Friday, November 24, 2023


For the past twenty years I have been warning everyone who would listen to me that we are in danger of losing our precious nation. Admittedly my megaphone is small and very few people have agreed with me and even fewer have thought we should de anything about it. Most of them, especially those who are caught up in the catastrophic climate change delusion, think I am the extremist and the alarmist. The fact is that about ninety percent of Americans have been lulled into thinking that America is a free country, and we are all safe and untouchable and that there is nothing to worry about except for catastrophic climate change, and more rights for the LGBTXYZ community. In other words it is vital that we give up our high standard of living because it is unfair for us to enjoy a comfortable standard of living when the people in Europe can't enjoy the same benefits we have. We also must, and this is vital to our survival as human beings, recognize that there is no such thing as biological males and females. There is essentially no such thing as human biology because it simply does not exist.

 For thousands of years parents used to wait in anticipation for the birth of a baby to find out first if the baby was healthy and then, "Is it a boy or a girl?" The doctor, nurse, or other person would smile at the mother and pronounce, "Congratulations mom, it's a...." and then the baby's gender would be announced. There were two possibilities; it was a  boy or a girl! Rarely there would be some confusion in the physical make up of the child that made it impossible tell for certain. Then at some point there was some same sex attraction. Boys would seek the companionship and affection of other men and women sought the same from other women. Was the attraction out of fear? Parental neglect or abuse? Of course such relationships were frowned upon, as they should be. It was seen as a mental illness, which it is. The situation turned around sometime around 1990 and we began to see men in some parts of the country holding hands while they walked along the sidewalks. They had to be careful because some people still made fun of them and on occasion they were physically attacked by those who saw what they were as completely abhorrent and in some cases sinful. I never condoned violence against people with same sex confusion, but I never accepted it as normal behavior either because it isn't. 

Then the unthinkable happened and in 2004 Massachusetts passed a state law legalizing same sex marriage. An act of abomination had now been blessed by an errant legislature out of a misguided sense of compassion. Gradually judges all over the country began to pass laws making same sex marriage legal in other states until in 2015 the United States Supreme Court passed a law declaring that same sex marriage was a civil right guaranteed by the Constitution. Groups across the nation were declaring, "You can't help who you fall in love with!" Just like that homosexuals now had the same marital status as people who weren't afflicted with the mental disorder known as same sex attraction. We used to believe that the Legislative Branch passed laws, but we were wrong; that power now resides with the United States Supreme Court. Members of the Supreme Court are not elected by the people. They are appointed by the President of the United States which has now deteriorated to the point that if a president doesn't like some of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution all he has to do is appoint judges that agree with him. Ruth Bader Ginsburg openly stated that she referred to the United Nations Charter and the so-called World Court when she rendered a decision regarding the constitutionality of an issue. 

Of course today we have to cater to the feelings of homosexuals so the DNA declares that all north American nations will ensure that homosexual rights will be guaranteed, including their right to pretend to change their gender. It's double-speak for all of us normal people must learn to celebrate with mentally challenged perverts who claim to have changed their sex from one to the other. If Davey decides he was never supposed to be a man and changes his gender and his name, we must accept his new 'identity' and even celebrate the fact that after all these years he finally figured out who he really was and now he'd appreciate it if everyone would refer to him as 'her' and recognize his new name is Dolly. Happy Day!

The other glaring abomination about this agreement is the part about all three major players working together to 'fight' climate change. I've said it over and over and half of the country agrees and the other half scoffs at me, but you cannot 'fight' climate change. The climate is going to change on a constant basis and their is nothing anyone can do about it. Democrats insist that if the American middle class would only have enough courage to destroy their way of living they could save the world, but they are too selfish to do it. If we were more noble we would sell our cars and ride the bus or walk or ride a bike. And if we are a family of four for example, we would live in apartments no larger than 1100 square feet. The American middle class is killing planet earth and they don't even care! The people who really care about the dangers of climate change own multiple mansions, travel in luxurious privately owned jet aircraft with global reach, and either drive large gas guzzling cars or are driven around by others. We are supposed to worship them because they are so selfless. They don't own those things as luxuries, they have to have a place to stay when they fly around the world making speeches about the dangers of climate change, or are 'studying' our environment looking for ways the rest of us can stop being so selfish and do our part to stop the climate from changing. It is a nauseating example of Americans actually worshipping wealthy people who are in fact giving them the Finger. We are on the brink of starting World War Three, a war that will ignite a vast nuclear exchange between warring nations and President Joe Biden and other elites still claim that climate change is the biggest threat facing the world today. 

There are six 'pillars' or main parts to the agreement, which supposedly for the security of all of North American countries. It guarantees among other things that people can migrate between the three countries freely, and provides for mutual defense from outside threats, it makes all kinds of promises between the three countries that are supposed to make them stronger and interdependent. Apparently it isn't working since people are pouring across our southern border by the thousands. If there is such robust economic growth in Mexico how come people don't want to stay there? If we are so determined to become equal immigration partners how come I still need a passport to drive through Canada to get to Alaska? And Canadians still need a passport to enter the United States, but anyone at all can cross the southern border from any country in the world? It states that the three countries will work toward functioning as one economically and socially and it specifically mentions the importance of granting special status to homosexuals. Of course it also stresses the importance of fighting so-called climate change. What that piece of paper really does is put the United States on the hook for a lot of unnecessary spending to prop up failing economies. George W. Bush was a big supporter of the idea but was never able to get it signed. Now, in January, 2023, a demented fool named Joey Biden, who also happens to be the President of the United States has signed it along with Prime Minister Trudeau, and Mexican President Lopez-Obrador. 

The Declaration of North America is actually concerned with three things; Illegal immigration. Democrats need to hide the fact that they need illegal immigration so they can nurture new democrat voters. Climate change. Democrats want to use their new 'constituents' to help them wipe out the American middle class via onerous regulations and taxes and force them to live in smaller houses, drive smaller cars, or, and this is the actual preference- ride dangerous buses and subways. Third they must protect homosexuals who want to change their gender. This too is not because they suddenly care about the feelings of homosexuals, but because they can exploit those feelings and turn them into die hard democrat voters, and it's working. Now my critics claim I am overreacting because the DNA is not binding upon any of the three countries involved because it is not a treaty but a set of goals the three countries have agreed to work on together. 

Nonsense; The danger of the so-called DNA is that it could become a precursor to such a treaty. The Biden administration is already way ahead of the other two countries regarding immigration. No one from a poor country needs to worry about entry into the good old U.S. of A, all they have to do is walk along the many well worn paths that lead from south to north. Both governments have been working together to make sure migrants have a clear map showing them the safest routes. The safest routes seem to lead to entry over the Texas border where they have to cross the Rio Grande, where on the north side the United States Border Patrol has set up a ferry system to help ensure that no one drowns crossing the river. For some reason, probably mostly because democrats are in charge, people must at least pretend to be sneaking across in broad daylight and actually have to get into the water before a Border Patrol boat can pick them up and bring them across where they are given a dry blanket and food and water.  

Joey, as our president frequently refers to himself, has opened up the southern border to anyone who wishes to enter the country. We have laws regarding immigration and if followed those laws allow people to immigrate to the United States and remain here legally. Those laws also help ensure that people who immigrate here aren't mass murderers wanted by their own or other countries, and that they are free of dangerous communicable diseases. Both of those protections are necessary to the protection of the citizens and legal residents of our country. Unfortunately the government of Mexico is not doing a very good job at helping to protect it's neighbor to the north. Thousands of people enter Mexico illegally from Central America and other parts of the world then travel north to the United States where they receive assistance from the Mexican government as well as the American government who ensures that they can travel safely across the river between the two countries and therefore don't have to enter legally via a recognized port of entry. If I were a terrorist or any person suffering a horrible communicable disease I would prefer the route recommended by the Mexican and American governments; meet the Border Patrol ferry waiting by the river, cross safely and avoid all the red tape.  

Although the DNA doesn't actually trade away our sovereignty it does pave the way to keep up an ongoing dialogue that could lead to some sort of mutual goals that encourage illegal immigration to continue or even close our ports of entry entirely. It actually does weaken our sovereignty. It stresses allowing people to cross the border into the United States without regard for American immigration laws, it weakens our economy by encouraging wasteful spending on climate change, which besides not being a danger to us it is also something we can't control. The DNA also weakens our families by encouraging the homosexual community to continue their reckless and damaging experiments with human biology. 

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