Wednesday, December 27, 2023

A note to TSA

 GO BOINK YOURSELVES!!! I didn't mean to be rude but, GO BOINK YOURSELVES!! Seriously, your boss, Alejandro Mayorkas, is in violation of his oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Democrats can claim that allowing a hundred thousand people a month cross the border doesn't constitute an invasion, but they can't make it be true. If Donald Trump is guilty of insurrection for telling his constituents to peacefully and respectfully protest the results of an election that was probably rigged then Joe Biden and Alejandro are certainly advocating an insurrection by inviting people from all over the world, including terrorists, at least by not allowing any screening process at all, to cross our border illegally. In my mind they are openly calling for an insurrection. We don't know how many terrorists are here now, but we know it is likely a sizable army. 

We also know that terrorists are among the most patient people in the world and very well financed. We also know they are dedicated to their cause. They are charming and easy to get along with until their number comes up then they are vicious murderers who easily torture and kill people who thought they were friends. Because many of us recognize the threat from our porous southern border democrats have labeled anyone with the brains and the guts to question the loyalty of the DHS, and by extension the TSA, racists. We readily welcome anyone who wants to immigrate here to apply and assimilate to the American society. It is a great way of life, but we don't want to share it with terrorists who are only here awaiting the signal to commit mass murder. 

I don't pretend to understand the democrat mind. It is beyond my comprehension why they want to accuse me of being a racist just because I support keeping America safe from terrorism. How can petty partisanship become so blinding? I can understand people disagreeing with each other, that is natural. There are a lot of problems to solve and there are a lot of different ways to solve a problem so disagreements are inevitable. Avoiding another terrorist attack should be a problem we could work on as a common interest. In 2001 when terrorists struck New York City for a couple of hours Republicans and democrats stood together with a common goal. All members of Congress stood on the steps of the Capitol Building and sang 'God Bless America'. Too bad it didn't last. I didn't know anyone in my town who didn't think it was time to rip some heads off overseas as well as inside this country. All Americans became ultra vigilant about looking for potential terrorists which did have the effect of focusing a lot of scrutiny on Muslims in our midst. Instead of helping Americans tamp down those fears, which were understandable and potentially dangerous to American Muslims, Federal legislators and law enforcement officials labelled Americans with legitimate concerns as racists and Islamophobes. They should have undertaken and immediate investigation of all Muslims here on temporary student and work visas and deported anyone here on an expired visa. At least then we would have known that something tangible was being done to ensure our safety. Traveling with my children one of them observed a group of Muslim men on the plane, at least their appearance was Middle Eastern, and I had to help him understand that there was no need to fear since at least for a little while it was going to be harder for terrorists to take control of a passenger jet and crash it. 

Not long after that there were a couple of examples of terrorists bringing explosives onto international flights. Adulmatallab was issued a valid visa issued by the United States by officials who knew he had been in recent contact with terrorists abroad. He boarded a commercial carrier armed with a high explosive which was hidden in his underwear. He was successful in igniting the device about thirty minutes out of Detroit, the planes destination. The device malfunctioned and the only person injured was the terrorist himself when he accidentally set himself on fire. Flight attendants put out the flames and the terrorist was arrested upon arrival in Detroit. Another terrorist, Richard Reid, had explosives hidden in his shoe. He was allowed to board a commercial airliner in Paris and fly to Miami, Florida. While on the flight Reid attempted to deploy the explosives but was stopped by a flight attendant. He claimed to be working alone, but that proved to be untrue. He was later tried, convicted and sentenced to three consecutive life sentences plus 110 years. Both of these incidents occurred after the events of 911 and were not prevented by the TSA.

Far too many TSA agents are badge heavy bullies. I have two close family members who have metal medical devices implanted inside their bodies. Both of them have identification cards that were issued by Medtronics and they have their government issued identification cards. Every time they go to an airport the metal sets off the alarm and they still are subjected to a separate 'pat down' search even though their pockets are empty and their bags have been thoroughly searched. Of course they still set off the metal detector and they are still allowed to board the plane, and they still don't know if those family members have a bomb implanted. Why the search? It wastes time and some of the TSA employees are pretty invasive and even rude? I was traveling with a friend who is a police officer and he had his badge with him. He put the badge and his ID card in the tray and went through the metal detector and x-ray machine without any problems. He was not carrying a firearm, just his badge. The TSA agent tested him for gunshot residue obviously hoping of a 'positive' test so he could prevent him from boarding our flight.

There is a need for security at airports, but for whatever reason the TSA is just not doing the job. Another of GW Bush's many failures. It seems to me they may actually be making air travel less safe by making people nervous the minute they enter an American airport. It's no fun emptying your pockets, taking out computers and cell phones, removing your shoes and being barked at by some sour pus in uniform. It makes people even more nervous before they board the plane. Once on the plane they are herded around by flight attendants who are no longer service oriented, but behave more like law enforcement officers. 

The organization of the TSA was a knee jerk reaction to a horrible attack and as such it was not well thought or well planned. The TSA falls under the umbrella of Department of Homeland Security, another unwieldy bureaucratic mess. Today it is run by an idiot named Alejandro Mayorkas. He is so concerned about Security that he has opened up a corridor all along the southern border with Mexico so anyone in the world who wants to can enter the United States without worrying about anyone knowing they are here. That includes terrorists of course, but democrats want us to believe that terrorists either are not interested in the United States any more or they would never enter illegally across the southern border. The TSA is weak and the lack of intelligent leadership handicaps it even more. The TSA is an eleven billion dollar black hole where money disappears and we see no results from the investment. That's billion; with a 'B'.

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