing the evil of human trafficking. I haven't seen Tim Ballard invited to speak to Congress about the evils of human trafficking. I've seen democrats waste trillions of dollars combating man made global warming, something that isn't even happening, but they won't spend a penny to stop the evil of child sex trafficking which is happening every single day. I guess children can't vote so they aren't important. 

There are about 15,000 women and children sold as sex slaves every year in the United States and democrats say there's nothing we can do about it. About 2,000 children are killed by someone who has a gun and democrats want to abolish the Bill of Rights. We could do something about children being sold in America if we wanted to. I shudder to contemplate the reason why we don't want to. I also shudder to think what I would do to suspects if I were to be involved in a law enforcement agency that investigates those who sell women and children as sex slaves and even those who would make such a purchase. 

Republicans need to grow a backbone and do something about this evil practice. They need to expose the hell out of it and make democrats own it. Tim Ballard's face should be on a postage stamp and the democrat gang of four, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, and Ihan Omar, should have their faces on wanted posters. Hopefully we will see Uncle Joe's photograph on a wanted poster as well. If you enjoy the prospect of owning a sex slave vote democrat that way you can enjoy your slave and if she gets pregnant you can force her to get a legal abortion too. America is truly on the wrong path. 

Anyone who can vote democrat today seriously needs psychiatric help.