Tuesday, October 17, 2023


I chose the t shirt with the mug shot and slogan, 'Never Surrender', in gray. I love this sort of audacity. The democrats have the audacity to charge Donald Trump with a crime because they disagree with his claim that there were substantial election irregularities in 2020. This is possibly the most dangerous election season we've ever had. For the first time in American history the president of the United States has been able to get the United States attorney general and the director of the FBI to use the power of their offices to keep an opposition candidate from running for office. 

It isn't working so they are getting prosecutors who are hostile to the Constitution to file false charges against an opposition candidate in an effort to intimidate him and keep him from running for office. It isn't working and they are getting desperate. They are actually willing to put an innocent man in prison for the rest of his life just so he won't be elected as president of the United States. I think that even if they are successful at getting him convicted and they have time to actually get him incarcerated Donald J. Trump will win the election. He will pardon himself and proceed to rescue America from a dangerous cabal of democrats who want to overthrow our government. 

I love a lot of things about Donald Trump. His courage for one. He could get them to drop all charges against him by dropping out of the election, but he won't do it. He won't do it for the simple reason that he loves his country and he won't just sit back and watch it disintegrate. He has a whole lot of money and unlike other public office holders he earned his money. He refused to be paid for being president. He donated every paycheck to some other organization. He isn't a polished speaker; he says what's on his mind then lets the listeners make up their minds if they like what he says or not. He went into the belly of he NATO beast and told them point blank that they weren't doing their share of the work. They weren't paying what they owed and it was going to stop if they wanted the United States to continue it's support. 

He told the runt in charge of North Korea that if he wanted to continue to have a country to torture he had to stop launching ballistic missiles all the time, especially over Japan. He told the terrorist in charge of the Taliban in Afghanistan that if he did anything to interfere with the American withdrawal from their country, the American military would stay and destroy the Taliban. The North Korean runt and the Taliban big shot both believed him. Finally he also let the dictators of Russia and China know what would likely happen if they attacked their neighbors. During the time Donald Trump was in the White House the world was a safer place to live because he had the audacity to let the world know that he was not prepared to allow people like Putin and Jinping attack Ukraine and Taiwan. He wasn't talking about military intervention either, he understands the sanctity of life and the importance of learning how to communicate with others from a position of economic and other strengths. Yes, the United States has great military power, but it's like a high interest credit card and should only be used as a last resort. Fools like Biden are small minded people who think they can bully dictators and it isn't that easy to do, as Biden is showing the world right now. 

We are spending billions of dollars and are getting ready to send military personnel into harms way and that is unacceptable. The Russian people aren't doing anything to bother the United States. They may be making an effort to re-unify the Soviet Union, but what they are doing is attacking a country that used to be part of the Soviet Union. I sympathize with the people of Ukraine and agree that whatever humanitarian aid they need should be offered. Military might should be used sparingly. The dictator of Russia needs to be warned of the consequences of his actions. Ukraine can, and possibly should, take to the streets and fight a guerrilla war and do whatever they can to make their acquisition too expensive, or they can sue for a ceasefire and find a  peaceful resolution to the conflict. American military might should be used sparingly if at all. In today's world that is so economically connected I don't understand why dictators with a lot of military power, but little else can be allowed to invade a neighbor without regard to consequences. 

Donald Trump had the vision to understand the importance of producing our own oil and becoming energy independent. He kept inflation under control and mortgage rates low. He was prepared to help the European Union supply their energy needs at a low cost to them and a profit to American companies. Somehow democrats think that's bad. It's not bad; it's smart. The EU foolishly trusted the Russian dictator and allowed him to complete a natural gas pipeline to supply their needs. In addition to funding his invasion of their eastern neighbor, Ukraine which has cost them far more than they would have paid if they'd followed President Trump's plan. The United States needs to face up to the fact that they have listening posts around the world, but no allies. Only Donald Trump had the audacity to explain to our NATO listening posts that they were not paying their share of expenses for their own defense. He had the audacity to get out of the so called climate accords, refusing to waste billions of dollars to 'fight' something that is not a threat. 

Only president Trump had the audacity to tell the world that he represents the United States of America and not the rest of the world. He had the audacity to tell all world leaders that they should love their country more than any other. He had the audacity to tell the world that it is not a bad thing to love your country, that everyone should love their country and be loyal to their country. The United States of America was once a mighty nation, but it has become a nation in decline, foolishly wasting it's resources on despots around the world. Donald Trump was a great president who began the task of rebuilding America and helping it regain its place as the undisputed leader of the free world. Hopefully Americans will support him in 2024. The world needs him. 

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