Monday, July 18, 2022

Really? You really Vote Democrat?

President Obama had a golden opportunity as the First Black President to unite America like never before. The opportunity to repair and strengthen race relations was obvious, but he chose instead to deepen the divide and increase the distrust, especially from the black community to the rest of the country. His first opportunity came when is professor pal in Cambridge Mass, made an ass out of himself, refusing to ID himself to the police who had been summoned to his residence by a neighbor who was suspicious about a door to the professors house being ajar while the professor was away on vacation. Instead of identifying himself he accused the police of racism, told them to leave, and got himself thrown in the slammer. Just because you are a professor don't mean you are smart. The man, who happened to be black by the way, called King Barry who contacted the Cambridge COP to demand an investigation.

Having learned that all the police did was respond to a possible break in at the president's friend's residence, and when they arrived he refused to ID himself, called the police racists and demanded that they leave. And the good professor was drunk at the time, and got himself thrown into the slammer. The professor called King Barry who contacted the Chief of Police of the Cambridge PD, demanded an investigation and went on TV and called the police stupid and possibly a little bit racist. That was all before any sort of investigation had been conducted. The police don't deserve an investigation. The professor was the person acting less than intelligent. Would it really have hurt him to thank the police for their efforts, show them his ID and let them continue patrol? Henry Gates claims to be black, and he looks a little black, but he is at least as white as he is black. Two of his grandparents are white, his father is white and he married a white woman. The man is more that a little confused. To make things more interesting the subsequent investigation revealed that yeah, the police were probably more than 'pretty sure' that Gates wasn't a burglar, but it doesn't hurt to make sure. Officer Crowley is married to a black woman and there is no past history of racism at all, and the professor was drunk and more than a little belligerent. Maybe this wasn't the hill King Barry wanted to die on just then. There would be plenty of other times to accuse the police of racism. So King Barry asked his professor buddy to drink some beer on the White House grounds, ordered the police officer to join them and the problem was solved. The professor got to show the world how close he was to the First Black President, Officer Crowley and Uncle Joe got to drink beer while being photographed by dozens of reporters and King Barry got a chance to show what a racial healer he could be. Nobody bought it. 

Michael Brown, a black thug shoved a store clerk and stole a box of cigars. The police were called and spotted Michael walking near the location. When they decided to question him he started a fight and tried to kill the police officer with the officer's gun. The police  officer won, and ended up shooting the thug dead. The president immediately sided with the thug, the police officer was fired, narrowing avoiding being charged with murder, and the "Hands up Don't Shoot" movement was begun. Seeing an opportunity to extort vast sums of money from wealthy corporations the Black Lives Matter organization was also born. King Barry was so impressed by them that he invited them to the White House. Obama lied about Obama care, perpetrating the greatest fraud against the American people in our entire history. People were so in love with the idea of having a black president that none of his antics mattered; he won two terms.

Not long before that no less a liar than Albert Gore during his campaign for the presidency said "I have a letter," patting his breast pocket, the letter he went on to say was from a girl in a poor school in Florida, he even said he had spoken with that girl. The content of the letter, Al continued, was that they were so poor that the children had to share desks and text books. The point was that more funding was needed for public education. We weren't paying high enough taxes and needed to contribute more so schools wouldn't suffer. Democrats are so confident in their lies that they don't worry that someone might check on their stories. 

And people did check, and they found out that the school he chose to use as an example was in one of the wealthier areas of the state and the school was very well furnished and lacking in nothing. I give Al credit for being a good public speaker, but in a president I'm looking for someone who is pro America and wants to make sure he does everything he can to keep the country safe and strong and that wasn't Al gore's gift. Al Gore's gift was doing everything he could to become a billionaire. Gore wants everyone to think he cares about the health of the planet when the truth is he was, and possibly still is, hoping to become a billionaire trading carbon credits. Al was in deep to the Chinese government. As vice president he helped funnel campaign money to Clinton by traveling to the wealthier parts of the country with concentrations of Chinese Americans and having meet and greets during which he would receive cash 'donations' to be distributed to various charities. When he was caught skirting some campaign finance laws he claimed that there was no enforcement entity that covered those sections so it really wasn't a law. Bill Clintons DOJ wasn't about to go after Clintons VP. Al Gore almost won the presidency. Luckily for him he was running against a real dunce so he won every single big state. Luckily for us the the Old White Drunks, as democrats like to call the men who fought for our Constitution wanted the small states to have adequate representation so they provided for the Electoral College, and the Dunce won. Even when both people running for the presidency of the United States are idiots one of them has to win. 

People hated Donald Trump because he was divorced a couple of times and they claimed that made him a bad man even though almost half of the people in the country have been divorced. One of their most beloved presidents had sex with an intern multiple times in a variety of places including the Oval Office.  And there were multiple accusations of rape and sexual battery against him. Nobody cared, except to make excuses for him. Men loved him so much that they would understand if their wives had sex with him and women were so enamored that they were saying that any women who would complain about having sexual relations with Bill Clinton must be some sort of skank or something. They were saying a fine man like Bill Clinton shouldn't have to rape anyone. A woman should be honored to be wanted by him. Bill Clinton was caught lying to a judge who wasn't taken in by his 'charms' and she yanked he license to practice law and levied a substantial fine. He won two terms. 

And now we have a man clearly in the early stages of dementia making statements just about every month that his team has to take back. He's only been in office for about 18 months and he has already succeeded in demolishing our economy. If the United States survives this presidency it will literally be a miracle. Uncle Joe inherited an economy that was literally booming and he is well on his way to completely destroying it. He has managed things with all the finesse of a drunk sumo wrestler. He must have combined the playbooks of Jimmy Carter and King Barry to come up with a plan to run this country aground. And to weaken America even more Uncle Joe has declared open warfare against the Supreme Court. There was a story circulating about ten year old girl in Ohio who was raped and then became pregnant and since there is an ordinance against abortion after six weeks in Ohio the girl had to be driven across the state line into Indiana to find a doctor to perform the abortion.

Uncle Joe loved the story so much that he breathed real life into it, proclaiming how unjust and inhumane such a  situation was, Uncle Joe said that the Supreme Court had endangered the life and health of women in America and that their Constitutional rights had been stripped away. The main problem with the Ohio rape story is it most likely never happened. In Ohio you don't rape a ten year old girl without someone reporting the crime. They also have laws requiring medical personnel to report such crimes to law enforcement, and a pregnancy of a ten year old girl, who subsequently sought an abortion would not be ignored by professionals in two states. And what a despicable thing to lie about. 

At a time when another world war is all but inevitable he has squandered our energy independence, he is sending crude form our oil reserves to China, one of our most dangerous enemies, and he has us helping fund Putin's efforts to take over Europe. We don't know if our soldiers can fire a weapon, but they know all about how to get the taxpayer to fund gender reassignment surgeries and they know how important it is to use the proper personal pronouns and to not assume a person with whom you come in contact with is a man or a woman. America was in a terrible financial position right before entering WW2, but its moral condition has never been as bad as it is now. Democrats don't believe in God, at least their leaders don't, they frequently belittle people of faith as believing in 'a mythical being who created the universe,' claiming that weak people need to believe in a Supreme being, but 'intelligent' people know better.  

And now they are attempting to subvert the Constitution in another assault that may be even more severe than that of the King Barry administration. King Barry worked hard to drive a wedge between the racial groups in America and he used various government offices to punish political groups with whom he disagreed, such as the IRS halting any applications for 501c status, and the private conversation the head of the DOJ had with democrat idol Bill Clinton who was concerned about the possibility of Bloody Hilary being convicted for her illegal handling of Top Secret documents. And of course after that 'chance' meeting the investigation was shelved. 

Republicans are known to embellish the truth sometimes, and even cut out some details about policies they don't like, but lies and deception are the tools of the democrats. Republicans disagree with Supreme Court rulings occasionally but they don't advocate violence against Supreme Court justices. Republicans respect our way of life. They respect our laws and they recognize that our constitution is a great document that if followed will keep us safe until the for all time. Our Constitution is built on eternal truth. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to self defense, the right to free from unwarranted search and seizure, we have had so much freedom for so long that we assume that everyone else in the world has the same privilege that we do and they don't. 

Donald Trump ran as a Republican because democrats don't embrace the concept of a free people. They embrace the concept of a strong and independent central government that can curtail or eliminate our freedom if it is necessary. Republicans embrace the concepts set forth in our constitution. Donald Trump embraced the strengths of both parties, but could never embrace a party that believes our freedoms are derived from political parties as generous gifts that can be taken back. 

If you like being lied to and stolen from vote democrat. The beauty of our system is the privilege we have to vote. Use it wisely. Do not be a Tory. 

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