Friday, December 1, 2023


Okay Sam, so what's your problem with Amnesty International? They are just trying to make the world a more civilized place to live. Right? The answer is a grudging maybe. In the history of Amnesty International all they've accomplished is getting some countries to abolish capitol punishment. Their operating budget is around $390,000,000. They claim that they do research using a volunteer force in countries throughout the world. They have a CEO that changes periodically during annual board meetings. Apparently they don't pay taxes to anyone and they make a lot of money. 

The organization was founded in 1961 in London by a lawyer named Peter Benenson who was championing human rights cases in multiple countries where people were being imprisoned solely for disagreeing with their government. The organization has grown steadily since then and blossomed into the financial behemoth it is today. It still claims to champion human rights, but it has become highly politicized and is heavily financed by just about every major celebrity in Hollywood. The list of names is too long to include in this small space, but it is impressive. And the new emphasis is on political causes like homosexuality and catastrophic climate change. The desire for men who are too weak to win any awards in men's sports to change their gender identity so they can win trophies while competing against women is a cause that Amnesty International holds dear.

Their Board members have shared their goal to not rest until every country in the world recognizes the right of all individuals to change their gender. They have listed the United States of America as one of the nations in the world that hasn't done enough to protect people who are confused about their gender. The fact is no one can change their gender. We are all born male or female. That's not an opinion it is a scientific fact. Some psychologists have tortured language and emotion and formed some statements that to them prove that our brains can actually be a different gender than we were born, or something like that, but that isn't science it's wishful thinking. A man can really, really, want to be a girl so he can put medals on the wall, but he will always be a man. Only he will be a weakened man by humiliating himself in public by stealing awards from the population that actually deserves them; women. There is no legitimate human right for a man to be a woman or a woman to be a man. 

Catastrophic climate change is another whopper supported by Amnesty International. You have to really torture language to turn climate change into a human right. The Hollywood crowd has jumped all over the climate change fantasy. The short version of climate change is that Americans are polluting that planet so badly that in a couple of hundred years the planet may or may not overheat to the point that all human beings will be dead. At first that tune played well even in the United States. Al Gore wrote a book and created some documentaries about how Americans were polluting the air so badly that in about ten years all of the glaciers were going to be melted and the oceans would rise, drowning everyone on earth. 

He doctored a lot of photographs from various parts of the earth that showed how fast the glaciers were melting. He also put together some graphics showing how much of the world would be under water in ten to fifteen years. He scared the hell out of a bunch of children and some democrat teachers. So many in fact that Man Made Global Warming became a rally cry for the democrat party and it is still going strong today. The fact is that the climate changes from time to time and the earth adapts. Another fact is if the earth doesn't adapt there isn't a thing anyone can do about it; if the earth ever decides to kill everybody that's what it will do. There are lots of facts about climate change, which is the new name for Man Made Global Warming. Blaming America was getting old so people were starting to lose interest so they started world climate change summits where leaders from all over the world could meet in expensive hotels in Brussels, or Vienna, or Qatar, anywhere that had expensive hotels and looked good to the rich and famous. 

Hypocrisy is the face of the catastrophic global warming crowd. And they don't try to hide it. Each individual arrives at the summit in a private jet where they are met by a limousine that whisks them away to their suite in a very exclusive hotel. After a night's rest they meet for a couple of hours a day, drink the finest wine and fifty year old scotch, and eat the finest foods. Then they allow some kid with a Ph. D to present a paper on the perils of climate change and the importance of changing the behavior of people all over the world before it is to late. The kid includes a couple of graphs loaded into a computerized presentation and displaying in images fifteen feet tall the photographs doctored by Brother Gore years ago when the presenter was in grade school. Of course the kid putting on the show for his 'owners' arrives on a commercial carrier flying coach, all generously provided by the wealthy, privileged class who are showing him off to the world. And of course he stays in the local version of the motel 6 and dines in the local version of Denny's or worse before being loaded back onto a commercial carrier the next morning and flown back home where he can brag to all of his star struck buddies about his latest effort to save the planet from the greedy Americans. 

After a few days of this glorious display of caring for the future of the world everyone bids everyone else farewell before checking out of the hotel, being driven back to the airport, and boarding their private jet, alone or with a companion of the opposite sex, but not their spouse, and flying to some other vacation spot where they can unwind for a week or two before heading home to their mansion on one of the American coasts. I'm pretty sure they marvel as I do at the stupidity of the average person who believes their nonsense and purchase all of the books letting them know what serious danger they are in and donate as much money as they can to the entities that claim they can stop climate from changing. Primarily the Democratic Party, Greenpeace and other misguided groups like Amnesty International. And there is a lot of money to be made selling fear and despair. The climate change industry generates almost a trillion dollars a year. 

According to a United Nations climate action report in 2021 climate change panic generated $940 billion in 2021, but they claim that isn't near enough to save the planet. By their estimate the climate activists need to be operating on $4.3 trillion within the next seven years. Evidently there is a Green Climate Fund that has been established for the furtherance of Climate Justice, whatever that is, and it needs to break out of the billions of dollars a year and into the trillions of dollars a year if there is ever going to be climate justice in the world. Hollywood types love this. It gives them a chance to be more important than they are and they are able to generate vast sums of money with relatively little effort. Plus they can become part of the ruling class by telling the rest of us how to live and explaining why it is important.

Somehow the Little People don't see what's happening and they do everything they can to ensure that they don't end up incinerating one day while they are riding the bus to their minimum wage job. Fear is a powerful motivator so they continue to vote Democrat which will also ensure that they can continue enjoying minimum wage employment, but at least if the world bursts into flames in a couple hundred years it won't have been their fault. How are they able to ignore the hypocrisy? That is a question that is hard to answer. Somehow it never occurs to them that the people telling them to ride the bus, or a bicycle, or walk to work so the oceans won't rise are living in huge mansions next to the ocean and are traveling the world in private jets alone, or in small groups in huge luxury yachts. When those same people do have to report to the office they are picked up by a driver in a comfortable Chevy Suburban or Cadillac escalade or some other large luxury vehicle. 

The goal is to ensure that the world devolves into a society of 'haves' and 'have nots'. Hollywood types and a few billionaire tycoons like George Soros are looking for a servant class instead of a strong middle class. They want to rule the world, not make it a better place to live. And that is why they all support the homosexual community. Anything to keep our country off balance and gain sympathy or a lifestyle that can only result in the destruction of a society. They have also hopped onto the abortion bandwagon, having decided that killing a baby in the womb, or shortly after being born is also a human right. Amnesty International is more than happy to partake of the bounty these political causes generate. There is a lot more money to be made promoting homosexuality, abortion, and climate change then there is in helping downtrodden victims gain their freedom from unjust dictators.  

And that's my problem with Amnesty International; I believe that Peter Benenson, and others who helped him found the organization believed in their cause, but over the years the focus has become on making money and rubbing elbows with the wealthiest members of the worldwide society. It seems to me that now Amnesty International is more interested in politics and making money. If a Little Guy gets helped once in awhile that looks good on company letterhead and posters soliciting donations. 

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