Friday, September 29, 2023

Natural Order

Ever since George Washington decided to be a two term president there have been political differences between certain groups of people in America. That's natural since even though we all may see the same problem or set of problems sometimes we have differences of opinion about how to solve those problems. Problem solving is important and working together the various groups found ways to respect each other's opinions and find solutions. Usually the problem was how much money should be spent on a problem. How should a road be repaired and how often? How much money should be spent on people who have lost their jobs or can't work for some reason? How many city vehicles can a city afford to buy and what brand should they buy? 

Politicians would argue about the size of police and fire departments, how to provide assistance to people who'd lost their jobs, and how long that assistance should last. Conservatives have always maintained that any assistance should be for a limited duration, democrats have sought to keep people dependent on government assistance for as long as possible. Each side could provide their view of a problem then decide on a solution and the best way to pay for it. Or whatever the problem was, but now democrats have embarked upon a trek for which there is no room for compromise. They are actively promoting the idea that no one knows if they are a boy or a girl on the day they were born. Soon they will be making up scientific explanations about the function of cells in the human body and test animals and even in plant life. They will probably try to change the way we view DNA, and other important building blocks. 

Democrats are always talking about trusting the science, but only when they're using the climate change scare to force us to agree to policies that will ruin our economy and lower our standard of living. If electric is so great show us what we are missing. Sell us on the technology and let us choose what we would rather have. Experience has shown that if you build a better mouse trap people will buy it. Build a better alternative to fossil fuels and people will use it and the new product will catch on and everyone will benefit. That's another part of human nature. We like it when someone offers us a better alternative to what we've always done. Cable and satellite TV replaced the old antennae on the roof and nobody misses the old technology at all. We no longer have fuse boxes on our houses, or vacuum tubes in our televisions. There are thousands of examples. How many of us want to give up on our microwave ovens? That's the natural order. Forcing people to do something they don't want to do is not natural. People prefer to be given a choice instead of being told what to do and we to do it. Democrats want to change the natural order. They want us to believe they can stop the climate from changing. They also want us to believe that there is no science involved in identifying the difference between a boy and a girl. Worse they want us to believe that we can change our nature from one gender to another, which cannot be done. The truth is that democrats have increased their attack against human nature. Girls and boys don't want to use the same bathrooms or the same locker rooms. They don't want to shower together either. The reason for that is that they know there are some very important differences between boys and girls that need to be respected.  

There is a natural order in everything we do. If you spend more money than you bring in you will run out of money. If you go out in the rain you will get wet. If you cannot afford to buy food to eat you will go hungry. If you were born a male, you're a male, and the same goes for girls. If you are a boy and you stink at sports the solution is not to pretend you are a girl. The solution is to find something you can do well. Unfortunately pretending is something at which democrats excel. They are very good at self deception. If you have any sense at all you know the difference between boys and girls isn't just genitalia. There are deep differences between boys and girls. Democrats know that but there is power in convincing people that there is no such thing as the Human Condition. There is no God and we only have the civil rights that powerful men are willing to give us. 

Americans have to learn to trust their own observations, and rely on their own experiences. Democrats have consistently supported legalizing narcotics and prostitution. That is probably why they are strong proponents of abortion. They want to indulge in their sexual fantasies with multiple women, but if one of them gets pregnant they do not want to take responsibility for the child. Men in the democrat party don't care about women's rights or what they do with their own body. They want women to share their 'own body' with them and they don't want any troublesome byproducts of their sin. In the past they always supported legalizing prostitution and narcotics as well since according to them those are victimless crimes. Now they still honor the profession of prostitution, but it is no longer fashionable to support drug abuse so democrats are claiming that they want to stop the flow of illegal narcotics into the country while at the same time they are protecting the corridors that are used to smuggle illegal and dangerous narcotics into America. 

There are two forces that are constantly working on every person ever born in the world. Those forces are good and evil. We are all constantly making choices about our behavior and what are our boundaries. The forces of evil are controlled by Satan and the forces of good are controlled by God. Democrats want people to believe that if there is a god, He doesn't care about sexual purity or how we treat our own bodies, and there is no such thing as sexual sin, but there is. They spend a lot of time telling us there is no such thing as sin at all and if there is a God He will forgive us for all of our sins because he loves us. That is a complete lie. It is important to remember who is the author of all things and that is God. He created the universe in which we live and He set apart this earth for his children for a place of learning. We were all born according to the natural order of God's universe; male and female. Science is the study of the universe in which we live, especially the planet we call home. We didn't create science, God did and he expects us to use the earth wisely and learn all we can about it.

As human beings we are God's children and whether we know it or not we depend on Him for everything. He hasn't left us alone to fend for ourselves he has given us a pattern to follow. The first people on the earth were Adam and Eve, a man and a woman. That is the natural order of the universe and no one can change it because it is eternal. Those who study the Word of God know that we lived as spirit children before we were born into mortal life and this mortal life is a very short period of time in our eternal existence. When this mortal life ends we continue to live and grow and learn. Learning never ends and that is 'science'. Most of us at various times in our lives think we are in charge of our destiny and we are to a certain extent, but only in that we have the freedom to choose the kind of life we want to live. A loving God gave us the freedom to choose between right and wrong. The only thing we don't get to choose is to do nothing. As long as we are here on this earth we are given the opportunity to live a life of good or evil. Everyone who is born has a mission to accomplish during our life time. Some of us live longer than others. Some of us die as children and some of us live to be a hundred years old, or maybe a few more. And sadly some of us are killed in the womb before being given the chance to live a full mortal life. 

There is no such thing as changing the natural order of our lives, beginning with the most basic of life's experiences; we are all born male or female. There are no other genders. No extra identifiers are necessary we are all boys and girls forever. Our task is to learn how to be the best boys and girls we can be. The real 'science deniers' are those who preach the fallacy that we can choose. A loving God makes that choice before we are born into this mortal existence. Some people claim they can stop the climate from changing, but they can't. They claim that climate change is the greatest threat to our survival, but it isn't. The greatest threat to our survival is failure to obey God's commandments. There is order in the universe. 

We were boys or girls before we were born and when we leave this mortal life we will still be boys and girls. We never cease to exist. That is science. What has any scientist ever actually created? All they can do is study things that have already been created. Scientists have made great discoveries and helped us understand the universe in which we live, but many of them have let their learning go to their head and somehow they've convinced themselves that they have created something. Too many of them are trying to prove that their is no God and the universe was not created by any superior being but it just happened and that is actually reckless.

There is a record of the creation of the universe that is pretty much universally accepted by people all over the world. Some societies teach it differently, but there are remarkable similarities in many of them. I don't understand why some people are so offended by people who believe in God. People who try to prove that there is no God are wasting valuable resources and precious time. Every time some genius thinks he has disproven the Biblical account of the universe that person finds out there is another question that can't be answered by their new discovery. Most of science is done by using a hypothesis; something that can be used to explain the way things work. The biblical account of the creation actually is the only hypothesis that explains how we came to be. We are here and we were put here by God. He doesn't tell us exactly how he did it, just that he did it. Maybe if scientists spent more time trying to figure out how it was done they'd be closer to understanding how the universe actually works. Sometimes a hypothesis has to be put aside for a time. Not forgotten, just kept on a back burner to percolate for awhile. As people who study science go about their daily pursuits they have that "AHA!" moment and that hypothesis resurfaces and it can be accepted, rejected, or modified.

The idea that any discovery about the environment in which we live is "settled" is impossible because no one knows everything and no one ever will know everything. For any person to scoff at a person who believes in God and claim that there is no God is patently absurd. I don't understand why otherwise intelligent and even caring people become angry when the subject of deity is introduced. They have no problem telling others how stupid it is to believe in a Creator, then become angry when another person tries to explain why they believe there is a God. If they'd listen they might even learn something. How can you know if there is or is not a God unless you put His word to the test? We can't see him so he doesn't exist? I'm not sure I can actually prove that God created the universe, but I can offer lots of evidence. I can also state with complete confidence that I have tested the promises made in the Holy Bible and found them to be true. On the other hand I've read the findings of scientists, particularly those who claim to have proven that God doesn't exist and found their evidence is non existent. 

Having weighed the evidence for and against the existence of God, I have to conclude that He does exist. No reasonable person can conclude with any certainty that there is no god. We can see the universe we live in all around us and we can feel the planet earth under our feet. We can see it and we can touch it, we can even taste it if we wish, so we know it's here, and we know who created it. The author of all science created it and that's how we all got here. That is the natural order of the universe and no man can change it. 

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