Thursday, December 14, 2023

Harvard and the KKK

Harvard is arguably the most recognizable university in the country. It is the oldest, opening its doors in 1636. And it was for a few hundred years a highly respected school. I don't know how openly anti semitic Harvard has been over the past three centuries, but today they don't even try to hide it. Possibly for the first time in the history of Harvard Jews are afraid to attend classes. Two months ago Palestinians conducted a well planned attack on Israel killing over a thousand Jews, beheading at least forty babies, and raping women in front of their families then killing them. They also took a couple hundred hostages with them when they fled back to Palestine. 

The Israelis are angry about that. The prime minister of Israel, Bibi Netanyahu has promised to destroy the ruling party of Palestine, a group calling itself Hamas. While this attack was taking place Palestinians all over the world, including every major American city were celebrating, dancing and cheering in the streets while carrying the Palestinian flag. For added fun they were chanting "Death to Israel" and "Death to America!" All this was taking place in the country that was offering them protection from tyranny such as that which was being showered on the Jewish people in Israel. Unbelievably some people chanting with them were carrying the symbol of the homosexuals; the so-called Rainbow flag. In Palestine they would be killed just for being homosexual, they wouldn't dare display that flag. There is no way to fathom the depths of the ignorance of the average Democrat. The same demonstrations were taking place on the campuses and universities across the country including Harvard. On the Harvard campus several groups were chanting, "From the river to the Sea Palestine will be free!" which is a well known call for genocide; the extermination of all Jews. Where have we heard that before? It sure sounds familiar. Isn't that what Adolf Hitler was doing in the 1930's and 1940's?

Netanyahu has been carrying out his threat to annihilate Hamas for a little less than two months. It took a couple of weeks to plan the advance into Palestine and mobilize the necessary equipment. Aerial bombing came first then artillery and an infantry advance. Of course civilian casualties have been massive. Palestinians hide all of their rocket launching sites and artillery batteries next to hospitals and schools. they place others next to people's houses in civilian neighborhoods. That is considered a 'war crime' in the civilized world but these aren't civilized people. The Israeli Defense Force is doing its best to keep civilian casualties to a minimum, but Palestinians are doing their best to maximize them. They consider it an honor to die in the war against the Jews. It is an honor even to sacrifice your children for such a noble cause. These people are sick. Of course their leaders are out front facing the foe and leading them into battle right? Nah, that would be stupid, even suicidal. They are safe hundreds of miles away living in multi million dollar condominiums in Dubai. They are eating lavish dinners and enjoying life while their people are happily sacrificing their lives for Allah. 

Allah must be one sick puppy. For at least seventy years Israelis have been begging the Palestinian people to at least love their own children more that they hate Jewish children, but that is too much to ask. To Harvard elites it is okay to advocate genocide against all Jews. It isn't enough to protest the violent Israeli counter attack, which is a discussion that could be had; they have to advocate for the murder of all Jews which is unacceptable. When asked about Harvard's position on genocide the president of the university, Claudine Gay, said that Harvard is proud of its position on freedom of speech "Even if it makes some people uncomfortable." How very open minded of them. 

I wish I lived on the East coast sometimes. I'd love to organize a rally of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan on Harvard campus and find out how they feel about seeing the Stars and Bars of the Confederacy along with people in black face with nooses around their necks, others carrying signs and chanting "Niggers not welcome here!" and "Jim Crow was right! Bring back slavery. Give a nigger a job!" or some other such nonsense. I'd love to see how the Harvard crowd would react to such a gathering. Klansmen don't like Black people, or Jewish people, or  Palestinian people. The truth is they don't like anyone who isn't a member of the Klan. It would be great fun, but it ain't going to happen. Too bad. I'm no Kluxer, not by a long shot. I put the Klan on the same level as the Palestinians; they are a terrorist group not worthy of anyone's respect. I am a fan of people in positions of authority providing protection to people under their control. In this case the Jewish students are under siege every day from an international terrorist group threatening the total annihilation of Jews. That is a serious threat considering the recent barbaric attack against Israel by the Palestinians. 

But no, Harvard thinks it's best to protect the terrorists. Personally I'd expel every student advocating violence against a group of other students on campus. I just must not be very smart I guess, after all the rumor is that you have to be among the smartest people in the world to attend Harvard. In addition to having the opportunity to advocate the murder of people you don't like no one at Harvard gets lower than a-B grade according to administration policy. No wonder they're so smart. According to an article in the school newspaper, the Crimson, the administration had to do something to justify the $250,000 tuition. So how is Harvard any different from the KKK? 

I guess the difference is that the administration of Harvard doesn't necessarily hate Jews; Claudia Gay has said she abhors the language employed by the Palestinian students, but they have a right to their opinion. The administration of the Klan openly hates several groups of people; Catholics, Black people, Muslims to name a few. At least when Jews are beaten into a coma at Harvard they know that the school president wishes it hadn't happened. As a practical matter I don't think it makes a lot of difference. How I wish I could organize a Klan rally at or near Harvard. Claudia Gay is a black woman who plagiarized her way through school, including a PhD program. That goes against just about everything Harvard is supposed to stand for, except it isn't cool to fire a Black woman so they let her stay.

Of course there is a lot of difference between Harvard University and the Knights of the Ku klux Klan but I wish Harvard had the courage to at least stand up for the right of a people to exist instead of protecting the Palestinians' right to advocate the extermination of an entire race of people. 

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