Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Trump 2024

Ever since Barak Obama won the election the assault on American civil rights has accelerated. For eight years he constantly reminded leftist Americans and the rest of the world that America is a racist country. He weaponized every office under his control to stifle conservative organizations. His IRS was allowed to refuse tax exempt status for any conservative organizations who applied. The member of the IRS who oversaw tax emptions, Lois Lerner, routinley denied any request from a conservative organization. The director of the IRS refused to cooperate with a Congressional investigation and allowed Lerner to erase thousands of emails generated during her time with the IRS. Obama's DOJ launched an attack on the Second Amendment by selling guns to Mexican Cartel leaders supposedly in an effort to trace them and find out who was running guns in America. Two of those guns were used to murder American Border patrol agent, Brian Terry. The guns were sold to criminals as part of an operation hatched by the attorney general, Eric Holder. 

The object of Fast and Furious supposedly was to catch American gun stores illegally selling guns to criminals. The details are sketchy because Holder refused to cooperate with the subsequent Congressional investigation. What little they did share disclosed that the ATF was supposed to track all of the guns sold and investigate the buyers. Almost immediately they lost track of the guns being sold until there was a shootout between a Mexican drug cartel and the Border Patrol north of Nogales, Arizona during which a border patrol agent, Brian Terry was killed. Most of the cartel members escaped, but one was wounded and left behind. He was taken  into custody and given a lighter sentenced in return for identifying the guys who were with him. 

When Hilary Clinton was being investigated for keeping top secret documents on a private server in her residence where anyone in the world would have access to them Obama's attorney general and FBI director allowed her to erase everything on her server and destroy the cell phones of anyone who worked for her or was close to her. She destroyed tens of thousands of emails that were evidence. Bill Clinton had a secret meeting with the attorney general at an airport in Arizona where it was reported that they talked about the weather. When the investigation was concluded the FBI director said Bloody Hilary did in fact have classified documents stored in an unsecured area where they could be and possibly were compromised, but she didn't break any laws because she was only being reckless with top secret documents and no criminal intent could be attached to her activities so there would be no criminal filing against her. 

She lost the election in 2015 and America was spared for four years. Hilary Clinton spent the next four plus years claiming the election was rigged. She ought to know, it was her people who rigged it they just didn't do it right that time. Donald Trump restored dignity to the White House and brought prosperity back to the United States. For four years America was on the right track then in 2019 a man who could barely remember his own name, Joe Biden, barely campaigned for office and basically hid in his basement during the campaign and supposedly received the most votes any candidate had ever received in the history of American elections and was coronated in January 2020. Donald Trump claimed that was impossible and gathered evidence of election fraud and now Joe Biden's evil attorney general and the FBI are trying to put him in prison for life because he demanded an investigation into election fraud and he's running for the presidency again in 2024. You can bet your flabby American butt that if he weren't running for office no one would care what files he had in his office. Shoot, Bill Clinton had a staffer go into the archives and hide top secret documents in his pants and smuggle them out, hiding them behind a trash can. He got caught and I think he admitted to accidentally removing the files and had to do some community service. Hilary Clinton stole half the furniture in the West Wing and was forced to return it. She only returned some of it. 

Donald Trump is being charged with a crime. Every president takes home some items that the National Archives chief later claims belong in the archives and not at the president's home. Donald Trump was cooperating fully with them while they determined which files he could keep, but the attorney general and FBI director weren't satisfied so they took an FBI swat team to Florida to raid Trump's residence and remove not only archive files, but personal items belonging to Donald Trump, including his passport. At first they claimed that was a mistake and they would return it. Obviously they knew about the bogus criminal charges that were about to be filed. Now we know that they claim he was a flight risk. Yeah right. The president of the United States is a flight risk.  

Democrats have trampled the Constitution and the rule of law in their frenzy to win reelection. They are obviously scared to death of losing their power in Washington D.C. And they should be; when he wins the election and takes office he will be ready to file criminal charges agaisnt the whole damn bunch. You can bet he's been collecting evidence for at least the past three plus years. In order to keep Donald Trump from even running a campaign they've filed multiple false criminal charges against him from New York City to Atlanta Georgia. In Colorado they tried to remove his name from the ballot so no one there could vote for him. 

Of course I'm a supporter of Donald Trump. He never did anything against the Constitution. He truly loves this country and expects people around the world to love their countries. He isn't a polished politician just a man who speaks his mind and isn't worried if people like what he has to say. If they like him they'll vote for him if not, they'll vote for the guy who can't reliably make a coherent statement. I'm looking forward to the election next year and listening to Donald Trump's acceptance speech after he wins. I'm also looking forward to having a president who respects the law and won't weaponize cabinet members and get them to illegally go after his political opponents and try to put them in prison for life for running against him in an election. 

They tried to prove he was taking bribes from the Russian government and the closest they could get was a few years prior he had made plans to build a hotel in Moscow. It never happened. They tried to prove he did dirty things with prostitutes in Moscow hotel rooms, they even claimed to have photographs. Their photographs quickly proved to be fake. They tried to prove that the Trump campaign approached Russian spies and asked them to dig up dirt on Hilary. Democrats are bold, but not very imaginative; they're the ones who approached a British spy asking him to dig up dirt on Donald Trump. The man sold them a phony 'dossier' that made some outrageous claims about Trump. None of them were true. Later the British spy himself admitted that he had no confidence in the content of his report to democrats and the FBI. People told him things and he put those things in his report. He didn't trust the veracity of any of the people quoted in his fictitious file. 

Democrats convened two impeachment trials claiming to have overwhelming evidence that President Trump had committed treason against the United States of America. They didn't even have credible rumors against Donald Trump. Every democrat but one voted for impeachment and there were a couple of fake Republicans who voted with them. He was acquitted. Hopefully the fake Republicans lost their next election bids. One of the first things President Trump did was secure the release of an American being held in a North Korean prison having being convicted of espionage after being caught removing a poster of Kim Jung Un from a wall in a building somewhere in North Korea. Stupid move, but he was a college kid and a liberal and he paid dearly for that act of stupidity. Shortly after being released and arriving in the United States he died from wounds he received during a beating at the hands of prison guards before he was released. 

During his presidency president Trump visited the headquarters of NATO and told them point blank that he expected them to start paying their dues. He even had the good sense to question the need for NATO. The organization was formed as an alliance to protect Western Europe from the Soviet Union. President reasonably asked now that the Soviet Union no longer existed if there was a need to keep funding NATO. Every student of Political Science or Public Administration knows that once a bureaucracy has been formed it never goes away. It usually grow into something grotesque in an effort to prove it is still useful, even vital to whatever host organization it is attached to, but it will never just cease to exist. 

Anti-Trumpers all over the world pretended to be shocked; "Is the president mad? Of course we need NATO, there are lots of threats in the world and the Soviet Union could come back you know!" President Trump didn't argue with them. He looked straight at them and said, okay then pay your dues or America is going to step back a little. We've been paying way too much for way too long. Democrats seem to think you show your strength by insulting people. That's not how Trump works. There is no need to insult people. In fact, it is better to let them think you have a very high opinion of them; be gracious and keep them talking. 

The North Koreans had been menacing the oceans off the coasts of Asian countries in their region by test firing ballistic missiles over Japan and into the Sea of Japan. They had also conducted a series of tests of nuclear bombs. President Trump met with the runt in charge of North Korea and they had a meeting together. After the meeting there were no more ballistic missile tests over Japan and into the Sea of Japan. President Trump kept up a dialogue with Vladimir Putin, the madman dictator of Russia, in an effort to ensure that he didn't do anything stupid like attack his neighbors and try to regroup the old Soviet Union. President Trump met with another dictator of a bully nation; China. President Trump let him know that retaining the United States as a trading partner was beneficial to both countries and that China's continued bullying in the region was not helpful. Democrats insist that since President Trump refuses to publicly humiliate the dictators of the world he must be 'in their pocket'. Donald Trump is smarter than any bunch of democrats assembled anywhere in the country.

When he isn't ignoring them, Joe Biden is making weak threats to the dictators of Russia, North Korea and China and Russia has conducted a full scale invasion of Ukraine, murdering and raping civilians in horrific displays of inhuman savagery. The North Koreans have resumed their tests of Ballistic missiles, firing them over Japan and into the Sea of Japan, endangering shipping traffic in the region since they don't announce when the tests are to take place or which part of the ocean has been targeted. China is amassing their navy near the coasts of Taiwan and attacking Philippine ships in the region. The Palestinians have launched a savagely brutal attack on Israel killing thousands and taking hundreds of prisoners. And don't forget the panicked retreat from Afghanistan where we left hundreds of Americans as well as Afghans who worked for us for twenty years, and at least several hundred million dollars in weapons and ammunition. President Biden has no credibility with dictators. Aside from those 'victories' the Biden administration has succeeded in raising the cost of everything. A gallon of gasoline costs three times what it did in 2019, mortgage rates have tripled and the cost of food has skyrocketed. Democrats say that is all Trump's fault, inflation is going up all over the world. Democrats spout nonsense and hope people will believe it. Unfortunately about half of the American people do believe it. 

And President Trump was criticized for not wanting to be paid for his service as president. When informed that the Constitution required that he be paid he accepted the payment and then donated it to the National Park Service or some other government entity that needed more funding. Of course he was criticized for 'grandstanding'. I'll be voting for Donald Trump next November even if he is convicted of the false charges against him however I don't think that is a likely scenario. If it happens we will find out how a president can conduct business after being convicted of a crime. Even if he can't pardon himself it will be interesting to see where in the Constitution it says anyone can overturn a legal election. They won't be able to keep him in a prison cell. That would be a danger to everyone in the facility. He would have to be allowed some form of very liberal house arrest. It would be ridiculous. 

If they attempt to impeach him they will be courting disaster since similarly about half of the country is tired of democrats constantly ignoring the law and going against the legal will of the people. Too often when democrats can't get what they want legally they try other methods like appointing activist judges to pass laws from the Bench bypassing Congress. Republicans are too timid to rewrite the laws so the illegal court rulings stand for decades. In 1861 democrats tried to tear America apart and failed. They might try it again in 2025 but I hope not. If Donald Trump is convicted by an anti Trump kangaroo court the conviction will most likely be overturned during the appeals process. If it makes it to the Supreme Court there will be a reversal and President Trump will be exonerated. None of the current crop of Republican candidates have the courage or even the vision to do what Donald Trump started to do. 

The job requires a lot of world travel, focus, and a desire to serve the people of the USA and not yourself. With the possible exception of George Washington no other president has tried to refuse a presidential salary and there have been plenty of previous presidents from both parties who didn't need the money. The leadership of countries all over the world are holding their breath hoping for a Biden or even a Newsom victory; or gift of gifts a Harris presidency. Western Europe and parts of Asia are salivating over the prospect of milking the 'rich Americans' for more money and world dictators are eying more money to help them build up their military might so they can invade and take over neighboring countries. Russia wants to reunite the Soviet Union, China has its sights set on Taiwan and the Philippians, and there are other despots like the fanatical dictators of Iran, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and several other places where murderous men want to war with some other country, like Israel. 

For all of those reasons we need Donald Trump to win in 2024. In today's volatile world we need a president who understands how to employ gunboat diplomacy with the proper delicacy that shows recalcitrant dictators the importance of learning how to play well with others without igniting a bloody and unnecessary war. Biden has several countries fighting each other and the dictator of China weighing the prospects of attempting a take over of Taiwan while the United States is financing at least two wars and before Trump wins the election. Donald Trump will stop the war between Russia and Ukraine almost as soon as he takes the Oath of Office. He will never pay Iran or any other country to release American hostages in the world. On ghe campaign trail he recently said, "I'll bomb the shit out of them! I don't care!" The world needs Donald Trump to win in 2024. You don't have to like Donald Trump, but there is no way you can respect the system that allowed Joe Biden to be declared the winner of that election.     

Most of you will recall that there was a shut down of just about everything in the entire country. There was nothing to do so I drove through the entire Midwest. The only state I missed was North Dakota. All I saw throughout the entire Midwest and much of the West was TRUMP 2020! I saw Trump flags everywhere and not on just one or two vehicles. They were everywhere. I saw acres and acres of trees with posters nailed to them telling us to vote for Donald Trump. And to all you tree huggers I can assure you that those trees were happy, even honored to do their part in helping Donald Trump win the election        , only he didn't win. It surprised me when they announced that Joe Biden won the election. He barely said three words during the campaign, and at least two of those words were unintelligible. Very few people attended the few events he did attend and he was not impressive by any standard. The event hosted for him that had the most attendance was at an auto makers union warehouse and he almost got in a physical altercation with a man who was at first trying to support him, but wanted some assurance that Joe was not opposed to the Second Amendment. The man challenged him on a statement he had made a few days prior to the event where Joe said he wanted to take away all AR 15 style rifles and Joe denied saying it. 

Face it, the tweets weren't that mean, the work was genuine and we were all much better off until Sleepy Joe took over in 2021. Two wars that never should have happened, a lot fewer people can afford to buy a house, gas prices three times higher than a couple of years ago, this is not a hard decision to make. Don't be fooled as we enter 2024 and gas prices go a little lower as well as mortgage rates. It's an election year ploy. Desperation from an organization that has failed in its effort to have the opposition imprisoned. 

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