Wednesday, December 27, 2023

A note to TSA

 GO BOINK YOURSELVES!!! I didn't mean to be rude but, GO BOINK YOURSELVES!! Seriously, your boss, Alejandro Mayorkas, is in violation of his oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Democrats can claim that allowing a hundred thousand people a month cross the border doesn't constitute an invasion, but they can't make it be true. If Donald Trump is guilty of insurrection for telling his constituents to peacefully and respectfully protest the results of an election that was probably rigged then Joe Biden and Alejandro are certainly advocating an insurrection by inviting people from all over the world, including terrorists, at least by not allowing any screening process at all, to cross our border illegally. In my mind they are openly calling for an insurrection. We don't know how many terrorists are here now, but we know it is likely a sizable army. 

We also know that terrorists are among the most patient people in the world and very well financed. We also know they are dedicated to their cause. They are charming and easy to get along with until their number comes up then they are vicious murderers who easily torture and kill people who thought they were friends. Because many of us recognize the threat from our porous southern border democrats have labeled anyone with the brains and the guts to question the loyalty of the DHS, and by extension the TSA, racists. We readily welcome anyone who wants to immigrate here to apply and assimilate to the American society. It is a great way of life, but we don't want to share it with terrorists who are only here awaiting the signal to commit mass murder. 

I don't pretend to understand the democrat mind. It is beyond my comprehension why they want to accuse me of being a racist just because I support keeping America safe from terrorism. How can petty partisanship become so blinding? I can understand people disagreeing with each other, that is natural. There are a lot of problems to solve and there are a lot of different ways to solve a problem so disagreements are inevitable. Avoiding another terrorist attack should be a problem we could work on as a common interest. In 2001 when terrorists struck New York City for a couple of hours Republicans and democrats stood together with a common goal. All members of Congress stood on the steps of the Capitol Building and sang 'God Bless America'. Too bad it didn't last. I didn't know anyone in my town who didn't think it was time to rip some heads off overseas as well as inside this country. All Americans became ultra vigilant about looking for potential terrorists which did have the effect of focusing a lot of scrutiny on Muslims in our midst. Instead of helping Americans tamp down those fears, which were understandable and potentially dangerous to American Muslims, Federal legislators and law enforcement officials labelled Americans with legitimate concerns as racists and Islamophobes. They should have undertaken and immediate investigation of all Muslims here on temporary student and work visas and deported anyone here on an expired visa. At least then we would have known that something tangible was being done to ensure our safety. Traveling with my children one of them observed a group of Muslim men on the plane, at least their appearance was Middle Eastern, and I had to help him understand that there was no need to fear since at least for a little while it was going to be harder for terrorists to take control of a passenger jet and crash it. 

Not long after that there were a couple of examples of terrorists bringing explosives onto international flights. Adulmatallab was issued a valid visa issued by the United States by officials who knew he had been in recent contact with terrorists abroad. He boarded a commercial carrier armed with a high explosive which was hidden in his underwear. He was successful in igniting the device about thirty minutes out of Detroit, the planes destination. The device malfunctioned and the only person injured was the terrorist himself when he accidentally set himself on fire. Flight attendants put out the flames and the terrorist was arrested upon arrival in Detroit. Another terrorist, Richard Reid, had explosives hidden in his shoe. He was allowed to board a commercial airliner in Paris and fly to Miami, Florida. While on the flight Reid attempted to deploy the explosives but was stopped by a flight attendant. He claimed to be working alone, but that proved to be untrue. He was later tried, convicted and sentenced to three consecutive life sentences plus 110 years. Both of these incidents occurred after the events of 911 and were not prevented by the TSA.

Far too many TSA agents are badge heavy bullies. I have two close family members who have metal medical devices implanted inside their bodies. Both of them have identification cards that were issued by Medtronics and they have their government issued identification cards. Every time they go to an airport the metal sets off the alarm and they still are subjected to a separate 'pat down' search even though their pockets are empty and their bags have been thoroughly searched. Of course they still set off the metal detector and they are still allowed to board the plane, and they still don't know if those family members have a bomb implanted. Why the search? It wastes time and some of the TSA employees are pretty invasive and even rude? I was traveling with a friend who is a police officer and he had his badge with him. He put the badge and his ID card in the tray and went through the metal detector and x-ray machine without any problems. He was not carrying a firearm, just his badge. The TSA agent tested him for gunshot residue obviously hoping of a 'positive' test so he could prevent him from boarding our flight.

There is a need for security at airports, but for whatever reason the TSA is just not doing the job. Another of GW Bush's many failures. It seems to me they may actually be making air travel less safe by making people nervous the minute they enter an American airport. It's no fun emptying your pockets, taking out computers and cell phones, removing your shoes and being barked at by some sour pus in uniform. It makes people even more nervous before they board the plane. Once on the plane they are herded around by flight attendants who are no longer service oriented, but behave more like law enforcement officers. 

The organization of the TSA was a knee jerk reaction to a horrible attack and as such it was not well thought or well planned. The TSA falls under the umbrella of Department of Homeland Security, another unwieldy bureaucratic mess. Today it is run by an idiot named Alejandro Mayorkas. He is so concerned about Security that he has opened up a corridor all along the southern border with Mexico so anyone in the world who wants to can enter the United States without worrying about anyone knowing they are here. That includes terrorists of course, but democrats want us to believe that terrorists either are not interested in the United States any more or they would never enter illegally across the southern border. The TSA is weak and the lack of intelligent leadership handicaps it even more. The TSA is an eleven billion dollar black hole where money disappears and we see no results from the investment. That's billion; with a 'B'.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Harvard and the KKK

Harvard is arguably the most recognizable university in the country. It is the oldest, opening its doors in 1636. And it was for a few hundred years a highly respected school. I don't know how openly anti semitic Harvard has been over the past three centuries, but today they don't even try to hide it. Possibly for the first time in the history of Harvard Jews are afraid to attend classes. Two months ago Palestinians conducted a well planned attack on Israel killing over a thousand Jews, beheading at least forty babies, and raping women in front of their families then killing them. They also took a couple hundred hostages with them when they fled back to Palestine. 

The Israelis are angry about that. The prime minister of Israel, Bibi Netanyahu has promised to destroy the ruling party of Palestine, a group calling itself Hamas. While this attack was taking place Palestinians all over the world, including every major American city were celebrating, dancing and cheering in the streets while carrying the Palestinian flag. For added fun they were chanting "Death to Israel" and "Death to America!" All this was taking place in the country that was offering them protection from tyranny such as that which was being showered on the Jewish people in Israel. Unbelievably some people chanting with them were carrying the symbol of the homosexuals; the so-called Rainbow flag. In Palestine they would be killed just for being homosexual, they wouldn't dare display that flag. There is no way to fathom the depths of the ignorance of the average Democrat. The same demonstrations were taking place on the campuses and universities across the country including Harvard. On the Harvard campus several groups were chanting, "From the river to the Sea Palestine will be free!" which is a well known call for genocide; the extermination of all Jews. Where have we heard that before? It sure sounds familiar. Isn't that what Adolf Hitler was doing in the 1930's and 1940's?

Netanyahu has been carrying out his threat to annihilate Hamas for a little less than two months. It took a couple of weeks to plan the advance into Palestine and mobilize the necessary equipment. Aerial bombing came first then artillery and an infantry advance. Of course civilian casualties have been massive. Palestinians hide all of their rocket launching sites and artillery batteries next to hospitals and schools. they place others next to people's houses in civilian neighborhoods. That is considered a 'war crime' in the civilized world but these aren't civilized people. The Israeli Defense Force is doing its best to keep civilian casualties to a minimum, but Palestinians are doing their best to maximize them. They consider it an honor to die in the war against the Jews. It is an honor even to sacrifice your children for such a noble cause. These people are sick. Of course their leaders are out front facing the foe and leading them into battle right? Nah, that would be stupid, even suicidal. They are safe hundreds of miles away living in multi million dollar condominiums in Dubai. They are eating lavish dinners and enjoying life while their people are happily sacrificing their lives for Allah. 

Allah must be one sick puppy. For at least seventy years Israelis have been begging the Palestinian people to at least love their own children more that they hate Jewish children, but that is too much to ask. To Harvard elites it is okay to advocate genocide against all Jews. It isn't enough to protest the violent Israeli counter attack, which is a discussion that could be had; they have to advocate for the murder of all Jews which is unacceptable. When asked about Harvard's position on genocide the president of the university, Claudine Gay, said that Harvard is proud of its position on freedom of speech "Even if it makes some people uncomfortable." How very open minded of them. 

I wish I lived on the East coast sometimes. I'd love to organize a rally of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan on Harvard campus and find out how they feel about seeing the Stars and Bars of the Confederacy along with people in black face with nooses around their necks, others carrying signs and chanting "Niggers not welcome here!" and "Jim Crow was right! Bring back slavery. Give a nigger a job!" or some other such nonsense. I'd love to see how the Harvard crowd would react to such a gathering. Klansmen don't like Black people, or Jewish people, or  Palestinian people. The truth is they don't like anyone who isn't a member of the Klan. It would be great fun, but it ain't going to happen. Too bad. I'm no Kluxer, not by a long shot. I put the Klan on the same level as the Palestinians; they are a terrorist group not worthy of anyone's respect. I am a fan of people in positions of authority providing protection to people under their control. In this case the Jewish students are under siege every day from an international terrorist group threatening the total annihilation of Jews. That is a serious threat considering the recent barbaric attack against Israel by the Palestinians. 

But no, Harvard thinks it's best to protect the terrorists. Personally I'd expel every student advocating violence against a group of other students on campus. I just must not be very smart I guess, after all the rumor is that you have to be among the smartest people in the world to attend Harvard. In addition to having the opportunity to advocate the murder of people you don't like no one at Harvard gets lower than a-B grade according to administration policy. No wonder they're so smart. According to an article in the school newspaper, the Crimson, the administration had to do something to justify the $250,000 tuition. So how is Harvard any different from the KKK? 

I guess the difference is that the administration of Harvard doesn't necessarily hate Jews; Claudia Gay has said she abhors the language employed by the Palestinian students, but they have a right to their opinion. The administration of the Klan openly hates several groups of people; Catholics, Black people, Muslims to name a few. At least when Jews are beaten into a coma at Harvard they know that the school president wishes it hadn't happened. As a practical matter I don't think it makes a lot of difference. How I wish I could organize a Klan rally at or near Harvard. Claudia Gay is a black woman who plagiarized her way through school, including a PhD program. That goes against just about everything Harvard is supposed to stand for, except it isn't cool to fire a Black woman so they let her stay.

Of course there is a lot of difference between Harvard University and the Knights of the Ku klux Klan but I wish Harvard had the courage to at least stand up for the right of a people to exist instead of protecting the Palestinians' right to advocate the extermination of an entire race of people. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Trump 2024

Ever since Barak Obama won the election the assault on American civil rights has accelerated. For eight years he constantly reminded leftist Americans and the rest of the world that America is a racist country. He weaponized every office under his control to stifle conservative organizations. His IRS was allowed to refuse tax exempt status for any conservative organizations who applied. The member of the IRS who oversaw tax emptions, Lois Lerner, routinley denied any request from a conservative organization. The director of the IRS refused to cooperate with a Congressional investigation and allowed Lerner to erase thousands of emails generated during her time with the IRS. Obama's DOJ launched an attack on the Second Amendment by selling guns to Mexican Cartel leaders supposedly in an effort to trace them and find out who was running guns in America. Two of those guns were used to murder American Border patrol agent, Brian Terry. The guns were sold to criminals as part of an operation hatched by the attorney general, Eric Holder. 

The object of Fast and Furious supposedly was to catch American gun stores illegally selling guns to criminals. The details are sketchy because Holder refused to cooperate with the subsequent Congressional investigation. What little they did share disclosed that the ATF was supposed to track all of the guns sold and investigate the buyers. Almost immediately they lost track of the guns being sold until there was a shootout between a Mexican drug cartel and the Border Patrol north of Nogales, Arizona during which a border patrol agent, Brian Terry was killed. Most of the cartel members escaped, but one was wounded and left behind. He was taken  into custody and given a lighter sentenced in return for identifying the guys who were with him. 

When Hilary Clinton was being investigated for keeping top secret documents on a private server in her residence where anyone in the world would have access to them Obama's attorney general and FBI director allowed her to erase everything on her server and destroy the cell phones of anyone who worked for her or was close to her. She destroyed tens of thousands of emails that were evidence. Bill Clinton had a secret meeting with the attorney general at an airport in Arizona where it was reported that they talked about the weather. When the investigation was concluded the FBI director said Bloody Hilary did in fact have classified documents stored in an unsecured area where they could be and possibly were compromised, but she didn't break any laws because she was only being reckless with top secret documents and no criminal intent could be attached to her activities so there would be no criminal filing against her. 

She lost the election in 2015 and America was spared for four years. Hilary Clinton spent the next four plus years claiming the election was rigged. She ought to know, it was her people who rigged it they just didn't do it right that time. Donald Trump restored dignity to the White House and brought prosperity back to the United States. For four years America was on the right track then in 2019 a man who could barely remember his own name, Joe Biden, barely campaigned for office and basically hid in his basement during the campaign and supposedly received the most votes any candidate had ever received in the history of American elections and was coronated in January 2020. Donald Trump claimed that was impossible and gathered evidence of election fraud and now Joe Biden's evil attorney general and the FBI are trying to put him in prison for life because he demanded an investigation into election fraud and he's running for the presidency again in 2024. You can bet your flabby American butt that if he weren't running for office no one would care what files he had in his office. Shoot, Bill Clinton had a staffer go into the archives and hide top secret documents in his pants and smuggle them out, hiding them behind a trash can. He got caught and I think he admitted to accidentally removing the files and had to do some community service. Hilary Clinton stole half the furniture in the West Wing and was forced to return it. She only returned some of it. 

Donald Trump is being charged with a crime. Every president takes home some items that the National Archives chief later claims belong in the archives and not at the president's home. Donald Trump was cooperating fully with them while they determined which files he could keep, but the attorney general and FBI director weren't satisfied so they took an FBI swat team to Florida to raid Trump's residence and remove not only archive files, but personal items belonging to Donald Trump, including his passport. At first they claimed that was a mistake and they would return it. Obviously they knew about the bogus criminal charges that were about to be filed. Now we know that they claim he was a flight risk. Yeah right. The president of the United States is a flight risk.  

Democrats have trampled the Constitution and the rule of law in their frenzy to win reelection. They are obviously scared to death of losing their power in Washington D.C. And they should be; when he wins the election and takes office he will be ready to file criminal charges agaisnt the whole damn bunch. You can bet he's been collecting evidence for at least the past three plus years. In order to keep Donald Trump from even running a campaign they've filed multiple false criminal charges against him from New York City to Atlanta Georgia. In Colorado they tried to remove his name from the ballot so no one there could vote for him. 

Of course I'm a supporter of Donald Trump. He never did anything against the Constitution. He truly loves this country and expects people around the world to love their countries. He isn't a polished politician just a man who speaks his mind and isn't worried if people like what he has to say. If they like him they'll vote for him if not, they'll vote for the guy who can't reliably make a coherent statement. I'm looking forward to the election next year and listening to Donald Trump's acceptance speech after he wins. I'm also looking forward to having a president who respects the law and won't weaponize cabinet members and get them to illegally go after his political opponents and try to put them in prison for life for running against him in an election. 

They tried to prove he was taking bribes from the Russian government and the closest they could get was a few years prior he had made plans to build a hotel in Moscow. It never happened. They tried to prove he did dirty things with prostitutes in Moscow hotel rooms, they even claimed to have photographs. Their photographs quickly proved to be fake. They tried to prove that the Trump campaign approached Russian spies and asked them to dig up dirt on Hilary. Democrats are bold, but not very imaginative; they're the ones who approached a British spy asking him to dig up dirt on Donald Trump. The man sold them a phony 'dossier' that made some outrageous claims about Trump. None of them were true. Later the British spy himself admitted that he had no confidence in the content of his report to democrats and the FBI. People told him things and he put those things in his report. He didn't trust the veracity of any of the people quoted in his fictitious file. 

Democrats convened two impeachment trials claiming to have overwhelming evidence that President Trump had committed treason against the United States of America. They didn't even have credible rumors against Donald Trump. Every democrat but one voted for impeachment and there were a couple of fake Republicans who voted with them. He was acquitted. Hopefully the fake Republicans lost their next election bids. One of the first things President Trump did was secure the release of an American being held in a North Korean prison having being convicted of espionage after being caught removing a poster of Kim Jung Un from a wall in a building somewhere in North Korea. Stupid move, but he was a college kid and a liberal and he paid dearly for that act of stupidity. Shortly after being released and arriving in the United States he died from wounds he received during a beating at the hands of prison guards before he was released. 

During his presidency president Trump visited the headquarters of NATO and told them point blank that he expected them to start paying their dues. He even had the good sense to question the need for NATO. The organization was formed as an alliance to protect Western Europe from the Soviet Union. President reasonably asked now that the Soviet Union no longer existed if there was a need to keep funding NATO. Every student of Political Science or Public Administration knows that once a bureaucracy has been formed it never goes away. It usually grow into something grotesque in an effort to prove it is still useful, even vital to whatever host organization it is attached to, but it will never just cease to exist. 

Anti-Trumpers all over the world pretended to be shocked; "Is the president mad? Of course we need NATO, there are lots of threats in the world and the Soviet Union could come back you know!" President Trump didn't argue with them. He looked straight at them and said, okay then pay your dues or America is going to step back a little. We've been paying way too much for way too long. Democrats seem to think you show your strength by insulting people. That's not how Trump works. There is no need to insult people. In fact, it is better to let them think you have a very high opinion of them; be gracious and keep them talking. 

The North Koreans had been menacing the oceans off the coasts of Asian countries in their region by test firing ballistic missiles over Japan and into the Sea of Japan. They had also conducted a series of tests of nuclear bombs. President Trump met with the runt in charge of North Korea and they had a meeting together. After the meeting there were no more ballistic missile tests over Japan and into the Sea of Japan. President Trump kept up a dialogue with Vladimir Putin, the madman dictator of Russia, in an effort to ensure that he didn't do anything stupid like attack his neighbors and try to regroup the old Soviet Union. President Trump met with another dictator of a bully nation; China. President Trump let him know that retaining the United States as a trading partner was beneficial to both countries and that China's continued bullying in the region was not helpful. Democrats insist that since President Trump refuses to publicly humiliate the dictators of the world he must be 'in their pocket'. Donald Trump is smarter than any bunch of democrats assembled anywhere in the country.

When he isn't ignoring them, Joe Biden is making weak threats to the dictators of Russia, North Korea and China and Russia has conducted a full scale invasion of Ukraine, murdering and raping civilians in horrific displays of inhuman savagery. The North Koreans have resumed their tests of Ballistic missiles, firing them over Japan and into the Sea of Japan, endangering shipping traffic in the region since they don't announce when the tests are to take place or which part of the ocean has been targeted. China is amassing their navy near the coasts of Taiwan and attacking Philippine ships in the region. The Palestinians have launched a savagely brutal attack on Israel killing thousands and taking hundreds of prisoners. And don't forget the panicked retreat from Afghanistan where we left hundreds of Americans as well as Afghans who worked for us for twenty years, and at least several hundred million dollars in weapons and ammunition. President Biden has no credibility with dictators. Aside from those 'victories' the Biden administration has succeeded in raising the cost of everything. A gallon of gasoline costs three times what it did in 2019, mortgage rates have tripled and the cost of food has skyrocketed. Democrats say that is all Trump's fault, inflation is going up all over the world. Democrats spout nonsense and hope people will believe it. Unfortunately about half of the American people do believe it. 

And President Trump was criticized for not wanting to be paid for his service as president. When informed that the Constitution required that he be paid he accepted the payment and then donated it to the National Park Service or some other government entity that needed more funding. Of course he was criticized for 'grandstanding'. I'll be voting for Donald Trump next November even if he is convicted of the false charges against him however I don't think that is a likely scenario. If it happens we will find out how a president can conduct business after being convicted of a crime. Even if he can't pardon himself it will be interesting to see where in the Constitution it says anyone can overturn a legal election. They won't be able to keep him in a prison cell. That would be a danger to everyone in the facility. He would have to be allowed some form of very liberal house arrest. It would be ridiculous. 

If they attempt to impeach him they will be courting disaster since similarly about half of the country is tired of democrats constantly ignoring the law and going against the legal will of the people. Too often when democrats can't get what they want legally they try other methods like appointing activist judges to pass laws from the Bench bypassing Congress. Republicans are too timid to rewrite the laws so the illegal court rulings stand for decades. In 1861 democrats tried to tear America apart and failed. They might try it again in 2025 but I hope not. If Donald Trump is convicted by an anti Trump kangaroo court the conviction will most likely be overturned during the appeals process. If it makes it to the Supreme Court there will be a reversal and President Trump will be exonerated. None of the current crop of Republican candidates have the courage or even the vision to do what Donald Trump started to do. 

The job requires a lot of world travel, focus, and a desire to serve the people of the USA and not yourself. With the possible exception of George Washington no other president has tried to refuse a presidential salary and there have been plenty of previous presidents from both parties who didn't need the money. The leadership of countries all over the world are holding their breath hoping for a Biden or even a Newsom victory; or gift of gifts a Harris presidency. Western Europe and parts of Asia are salivating over the prospect of milking the 'rich Americans' for more money and world dictators are eying more money to help them build up their military might so they can invade and take over neighboring countries. Russia wants to reunite the Soviet Union, China has its sights set on Taiwan and the Philippians, and there are other despots like the fanatical dictators of Iran, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and several other places where murderous men want to war with some other country, like Israel. 

For all of those reasons we need Donald Trump to win in 2024. In today's volatile world we need a president who understands how to employ gunboat diplomacy with the proper delicacy that shows recalcitrant dictators the importance of learning how to play well with others without igniting a bloody and unnecessary war. Biden has several countries fighting each other and the dictator of China weighing the prospects of attempting a take over of Taiwan while the United States is financing at least two wars and before Trump wins the election. Donald Trump will stop the war between Russia and Ukraine almost as soon as he takes the Oath of Office. He will never pay Iran or any other country to release American hostages in the world. On ghe campaign trail he recently said, "I'll bomb the shit out of them! I don't care!" The world needs Donald Trump to win in 2024. You don't have to like Donald Trump, but there is no way you can respect the system that allowed Joe Biden to be declared the winner of that election.     

Most of you will recall that there was a shut down of just about everything in the entire country. There was nothing to do so I drove through the entire Midwest. The only state I missed was North Dakota. All I saw throughout the entire Midwest and much of the West was TRUMP 2020! I saw Trump flags everywhere and not on just one or two vehicles. They were everywhere. I saw acres and acres of trees with posters nailed to them telling us to vote for Donald Trump. And to all you tree huggers I can assure you that those trees were happy, even honored to do their part in helping Donald Trump win the election        , only he didn't win. It surprised me when they announced that Joe Biden won the election. He barely said three words during the campaign, and at least two of those words were unintelligible. Very few people attended the few events he did attend and he was not impressive by any standard. The event hosted for him that had the most attendance was at an auto makers union warehouse and he almost got in a physical altercation with a man who was at first trying to support him, but wanted some assurance that Joe was not opposed to the Second Amendment. The man challenged him on a statement he had made a few days prior to the event where Joe said he wanted to take away all AR 15 style rifles and Joe denied saying it. 

Face it, the tweets weren't that mean, the work was genuine and we were all much better off until Sleepy Joe took over in 2021. Two wars that never should have happened, a lot fewer people can afford to buy a house, gas prices three times higher than a couple of years ago, this is not a hard decision to make. Don't be fooled as we enter 2024 and gas prices go a little lower as well as mortgage rates. It's an election year ploy. Desperation from an organization that has failed in its effort to have the opposition imprisoned. 

Friday, December 1, 2023


Okay Sam, so what's your problem with Amnesty International? They are just trying to make the world a more civilized place to live. Right? The answer is a grudging maybe. In the history of Amnesty International all they've accomplished is getting some countries to abolish capitol punishment. Their operating budget is around $390,000,000. They claim that they do research using a volunteer force in countries throughout the world. They have a CEO that changes periodically during annual board meetings. Apparently they don't pay taxes to anyone and they make a lot of money. 

The organization was founded in 1961 in London by a lawyer named Peter Benenson who was championing human rights cases in multiple countries where people were being imprisoned solely for disagreeing with their government. The organization has grown steadily since then and blossomed into the financial behemoth it is today. It still claims to champion human rights, but it has become highly politicized and is heavily financed by just about every major celebrity in Hollywood. The list of names is too long to include in this small space, but it is impressive. And the new emphasis is on political causes like homosexuality and catastrophic climate change. The desire for men who are too weak to win any awards in men's sports to change their gender identity so they can win trophies while competing against women is a cause that Amnesty International holds dear.

Their Board members have shared their goal to not rest until every country in the world recognizes the right of all individuals to change their gender. They have listed the United States of America as one of the nations in the world that hasn't done enough to protect people who are confused about their gender. The fact is no one can change their gender. We are all born male or female. That's not an opinion it is a scientific fact. Some psychologists have tortured language and emotion and formed some statements that to them prove that our brains can actually be a different gender than we were born, or something like that, but that isn't science it's wishful thinking. A man can really, really, want to be a girl so he can put medals on the wall, but he will always be a man. Only he will be a weakened man by humiliating himself in public by stealing awards from the population that actually deserves them; women. There is no legitimate human right for a man to be a woman or a woman to be a man. 

Catastrophic climate change is another whopper supported by Amnesty International. You have to really torture language to turn climate change into a human right. The Hollywood crowd has jumped all over the climate change fantasy. The short version of climate change is that Americans are polluting that planet so badly that in a couple of hundred years the planet may or may not overheat to the point that all human beings will be dead. At first that tune played well even in the United States. Al Gore wrote a book and created some documentaries about how Americans were polluting the air so badly that in about ten years all of the glaciers were going to be melted and the oceans would rise, drowning everyone on earth. 

He doctored a lot of photographs from various parts of the earth that showed how fast the glaciers were melting. He also put together some graphics showing how much of the world would be under water in ten to fifteen years. He scared the hell out of a bunch of children and some democrat teachers. So many in fact that Man Made Global Warming became a rally cry for the democrat party and it is still going strong today. The fact is that the climate changes from time to time and the earth adapts. Another fact is if the earth doesn't adapt there isn't a thing anyone can do about it; if the earth ever decides to kill everybody that's what it will do. There are lots of facts about climate change, which is the new name for Man Made Global Warming. Blaming America was getting old so people were starting to lose interest so they started world climate change summits where leaders from all over the world could meet in expensive hotels in Brussels, or Vienna, or Qatar, anywhere that had expensive hotels and looked good to the rich and famous. 

Hypocrisy is the face of the catastrophic global warming crowd. And they don't try to hide it. Each individual arrives at the summit in a private jet where they are met by a limousine that whisks them away to their suite in a very exclusive hotel. After a night's rest they meet for a couple of hours a day, drink the finest wine and fifty year old scotch, and eat the finest foods. Then they allow some kid with a Ph. D to present a paper on the perils of climate change and the importance of changing the behavior of people all over the world before it is to late. The kid includes a couple of graphs loaded into a computerized presentation and displaying in images fifteen feet tall the photographs doctored by Brother Gore years ago when the presenter was in grade school. Of course the kid putting on the show for his 'owners' arrives on a commercial carrier flying coach, all generously provided by the wealthy, privileged class who are showing him off to the world. And of course he stays in the local version of the motel 6 and dines in the local version of Denny's or worse before being loaded back onto a commercial carrier the next morning and flown back home where he can brag to all of his star struck buddies about his latest effort to save the planet from the greedy Americans. 

After a few days of this glorious display of caring for the future of the world everyone bids everyone else farewell before checking out of the hotel, being driven back to the airport, and boarding their private jet, alone or with a companion of the opposite sex, but not their spouse, and flying to some other vacation spot where they can unwind for a week or two before heading home to their mansion on one of the American coasts. I'm pretty sure they marvel as I do at the stupidity of the average person who believes their nonsense and purchase all of the books letting them know what serious danger they are in and donate as much money as they can to the entities that claim they can stop climate from changing. Primarily the Democratic Party, Greenpeace and other misguided groups like Amnesty International. And there is a lot of money to be made selling fear and despair. The climate change industry generates almost a trillion dollars a year. 

According to a United Nations climate action report in 2021 climate change panic generated $940 billion in 2021, but they claim that isn't near enough to save the planet. By their estimate the climate activists need to be operating on $4.3 trillion within the next seven years. Evidently there is a Green Climate Fund that has been established for the furtherance of Climate Justice, whatever that is, and it needs to break out of the billions of dollars a year and into the trillions of dollars a year if there is ever going to be climate justice in the world. Hollywood types love this. It gives them a chance to be more important than they are and they are able to generate vast sums of money with relatively little effort. Plus they can become part of the ruling class by telling the rest of us how to live and explaining why it is important.

Somehow the Little People don't see what's happening and they do everything they can to ensure that they don't end up incinerating one day while they are riding the bus to their minimum wage job. Fear is a powerful motivator so they continue to vote Democrat which will also ensure that they can continue enjoying minimum wage employment, but at least if the world bursts into flames in a couple hundred years it won't have been their fault. How are they able to ignore the hypocrisy? That is a question that is hard to answer. Somehow it never occurs to them that the people telling them to ride the bus, or a bicycle, or walk to work so the oceans won't rise are living in huge mansions next to the ocean and are traveling the world in private jets alone, or in small groups in huge luxury yachts. When those same people do have to report to the office they are picked up by a driver in a comfortable Chevy Suburban or Cadillac escalade or some other large luxury vehicle. 

The goal is to ensure that the world devolves into a society of 'haves' and 'have nots'. Hollywood types and a few billionaire tycoons like George Soros are looking for a servant class instead of a strong middle class. They want to rule the world, not make it a better place to live. And that is why they all support the homosexual community. Anything to keep our country off balance and gain sympathy or a lifestyle that can only result in the destruction of a society. They have also hopped onto the abortion bandwagon, having decided that killing a baby in the womb, or shortly after being born is also a human right. Amnesty International is more than happy to partake of the bounty these political causes generate. There is a lot more money to be made promoting homosexuality, abortion, and climate change then there is in helping downtrodden victims gain their freedom from unjust dictators.  

And that's my problem with Amnesty International; I believe that Peter Benenson, and others who helped him found the organization believed in their cause, but over the years the focus has become on making money and rubbing elbows with the wealthiest members of the worldwide society. It seems to me that now Amnesty International is more interested in politics and making money. If a Little Guy gets helped once in awhile that looks good on company letterhead and posters soliciting donations. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Palestinians are the Victims?

On October 7, 2023, Palestinian terrorists attacked several settlements in Israel after bombarding Israel with several hundred rockets. The terrorists proceeded to attack a music festival indiscriminately killing men and women as they ran for cover. They also took several hostages often raping and killing female hostages later and dragging their naked bodies through the streets of Palestine. While this is going on men, women, and children sang and danced in the streets chanting "Death to Israel, Death to America!" 

When the smoke cleared about 1400 Israeli's were dead and over two hundred had been taken hostage. Later the Palestinian terrorists murdered at least one woman who had been taken hostage and then dragged her dead body through the streets of Gaza. It was a horrific attack carried out by barbarians with no clear objective other than to terrorize the Jewish population. The prime minister of Israel immediately promised to wipe out the leadership of Palestine, a group of barbarians who call themselves Hamas. Palestinian terrorists kidnapped entire families, sometimes leading then away and killing them. What justification could there possible be? Understandably the Israelis are outraged. The only thing keeping their soldiers in check is a strong cool headed leadership who was carefully planning their inevitable attack on Gaza. Yes there are women and children in Gaza who will be killed by the bombs that will fall on them. Those deaths are at the hands of those poor children's parents. Those who were just a few days before the bombs fell were dancing in the streets celebrating the deaths of Israeli children. 

It's always the children who suffer the most. Their parents know full well that they are responsible for the deaths of their children yet they blame the Israelis for 'overreacting'. The Israelis are not overreacting. They aren't blocking off areas grid by grid and killing everyone in sight like the Palestinians would if they had the opportunity. The leadership of Israel is carefully looking at maps and trying to figure out where the Palestinian leaders are hiding, knowing that they will be found in a tunnel somewhere under a hospital, a school, or an occupied apartment building. Also knowing that when they attack those strongholds the entire world is going to accuse them of committing war crimes. 

That is exactly what happened. After several days of planning the Israeli Defense Force began their attack. They promised to kill everyone in Hamas even though the leader of Hamas lives the life of a billionaire in a luxury apartment in Qatar. How stupid can the Palestinian people be? The Israeli air force began bombing a couple of days before the army began it's advance. The whole world watched as bombs landed on apartment buildings and office complexes in an effort to collapse tunnels and root out the terrorist leaders. Against a coordinated air attack the Palestinians are helpless. They don't have an effective anti aircraft defense system to protect them. They really don't have anything beyond grenade launchers and automatic rifles that they can use to defend themselves. Now the Palestinians are telling the world that the evil Jews are murdering Palestinians for no reason. Palestinians had nothing to do with the attack against Israel, it was the Palestinian leadership that was responsible for the horrific murder of Jews in Israel.

I might accept that if Palestinians were greeting the IDF infantry with open arms as liberators, but that is not happening. There are a lot of people in Gaza who know where those tunnels are and many who know where the Palestinian command post is and nobody is talking. The world gasps at the sight of Israeli bombs falling on a couple of apartment buildings in Gaza. Those buildings were chosen for a reason. They are hiding places for Palestinian rocket launching sites and command posts. The world needs to look at what is actually happening. If the IDF was acting out a need for revenge they would be bombing every building in Gaza instead of carefully targeting specific buildings. I'm sure the People of Israel are expecting to exact some revenge against the barbarians who committed such cruel and atrocious acts. Many people would. To the Israelis the main motivation is a desire to ensure that the Palestinians lose their appetite to murder their neighbors. 

I don't think it's going to work. Palestinians are driven by revenge. They are barbarians who commit unspeakable acts of cruelty and depravity then shrink and cry when they are punished for their crimes and protest that they are being treated unfairly. And their most recent acts of cruelty are worse than anything that has happened to the Jewish state in about seventy years. All hostages should be released immediately and Palestinians need to be delivered a clear message telling them that these attacks will not be tolerated. The price for these acts of wanton depravity has to be so high that the Palestinians no longer want to conduct themselves in that manner. Time will tell, but it looks like the Palestinians are not going to care how high the price is; they will continue to kill Jews until all Palestinians or all Jews are dead. 

Palestinians are driven by hate and seem willing to fight to the death. Their leadership has no compassion for Palestinians or Jews. Their chief political leaders live in luxurious apartments in Qatar, a nation known for its ability to provide just about whatever comforts a person could want. They are far from the violence between Palestine and Israel. They are all billionaires from money they were given to use for humanitarian aid. Ismail Heniyah has no regard for his people. The Palestinians are not the victims in the war they just started with Israel. The victims are the people in Israel who were tortured and murdered and held hostage and used as human shields by their barbarian captors. The world seems upset about the lopsided numbers during the war the Palestinians are waging against Israel, perhaps when this operation has terminated the Palestinians will think maybe they should try building up their own country instead of wasting valuable resources and their lives trying to destroy Israel. 

Monday, November 27, 2023


Now isn't that a nasty thought. For some reason democrats are trying to get us to believe that there is a difference between Hamas and Palestine when they are the same. The only time there is a difference is when Israel is forced to answer an attack from Palestine. The Israelis always win and both sides suffer losses. When the smoke clears the entire world, the United States included, condemns Israel for overreacting. The United States is is a little more cagey about it, but it doesn't really stand with Israel. I hope not all Muslims are genocidal. Hopefully many of them are compassionate people who understand what the Jews have suffered and can let them live in peace. Obviously the Palestinians aren't such a people. Before anyone condemns Israel and accuses them of committing genocide they need to think about what the Jews have done. 

Israel clearly has a military advantage and could kill every single Palestinian if they wanted to, yet they are honoring a ceasefire and releasing over a hundred terrorists in exchange for a couple dozen hostages who were kidnapped during a violent unprovoked attack by a terrorist nation. I don't distinguish between Hamas and Palestine because in my mind there is no difference. In America's large cities people were dancing in the streets upon hearing the news of the attack on Israel. They celebrated while Palestinians were murdering babies, raping and murdering women and then parading their naked bodies on the streets and displaying them on the internet. Palestinians in the United States were doing the same thing. Those are the actions of barbarians and not civilized people. The Israelis have never acted like barbarians. 

Israel has launched a violent, but controlled attack in Gaza. Not against all Palestinians, but a large faction that calls itself Hamas. Israel is demonstrating once again how much they care about their own people who are being held hostage and used as human shields. Show me the video of Jews in Tel Aviv dancing in the street celebrating the death of Palestinians. You can't because Jews are civilized people and civilized people don't do that. It is possible that the IDF has killed some hostages who were being used by Hamas and that hurts them because they love their own people more than they fear the barbarians in Palestine. How many jews have walked into restaurants or bus stations in Palestine and blown themselves up because they hate Palestinians? None. Civilized people don't commit evil acts. Prior to creating a Palestinian state Jews were constantly suffering rioting and being attacked on the street by Israeli Arabs. Since the Palestinian state has been created Israel has suffered constant bombardment from Palestinians. The rocket attacks became so severe that Israel had to spend a huge amount of money on a missile defense battery that has been very effective at destroying incoming rockets before they hit the ground and this system has saved a lot of Israeli lives. 

Palestinians increased the intensity of the bombardment sometimes overcoming the capabilities of the Iron Dome batteries. Israel had to increase the intensity of their counterstrikes in an effort to destroy the missile sites that are mainly located in Gaza and Lebanon, and the world doesn't seem to care. The IDF is careful to avoid civilian casualties if at all possible. Even risking their own safety at times especially to avoid bombing hospitals, schools, and apartment buildings where civilians live. That isn't always possible and inevitably they do end up bombing those locations because that's where Palestinians hide their weapons and launch sites. I hope there are people in Gaza who are helping the IDF find the hiding place of terrorists many people want me to believe are are not Palestinians, but terrorists known as Hamas. If they are then there is a difference between Hamas and Palestine and Hamas must be wiped out for the sake of Jews and Palestinians in the region. 

If there is a difference then Homeland Security needs to watch the videos showing people in the United States celebrating the rape and murder of Jews and identify them and prosecute them under whatever anti terrorist statutes there are. Any of them who are here on temporary visas need to be expelled immediately. Any of them who are American citizens need to be prosecuted. The United States cannot afford to become a haven for international terrorists. We cannot support any organization that feels comfortable carrying a foreign flag and chanting 'death to America!' 

I am the first one to admit that Americans are becoming fat, dumb, and lazy. There is no doubt about it. That's most likely the reason why four year college degrees don't mean that much anymore. Especially in America and Western Europe kids are not learning math and science. They are learning about how important diversity is, and how important it is for everyone to be equal, and the importance of including everyone. Somehow about two percent of the population of the United States has convinced ninety eight percent that there are more than two genders. We are not male and female, but whatever we think we should be. I know that sounds stupid, but anyone who disagrees risks losing their job and their standing in the community. 

I don't actually know if they teach Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Israel, or if they support the values espoused by Critical Race Theory disciples but I doubt it. I know for a fact that Palestinians don't support any of that foolishness. In the United States anyone who isn't fully on board with both CRT and DEI is in real danger of being considered an outcast. I live in the People's Republic of California and soon my life may be in danger for not saluting the rainbow flag. I also go to church, read the Holy Bible regularly and support the Second Amendment. I stay here because I love the weather and over the years I have built a great home here. Forty years ago California was still part of America and I maintain a hope that soon the people here will wake up and reverse their suicidal course. Forty years ago cities like San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco were beautiful and exciting to visit. Today they are infested with drug addicts, filth, crime, public nudity and decay. 

The point of all this is that we used to be an intelligent society and innovators. We used to support Israel and if anyone dared to claim that the Holocaust never happened they were the people who were in danger of becoming outcasts and possibly even unemployable. The fact is that the Holocaust did happen. Millions of Jews were murdered over a period of a few years in Germany and other countries that had been brutally defeated by the German war machine. Many Jews ended up in the Middle East where they carved out a state for themselves that eventually became known as Israel. Many people today think Israel became an independent country on May 14, 1948. The fact is that Israel was referenced as many as three thousand years ago. The land of Israel is their home. The Palestinian people date back about twelve thousand years, but being nomads it is harder to define a land dedicated to them. 

Today Israel has reestablished their land and they want to live a peaceful existence in the Middle East. The only thing preventing peace is those people surrounding Israel and insisting that all Jews must be killed and then celebrating whenever a Jew or group of Jews is murdered. Arabs are constantly attacking and murdering Jews in Israel then they complain when their movements are closely monitored. Arabs in the region, along with a lot of American Democrats, accuse Israel of genocide every time they are forced to defend themselves and a few Arabs are killed in self defense. If the Palestinian people want a peaceful existence all they have to do is stop attacking Israel. 

Death to Israel is not the answer to the problem of peace in the Middle East. Advocating for the genocide of a group of people is never the answer. If there can ever be peace among the people in the Middle East it will happen after the Arabs stop their unprovoked attacks against Israel. 

Friday, November 24, 2023


For the past twenty years I have been warning everyone who would listen to me that we are in danger of losing our precious nation. Admittedly my megaphone is small and very few people have agreed with me and even fewer have thought we should de anything about it. Most of them, especially those who are caught up in the catastrophic climate change delusion, think I am the extremist and the alarmist. The fact is that about ninety percent of Americans have been lulled into thinking that America is a free country, and we are all safe and untouchable and that there is nothing to worry about except for catastrophic climate change, and more rights for the LGBTXYZ community. In other words it is vital that we give up our high standard of living because it is unfair for us to enjoy a comfortable standard of living when the people in Europe can't enjoy the same benefits we have. We also must, and this is vital to our survival as human beings, recognize that there is no such thing as biological males and females. There is essentially no such thing as human biology because it simply does not exist.

 For thousands of years parents used to wait in anticipation for the birth of a baby to find out first if the baby was healthy and then, "Is it a boy or a girl?" The doctor, nurse, or other person would smile at the mother and pronounce, "Congratulations mom, it's a...." and then the baby's gender would be announced. There were two possibilities; it was a  boy or a girl! Rarely there would be some confusion in the physical make up of the child that made it impossible tell for certain. Then at some point there was some same sex attraction. Boys would seek the companionship and affection of other men and women sought the same from other women. Was the attraction out of fear? Parental neglect or abuse? Of course such relationships were frowned upon, as they should be. It was seen as a mental illness, which it is. The situation turned around sometime around 1990 and we began to see men in some parts of the country holding hands while they walked along the sidewalks. They had to be careful because some people still made fun of them and on occasion they were physically attacked by those who saw what they were as completely abhorrent and in some cases sinful. I never condoned violence against people with same sex confusion, but I never accepted it as normal behavior either because it isn't. 

Then the unthinkable happened and in 2004 Massachusetts passed a state law legalizing same sex marriage. An act of abomination had now been blessed by an errant legislature out of a misguided sense of compassion. Gradually judges all over the country began to pass laws making same sex marriage legal in other states until in 2015 the United States Supreme Court passed a law declaring that same sex marriage was a civil right guaranteed by the Constitution. Groups across the nation were declaring, "You can't help who you fall in love with!" Just like that homosexuals now had the same marital status as people who weren't afflicted with the mental disorder known as same sex attraction. We used to believe that the Legislative Branch passed laws, but we were wrong; that power now resides with the United States Supreme Court. Members of the Supreme Court are not elected by the people. They are appointed by the President of the United States which has now deteriorated to the point that if a president doesn't like some of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution all he has to do is appoint judges that agree with him. Ruth Bader Ginsburg openly stated that she referred to the United Nations Charter and the so-called World Court when she rendered a decision regarding the constitutionality of an issue. 

Of course today we have to cater to the feelings of homosexuals so the DNA declares that all north American nations will ensure that homosexual rights will be guaranteed, including their right to pretend to change their gender. It's double-speak for all of us normal people must learn to celebrate with mentally challenged perverts who claim to have changed their sex from one to the other. If Davey decides he was never supposed to be a man and changes his gender and his name, we must accept his new 'identity' and even celebrate the fact that after all these years he finally figured out who he really was and now he'd appreciate it if everyone would refer to him as 'her' and recognize his new name is Dolly. Happy Day!

The other glaring abomination about this agreement is the part about all three major players working together to 'fight' climate change. I've said it over and over and half of the country agrees and the other half scoffs at me, but you cannot 'fight' climate change. The climate is going to change on a constant basis and their is nothing anyone can do about it. Democrats insist that if the American middle class would only have enough courage to destroy their way of living they could save the world, but they are too selfish to do it. If we were more noble we would sell our cars and ride the bus or walk or ride a bike. And if we are a family of four for example, we would live in apartments no larger than 1100 square feet. The American middle class is killing planet earth and they don't even care! The people who really care about the dangers of climate change own multiple mansions, travel in luxurious privately owned jet aircraft with global reach, and either drive large gas guzzling cars or are driven around by others. We are supposed to worship them because they are so selfless. They don't own those things as luxuries, they have to have a place to stay when they fly around the world making speeches about the dangers of climate change, or are 'studying' our environment looking for ways the rest of us can stop being so selfish and do our part to stop the climate from changing. It is a nauseating example of Americans actually worshipping wealthy people who are in fact giving them the Finger. We are on the brink of starting World War Three, a war that will ignite a vast nuclear exchange between warring nations and President Joe Biden and other elites still claim that climate change is the biggest threat facing the world today. 

There are six 'pillars' or main parts to the agreement, which supposedly for the security of all of North American countries. It guarantees among other things that people can migrate between the three countries freely, and provides for mutual defense from outside threats, it makes all kinds of promises between the three countries that are supposed to make them stronger and interdependent. Apparently it isn't working since people are pouring across our southern border by the thousands. If there is such robust economic growth in Mexico how come people don't want to stay there? If we are so determined to become equal immigration partners how come I still need a passport to drive through Canada to get to Alaska? And Canadians still need a passport to enter the United States, but anyone at all can cross the southern border from any country in the world? It states that the three countries will work toward functioning as one economically and socially and it specifically mentions the importance of granting special status to homosexuals. Of course it also stresses the importance of fighting so-called climate change. What that piece of paper really does is put the United States on the hook for a lot of unnecessary spending to prop up failing economies. George W. Bush was a big supporter of the idea but was never able to get it signed. Now, in January, 2023, a demented fool named Joey Biden, who also happens to be the President of the United States has signed it along with Prime Minister Trudeau, and Mexican President Lopez-Obrador. 

The Declaration of North America is actually concerned with three things; Illegal immigration. Democrats need to hide the fact that they need illegal immigration so they can nurture new democrat voters. Climate change. Democrats want to use their new 'constituents' to help them wipe out the American middle class via onerous regulations and taxes and force them to live in smaller houses, drive smaller cars, or, and this is the actual preference- ride dangerous buses and subways. Third they must protect homosexuals who want to change their gender. This too is not because they suddenly care about the feelings of homosexuals, but because they can exploit those feelings and turn them into die hard democrat voters, and it's working. Now my critics claim I am overreacting because the DNA is not binding upon any of the three countries involved because it is not a treaty but a set of goals the three countries have agreed to work on together. 

Nonsense; The danger of the so-called DNA is that it could become a precursor to such a treaty. The Biden administration is already way ahead of the other two countries regarding immigration. No one from a poor country needs to worry about entry into the good old U.S. of A, all they have to do is walk along the many well worn paths that lead from south to north. Both governments have been working together to make sure migrants have a clear map showing them the safest routes. The safest routes seem to lead to entry over the Texas border where they have to cross the Rio Grande, where on the north side the United States Border Patrol has set up a ferry system to help ensure that no one drowns crossing the river. For some reason, probably mostly because democrats are in charge, people must at least pretend to be sneaking across in broad daylight and actually have to get into the water before a Border Patrol boat can pick them up and bring them across where they are given a dry blanket and food and water.  

Joey, as our president frequently refers to himself, has opened up the southern border to anyone who wishes to enter the country. We have laws regarding immigration and if followed those laws allow people to immigrate to the United States and remain here legally. Those laws also help ensure that people who immigrate here aren't mass murderers wanted by their own or other countries, and that they are free of dangerous communicable diseases. Both of those protections are necessary to the protection of the citizens and legal residents of our country. Unfortunately the government of Mexico is not doing a very good job at helping to protect it's neighbor to the north. Thousands of people enter Mexico illegally from Central America and other parts of the world then travel north to the United States where they receive assistance from the Mexican government as well as the American government who ensures that they can travel safely across the river between the two countries and therefore don't have to enter legally via a recognized port of entry. If I were a terrorist or any person suffering a horrible communicable disease I would prefer the route recommended by the Mexican and American governments; meet the Border Patrol ferry waiting by the river, cross safely and avoid all the red tape.  

Although the DNA doesn't actually trade away our sovereignty it does pave the way to keep up an ongoing dialogue that could lead to some sort of mutual goals that encourage illegal immigration to continue or even close our ports of entry entirely. It actually does weaken our sovereignty. It stresses allowing people to cross the border into the United States without regard for American immigration laws, it weakens our economy by encouraging wasteful spending on climate change, which besides not being a danger to us it is also something we can't control. The DNA also weakens our families by encouraging the homosexual community to continue their reckless and damaging experiments with human biology. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


I chose the t shirt with the mug shot and slogan, 'Never Surrender', in gray. I love this sort of audacity. The democrats have the audacity to charge Donald Trump with a crime because they disagree with his claim that there were substantial election irregularities in 2020. This is possibly the most dangerous election season we've ever had. For the first time in American history the president of the United States has been able to get the United States attorney general and the director of the FBI to use the power of their offices to keep an opposition candidate from running for office. 

It isn't working so they are getting prosecutors who are hostile to the Constitution to file false charges against an opposition candidate in an effort to intimidate him and keep him from running for office. It isn't working and they are getting desperate. They are actually willing to put an innocent man in prison for the rest of his life just so he won't be elected as president of the United States. I think that even if they are successful at getting him convicted and they have time to actually get him incarcerated Donald J. Trump will win the election. He will pardon himself and proceed to rescue America from a dangerous cabal of democrats who want to overthrow our government. 

I love a lot of things about Donald Trump. His courage for one. He could get them to drop all charges against him by dropping out of the election, but he won't do it. He won't do it for the simple reason that he loves his country and he won't just sit back and watch it disintegrate. He has a whole lot of money and unlike other public office holders he earned his money. He refused to be paid for being president. He donated every paycheck to some other organization. He isn't a polished speaker; he says what's on his mind then lets the listeners make up their minds if they like what he says or not. He went into the belly of he NATO beast and told them point blank that they weren't doing their share of the work. They weren't paying what they owed and it was going to stop if they wanted the United States to continue it's support. 

He told the runt in charge of North Korea that if he wanted to continue to have a country to torture he had to stop launching ballistic missiles all the time, especially over Japan. He told the terrorist in charge of the Taliban in Afghanistan that if he did anything to interfere with the American withdrawal from their country, the American military would stay and destroy the Taliban. The North Korean runt and the Taliban big shot both believed him. Finally he also let the dictators of Russia and China know what would likely happen if they attacked their neighbors. During the time Donald Trump was in the White House the world was a safer place to live because he had the audacity to let the world know that he was not prepared to allow people like Putin and Jinping attack Ukraine and Taiwan. He wasn't talking about military intervention either, he understands the sanctity of life and the importance of learning how to communicate with others from a position of economic and other strengths. Yes, the United States has great military power, but it's like a high interest credit card and should only be used as a last resort. Fools like Biden are small minded people who think they can bully dictators and it isn't that easy to do, as Biden is showing the world right now. 

We are spending billions of dollars and are getting ready to send military personnel into harms way and that is unacceptable. The Russian people aren't doing anything to bother the United States. They may be making an effort to re-unify the Soviet Union, but what they are doing is attacking a country that used to be part of the Soviet Union. I sympathize with the people of Ukraine and agree that whatever humanitarian aid they need should be offered. Military might should be used sparingly. The dictator of Russia needs to be warned of the consequences of his actions. Ukraine can, and possibly should, take to the streets and fight a guerrilla war and do whatever they can to make their acquisition too expensive, or they can sue for a ceasefire and find a  peaceful resolution to the conflict. American military might should be used sparingly if at all. In today's world that is so economically connected I don't understand why dictators with a lot of military power, but little else can be allowed to invade a neighbor without regard to consequences. 

Donald Trump had the vision to understand the importance of producing our own oil and becoming energy independent. He kept inflation under control and mortgage rates low. He was prepared to help the European Union supply their energy needs at a low cost to them and a profit to American companies. Somehow democrats think that's bad. It's not bad; it's smart. The EU foolishly trusted the Russian dictator and allowed him to complete a natural gas pipeline to supply their needs. In addition to funding his invasion of their eastern neighbor, Ukraine which has cost them far more than they would have paid if they'd followed President Trump's plan. The United States needs to face up to the fact that they have listening posts around the world, but no allies. Only Donald Trump had the audacity to explain to our NATO listening posts that they were not paying their share of expenses for their own defense. He had the audacity to get out of the so called climate accords, refusing to waste billions of dollars to 'fight' something that is not a threat. 

Only president Trump had the audacity to tell the world that he represents the United States of America and not the rest of the world. He had the audacity to tell all world leaders that they should love their country more than any other. He had the audacity to tell the world that it is not a bad thing to love your country, that everyone should love their country and be loyal to their country. The United States of America was once a mighty nation, but it has become a nation in decline, foolishly wasting it's resources on despots around the world. Donald Trump was a great president who began the task of rebuilding America and helping it regain its place as the undisputed leader of the free world. Hopefully Americans will support him in 2024. The world needs him. 

Sunday, October 8, 2023


A couple hundred people forced their way int the Capitol building and it's a major rebellion against America and the police murder an unarmed rioter. Thousands of democrats burn and loot and destroy multiple city blocks in major cities, impede traffic, destroy people's cars, set fire to a Federal building in Portland, and it's a 'Summer of Love'. Americans have got to come to grips with a basic undeniable truth; Lawlessness has got to be stopped. We cannot live in a peaceful and clean country as long as we continue to accept criminal behavior as normal or otherwise acceptable. 

Anyone who damaged or destroyed property at the Capitol building on January 6, 2020 should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Anyone who attacked a police officer no matter how minor the injuries, or even if the police officer was not injured should also be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Anyone who was involved in pre-planning an attack on the Capitol building should be imprisoned for as long as possible. No one should be allowed to destroy government property, and no one should ever make excuses for people who riot, destroy property, prevent other Americans from their own pursuit of happiness, or stop commerce, prevent other people from going home from work at the end of their stressful work day. None of that should be allowed or excused as "Legitimate exercise of their first Amendment right to freedom of expression." 

We also have to agree to talk to each other about issues that are important to us and we need to care about the concerns of others. We need to learn to be compassionate and appreciate the fact that we live in the greatest country in the history of the world and that didn't happen without a lot of hard work and dedication. What happened at the Capitol building was not an insurgency at all. It was a peaceful demonstration that was hijacked by a bunch of lunatics.  And it looks like some of those lunatics may have desired to injure some people, but were so poorly organized that they completely failed. Unfortunately the FBI has done such a poor job of investigating that we will never know what actually occurred. They may have even been involved in the violence that took place. There is credible evidence that the director of the FBI as well as the attorney general of the United States have cooked up some sort of plan to destabilize the country. For one thing they refuse to answer questions about FBI operatives who were present and participated in the destruction of Capitol grounds property that day.  

If what happened at the Capitol building on January 6th when fewer than two hundred unarmed men and women forced their way into the Capitol building and only succeeded in getting one of their own killed was an attempt to overthrow the government, as many democrats are claiming, then what about the riots that took place all across America in the wake of the accidental killing by the police of a thug named George Floyd? The poorly organized morons who rioted at the Capitol caused about $1.5 million in damages according to the Capitol police. Since they are partisan against Donald Trump and are trying to prove he led a rebellion, along with the fact that the feds always pad their estimates, you can probably cut that number in half. The George Floyd riots, promoted by the democrat party, killed about twenty five people, caused up to two billion dollars in damage, and stopped all commerce in several major American cities has been characterized as mostly peaceful protest that was hijacked by a handful of troublemakers. 

The Floyd riots was an insurgency that is still in progress. Seattle and Portland are still war zones where people feel completely unsafe. They ran all of the decent police officers out of town so now they are stuck with substandard police investigators. It was democrats who wanted to 'defund' the police departments, one of the most important organizations we have. In Los Angeles and San Francisco department stores are locking their doors and leaving because democrat laws favor shoplifters over shoppers who actually spend money. And the democrats aren't going to stop their assault until they accomplish their goal. They want to install a monarchy and set aside the Constitution. In their view the Constitution may have been a great document at one time, but now it is outdated and badly in need of reform.

We better wake up before it's too late. 

Friday, September 29, 2023

Natural Order

Ever since George Washington decided to be a two term president there have been political differences between certain groups of people in America. That's natural since even though we all may see the same problem or set of problems sometimes we have differences of opinion about how to solve those problems. Problem solving is important and working together the various groups found ways to respect each other's opinions and find solutions. Usually the problem was how much money should be spent on a problem. How should a road be repaired and how often? How much money should be spent on people who have lost their jobs or can't work for some reason? How many city vehicles can a city afford to buy and what brand should they buy? 

Politicians would argue about the size of police and fire departments, how to provide assistance to people who'd lost their jobs, and how long that assistance should last. Conservatives have always maintained that any assistance should be for a limited duration, democrats have sought to keep people dependent on government assistance for as long as possible. Each side could provide their view of a problem then decide on a solution and the best way to pay for it. Or whatever the problem was, but now democrats have embarked upon a trek for which there is no room for compromise. They are actively promoting the idea that no one knows if they are a boy or a girl on the day they were born. Soon they will be making up scientific explanations about the function of cells in the human body and test animals and even in plant life. They will probably try to change the way we view DNA, and other important building blocks. 

Democrats are always talking about trusting the science, but only when they're using the climate change scare to force us to agree to policies that will ruin our economy and lower our standard of living. If electric is so great show us what we are missing. Sell us on the technology and let us choose what we would rather have. Experience has shown that if you build a better mouse trap people will buy it. Build a better alternative to fossil fuels and people will use it and the new product will catch on and everyone will benefit. That's another part of human nature. We like it when someone offers us a better alternative to what we've always done. Cable and satellite TV replaced the old antennae on the roof and nobody misses the old technology at all. We no longer have fuse boxes on our houses, or vacuum tubes in our televisions. There are thousands of examples. How many of us want to give up on our microwave ovens? That's the natural order. Forcing people to do something they don't want to do is not natural. People prefer to be given a choice instead of being told what to do and we to do it. Democrats want to change the natural order. They want us to believe they can stop the climate from changing. They also want us to believe that there is no science involved in identifying the difference between a boy and a girl. Worse they want us to believe that we can change our nature from one gender to another, which cannot be done. The truth is that democrats have increased their attack against human nature. Girls and boys don't want to use the same bathrooms or the same locker rooms. They don't want to shower together either. The reason for that is that they know there are some very important differences between boys and girls that need to be respected.  

There is a natural order in everything we do. If you spend more money than you bring in you will run out of money. If you go out in the rain you will get wet. If you cannot afford to buy food to eat you will go hungry. If you were born a male, you're a male, and the same goes for girls. If you are a boy and you stink at sports the solution is not to pretend you are a girl. The solution is to find something you can do well. Unfortunately pretending is something at which democrats excel. They are very good at self deception. If you have any sense at all you know the difference between boys and girls isn't just genitalia. There are deep differences between boys and girls. Democrats know that but there is power in convincing people that there is no such thing as the Human Condition. There is no God and we only have the civil rights that powerful men are willing to give us. 

Americans have to learn to trust their own observations, and rely on their own experiences. Democrats have consistently supported legalizing narcotics and prostitution. That is probably why they are strong proponents of abortion. They want to indulge in their sexual fantasies with multiple women, but if one of them gets pregnant they do not want to take responsibility for the child. Men in the democrat party don't care about women's rights or what they do with their own body. They want women to share their 'own body' with them and they don't want any troublesome byproducts of their sin. In the past they always supported legalizing prostitution and narcotics as well since according to them those are victimless crimes. Now they still honor the profession of prostitution, but it is no longer fashionable to support drug abuse so democrats are claiming that they want to stop the flow of illegal narcotics into the country while at the same time they are protecting the corridors that are used to smuggle illegal and dangerous narcotics into America. 

There are two forces that are constantly working on every person ever born in the world. Those forces are good and evil. We are all constantly making choices about our behavior and what are our boundaries. The forces of evil are controlled by Satan and the forces of good are controlled by God. Democrats want people to believe that if there is a god, He doesn't care about sexual purity or how we treat our own bodies, and there is no such thing as sexual sin, but there is. They spend a lot of time telling us there is no such thing as sin at all and if there is a God He will forgive us for all of our sins because he loves us. That is a complete lie. It is important to remember who is the author of all things and that is God. He created the universe in which we live and He set apart this earth for his children for a place of learning. We were all born according to the natural order of God's universe; male and female. Science is the study of the universe in which we live, especially the planet we call home. We didn't create science, God did and he expects us to use the earth wisely and learn all we can about it.

As human beings we are God's children and whether we know it or not we depend on Him for everything. He hasn't left us alone to fend for ourselves he has given us a pattern to follow. The first people on the earth were Adam and Eve, a man and a woman. That is the natural order of the universe and no one can change it because it is eternal. Those who study the Word of God know that we lived as spirit children before we were born into mortal life and this mortal life is a very short period of time in our eternal existence. When this mortal life ends we continue to live and grow and learn. Learning never ends and that is 'science'. Most of us at various times in our lives think we are in charge of our destiny and we are to a certain extent, but only in that we have the freedom to choose the kind of life we want to live. A loving God gave us the freedom to choose between right and wrong. The only thing we don't get to choose is to do nothing. As long as we are here on this earth we are given the opportunity to live a life of good or evil. Everyone who is born has a mission to accomplish during our life time. Some of us live longer than others. Some of us die as children and some of us live to be a hundred years old, or maybe a few more. And sadly some of us are killed in the womb before being given the chance to live a full mortal life. 

There is no such thing as changing the natural order of our lives, beginning with the most basic of life's experiences; we are all born male or female. There are no other genders. No extra identifiers are necessary we are all boys and girls forever. Our task is to learn how to be the best boys and girls we can be. The real 'science deniers' are those who preach the fallacy that we can choose. A loving God makes that choice before we are born into this mortal existence. Some people claim they can stop the climate from changing, but they can't. They claim that climate change is the greatest threat to our survival, but it isn't. The greatest threat to our survival is failure to obey God's commandments. There is order in the universe. 

We were boys or girls before we were born and when we leave this mortal life we will still be boys and girls. We never cease to exist. That is science. What has any scientist ever actually created? All they can do is study things that have already been created. Scientists have made great discoveries and helped us understand the universe in which we live, but many of them have let their learning go to their head and somehow they've convinced themselves that they have created something. Too many of them are trying to prove that their is no God and the universe was not created by any superior being but it just happened and that is actually reckless.

There is a record of the creation of the universe that is pretty much universally accepted by people all over the world. Some societies teach it differently, but there are remarkable similarities in many of them. I don't understand why some people are so offended by people who believe in God. People who try to prove that there is no God are wasting valuable resources and precious time. Every time some genius thinks he has disproven the Biblical account of the universe that person finds out there is another question that can't be answered by their new discovery. Most of science is done by using a hypothesis; something that can be used to explain the way things work. The biblical account of the creation actually is the only hypothesis that explains how we came to be. We are here and we were put here by God. He doesn't tell us exactly how he did it, just that he did it. Maybe if scientists spent more time trying to figure out how it was done they'd be closer to understanding how the universe actually works. Sometimes a hypothesis has to be put aside for a time. Not forgotten, just kept on a back burner to percolate for awhile. As people who study science go about their daily pursuits they have that "AHA!" moment and that hypothesis resurfaces and it can be accepted, rejected, or modified.

The idea that any discovery about the environment in which we live is "settled" is impossible because no one knows everything and no one ever will know everything. For any person to scoff at a person who believes in God and claim that there is no God is patently absurd. I don't understand why otherwise intelligent and even caring people become angry when the subject of deity is introduced. They have no problem telling others how stupid it is to believe in a Creator, then become angry when another person tries to explain why they believe there is a God. If they'd listen they might even learn something. How can you know if there is or is not a God unless you put His word to the test? We can't see him so he doesn't exist? I'm not sure I can actually prove that God created the universe, but I can offer lots of evidence. I can also state with complete confidence that I have tested the promises made in the Holy Bible and found them to be true. On the other hand I've read the findings of scientists, particularly those who claim to have proven that God doesn't exist and found their evidence is non existent. 

Having weighed the evidence for and against the existence of God, I have to conclude that He does exist. No reasonable person can conclude with any certainty that there is no god. We can see the universe we live in all around us and we can feel the planet earth under our feet. We can see it and we can touch it, we can even taste it if we wish, so we know it's here, and we know who created it. The author of all science created it and that's how we all got here. That is the natural order of the universe and no man can change it. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2023


Who started the dress code that Americans and most Europeans lived by for at least hundreds of years? It wasn't my mother, who told me how to dress for about fifteen years, when I started to try and get her to let me pick out some of my own clothes, but even then I didn't push back very hard. She was after all, my mother. Like it or not she was still the person cooking most of my meals and driving me to school and church and just about any other place I needed to be, or wanted to be. Movie on Friday night with my friends? I didn't want to walk five miles to the theater so mom took me. She wasn't afraid to remind me either. She lived through the Great Depression. By every account I've ever heard from people who lived through the Great Depression it wasn't any fun. So I got to be reminded occasionally, not too often, but often enough that I didn't forget, that mom and dad had both survived the Great Depression. 

They were also farmers who escaped to the city after World War II. Did I ever hear them brag about the war effort? When I wasn't being reminded about the Great Depression I was being fed stories about World War II and all the sacrifices Americans had to make in order to ensure The United States of America won the war. Patriotism was huge in the house where I grew up. Don't like it here, Don't like the USA? Then leave. It's far too precious a place to waste on those who are too ungrateful to appreciate it. You were allowed to complain about some new program, or against government abuse like reckless spending habits, or inadequate maintenance of city facilities. Poor police response, but not about the country as a whole. Disagreements are inevitable, but if you wanted to burn the flag or refuse to repeat the flag salute or stand for the National Anthem then as far as they were concerned you weren't welcome here. 

If I had ever told them I wanted to join a demonstration against the flag or if I didn't like the rules of our home, dropped out of school, or refused to work they would have said, 'We love you son, but no one is holding you here against your will. We have rules in this house and until you can afford to make it on your own you will live by those rules.' They meant it too. So when mom went shopping for clothes I didn't have much to say about style or brand name. If I was lucky I could pick the color, but I had to be careful about that too. And my mom frequently used examples of farmers when 'helping' me pick out clothes. Many of those are my favorite stories.

"Nope, you can't wear that, those are the type of clothes field hands wear and my kids are not going to school dressed like hicks." My mom had been a 'hick' and she was tired of that life and none of her kids were going to dress like that. She let us know that she didn't care what other kids were wearing. If their moms wanted them to look like that, that was their problem, not hers. Or mine evidently. In her defense during my teen years most schools had a dress code. Not uniforms those were for private schools and military personnel, not my moms kids. No, there were restrictions. Boys could not wear denim pants for example, and girls had to wear a dress or a skirt and not a short skirt either (no street walkers in our schools). 

"It is a distraction for the boys to see girls showing off too much of themselves, no one dared talk about a girls 'body' in those days (no vulgarity either). Skirts had to be at least two inches above the knee. And yes, there were some teachers and administrators who would use a ruler to measure if they suspected a violation. I've heard stories about some educators making girls kneel in the hallway so they could measure from the floor up thus ensuring a more accurate measurement. That never happened at my school and I hope it was never accepted practice at any school. I have no doubt that there were a couple of jerks somewhere in this vast country who were that stupid and hopefully the girls' fathers met them later for a severe 'counseling' session if the violator were a man and a slightly less intense, but still memorable, scolding for a female violator. 

So mom had to somehow satisfy the school requirements, make sure we didn't look like we 'just came off the farm', and we still maintained a little dignity among our schoolmates. The latter being the least important. There were some parents in our area who had also survived the difficulties of the Great Depression and World War II and were more traumatized by those events than others. It seemed to me that they were mostly from some of the larger cities around the Great Lakes and New York. Listening to their stories I think they may have had it worse than a lot of farmers, even farmers who were poor. My mom for example lived on a farm in a remote area of the state of Idaho. By the 1930's some areas in the state of Idaho had electricity, but not all. She lived in a house on a farm in an area with no electricity or running water. Their house was about 900 square feet and had two bedrooms; one for my grandparents and one for their nine children. The two oldest were boys, then a couple of girls and another boy and then mom, six girls, three boys, and a blind father. 

Even to a knucklehead like me that sounded like a hard life. I was living in a small city in Southern California in a stucco house with four bedrooms, a living room, a family room, a fireplace, three bathrooms, and wall to wall carpeting. In every room. And a swimming pool in the backyard, and we were on a hill so I had a great view of the city, especially at night. Mom's house had a dirt floor and don't think she didm't mention that a couple of times. She wasn't into guilt though. She was into clean living and hard work. She also told me that one thing they didn't experience much on the farm was lack of food and they had a clean well and a good stove. In the city they had rationing. Food, clothing, tires, gasoline, lots of things were rationed and everyone was issued some sort of ration card, or sticker for their car, or other vehicles, which although not that many people could afford one, cars were also in short supply. All of the materials used to make cars had to be used to build ships, and tanks and troop transports and airplanes big and small, and uniforms and rifles, machine guns and bullets and bombs, and the troops had to be fed so canned foods disappeared from the shelves so they could send C-rats to the troops. Everyone was expected to help with the 'war effort' and everybody did. If anyone complained they were practically shunned by all of their neighbors who were getting 'condolence' telegrams from the President of the United States just about every day. 

In four years there were almost 500,000 military men and women killed fighting against tyranny overseas in order to make sure it didn't come here to mom's beloved America. And almost 700,000 came home with severe wounds, missing eyes, ears, arms and legs, or a foot or a hand, or a nose. And I was brought into this world by parents who'd lived through that. If you didn't salute the Flag you were dirt, or a commie, which I think was worse than dirt. She said that being a dirt poor farmer in Idaho had some perks too. Because they were farmers and her father was blind her brothers were not only exempt from the draft, they couldn't fight if they wanted to, "What's the matter with you boy! There are boys overseas who are fighting and dying and you don't want to help feed them? You get back to that plow and you grow the best crops you can so they've got something to eat! And don't come simpering to us anymore. We know what we're doing." One of her brothers did want to join the army because he was tired of farm life, it was boring, and he wanted to see a big city, but Uncle Sam wouldn't take him. 

I'm not exactly sure why one of them couldn't go, there were lots of boys from farms who were drafted into the army, or at least allowed to join during the War. The government had a quota system based on algorithms and things I don't understand and it could be that the ratio of girls to boys was off and the blind father, but mom said that just because they were girls didn't mean they lounged around the house all day cooking or something. There was lots to do and a farm keeps you busy. Anyway, her brothers didn't get drafted and they worked the farm. And shortly after the war ended two of the boys did leave the farm. One graduated from a university and became a teacher for almost twenty years before purchasing a farm of his own in Wyoming and returning to a life he had decided was not that bad after all. He got tired of the big city life and returned to farm life. It was different this time because he and his wife had saved enough money teaching school that they could afford a more comfortable farm than those they each had grown up on. They both lived long lives as 'gentleman farmers' in Wyoming and their farm was prosperous. 

So between the War Years and the Great Depression I was in a pickle. My classmates with parents who fled the filth and noise of the big city and were tired of things like rationing and curfews and other regimentation associated with city life, didn't really care what there kids wore. 

"Hell! Let 'em wear whatever they want!" They were so happy to be living in a place that had all of the comforts of the big city without the noise, crime and dirt that they just wanted to relax and enjoy life. Plus there were jobs to be had that paid real money. No more hawking fruit on the corner or running errands for the local market, or driving a beat up truck for some farmer on the outskirts of the city. The big shots in those days in the big cities were the few who wrangled jobs driving the city bus or some other government job. In California manufacturing was just getting started. There were lots of farms, but small cities were popping up everywhere. And large firms were hiring engineers and architects and there were oil refineries that paid big bucks. 

Life was good. People were getting paid enough to live a good life and the truth is people were happy. Many of them had learned things in the military that made them valuable to American corporations back home. People were dreaming big. We'd been looking at the moon for years and kind of, in an off handed way, wondering what it was like there, but the guy who lived across the street from us saw it differently; he was going to send a team of astronauts there and he worked for an aerospace company that was going to help him do it. And the year I got my driver's license they did do it. 

That was the backdrop I was living in while my mom was still basically dressing me. I put them on, but my mom told me what clothes I was going to wear. Kids whose parents came from the chaos of the grimy cities could wear whatever they wanted; kids whose parents came from the order of farm life wore what mom told them to wear. I wasn't the only one. I had some friends in the same boat. Girls from both backgrounds wore dresses or skirts with blouses and those blouses were properly buttoned if they had buttons and if it was some sort of pull over top they fit properly. No tight sweaters or even sleeveless and especially no bare bellies. Today girls go to high school wearing hot pants and a bra. We could actually use a few more moms who aren't afraid to teach their girls about appropriate dress. 

The question still nags at me; who told us how to dress? I'm not a student of fashion history, but I'm going to take this from the beginning of life. Life began in the Garden of Eden. Democrats unfortunately will lose interest entirely at this point since there is no such thing as the Garden, Adam and Eve or even God. Adam and Eve broke a major rule and were kicked out of their house and had to learn how to take care of themselves. Heavenly Father loves all of us but he has rules and He expects us to obey his rules. He also has taken great pains to make sure we know what those rules are so we know how to stay out of trouble and earn our way back into His house and enjoy an eternity continuing to learn from Him. With that in mind when Heavenly Father made them leave the garden paradise He created for them he gave them instruction on what to do. He didn't just yell at them and tell them to go fend for themselves, he told them they would now have to work for their existence. We know they received instruction because after Heavenly Father made them leave the Garden he made sure clothes were made for them to protect them from the elements. There had to be someone who explained to them what the clothes were for and how to wear them and even how to repair them when they were torn and replace them when they wore out. 

Thus began the world of fashion. We are told they had clothing made of skins to keep them safe in their new environment. It seems likely that Adam and Eve were shown how the process worked and for the first time they witnessed the death of one of their animals. It would have been the first death they had ever witnessed. I'm sure they were given a variety of other instructions as well. They needed to know how to till the earth, how to cook, every survival tool necessary for then to stay alive had to be taught to them. They were commanded to populate the earth, to have offspring and to teach them right from wrong. Since there was no one else around to teach them, Adam and Eve taught their children how to dress. Their children taught their children and after several years there were a lot of people dressing themselves after the manner they were taught by our original parents. 

Since God himself stated he created people in his own image; male and female, that must have been the way it was and Adam and Eve set the tone for the difference in dress between boys and girls. Nobody knows how many years ago that was, but it was a very long time ago, and although I'm sure clothing trends and styles have evolved over the years, there was always a standard of dress that set men and women apart from each other and it worked perfectly well from the days of Adam and Eve until now. So who's to say that Mother Eve and Father Adam made a mistake? And when did this rebellion begin? What rebellion? The rebellion that tells boys and girls, and men and women to cross dress; to go against nature and try to justify it. 

That is another topic for another essay. For now let's remind ourselves and each other that God is a God of order. There is order in the universe and when we find ourselves acting in a way that goes against that natural order God is not behind it, there must be another source. Who told us how to dress? Mother Eve and she taught her children how to dress and that manner of dress has been preserved through the ages. It is important to understand the order of the universe and our role in it. Eve did not put her sons in dresses and her daughters in Pants and she taught them to dress differently for a reason. Fashion as changed over the years, but boys and girls have dressed differently from each other forever and that's the way it should be. Mother Eve taught her children how to dress, and how to act, and what the roles of boys and girls were. Today a lot of people think they can change the way God made them. It cannot be done. Trying to change our nature is contrary to the order of the universe and an offense against God.